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Test Coverage
package bmumble

import (


    stripmd "github.com/writeas/go-strip-markdown"

    // We need to import the 'data' package as an implicit dependency.
    // See: https://godoc.org/github.com/paulrosania/go-charset/charset
    _ "github.com/paulrosania/go-charset/data"

type Bmumble struct {
    client             *gumble.Client
    Nick               string
    Host               string
    Channel            *uint32
    local              chan config.Message
    running            chan error
    connected          chan gumble.DisconnectEvent
    serverConfigUpdate chan gumble.ServerConfigEvent
    serverConfig       gumble.ServerConfigEvent
    tlsConfig          tls.Config


func New(cfg *bridge.Config) bridge.Bridger {
    b := &Bmumble{}
    b.Config = cfg
    b.Nick = b.GetString("Nick")
    b.local = make(chan config.Message)
    b.running = make(chan error)
    b.connected = make(chan gumble.DisconnectEvent)
    b.serverConfigUpdate = make(chan gumble.ServerConfigEvent)
    return b

func (b *Bmumble) Connect() error {
    b.Log.Infof("Connecting %s", b.GetString("Server"))
    host, portstr, err := net.SplitHostPort(b.GetString("Server"))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    b.Host = host
    _, err = strconv.Atoi(portstr)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err = b.buildTLSConfig(); err != nil {
        return err

    go b.doSend()
    go b.connectLoop()
    err = <-b.running
    return err

func (b *Bmumble) Disconnect() error {
    return b.client.Disconnect()

func (b *Bmumble) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
    cid, err := strconv.ParseUint(channel.Name, 10, 32)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    channelID := uint32(cid)
    if b.Channel != nil && *b.Channel != channelID {
        b.Log.Fatalf("Cannot join channel ID '%d', already joined to channel ID %d", channelID, *b.Channel)
        return errors.New("the Mumble bridge can only join a single channel")
    b.Channel = &channelID
    return b.doJoin(b.client, channelID)

func (b *Bmumble) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
    // Only process text messages
    b.Log.Debugf("=> Received local message %#v", msg)
    if msg.Event != "" && msg.Event != config.EventUserAction && msg.Event != config.EventJoinLeave {
        return "", nil

    attachments := b.extractFiles(&msg)
    b.local <- msg
    for _, a := range attachments {
        b.local <- a
    return "", nil

func (b *Bmumble) buildTLSConfig() error {
    b.tlsConfig = tls.Config{}
    // Load TLS client certificate keypair required for registered user authentication
    if cpath := b.GetString("TLSClientCertificate"); cpath != "" {
        if ckey := b.GetString("TLSClientKey"); ckey != "" {
            cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(cpath, ckey)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            b.tlsConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
    // Load TLS CA used for server verification.  If not provided, the Go system trust anchor is used
    if capath := b.GetString("TLSCACertificate"); capath != "" {
        ca, err := ioutil.ReadFile(capath)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        b.tlsConfig.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
    b.tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = b.GetBool("SkipTLSVerify")
    return nil

func (b *Bmumble) connectLoop() {
    firstConnect := true
    for {
        err := b.doConnect()
        if firstConnect {
            b.running <- err
        if err != nil {
            b.Log.Errorf("Connection to server failed: %#v", err)
            if firstConnect {
            } else {
                b.Log.Info("Retrying in 10s")
                time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
        firstConnect = false
        d := <-b.connected
        switch d.Type {
        case gumble.DisconnectError:
            b.Log.Errorf("Lost connection to the server (%s), attempting reconnect", d.String)
        case gumble.DisconnectKicked:
            b.Log.Errorf("Kicked from the server (%s), attempting reconnect", d.String)
        case gumble.DisconnectBanned:
            b.Log.Errorf("Banned from the server (%s), not attempting reconnect", d.String)
        case gumble.DisconnectUser:
            b.Log.Infof("Disconnect successful")

func (b *Bmumble) doConnect() error {
    // Create new gumble config and attach event handlers
    gumbleConfig := gumble.NewConfig()
        ServerConfig: b.handleServerConfig,
        TextMessage:  b.handleTextMessage,
        Connect:      b.handleConnect,
        Disconnect:   b.handleDisconnect,
        UserChange:   b.handleUserChange,
    gumbleConfig.Username = b.GetString("Nick")
    if password := b.GetString("Password"); password != "" {
        gumbleConfig.Password = password

    client, err := gumble.DialWithDialer(new(net.Dialer), b.GetString("Server"), gumbleConfig, &b.tlsConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    b.client = client
    return nil

func (b *Bmumble) doJoin(client *gumble.Client, channelID uint32) error {
    channel, ok := client.Channels[channelID]
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("no channel with ID %d", channelID)
    return nil

func (b *Bmumble) doSend() {
    // Message sending loop that makes sure server-side
    // restrictions and client-side message traits don't conflict
    // with each other.
    for {
        select {
        case serverConfig := <-b.serverConfigUpdate:
            b.Log.Debugf("Received server config update: AllowHTML=%#v, MaximumMessageLength=%#v", serverConfig.AllowHTML, serverConfig.MaximumMessageLength)
            b.serverConfig = serverConfig
        case msg := <-b.local:

func (b *Bmumble) processMessage(msg *config.Message) {
    b.Log.Debugf("Processing message %s", msg.Text)

    allowHTML := true
    if b.serverConfig.AllowHTML != nil {
        allowHTML = *b.serverConfig.AllowHTML

    // If this is a specially generated image message, send it unmodified
    if msg.Event == "mumble_image" {
        if allowHTML {
            b.client.Self.Channel.Send(msg.Username+msg.Text, false)
        } else {
            b.Log.Info("Can't send image, server does not allow HTML messages")

    // Don't process empty messages
    if len(msg.Text) == 0 {
    // If HTML is allowed, convert markdown into HTML, otherwise strip markdown
    if allowHTML {
        msg.Text = helper.ParseMarkdown(msg.Text)
    } else {
        msg.Text = stripmd.Strip(msg.Text)

    // If there is a maximum message length, split and truncate the lines
    var msgLines []string
    if maxLength := b.serverConfig.MaximumMessageLength; maxLength != nil {
        if *maxLength != 0 { // Some servers will have unlimited message lengths.
            // Not doing this makes underflows happen.
            msgLines = helper.GetSubLines(msg.Text, *maxLength-len(msg.Username), b.GetString("MessageClipped"))
        } else {
            msgLines = helper.GetSubLines(msg.Text, 0, b.GetString("MessageClipped"))
    } else {
        msgLines = helper.GetSubLines(msg.Text, 0, b.GetString("MessageClipped"))
    // Send the individual lines
    for i := range msgLines {
        // Remove unnecessary newline character, since either way we're sending it as individual lines
        msgLines[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(msgLines[i], "\n")
        b.client.Self.Channel.Send(msg.Username+msgLines[i], false)