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package formatting

import (


// funcMap is the map of functions that can be used in templates.
// The key is the name of the function and the value is the function itself.
// This is required for the template.New() function to parse the function.
func funcMap() template.FuncMap {
    return template.FuncMap{
        // Core functions
        "default":      dft,
        "empty":        empty,
        "coalesce":     coalesce,
        "toJson":       toJson,
        "toPrettyJson": toPrettyJson,
        "fromJson":     fromJson,
        "ternary":      ternary,
        "lookup":       lookup,

        // Headers manipulation functions
        "getHeader": getHeader,

        // Time manipulation functions
        "formatTime": formatTime,
        "parseTime":  parseTime,

        // Casting functions
        "toString": toString,
        "toInt":    toInt,
        "toFloat":  toFloat,
        "toBool":   toBool,

        // Is functions
        "isNumber": isNumber,
        "isString": isString,
        "isBool":   isBool,
        "isNull":   isNull,

        // Math functions
        "add":  mathAdd,
        "sub":  mathSub,
        "mul":  mathMul,
        "div":  mathDiv,
        "mod":  mathMod,
        "pow":  mathPow,
        "max":  mathMax,
        "min":  mathMin,
        "sqrt": mathSqrt,

// dft returns the default value if the given value is empty.
// If the given value is not empty, it is returned as is.
func dft(dft interface{}, given ...interface{}) interface{} {

    if empty(given) || empty(given[0]) {
        return dft
    return given[0]

// empty returns true if the given value is empty.
// It supports any type.
func empty(given interface{}) bool {
    g := reflect.ValueOf(given)
    if !g.IsValid() {
        return true

    switch g.Kind() {
        return g.IsNil()
    case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.String:
        return g.Len() == 0
    case reflect.Bool:
        return !g.IsValid()
    case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
        return g.Complex() == 0
    case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
        return g.Int() == 0
    case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
        return g.Uint() == 0
    case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
        return g.Float() == 0
    case reflect.Struct:
        return g.NumField() == 0

// coalesce returns the first value not empty in the given list.
// If all values are empty, it returns nil.
func coalesce(v ...interface{}) interface{} {
    for _, val := range v {
        if !isNull(val) {
            return val
    return nil

// toJson returns the given value as a JSON string.
// If the given value is nil, it returns an empty string.
func toJson(v interface{}) string {
    output, err := json.Marshal(v)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to marshal to JSON")
    return string(output)

// toPrettyJson returns the given value as a pretty JSON string indented with
// 2 spaces. If the given value is nil, it returns an empty string.
func toPrettyJson(v interface{}) string {
    output, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", "  ")
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to marshal to JSON")
    return string(output)

// fromJson returns the given JSON string as a map[string]interface{}.
// If the given value is nil, it returns an empty map.
func fromJson(v interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
    if isNull(v) {
        return map[string]interface{}{}

    if v, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
        return v

    var output = map[string]interface{}{}
    var err error
    if bytes, ok := v.([]byte); ok {
        err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &output)
    } else {
        err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(v.(string)), &output)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to unmarshal JSON")
    return output

// ternary returns `isTrue` if `condition` is true, otherwise returns `isFalse`.
func ternary(isTrue interface{}, isFalse interface{}, condition bool) interface{} {
    if condition {
        return isTrue

    return isFalse

// lookup recursively navigates through nested data structures based on a dot-separated path.
func lookup(path string, data interface{}) interface{} {
    keys := strings.Split(path, ".")

    if path == "" {
        return data

    // Navigate through the data for each key.
    current := data
    for _, key := range keys {
        switch val := current.(type) {
        case map[string]interface{}:
            // If the current value is a map and the key exists, proceed to the next level.
            if next, ok := val[key]; ok {
                current = next
            } else {
                // Key not found
                log.Logger.Warn().Str("path", path).Msg("Key are not found on the object")
                return nil
            // If the current type is not a map or we've reached a non-navigable point
            return nil

    // If the final value is a string, return it; otherwise
    return current

// getHeader returns the value of the given header. If the header is not found,
// it returns an empty string.
func getHeader(name string, headers *http.Header) string {
    if headers == nil {
        log.Error().Msg("headers are nil. Returning empty string")
        return ""
    return headers.Get(name)

// formatTime returns the given time formatted with the given layout.
// If the given time is invalid, it returns an empty string.
func formatTime(t interface{}, fromLayout, tolayout string) string {
    if isNull(t) {
        log.Error().Msg("time is nil. Returning empty string")
        return ""

    if tolayout == "" {
        tolayout = time.RFC3339

    parsedTime := parseTime(t, fromLayout)
    if parsedTime.IsZero() {
        log.Error().Msgf("Failed to parse time [%v] with layout [%s]", t, fromLayout)
        return ""

    return parsedTime.Format(tolayout)

// parseTime returns the given time parsed with the given layout.
// If the given time is invalid, it returns an time.Time{}.
func parseTime(t interface{}, layout string) time.Time {
    if isNull(t) {
        return time.Time{}

    var parsedTime time.Time
    var err error
    switch reflect.ValueOf(t).Kind() {
        t, ok := t.(time.Time)
        if ok {
            parsedTime = t
        } else {
            parsedTime = time.Time{}
    case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
        parsedTime = time.Unix(int64(toInt(t)), 0)
    case reflect.String:
        parsedTime, err = time.Parse(layout, toString(t))

    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to parse time")
        return time.Time{}

    return parsedTime

// isNumber returns true if the given value is a number, otherwise returns false.
func isNumber(n interface{}) bool {
    if isNull(n) {
        return false

    g := reflect.ValueOf(n)
    switch g.Kind() {
        return false
    case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
        return true
    case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
        return true
    case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
        return !math.IsNaN(g.Float()) && !(math.IsInf(g.Float(), 1) || math.IsInf(g.Float(), -1))
    case reflect.Uintptr:
        return false

// isString returns true if the given value is a string, otherwise returns false.
func isString(n interface{}) bool {
    if isNull(n) {
        return false

    switch n.(type) {
        if _, ok := n.(fmt.Stringer); ok {
            return true
        return false
    case string, []byte:
        return true

// isBool returns true if the given value is a bool, otherwise returns false.
func isBool(n interface{}) bool {
    if isNull(n) {
        return false

    switch n.(type) {
        return false
    case string, []byte, fmt.Stringer:
        _, err := strconv.ParseBool(toString(n))
        return err == nil
    case bool:
        return true

// isNull returns true if the given value is nil or empty, otherwise returns false.
func isNull(n interface{}) bool {
    if n == nil || empty(n) {
        return true

    return false

// toString returns the given value as a string.
// If the given value is nil, it returns an empty string.
func toString(n interface{}) string {
    if isNull(n) {
        return ""

    switch n := n.(type) {
        g := reflect.ValueOf(n)
        switch g.Kind() {
            return ""
        case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
            return strconv.FormatInt(g.Int(), 10)
        case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
            return strconv.FormatUint(g.Uint(), 10)
        case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
            return strconv.FormatFloat(g.Float(), 'f', -1, 64)
        case reflect.Bool:
            return strconv.FormatBool(g.Bool())
    case string, []byte:
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s", n)
    case fmt.Stringer:
        return n.String()

// toInt returns the given value as an int.
// If the given value is nil, it returns 0.
func toInt(n interface{}) int {
    if isNull(n) {
        return 0

    i, err := strconv.Atoi(toString(n))
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to convert [%v] to int", n)
        return 0

    return i

// toFloat returns the given value as a float.
// If the given value is nil, it returns 0.
func toFloat(n interface{}) float64 {
    if isNull(n) {
        return 0

    f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(toString(n), 64)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to convert [%v] to float", n)
        return 0

    return f

// toBool returns the given value as a bool.
// If the given value is nil, it returns false.
func toBool(n interface{}) bool {
    if isNull(n) {
        return false

    b, err := strconv.ParseBool(toString(n))
    if err != nil {
        log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to convert [%v] to bool", n)
        return false

    return b

// mathAdd returns the sum of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathAdd(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var sum float64
    for _, n := range numbers {
        sum += toFloat(n)
    return sum

// mathSub returns the difference of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathSub(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var diff float64
    for i, n := range numbers {
        f := toFloat(n)

        if i == 0 {
            diff = f

        diff -= f
    return diff

// mathMul returns the product of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathMul(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var product float64
    for _, n := range numbers {
        p := toFloat(n)

        if product == 0 {
            product = p

        product *= p
    return product

// mathDiv returns the quotient of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathDiv(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var quotient float64
    for i, n := range numbers {
        d := toFloat(n)

        if i == 0 {
            quotient = d

        quotient /= d
    return quotient

// mathMod returns the remainder of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathMod(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var remainder float64
    for i, n := range numbers {
        m := toFloat(n)

        if i == 0 {
            remainder = m

        remainder = math.Mod(remainder, m)
    return remainder

// mathPow returns the power of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathPow(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var power float64
    for i, n := range numbers {
        p := toFloat(n)

        if i == 0 {
            power = p

        power = math.Pow(power, p)
    return power

// mathSqrt returns the square root of the given number.
// If the given number is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathSqrt(number interface{}) float64 {
    return math.Sqrt(toFloat(number))

// mathMin returns the minimum of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathMin(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var min float64
    for i, n := range numbers {
        num := toFloat(n)

        if i == 0 {
            min = num

        if num < min {
            min = num
    return min

// mathMax returns the maximum of the given numbers.
// If any of the given numbers is not a number, it returns 0.
func mathMax(numbers ...interface{}) float64 {
    var max float64
    for i, n := range numbers {
        num := toFloat(n)

        if i == 0 {
            max = num

        if num > max {
            max = num
    return max