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Test Coverage
package config

import (



var (
    currentConfig = &Configuration{}
    // ErrSpecNotFound is returned when the spec is not found
    ErrSpecNotFound = errors.New("spec not found")
    // defaultPayloadTemplate is the default template for the payload
    // when no template is defined
    defaultPayloadTemplate = `{{ .Payload }}`
    // defaultResponseTemplate is the default template for the response
    // when no template is defined
    defaultResponseTemplate = ``

// Load loads the configuration from the configuration file
// if an error is occurred, it will be returned
func Load(cfgFile string) error {
    var k = koanf.New(".")

    // Load YAML config.
    if err := k.Load(file.Provider(cfgFile), yaml.Parser()); err != nil {
        log.Error().Msgf("error loading config: %v", err)

    // Load from environment variables
    err := k.Load(env.ProviderWithValue("WH_", ".", func(s, v string) (string, interface{}) {
        key := strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(
            strings.TrimPrefix(s, "WH_")), "_", ".", -1)

        return key, v
    }), nil)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Msgf("error loading config: %v", err)

    if os.Getenv("WH_DEBUG") == "true" {

    err = k.UnmarshalWithConf("", &currentConfig, koanf.UnmarshalConf{
        DecoderConfig: &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
            DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
            Result:           &currentConfig,
            WeaklyTypedInput: true,
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal().Msgf("error loading config: %v", err)
        return err

    for _, spec := range currentConfig.Specs {
        if err := loadSecurityFactory(spec); err != nil {
            return err

        if spec.Formatting, err = loadTemplate(spec.Formatting, nil, defaultPayloadTemplate); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("configured storage for %s received an error: %s", spec.Name, err.Error())

        if err = loadStorage(spec); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("configured storage for %s received an error: %s", spec.Name, err.Error())

        if spec.Response.Formatting, err = loadTemplate(spec.Response.Formatting, nil, defaultResponseTemplate); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("configured response for %s received an error: %s", spec.Name, err.Error())

    log.Info().Msgf("Load %d configurations", len(currentConfig.Specs))
    return Validate(currentConfig)

// loadSecurityFactory loads the security factory for the given spec
// if an error is occurred, return an error
func loadSecurityFactory(spec *WebhookSpec) error {
    spec.SecurityPipeline = factory.NewPipeline()
    for _, security := range spec.Security {
        for securityName, securityConfig := range security {
            f, ok := factory.GetFactoryByName(securityName)
            if !ok {
                return fmt.Errorf("security factory \"%s\" in %s specification is not a valid factory", securityName, spec.Name)

            for _, input := range securityConfig.Inputs {
                f.WithInput(input.Name, input)

    log.Debug().Msgf("%d security factories loaded for spec %s", spec.SecurityPipeline.FactoryCount(), spec.Name)
    return nil

// Validate the configuration file and her content
func Validate(config *Configuration) error {
    var uniquenessName = make(map[string]bool)
    var uniquenessUrl = make(map[string]bool)

    for _, spec := range config.Specs {
        log.Debug().Str("name", spec.Name).Msgf("Load spec: %+v", spec)

        // Validate the uniqueness of all name
        if _, ok := uniquenessName[spec.Name]; ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("specification name %s must be unique", spec.Name)
        uniquenessName[spec.Name] = true

        // Validate the uniqueness of all entrypoints
        if _, ok := uniquenessUrl[spec.EntrypointURL]; ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("specification entrypoint url %s must be unique", spec.EntrypointURL)
        uniquenessUrl[spec.EntrypointURL] = true

    return nil

// loadStorage registers the storage and validate it
// if the storage is not found or an error is occurred during the
// initialization or connection, the error is returned during the
// validation
func loadStorage(spec *WebhookSpec) (err error) {
    for _, s := range spec.Storage {
        s.Client, err = storage.Load(s.Type, s.Specs)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("storage %s cannot be loaded properly: %s", s.Type, err.Error())

        if s.Formatting, err = loadTemplate(s.Formatting, spec.Formatting, defaultPayloadTemplate); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("storage %s cannot be loaded properly: %s", s.Type, err.Error())

    log.Debug().Msgf("%d storages loaded for spec %s", len(spec.Storage), spec.Name)

// loadTemplate loads the template for the given `spec`. When no spec is defined
// we try to load the template from the parentSpec and fallback to the default
// template if parentSpec is not given.
func loadTemplate(spec, parentSpec *FormattingSpec, defaultTemplate string) (*FormattingSpec, error) {
    if spec == nil {
        spec = &FormattingSpec{}

    if spec.TemplateString != "" {
        spec.Template = spec.TemplateString
        return spec, nil

    if spec.TemplatePath != "" {
        file, err := os.OpenFile(spec.TemplatePath, os.O_RDONLY, 0666)
        if err != nil {
            return spec, err
        defer file.Close()

        var buffer bytes.Buffer
        _, err = io.Copy(&buffer, file)
        if err != nil {
            return spec, err

        spec.Template = buffer.String()
        return spec, nil

    if parentSpec != nil {
        if parentSpec.Template == "" {
            var err error
            parentSpec, err = loadTemplate(parentSpec, nil, defaultTemplate)
            if err != nil {
                return spec, err
        spec.Template = parentSpec.Template
    } else {
        spec.Template = defaultTemplate

    return spec, nil

// Current returns the aftual configuration
func Current() *Configuration {
    return currentConfig

// GetSpec returns the spec for the given name, if no entry
// is found, ErrSpecNotFound is returned
func (c *Configuration) GetSpec(name string) (*WebhookSpec, error) {
    for _, spec := range c.Specs {
        if spec.Name == name {
            return spec, nil

    log.Error().Err(ErrSpecNotFound).Msgf("Spec %s not found", name)
    return nil, ErrSpecNotFound


// GetSpecByEndpoint returns the spec for the given endpoint, if no entry
// is found, ErrSpecNotFound is returned
func (c *Configuration) GetSpecByEndpoint(endpoint string) (*WebhookSpec, error) {
    for _, spec := range c.Specs {
        if spec.EntrypointURL == endpoint {
            return spec, nil

    return nil, ErrSpecNotFound