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NumericHash#+ calls 'memo[key]' 2 times

      memo[key] ||= 0
      memo[key] += value
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/numeric_hash.rb by reek

Duplication occurs when two fragments of code look nearly identical, or when two fragments of code have nearly identical effects at some conceptual level.

Reek implements a check for Duplicate Method Call.


Here's a very much simplified and contrived example. The following method will report a warning:

def double_thing()
  @other.thing + @other.thing

One quick approach to silence Reek would be to refactor the code thus:

def double_thing()
  thing = @other.thing
  thing + thing

A slightly different approach would be to replace all calls of double_thing by calls to @other.double_thing:

class Other
  def double_thing()
    thing + thing

The approach you take will depend on balancing other factors in your code.

NumericHash#- calls 'memo[key]' 2 times

      memo[key] ||= 0
      memo[key] -= value
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/numeric_hash.rb by reek

Duplication occurs when two fragments of code look nearly identical, or when two fragments of code have nearly identical effects at some conceptual level.

Reek implements a check for Duplicate Method Call.


Here's a very much simplified and contrived example. The following method will report a warning:

def double_thing()
  @other.thing + @other.thing

One quick approach to silence Reek would be to refactor the code thus:

def double_thing()
  thing = @other.thing
  thing + thing

A slightly different approach would be to replace all calls of double_thing by calls to @other.double_thing:

class Other
  def double_thing()
    thing + thing

The approach you take will depend on balancing other factors in your code.

NumericHash has missing safe method 'reset!'

  def reset!
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/numeric_hash.rb by reek

A candidate method for the Missing Safe Method smell are methods whose names end with an exclamation mark.

An exclamation mark in method names means (the explanation below is taken from here ):

The ! in method names that end with ! means, “This method is dangerous”—or, more precisely, this method is the “dangerous” version of an otherwise equivalent method, with the same name minus the !. “Danger” is relative; the ! doesn’t mean anything at all unless the method name it’s in corresponds to a similar but bang-less method name. So, for example, gsub! is the dangerous version of gsub. exit! is the dangerous version of exit. flatten! is the dangerous version of flatten. And so forth.

Such a method is called Missing Safe Method if and only if her non-bang version does not exist and this method is reported as a smell.



class C
  def foo; end
  def foo!; end
  def bar!; end

Reek would report bar! as Missing Safe Method smell but not foo!.

Reek reports this smell only in a class context, not in a module context in order to allow perfectly legit code like this:

class Parent
  def foo; end

module Dangerous
  def foo!; end

class Son < Parent
  include Dangerous

class Daughter < Parent

In this example, Reek would not report the Missing Safe Method smell for the method foo of the Dangerous module.

NumericHash inherits from core class 'Hash'

class NumericHash < Hash
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/numeric_hash.rb by reek

Subclassing core classes in Ruby can lead to unexpected side effects.

Knowing that Ruby has a core library, which is written in C, and a standard library, which is written in Ruby, if you do not know exactly how these core classes operate at the C level, you are gonna have a bad time.

Source: http://words.steveklabnik.com/beware-subclassing-ruby-core-classes

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