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package server

import (



// Server is the server instance for the v1alpha1 version
// it will be used to handle the webhook call and store the data
// on the configured storages for the current spec
type Server struct {
    // config is the current configuration of the server
    config *config.Configuration
    // webhookService is the function that will be called to process the webhook
    webhookService func(s *Server, spec *config.WebhookSpec, r *http.Request) (string, error)
    // logger is the logger used by the server
    logger zerolog.Logger

// errSecurityFailed is returned when security check failed for a webhook call
var errSecurityFailed = errors.New("security check failed")

// errRequestBodyMissing is returned when the request body is missing
var errRequestBodyMissing = errors.New("request body is missing")

// NewServer creates a new server instance for the v1alpha1 version
func NewServer() *Server {
    var s = &Server{
        config:         config.Current(),
        webhookService: webhookService,

    s.logger = log.With().Str("apiVersion", s.Version()).Logger().Output(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{Out: os.Stderr})
    return s

// Version returns the current version of the API
func (s *Server) Version() string {
    return "v1alpha1"

// WebhookHandler is the handler who will process the webhook call
// it will call the webhook service function with the current configuration
// and the request object. If an error is returned, it will be returned to the client
// otherwise, it will return a 200 OK response
func (s *Server) WebhookHandler() http.HandlerFunc {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        if s.config.APIVersion != s.Version() {
            s.logger.Error().Msgf("Configuration %s don't match with the API version %s", s.config.APIVersion, s.Version())

        endpoint := strings.ReplaceAll(r.URL.Path, "/"+s.Version(), "")
        spec, err := s.config.GetSpecByEndpoint(endpoint)
        if err != nil {
            log.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("No spec found for %s endpoint", endpoint)

        responseBody, err := s.webhookService(s, spec, r)
        if err != nil {
            switch err {
            case errSecurityFailed:
                s.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error during webhook processing")

        if responseBody != "" {
            log.Debug().Str("response", responseBody).Msg("Webhook response")
            if _, err := w.Write([]byte(responseBody)); err != nil {
                s.logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error during response writing")

        if spec.Response.HttpCode != 0 {

        if spec.Response.ContentType != "" {
            w.Header().Set("Content-Type", spec.Response.ContentType)

        s.logger.Debug().Str("entry", spec.Name).Msg("Webhook processed successfully")

// webhookService is the function that will be called to process the webhook call
// it will call the security pipeline if configured and store data on each configured
// storages
func webhookService(s *Server, spec *config.WebhookSpec, r *http.Request) (responseTemplare string, err error) {
    ctx := r.Context()

    if spec == nil {
        return "", config.ErrSpecNotFound

    if r.Body == nil {
        return "", errRequestBodyMissing
    defer r.Body.Close()

    data, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    if spec.HasSecurity() {
        if err := s.runSecurity(spec, r, data); err != nil {
            return "", err

    previousPayload := data
    payloadFormatter := formatting.New().
        WithData("Spec", spec).
        WithData("Config", config.Current())

    for _, storage := range spec.Storage {
        storageFormatter := *payloadFormatter.WithData("Storage", storage)

        storagePayload, err := storageFormatter.WithTemplate(storage.Formatting.Template).Render()
        if err != nil {
            return "", err

        // update the formatter with the rendered payload of storage formatting
        // this will allow to chain formatting
        storageFormatter.WithData("PreviousPayload", previousPayload)
        ctx = formatting.ToContext(ctx, &storageFormatter)

        log.Debug().Msgf("store following data: %s", storagePayload)
        if err := storage.Client.Push(ctx, []byte(storagePayload)); err != nil {
            return "", err
        log.Debug().Str("storage", storage.Client.Name()).Msgf("stored successfully")

    if spec.Response.Formatting != nil && spec.Response.Formatting.Template != "" {
        return payloadFormatter.WithTemplate(spec.Response.Formatting.Template).Render()

    return "", err

// runSecurity will run the security pipeline for the current webhook call
// it will check if the request is authorized by the security configuration of
// the current spec, if the request is not authorized, it will return an error
func (s *Server) runSecurity(spec *config.WebhookSpec, r *http.Request, body []byte) error {
    if spec == nil {
        return config.ErrSpecNotFound

    if spec.SecurityPipeline == nil {
        return errors.New("no pipeline to run. security is not configured")

    pipeline := spec.SecurityPipeline.DeepCopy()
        WithInput("request", r).
        WithInput("payload", string(body)).

    log.Debug().Msgf("security pipeline result: %t", pipeline.CheckResult())
    if !pipeline.CheckResult() {
        return errSecurityFailed
    return nil