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# 4Minitz!

*Simply ~~the best~~ a decent free webapp for taking meeting minutes.*

* Create a meeting series and invite others
* Specify moderators, invited and informed users
* Create an agenda with multiple topics
* Attend a meeting via web with reactive live updates
* 1-button sending of agenda, minutes and action items by email 
* Use labels to tag items for later retrieval
* Upload binary attachments to minutes (e.g., presentations, photos)
* Track open action items and unfinished topics across meetings
* Full privacy: Host your own server - it's easy!

<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4minitz/4minitz/develop/doc/4minitz_screenshot.png"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4minitz/4minitz/develop/doc/4minitz_screenshot.png" width="500" ></a>

*(Click to enlarge screen shot)*


[![4Minitz Demo Video](doc/4Minitz_Youtube_Thumbnail.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v28q6AaEySQ)

*(Click to play Demo Video)*

Documentation is "continuously" not finished... Nevertheless these WIP docs may be of help:

* [FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions](doc/faq.md)
* [User Doc](doc/user/usermanual.md)
* [Admin Guide](doc/admin/adminguide.md)
* [Developer Doc](doc/developer/developermanual.md)

## External Project Links
* [4Minitz Backlog](https://github.com/4minitz/4minitz/projects/1) - organizes our project TODOs
* [4Minitz Demo Server](https://www.4minitz.com) - well, our Demo server ;-)
* [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/4minitz/4minitz/actions?query=workflow%3A%224Minitz+CI+TestRunner%22) - Runs unit and end2end tests on each commit
* [Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/4minitz/4minitz) - Keeps an eye on our code quality 
* [CLA Assist](https://cla-assistant.io/4minitz/4minitz) - Manages signing of our Contributor License Agreements 
* [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/4minitz/4minitz/) - Spin up your own 4Minitz server in seconds 

## 4Minitz is proudly sponsored by
<a href="http://www.methodpark.de"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4minitz/4minitz/develop/doc/sponsor_methodpark.png" height="50px" alt="Method Park"></a>

## Deployment Quick Start

To quickly set up a local demo of 4Minitz at your site for evaluation and
testing you can use our sample
[Docker Compose configuration file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4minitz/4minitz/develop/docker-compose.yml) and run it with

docker-compose up

You can now access 4Minitz by pointing your browser to [http://localhost:3100](http://localhost:3100).

If you don't want to use `docker-compose` you can use just docker by
starting the two containers manually:

docker run --rm --name mongo mongo
docker run --rm --name 4minitz \
    -v $PWD/4minitz_storage:/4minitz_storage \
    -p 3100:3333 \
    -e MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo/4minitz \
    --link mongo \

Don't miss the [Admin Guide](doc/admin/adminguide.md)
with a more comprehensive coverage of the real production
building & installation topic! Especially see
[how to configure your 4Minitz docker server](doc/admin/adminguide.md#production-running---with-docker).

## Development environment (Linux, Mac)
**Attention:** This is not a proper setup for production deployment!
It is intended for developers and so it has some security drawbacks (No
password protection for MongoDB) and also consumes some amount of extra RAM
(>700 MB)). Don't miss the [Admin Guide](doc/admin/adminguide.md)
with a more comprehensive coverage of the real production installation topic!

### Prerequisites
4minitz is realized with the [Meteor JS Framework](http://www.meteor.com). So, first install the current version of meteor:

curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
meteor --version

On Windows? [Download the meteor installer](https://install.meteor.com/windows). 
As an experienced Windows admin you sure can transfer the below steps for Linux and Mac to your OS.

### Run development version (Linux & Mac)   
Once Meteor is set up you can clone and run 4Minitz from source like this:

git clone https://github.com/4minitz/4minitz.git
cd 4minitz
cp settings_sample.json settings.json

Wait some time for meteor to finish downloading and building. 
You can reach 4Minitz via the default port 3100 by opening 
[http://localhost:3100](http://localhost:3100) in your browser

**Hint:** There is a settings_sample.json file that has quite a few configuration options
(like sending eMails etc.). Don't miss the [Admin Guide](doc/admin/adminguide.md) with more details
 on this topic.