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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "You must adapt the below environment vars in this script to your needs!"
echo "Then remove the following exit command"
echo "Exiting now!"

############### Environment configuration ######
# Connection to your mongodb server (please ensure password protection and encrypted communication!)
export MONGO_URL='mongodb://USER:PASSWORD@localhost:27017/'
# Port for your 4Minitz server
export PORT=3100
# Port to your 4Minitz root URL (to generate correct links in EMails)
# the leading http:// or https:// is IMPORTANT!
export ROOT_URL='http://localhost:3100'
# Read in your settings.json
export METEOR_SETTINGS=$(cat ./settings.json)

#### Check if installed node version matches the node build version
nodeversionbuild=`cat ./bundle/.node_version.txt`
nodeversionnow=`node --version`
if [ ${nodeversionbuild} != ${nodeversionnow} ]
    echo " "
    echo "*** WARNING!"
    echo "    Node version mismatch:"
    echo "    Node version on build: ${nodeversionbuild}"
    echo "    Node version now     : ${nodeversionnow}"
    echo "If app has launch errors, use node version manager:"
    echo "     nvm install ${nodeversionbuild} &&  nvm use ${nodeversionbuild}"
    echo " "
    sleep 5

#### Launch the 4Minitz server
(cd bundle && node main.js)