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package helper

import (



// DownloadFile downloads the given non-authenticated URL.
func DownloadFile(url string) (*[]byte, error) {
    return DownloadFileAuth(url, "")

// DownloadFileAuth downloads the given URL using the specified authentication token.
func DownloadFileAuth(url string, auth string) (*[]byte, error) {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    client := &http.Client{
        Timeout: time.Second * 5,
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
    if auth != "" {
        req.Header.Add("Authorization", auth)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    io.Copy(&buf, resp.Body)
    data := buf.Bytes()
    return &data, nil

// DownloadFileAuthRocket downloads the given URL using the specified Rocket user ID and authentication token.
func DownloadFileAuthRocket(url, token, userID string) (*[]byte, error) {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    client := &http.Client{
        Timeout: time.Second * 5,
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)

    req.Header.Add("X-Auth-Token", token)
    req.Header.Add("X-User-Id", userID)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    _, err = io.Copy(&buf, resp.Body)
    data := buf.Bytes()
    return &data, err

// GetSubLines splits messages in newline-delimited lines. If maxLineLength is
// specified as non-zero GetSubLines will also clip long lines to the maximum
// length and insert a warning marker that the line was clipped.
// TODO: The current implementation has the inconvenient that it disregards
// word boundaries when splitting but this is hard to solve without potentially
// breaking formatting and other stylistic effects.
func GetSubLines(message string, maxLineLength int, clippingMessage string) []string {
    if clippingMessage == "" {
        clippingMessage = " <clipped message>"

    var lines []string
    for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(message), "\n") {
        if line == "" {
            // Prevent sending empty messages, so we'll skip this line
            // if it has no content.

        if maxLineLength == 0 || len([]byte(line)) <= maxLineLength {
            lines = append(lines, line)

        // !!! WARNING !!!
        // Before touching the splitting logic below please ensure that you PROPERLY
        // understand how strings, runes and range loops over strings work in Go.
        // A good place to start is to read https://blog.golang.org/strings. :-)
        var splitStart int
        var startOfPreviousRune int
        for i := range line {
            if i-splitStart > maxLineLength-len([]byte(clippingMessage)) {
                lines = append(lines, line[splitStart:startOfPreviousRune]+clippingMessage)
                splitStart = startOfPreviousRune
            startOfPreviousRune = i
        // This last append is safe to do without looking at the remaining byte-length
        // as we assume that the byte-length of the last rune will never exceed that of
        // the byte-length of the clipping message.
        lines = append(lines, line[splitStart:])
    return lines

// HandleExtra manages the supplementary details stored inside a message's 'Extra' field map.
func HandleExtra(msg *config.Message, general *config.Protocol) []config.Message {
    extra := msg.Extra
    rmsg := []config.Message{}
    for _, f := range extra[config.EventFileFailureSize] {
        fi := f.(config.FileInfo)
        text := fmt.Sprintf("file %s too big to download (%#v > allowed size: %#v)", fi.Name, fi.Size, general.MediaDownloadSize)
        rmsg = append(rmsg, config.Message{
            Text:     text,
            Username: "<system> ",
            Channel:  msg.Channel,
            Account:  msg.Account,
    return rmsg

// GetAvatar constructs a URL for a given user-avatar if it is available in the cache.
func GetAvatar(av map[string]string, userid string, general *config.Protocol) string {
    if sha, ok := av[userid]; ok {
        return general.MediaServerDownload + "/" + sha + "/" + userid + ".png"
    return ""

// HandleDownloadSize checks a specified filename against the configured download blacklist
// and checks a specified file-size against the configure limit.
func HandleDownloadSize(logger *logrus.Entry, msg *config.Message, name string, size int64, general *config.Protocol) error {
    // check blacklist here
    for _, entry := range general.MediaDownloadBlackList {
        if entry != "" {
            re, err := regexp.Compile(entry)
            if err != nil {
                logger.Errorf("incorrect regexp %s for %s", entry, msg.Account)
            if re.MatchString(name) {
                return fmt.Errorf("Matching blacklist %s. Not downloading %s", entry, name)
    logger.Debugf("Trying to download %#v with size %#v", name, size)
    if int(size) > general.MediaDownloadSize {
        msg.Event = config.EventFileFailureSize
        msg.Extra[msg.Event] = append(msg.Extra[msg.Event], config.FileInfo{
            Name:    name,
            Comment: msg.Text,
            Size:    size,
        return fmt.Errorf("File %#v to large to download (%#v). MediaDownloadSize is %#v", name, size, general.MediaDownloadSize)
    return nil

// HandleDownloadData adds the data for a remote file into a Matterbridge gateway message.
func HandleDownloadData(logger *logrus.Entry, msg *config.Message, name, comment, url string, data *[]byte, general *config.Protocol) {
    HandleDownloadData2(logger, msg, name, "", comment, url, data, general)

// HandleDownloadData adds the data for a remote file into a Matterbridge gateway message.
func HandleDownloadData2(logger *logrus.Entry, msg *config.Message, name, id, comment, url string, data *[]byte, general *config.Protocol) {
    var avatar bool
    logger.Debugf("Download OK %#v %#v", name, len(*data))
    if msg.Event == config.EventAvatarDownload {
        avatar = true
    msg.Extra["file"] = append(msg.Extra["file"], config.FileInfo{
        Name:     name,
        Data:     data,
        URL:      url,
        Comment:  comment,
        Avatar:   avatar,
        NativeID: id,

var emptyLineMatcher = regexp.MustCompile("\n+")

// RemoveEmptyNewLines collapses consecutive newline characters into a single one and
// trims any preceding or trailing newline characters as well.
func RemoveEmptyNewLines(msg string) string {
    return emptyLineMatcher.ReplaceAllString(strings.Trim(msg, "\n"), "\n")

// ClipMessage trims a message to the specified length if it exceeds it and adds a warning
// to the message in case it does so.
func ClipMessage(text string, length int, clippingMessage string) string {
    if clippingMessage == "" {
        clippingMessage = " <clipped message>"

    if len(text) > length {
        text = text[:length-len(clippingMessage)]
        if r, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(text); r == utf8.RuneError {
            text = text[:len(text)-size]
        text += clippingMessage
    return text

// ParseMarkdown takes in an input string as markdown and parses it to html
func ParseMarkdown(input string) string {
    extensions := parser.HardLineBreak | parser.NoIntraEmphasis | parser.FencedCode
    markdownParser := parser.NewWithExtensions(extensions)
    renderer := html.NewRenderer(html.RendererOptions{
        Flags: 0,
    parsedMarkdown := markdown.ToHTML([]byte(input), markdownParser, renderer)
    res := string(parsedMarkdown)
    res = strings.TrimPrefix(res, "<p>")
    res = strings.TrimSuffix(res, "</p>\n")
    return res

// ConvertWebPToPNG converts input data (which should be WebP format) to PNG format
func ConvertWebPToPNG(data *[]byte) error {
    r := bytes.NewReader(*data)
    m, err := webp.Decode(r)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    var output []byte
    w := bytes.NewBuffer(output)
    if err := png.Encode(w, m); err != nil {
        return err
    *data = w.Bytes()
    return nil