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package server

import (



//statusRecorder to record the status code from the ResponseWriter
type statusRecorder struct {
    statusCode int

var (
    // versionAndEndpointRegexp is a regexp to extract the version and endpoint from the given path
    versionAndEndpointRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)/(?P<version>v[0-9a-z]+)(?P<endpoint>/.+)`)
    // responseTimeHistogram is a histogram of response times
    // used to export the response time to Prometheus
    responseTimeHistogram *prometheus.HistogramVec = promauto.
            Namespace: "webhooked",
            Name:      "http_server_request_duration_seconds",
            Help:      "Histogram of response time for handler in seconds",
        }, []string{"method", "status_code", "version", "spec", "secure"})

// WriteHeader sets the status code for the response
func (rec *statusRecorder) WriteHeader(statusCode int) {
    rec.statusCode = statusCode

// prometheusMiddleware is a middleware that records the response time and
// exports it to Prometheus metrics for the given request
// Example:
// webhooked_http_server_request_duration_seconds_count{method="POST",secure="false",spec="exampleHook",status_code="200",version="v1alpha1"} 1
func prometheusMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        start := time.Now()
        rec := statusRecorder{w, 200}

        next.ServeHTTP(&rec, r)

        pp := getVersionAndEndpoint(r.URL.Path)
        spec, err := config.Current().GetSpecByEndpoint(pp["endpoint"])
        if err != nil {

        duration := time.Since(start)
        statusCode := strconv.Itoa(rec.statusCode)
        responseTimeHistogram.WithLabelValues(r.Method, statusCode, pp["version"], spec.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%t", spec.HasSecurity())).Observe(duration.Seconds())

// loggingMiddleware is a middleware that logs the request and response
// Example:
// INF Webhook is processed duration="586µs" secure=false spec=exampleHook statusCode=200 version=v1alpha1
func loggingMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        start := time.Now()
        rec := statusRecorder{w, 200}

        next.ServeHTTP(&rec, r)

        var logEvent = log.Info().
            Str("duration", time.Since(start).String()).
            Int("statusCode", rec.statusCode)

        pp := getVersionAndEndpoint(r.URL.Path)
        spec, _ := config.Current().GetSpecByEndpoint(pp["endpoint"])
        if spec != nil {
            logEvent.Str("version", pp["version"]).Str("spec", spec.Name).Bool("secure", spec.HasSecurity()).Msgf("Webhook is processed")

// getVersionAndEndpoint returns the version and endpoint from the given path
// Example: /v0/webhooks/example
// Returns: {"version": "v0", "endpoint": "/webhooks/example"}
func getVersionAndEndpoint(path string) map[string]string {
    match := versionAndEndpointRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(path)
    result := make(map[string]string)
    for i, name := range versionAndEndpointRegexp.SubexpNames() {
        if i != 0 && i <= len(match) && name != "" {
            result[name] = match[i]

    return result