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6 days
Test Coverage
// Matcher

import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
import {
} from 'date-fns';
import { attributedStringToRawText } from './export_org.js';
import { computeAllPropertyNames, computeAllPropertyValuesFor } from './org_utils';
import {
} from './timestamps';

const startOfDate = (from) => {
  const temp = new Date();
  if (from.month === null) {
    return startOfYear(temp);
  } else if (from.day === null) {
    temp.setMonth(from.month - 1);
    return startOfMonth(temp);
  } else {
    temp.setMonth(from.month - 1);
    return startOfDay(temp);

const endOfDate = (to) => {
  const temp = new Date();
  if (to.month === null) {
    return endOfYear(temp);
  } else if (to.day === null) {
    temp.setMonth(to.month - 1);
    return endOfMonth(temp);
  } else {
    temp.setMonth(to.month - 1);
    return endOfDay(temp);

const fromSpecial = (from) => {
  const temp = new Date();
  if (from.value === 'now') {
    return temp;
  } else if (from.value === 'today') {
    return startOfDay(temp);

const toSpecial = (to) => {
  const temp = new Date();
  if (to.value === 'now') {
    return temp;
  } else if (to.value === 'today') {
    return endOfDay(temp);

const fromUnit = (date, unit) => {
  const d = new Date(date);
  switch (unit) {
    case 'h':
      return startOfHour(d);
    case 'd':
      return startOfDay(d);
    case 'w':
      return startOfWeek(d);
    case 'm':
      return startOfMonth(d);
    case 'y':
      return startOfYear(d);
      throw Error('unknown `unit` for timerange search');

const toUnit = (date, unit) => {
  const d = new Date(date);
  switch (unit) {
    case 'h':
      return endOfHour(d);
    case 'd':
      return endOfDay(d);
    case 'w':
      return endOfWeek(d);
    case 'm':
      return endOfMonth(d);
    case 'y':
      return endOfYear(d);
      throw Error('unknown `unit` for timerange search');

const resolveFrom = (from) => {
  if (from === null) {
    return new Date();
  } else if (from.type === 'timestamp') {
    return startOfDate(from);
  } else if (from.type === 'special') {
    return fromSpecial(from);
  } else if (from.type === 'offset') {
    return subtractTimestampUnitFromDate(new Date(), from.value, from.unit);
  } else if (from.type === 'unit') {
    return fromUnit(new Date(), from.unit);

const resolveTo = (to) => {
  if (to === null) {
    return new Date();
  } else if (to.type === 'timestamp') {
    return endOfDate(to);
  } else if (to.type === 'special') {
    return toSpecial(to);
  } else if (to.type === 'offset') {
    return addTimestampUnitToDate(new Date(), to.value, to.unit);
  } else if (to.type === 'unit') {
    return toUnit(new Date(), to.unit);

const isRelative = (moment) => {
  return moment.type === 'offset' || moment.type === 'unit';

export const timeFilter = (filterDescription) => {
  const timeFilterDescription = filterDescription.field.timerange;
  let lower;
  let upper;
  if (timeFilterDescription.type === 'point') {
    const point = timeFilterDescription.point;
    if (point.type === 'offset') {
      lower = new Date();
      upper = addTimestampUnitToDate(new Date(lower));
    } else {
      lower = resolveFrom(point);
      upper = resolveTo(point);
    return (timestamp) =>
      lower <= dateForTimestamp(timestamp) && dateForTimestamp(timestamp) <= upper;
  } else if (timeFilterDescription.type === 'range') {
    const from = timeFilterDescription.from
      ? timeFilterDescription.from
      : { type: 'special', value: 'now' };
    const to = timeFilterDescription.to
      ? timeFilterDescription.to
      : { type: 'special', value: 'now' };
    let lower;
    let upper;
    if (isRelative(from) === isRelative(to)) {
      lower = resolveFrom(from);
      upper = resolveTo(to);
    } else if (from.type === 'offset') {
      upper = resolveTo(to);
      lower = subtractTimestampUnitFromDate(new Date(upper), from.value, from.unit);
    } else if (to.type === 'offset') {
      lower = resolveFrom(from);
      upper = addTimestampUnitToDate(new Date(lower), to.value, to.unit);
    } else if (from.type === 'unit') {
      upper = resolveTo(to);
      lower = fromUnit(upper, from.unit);
    } else if (to.type === 'unit') {
      lower = resolveFrom(from);
      upper = toUnit(lower, to.unit);
    } else {
      throw Error('unable to construct timerangefilter');
    return (timestamp) =>
      lower <= dateForTimestamp(timestamp) && dateForTimestamp(timestamp) <= upper;
  } else if (timeFilterDescription.type === 'all') {
    return (_) => true;
  } else {
    throw Error('unable to construct timefilter');

const orChain = (source) => (xs) => xs.some((x) => source.includes(x));
const orChainDate = (dates) => (filter) => dates.size !== 0 && dates.some((x) => filter(x));

export const isMatch = (filterExpr) => {
  const filterFilter = (type, exclude) => (x) => x.type === type && x.exclude === exclude;
  const words = (x) => x.words;
  const wordsLowerCase = (x) => x.words.map((y) => y.toLowerCase());

  const filterTags = filterExpr.filter(filterFilter('tag', false)).map(words);
  const filterCS = filterExpr.filter(filterFilter('case-sensitive', false)).map(words);
  const filterIC = filterExpr.filter(filterFilter('ignore-case', false)).map(wordsLowerCase);
  const filterProps = filterExpr
    .filter(filterFilter('property', false))
    .map((x) => [x.property, x.words]);
  const filterField = filterExpr.filter(filterFilter('field', false));
  const filterDate = filterField.filter((f) => f.field.type === 'date').map(timeFilter);
  //const filterClock = filterField.filter((f) => f.field.type === 'clock').map(timeFilter);
  const filterSchedule = filterField.filter((f) => f.field.type === 'scheduled').map(timeFilter);
  const filterDeadline = filterField.filter((f) => f.field.type === 'deadline').map(timeFilter);

  const filterTagsExcl = filterExpr.filter(filterFilter('tag', true)).map(words);
  const filterCSExcl = filterExpr.filter(filterFilter('case-sensitive', true)).map(words);
  const filterICExcl = filterExpr.filter(filterFilter('ignore-case', true)).map(wordsLowerCase);
  const filterPropsExcl = filterExpr
    .filter(filterFilter('property', true))
    .map((x) => [x.property, x.words]);

  const filterDesc = filterField
    .filter((f) => f.field.type === 'description' && f.field.text.type === 'ignore-case')
    .map((x) => x.field.text.words.map((y) => y.toLowerCase()));
  const filterDescCS = filterField
    .filter((f) => f.field.type === 'description' && f.field.text.type === 'case-sensitive')
    .map((x) => x.field.text.words);

  return (header) => {
    const headLine = header.get('titleLine');
    const tags = headLine.get('tags');
    const todoKeyword = headLine.get('todoKeyword');
    const rawTitle = headLine.get('rawTitle');
    const headlineText = todoKeyword ? `${todoKeyword} ${rawTitle}` : rawTitle;
    const properties = header
      .map((p) => [p.get('property'), attributedStringToRawText(p.get('value'))]);
    const planningItems = header
      .filter((p) => p.get('timestamp').get('isActive') === true);
    const dates = planningItems.map((p) => p.get('timestamp'));
    const scheduleds = planningItems
      .filter((p) => p.get('type') === 'SCHEDULED')
      .map((p) => p.get('timestamp'));
    const deadlines = planningItems
      .filter((p) => p.get('type') === 'DEADLINE')
      .map((p) => p.get('timestamp'));

    var description = '';
    if (filterDesc.length > 0 || filterDescCS.length > 0) {
      const stripMarkup = (text) => text.replace(/\*([\w]*)\*/, (match, p1, _, __) => p1);
      description = stripMarkup(header.get('rawDescription'));

    //const clocks = header
    //  .get('logBookEntries')
    //  .flatMap((l) => [l.get('start'), l.get('end')])
    //  .filter((t) => t !== undefined && t !== null);
    const propertyFilter = ([x, ys]) =>
        .filter(([key, val]) => {
          // Property names (keys) are case-insensitive
          // https://orgmode.org/manual/Property-Syntax.html
          const nameMatch = key.toLowerCase() === x.toLowerCase();
          const valueMatch = ys.some((y) => val.includes(y));
          return nameMatch && valueMatch;

    return (
      filterTags.every(orChain(tags)) &&
      filterCS.every(orChain(headlineText)) &&
      filterIC.every(orChain(headlineText.toLowerCase())) &&
      filterProps.every(propertyFilter) &&
      filterDate.every(orChainDate(dates)) &&
      //filterClock.every(orChainDate(clocks)) &&
      filterSchedule.every(orChainDate(scheduleds)) &&
      filterDeadline.every(orChainDate(deadlines)) &&
      filterDesc.every(orChain(description.toLowerCase())) &&
      filterDescCS.every(orChain(description)) &&
      !filterTagsExcl.some(orChain(tags)) &&
      !filterCSExcl.some(orChain(headlineText)) &&
      !filterICExcl.some(orChain(headlineText.toLowerCase())) &&

// Suggestions / Completions

// The computation of completions rely on the fact, that the filter syntax does NOT
// support quoted strings (i.e. no search for a quoted 'master headline').

// This function is complex and still not perfect. It resembles parts of the
// filter syntax parser. If the parser would annotate all parsed symbols with
// offsets information, computeLogicalPosition could simplify the algorithm as
// long as the filter string is parsed successfully.

export const computeCompletions = (todoKeywords, tagNames, allProperties) => (
) => {
  const tagAndPropNames = [].concat(
      .map((x) => x + ':')

  const logicalCursorPosition = filterExpr
    ? computeLogicalPosition(filterExpr, filterString, curserPosition)
    : null;

  const charBeforeCursor = filterString.charAt(curserPosition - 1);
  const charTwoBeforeCursor = curserPosition > 1 ? filterString.charAt(curserPosition - 2) : '';

  if (logicalCursorPosition === null) {
  } else if (logicalCursorPosition === SPACE_SURROUNDED) {
    return todoKeywords;
  } else if (logicalCursorPosition.type === 'case-sensitive') {
    if (charBeforeCursor.match(/[A-Z]/)) {
      const textBeforeCursor = charBeforeCursor;
      const filteredTodoKeywords = todoKeywords
        .filter((x) => x.startsWith(textBeforeCursor))
        .map((x) => x.substring(textBeforeCursor.length));
      if ([' ', '', '|', '-'].includes(charTwoBeforeCursor)) {
        return filteredTodoKeywords;
  } else if (logicalCursorPosition.type === 'ignore-case') {
    // A text filter starting with '-' turns into an exclude filter as soon as text is appended
    if (charBeforeCursor === '-' && [' ', ''].includes(charTwoBeforeCursor)) return todoKeywords;
    return [];
  } else if (logicalCursorPosition.type === 'tag') {
    // This case will likely not occur because ':' alone cannot be parsed
    if (charBeforeCursor === ':') return tagAndPropNames;
  } else if (logicalCursorPosition.type === 'property') {
    if (charBeforeCursor === ':') {
      if (charTwoBeforeCursor === ' ' || charTwoBeforeCursor === '') return tagAndPropNames;
      else {
        // Either property name or text filter
        const indexOfOtherColon = filterString.substring(0, curserPosition - 1).lastIndexOf(':');
        const maybePropertyName = filterString.substring(indexOfOtherColon + 1, curserPosition - 1);
        const quoteStringIfPossible = (x) => {
          if (x.match(/ /)) {
            if (!x.match(/"/)) return [`"${x}"`];
            if (!x.match(/'/)) return [`'${x}'`];
            const match = x.match(/^[^ ]*/);
            return [match[0]];
          return [x];
        if (indexOfOtherColon >= 0 && maybePropertyName.match(/^[^ ]+$/)) {
          // No space in property name -> is property -> return values for that property
          return computeAllPropertyValuesFor(fromJS(allProperties), maybePropertyName)

  // If ':' or '|' is before cursor, the filter string is likely not
  // successfully parsed and therefore cannot be handled above.
  if (charBeforeCursor === ':') {
    if ([' ', '', '-'].includes(charTwoBeforeCursor)) {
      return tagAndPropNames;
  } else if (charBeforeCursor === '|') {
    const indexOfOtherColon = filterString.substring(0, curserPosition).lastIndexOf(':');
    const maybeTagName = filterString.substring(indexOfOtherColon + 1, curserPosition - 1);
    if (indexOfOtherColon > -1 && !maybeTagName.match(/ /)) {
      // No space characters between ':' and '|'  ->  '|' is in a tag filter
      return tagNames;
    } else {
      return todoKeywords;

  return [];

export const computeCompletionsForDatalist = (todoKeywords, tagNames, allProperties) => (
) => {
  const completions = computeCompletions(todoKeywords, tagNames, allProperties)(
  return completions.map(
    (x) => filterString.substring(0, curserPosition) + x + filterString.substring(curserPosition)


// Compute the logical curser position within the parsed filter expression.
// Return SPACE_SURROUNDED if the curser is inbetween two expressions and
// surrounded by spaces (begin and end of line count as space).
// Return the the filter term if the curser is in or at the edge of an filter term.
const computeLogicalPosition = (filterExpr, filterString, curserPosition) => {
  if (filterExpr.length === 0) return SPACE_SURROUNDED;
  const tup = (x, y) => ({ value: x, elem: y });
  const firstElem = { offset: -1, endOffset: -1 };
  const { value } = filterExpr.reduce(
    ({ value, elem }, next) => {
      if (elem === null) {
        return tup(value, null); // short-circuit if already found
      if (curserPosition >= next.offset && curserPosition <= next.endOffset) {
        return tup(next, null);
      if (curserPosition > elem.endOffset && curserPosition < next.offset) {
        return tup(SPACE_SURROUNDED, null);
      return tup(null, next);
    { value: null, elem: firstElem }
  if (curserPosition > filterExpr[filterExpr.length - 1].endOffset) return SPACE_SURROUNDED;
  return value;