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Test Coverage
package redis

import (



type storage struct {
    client *redis.Client
    config *config

type config struct {
    Host     valuable.Valuable `mapstructure:"host" json:"host"`
    Port     valuable.Valuable `mapstructure:"port" json:"port"`
    Username valuable.Valuable `mapstructure:"username" json:"username"`
    Password valuable.Valuable `mapstructure:"password" json:"password"`
    Database int               `mapstructure:"database" json:"database"`
    Key      string            `mapstructure:"key" json:"key"`

// NewStorage is the function for create new Redis storage client
// Run is made from external caller at begins programs
// @param config contains config define in the webhooks yaml file
// @return RedisStorage the struct contains client connected and config
// @return an error if the the client is not initialized successfully
func NewStorage(configRaw map[string]interface{}) (*storage, error) {

    newClient := storage{
        config: &config{},

    if err := valuable.Decode(configRaw, &newClient.config); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    newClient.client = redis.NewClient(
            Addr:     fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", newClient.config.Host, newClient.config.Port),
            Username: newClient.config.Username.First(),
            Password: newClient.config.Password.First(),
            DB:       newClient.config.Database,

    // Ping Redis for testing config
    if err := newClient.client.Ping(context.Background()).Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &newClient, nil

// Name is the function for identified if the storage config is define in the webhooks
// @return name of the storage
func (c storage) Name() string {
    return "redis"

// Push is the function for push data in the storage
// A run is made from external caller
// @param value that will be pushed
// @return an error if the push failed
func (c storage) Push(ctx context.Context, value []byte) error {
    if err := c.client.RPush(ctx, c.config.Key, value).Err(); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil