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package valuable

import (


// Valuable represent value who it is possible to retrieve the data
// in multiple ways. From a simple value without nesting,
// or from a deep data source.
type Valuable struct {
    // Value represents the `value` field of a configuration entry that
    // contains only one value
    Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // Values represents the `value` field of a configuration entry that
    // contains multiple values stored in a list
    Values []string `json:"values,omitempty"`
    // ValueFrom represents the `valueFrom` field of a configuration entry
    // that contains a reference to a data source
    ValueFrom *ValueFromSource `json:"valueFrom,omitempty"`

// ValueFromSource represents the `valueFrom` field of a configuration entry
// that contains a reference to a data source (file, env, etc.)
type ValueFromSource struct {
    // StaticRef represents the `staticRef` field of a configuration entry
    // that contains a static value. Can contain a comma separated list
    StaticRef *string `json:"staticRef,omitempty"`
    // EnvRef represents the `envRef` field of a configuration entry
    // that contains a reference to an environment variable
    EnvRef *string `json:"envRef,omitempty"`

// Validate validates the Valuable object and returns an error if any
// validation fails. In case of envRef, the env variable must exist.
func (v *Valuable) Validate() error {
    if v.ValueFrom != nil && v.ValueFrom.EnvRef != nil {
        if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(*v.ValueFrom.EnvRef); !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("environment variable %s not found", *v.ValueFrom.EnvRef)

    return nil

// SerializeValuable serialize anything to a Valuable
// @param data is the data to serialize
// @return the serialized Valuable
func SerializeValuable(data interface{}) (*Valuable, error) {
    var v *Valuable = &Valuable{}
    switch t := data.(type) {
    case string:
        v.Value = &t
    case int, float32, float64, bool:
        str := fmt.Sprint(t)
        v.Value = &str
    case nil:
        return &Valuable{}, nil
    case map[interface{}]interface{}:
        var val *Valuable
        if err := mapstructure.Decode(data, &val); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        v = val
        valuable := Valuable{}
        if err := mapstructure.Decode(data, &valuable); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented valuable type %s", reflect.TypeOf(data).String())
        v = &valuable

    if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return v, nil

// Get returns all values of the Valuable as a slice
// @return the slice of values
func (v *Valuable) Get() []string {
    var computedValues []string

    computedValues = append(computedValues, v.Values...)

    if v.Value != nil && !contains(computedValues, *v.Value) {
        computedValues = append(computedValues, *v.Value)

    if v.ValueFrom == nil {
        return computedValues

    if v.ValueFrom.StaticRef != nil && !contains(computedValues, *v.ValueFrom.StaticRef) {
        computedValues = appendCommaListIfAbsent(computedValues, *v.ValueFrom.StaticRef)

    if v.ValueFrom.EnvRef != nil {
        computedValues = appendCommaListIfAbsent(computedValues, os.Getenv(*v.ValueFrom.EnvRef))

    return computedValues

// First returns the first value of the Valuable possible values
// as a string. The order of preference is:
// - Values
// - Value
// - ValueFrom.StaticRef
// - ValueFrom.EnvRef
// @return the first value
func (v *Valuable) First() string {
    if len(v.Get()) == 0 {
        return ""

    return v.Get()[0]

// String returns the string representation of the Valuable object
// following the order listed on the First() function
func (v Valuable) String() string {
    return v.First()

// Contains returns true if the Valuable contains the given value
// @param value is the value to check
// @return true if the Valuable contains the given value
func (v *Valuable) Contains(element string) bool {
    for _, s := range v.Get() {
        if s == element {
            return true
    return false

// contains returns true if the Valuable contains the given value.
// This function is private to prevent stack overflow during the initialization
// of the Valuable object.
// @param
// @param value is the value to check
// @return true if the Valuable contains the given value
func contains(slice []string, element string) bool {
    for _, s := range slice {
        if s == element {
            return true
    return false

// appendCommaListIfAbsent accept a string list separated with commas to append
// to the Values all elements of this list only if element is absent
// of the Values
func appendCommaListIfAbsent(slice []string, commaList string) []string {
    for _, s := range strings.Split(commaList, ",") {
        if contains(slice, s) {

        slice = append(slice, s)
    return slice