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Test Coverage
_splitKey: ':'
_locale: 'en'
  usernamePlaceholder: "(min. 3 chars)"
  nameDisplayName: "Name, Company"
  namePlaceholder: "John Doe, Happy Corp."
  passwordPlaceholder: "min. 6 chars (digit, lower & upper)"
  passwordError: "min. 6 chars (min. 1 digit, 1 lower, 1 upper)"
  add: "Add"
  back: "Go Back"
  cancel: "Cancel"
  change: "Change"
  close: "Close"
  confirm: "Confirm"
  create: "Create"
  delete: "Delete"
  dismissAll: "Dismiss All"
  edit: "Edit"
  hide: "Ok, hide"
  ok: "OK"
  register: "Register"
  save: "Save"
  roleModerator: "Moderator"
  roleUploader: "Uploader"
  roleInvited: "Invited"
  roleInformed: "Informed"
  ok: "OK"
  error: "Error"
  verifyEMailErr: "Error: EMail could not be verified"
  verifyEMailOK: "OK: EMail is verified now"
  passwordChangeOK: "Password changed"
  passwordResetOK: "Password sucessfully reseted"
  profileEditOK: "Profile changes saved"
  minuteLinkErr: "Unfortunately the minute is not linked to its parent series correctly - please contact your system administrator."
  agendaSentOK: "Agenda was sent to {$result} recipients successfully"
  finalizeProgress1: "Finalize in progress"
  finalizeProgress2: "This may take a few seconds..."
  finalizeOK: "This meeting minutes were successfully finalized"
    title: "Confirm delete?"
    body: "Are you sure to delete this?"
    questionMeetingSeries: "Do you really want to delete the meeting series"
    questionMinutes: "This series contains {$minutesCount} meeting minutes (last minutes of {$lastMinutesDate})."
    title: "Confirm Creating New Minutes"
    content: "Do you really want to create new minutes for the meeting series \"{$project}: {$name}\"?"
  confirmDeleteAttachment: "Do you really want to delete the attachment:\n**{$name}**?"
  confirmDeleteDetails: "Do you really want to delete the selected details of the item **{$subject}**?"
    allowed: "Do you really want to delete the {$type} **{$subject}**?"
    notAllowed: "It is not possible to delete the {$type} **{$subject}** because the {$type} was created in a previous minutes."
    questionActionItem: "Do you want to close the action item instead?"
    questionInfoItem: "Do you want to unpin the sticky info item instead?"
    typeActionItem: "action item"
    typeInfoItem: "information"
    titleCloseActionItem: "Close action item?"
    titleUnpinInfoItem: "Unpin info item?"
    buttonCloseActionItem: "Close action item"
    buttonUnpinInfoItem: "Unpin info item"
    allowed: "Do you really want to delete the topic **{$subject}**?"
    notAllowed: "It is not possible to delete the topic **{$subject}** because the topic was created in a previous minutes."
    close: "Do you want to close the topic instead?"
    closeWithActions: "Do you want to close the topic together with all related action items instead?"
  confirmLeaveMeetingSeries: "Do you really want to leave the meeting series:\n\n**{$project} / {$name}**\n\nYou will have to ask a moderator if you want to join again afterwards."
    title: "Finalize Minutes: Quality Checks"
    button: "Proceed"
    issues: "There are finalize issues with your minutes!"
    proceed: "Do you want to proceed with finalizing?"
    warnNoTopics: "The current minutes have no topics"
    warnNoParticipants: "No participant is marked as present"
    warnEditing: "A topic/item/detail is still edited"
    warnNoTopicDiscussed: "No topic is marked as 'discussed'"
    warnTopicWithoutItems: "At least one discussed topic has no items"
    warnActionItemWithoutResponsible: "At least one action item has no responsible"
    warnTopicNoNewContent: "A topic is checked but has no new content"
    title: "Re-open Topic?"
    body: "Do you really want to re-open the already closed topic **{$topicSubject}**?"
    button: "Re-open"
    body: "Do you really want to sent the agenda for this meeting minute dated on **{$minDate}**?\nIt was already sent on {$agendaSentDate} at {$agendaSentTime}"
    title: "Confirm sending agenda"
    button: "Send Agenda"
    really: "Do you really want to delete this meeting minute dated on **{$minutesDate}**?"
    newTopics: "This will remove **{$newTopicsCount} topics**, which were created within this minute."
    closedTopicsAdditionally: "Additionally **{$closedTopicsCount} topics** will be opened again, which were closed within this minutes."
    closedTopics: "**{$closedTopicsCount} topics** will be opened again, which were closed within this minutes."
    title: "Confirm Finalize Minutes"
    button: "Finalize"
    really: "Do you really want to finalize this meeting minute dated on **{$minutesDate}**?"
    sendActionItems: "Send action items"
    sendMinutes: "Send information items"
    title: "Set Language"
    languageLocale: "Language Locale"
    automatic: "Automatic via Browser"
    contributionHint1: "Translation mistakes or missing language?"
    contributionHint2: "Help us to translate 4Minitz!"
    title: "Edit despite existing editing"
    confirmationDialogResetEdit: "Warning: This document ist currently edited by {$name} since: {$date}"
    confirmationDialogResetEditDetails: "Please click on detail again to start editing."
    button: "Edit Anyway"
    tooltip: |
      Connection Lost!
        Status: {$status}
        Retry Count: {$retryCount}
        Retry Time: {$retryTime} sec.
        Reason: {$reason}
        Click to reconnect.
    header: "You have lost the connection to the 4Minitz server."
    body: "If you close your browser, unsaved data might be lost. Please contact your sever admin if this problem persists."
    tryToReconnect: "Try To Reconnect"
    title: "Confirm generate protocol"
    body: "There has been no protocol generated for these minutes. Do you want to download a dynamically generated HTML version of it instead?"
    button: "Download"
    title1: "Confirm delete topic"
    title2: "Mark topic as discussed?"
    button2: "Close topic and actions"
    errortitle: "Cannot delete topic"
    errorcontent: "It is not possible to delete this topic because it was created in a
        previous minutes. The selected topic is already closed and has no open action items,
        so it won't be copied to the following minutes."
    title: "Cannot delete item"
    body1: "It is not possible to delete this item because it was created in a previous minutes."
    body2a: "This action item is already closed,"
    body2b: "This info item is already un-pinned"
    body3: "so it won't be copied to the following minutes"
    title: "Invalid Responsible for Action Item"
    body: |
      This is not a valid responsible!

      Please select an **existing user** from the dropdown or enter a **valid email address**.
    title: "Cannot convert item"
    body: "It is not possible to convert this item because it was created in a previous minutes."
  title: "About 4Minitz"
  copyrightTeam: "by 4Minitz-Team"
  licensedUnder: "Licensed under the MIT-License"
  licenseDependencies: "License of Dependencies"
  thanksContributors: "Thanks To All Our Contributors"
  thanksTranslators: "Thanks To All Our Translators"
  proudlySponsored: "Proudly Sponsored By"
  specialThanks: "Special Thanks to These Projects"
  forkGitHub: "Fork us on GitHub"
    title: "Server Statistics"
    rowNumUser: "Number of users (active)"
    rowNumMeetingSeries: "Number of meeting series"
    rowNumMeetingMinutes: "Number of meeting minutes"
    rowNumAttachments: "Number of attachments"
    rowSizeAttachments: "Attachments size"
  ariaLabel: "Add/Edit item"
  editItem: "Edit Item"
  editItemHint: "Edit this action/info item"
  deleteItem: "Delete Item"
  deleteItemHint: "Delete this action/info item"
  addItemModal: "Add {$type} to {$topic}"
  editItemModal: "Edit {$type} of {$topic}"
  editItemModelTypeInfoItem: "Information"
  editItemModelTypeActionItem: "Action Item"
  addInfo: "Add Info Item"
  addInfoHint: "Add info item to topic"
  action: "Action Item"
  addAction: "Add Action Item"
  addActionHint: "Add action item to topic"
  convertToAction: "Convert to Action"
  convertToInfo: "Convert to Info"
  convertDisabled: "Conversion disabled: item exists in past meeting"
  subject: "Subject (mandatory)"
  details: "Details"
  addDetails: "Add details"
  priority: "Priority"
    high: "1 - High"
    medium: "3 - Medium"
    low: "5 - Low"
  due: "Due"
  dueNone: "none"
  detailPlaceholder: "You may use Markdown to edit. Press Ctrl+Enter or Tab to leave."
  markdownHint: "Help for Markdown Syntax"
  setPin: "Set Pinned"
  setPinHint: "Set as pinned info item"
  unsetPin: "Unset Pinned"
  unsetPinHint: "Set as non-pinned info item"
  done: "done"
  pinned: "pinned"
    subject: "Please enter a valid subject"
    title: "Filters"
    usageHint: "Filter Usage"
    info: "Info Items"
    action: "Action Items"
    open: "Open Action Items"
    closed: "Closed Action Items"
    yourAction: "Your Action Items"
    placeholder: "Filter"
    matchCase: "Case"
    matchCaseHint: "Match Case"
    matchCaseLong: "Match Case"
      body: "You can use several keywords to filter the listed elements. All keywords may be combined which filters those items matching all given search parameters."
      keyword: "Keyword"
      format: "Format"
      values: "Values"
      eg: "e.g."
  myActionItems: "My Action Items"
  title: "Topic"
  new: "New"
  add: "Add Topic"
  addLong: "Add Topic..."
  addShort: "Topic"
  addHint: "Add new topic to top of list [Ctrl+Alt+T]"
  quickAdd: "ADD TOPIC (to the end of list)"
  edit: "Edit Topic"
  save: "Save Topic"
  show: "Show Topic"
  subject: "Subject of Topic (mandatory)"
  responsible: "Responsible"
  completed: "Completed"
  completedHint: "This topic is finally completed. So it won't be propagated to the next meeting."
  setRecurring: "Set Recurring"
  setRecurringHint: "Set as recurring topic"
  unsetRecurring: "Unset Recurring"
  unsetRecurringHint: "Set as not-recurring topic"
  setSkip: "Set Skip"
  setSkipHint: "Set as skipped topic"
  unsetSkip: "Unset Skip"
  unsetSkipHint: "Set as non-skipped topic"
  history: "Show History"
  historyHint: "Show complete finalized state of this topic"
  delete: "Delete Topic"
  reopen: "Reopen Topic"
  reopenHint: "Reopen Topic"
  placeholder: "Add Info Item. Append @username to add an Action Item. Press Enter to append details. Press Ctrl+Enter or Tab to submit."
  childOf: "Topic of Meeting Series:"
  historyTitle: "This Topic was"
  createdOn: "created on:"
  lastUpdate: "last updated on:"
  finalizedOn: "finalized on minutes from:"
  doneBy: "(by {$user})"
  notFoundTitle: "Sorry, Topic not found."
  notFoundReasons: "Reasons may be...<br><ul><li>The topic was never finalized (it only lives in an unfinalized minute)</li><li>The topic was deleted</li><li>You do not have access rights to this topic (anymore)</li></ul>"
  illegalAction: "Tried to call an illegal event in read-only mode"
  addDetails: "Add Details"
  addDetailsHint: "Add details to item"
  hideClosed: "Hide closed"
  hideClosedHint: "Temporarily hide discussed/skipped topics from list"
  hideClosedLong: "Hide closed topics"
  collapse: "Collapse"
  collapseLong: "Collapse Topics"
  expand: "Expand"
  expandLong: "Expand Topics"
    subject: "Please enter a valid subject"
    completed: "Completed Topics"
    uncompleted: "Uncompleted Topics"
    yourTopic: "Your Topics"
    date: "Created {$dateCreateStr}"
    user: "by {$userCreate}"
    date: "Updated {$dateUpdStr}"
    user: "by {$userUpd}"

  create: "Create New Minutes"
  date: "Date"
  dateOn: "on"
  title: "Minutes for"
  finalized: "Finalized"
  finalizedHint: "Minutes are finalized"
  notFinalized: "Not finalized"
  notFinalizedHint: "Minutes are not finalized"
  attachments: "Attachments"
  attachmentsHint: "Minutes have attachments"
  previous: "Previous:"
  next: "Next:"
  history: "History"
  unfinalizeHint: "Click to Un-Finalize Minutes"
  print: "Print Minutes"
  finalize: "Finalize Minutes"
  finalizeHint: "Click to Finalize Minutes"
  printHint: "Print Minutes"
  downloadHint: "Download Minutes as file"
  agenda: "Agenda"
  sendAgenda: "Send Agenda"
  delete: "Delete Minutes"
    pin: "Set as pinned global note"
    unpin: "Set as non-pinned global note"
    title: "Global Note"
    placeholder: "Global notes for these minutes. Click pin to propagate notes to next minutes."
    button: "Upload..."
    uploading: "Uploading"
    start: "Start Upload"
    continue: "Continue Upload"
    pause: "Pause Upload"
    abort: "Abort Upload"
    error: "Error during upload"
  version: "Version"
  versionTag: "v"
    title: "Participants"
    invited: "Invited"
    solo: "1 Participant"
    additional: "Additional Participants"
    additionalSolo: "1 Additional Participant"
    placeholder: "Additional Participants (separate with ';'). Mail addresses will receive minutes."
    editHint: "Edit invited users."
    markNone: "Mark none"
    markAll: "Mark all"
    watchingHint: "This user is watching (remotely)"
    informed: "Informed Users"
    informedSolo: "1 Informed User"
    present: "Present Participants"
    absent: "Absent"
    none: "None."
  title: "Meeting Series"
  team: "Team / Project"
  new: "New Meeting Series"
  leave: "Leave Meeting Series"
  leaveButton: "Leave"
  moderator: "You are moderator"
  lastMinute: "Last Minute:"
    placeholder: "Search for Meeting Series"
    noResults: "No results for this input..."
      meetingName: "Please enter a valid name for the meeting series"
      teamName: "Please enter a valid project name"
      notRegistered: "This is not a registered user name"
      alreadyInList: "This user name is already in list"
    teamName: "Team / Project Name"
    meetingName: "Meeting Name"
    title: "Edit Meeting Series"
    base: "Base Configuration"
    editedBy: "Edited by {$user} (at {$date})"
    invited: "Invited & Informed Users"
    placeholderUsers: "Add Users to Invited Users..."
    notifyRoleChange: "Notify participants on role change"
    labels: "Labels"
    save: "Save Meeting Series"
    confirmDelete: "Confirm delete"
      name: "Please enter a valid label name"
      hexValue: "Invalid hex color value"
    add: "Add new Label"
    new: "NewLabel"
    select: "Select..."
    minutes: "Minutes"
    topics: "Topics"
    items: "Items"
  title: "Edit Profile for"
  userName: "User Name"
  longName: "Long Name"
  email: "E-Mail"
  password: "Password"
  passwordRepeat: "Password Repeat"
    title: "Change Password for"
    oldPassword: "Old Password"
    wrongOldPassword: "Please enter old valid password"
    newPassword: "New Password"
    newPasswordRepeat: "New Password Repeat"
    name: "Please enter a valid username"
    longName: "Please enter a valid long name"
    email: "Please enter a valid EMail address"
    password: "Please enter a valid password"
    title: "Confirm changing user mail"
    body: "You are about to change your verified mail address. You will be signed out and need to verify your new mail address before you can continue."
    button: "Sign off + Re-Verify"
  users: "Users"
  messages: "Messages"
    label: "Register New User"
    hint: "Hint: This will register a user for Standard Login (Not for LDAP Login!)."
    button: "Register New User..."
    sendMail: "Send E-Mail to new user"
    includePassword: "Include password in E-Mail"
    success: "Registered new user: {$user}"
    title: "Broadcast Messages from Admin"
    newMessage: "New Message to All Users"
    broadcast: "Broadcast"
    date: "Date"
    message: "Message"
    dismissed: "Dismissed"
    dismissingUsers: "#Dismissing Users: {$number}\n"
    edit: "Edit"
    filterUsers: "Filter Users"
    showInactive: "Show Inactive"
    online: "Online"
    onlineHint: "Showing only users currently active on a minutesedit route"
    id: "ID"
    editProfile: "Edit User Profile"
    countSingle: "Showing {$visible} of {$all} user. Use filter to show others."
    count: "Showing {$visible} of {$all} users. Use filter to show others."
      hint: "LDAP user or Standard user"
      column: "L/S"
      ldap: "L"
      standard: "S"
      hint: "Toggle active/inactive state. Inactive users can not log in."
      column: "In/Active"
      active: "Active"
      inactive: "Inactive"
      toggle: "Toggle"
    title: "Login error"
    username: "Please enter your username"
    password: "Please enter your password"
  signIn: "Sign In"
  ldap: "LDAP"
  standard: "Standard"
  demoHint: "Hint: Demo Mode Active<br>You may log in with username <b>demo</b> and password <b>demo</b>. Or you may register your own account by clicking on the \"Register\" link below."
    header: "4Minitz: Collaborative Meeting Minutes."
    subheader: "● Prepare Agenda ● Document Minutes ● Track Topics ●"
    abstract: |
      <p>Every invited and logged in user can watch changes to the current meeting minutes in real time.</p>
      We made 4Minitz free open source software, as we strongly believe that
      sensitive information like meeting minutes should not be hosted in the cloud.
      Instead you want to host it on your own infrastructure where you can define
      the level of security and safety you need.
    prepareAgendaHeading: "Prepare Agenda"
    prepareAgendaDetails: |
      <li>Create your meeting series</li>
      <li>Invite other users</li>
      <li>Specify moderators and uploaders</li>
      <li>Fill agenda with topics</li>
      <li>Mark recurring topics for standard agenda</li>
      <li>Send agenda to invited users</li>
    documentMinutesHeading: "Document Minutes"
    documentMinutesDetails: |
      <li>Mark present participants</li>
      <li>Add action items with responsibles to topics</li>
      <li>Add information items to topics</li>
      <li>Add labels like 'Decision' to items</li>
      <li>Upload binary file attachments</li>
      <li>Send minutes &amp; action items via EMail</li>
    trackTopicsHeading: "Track Topics"
    trackTopicsDetails: |
      <li>Open action items will show up next time</li>
      <li>Non-closed topics will show up next time</li>
      <li>Search list of all ever discussed topics</li>
      <li>Enrich topics with info items on multiple meetings</li>
      <li>Find topics with labels (e.g. all Decisions)</li>
      <li>Find items by fulltext search</li>
    withLove: "Coded with ❤ by the"
    theTeam: "WebApp Team"
  help: "Help"
  about: "About"
  adminTasks: "Admin Tasks"
  editProfile: "Edit Profile"
  changePassword: "Change Password"
  signOut: "Sign Out"
  toggleNavigation: "Toggle Navigation"
  meetings: "Meetings"
  processing: "Processing your content..."
  setLanguageForUser: "Set Language"
  setLanguageLogin: "Language"
  title: "Quick Help"
  meetingSeries: "<p>Here you may create new minutes for the current meeting series or click on a date link of existing minutes.</p>"
  meetingSeriesList: "<p>With 4Minitz you can create minutes for meetings.</p><p>First create a new meeting series and invite some other users.<br>Then create meeting minutes on multiple dates for your meeting series.</p>"
  minutes: "<p>Add topics to prepare your meeting agenda<br>During the meeting mark a topic with the checkbox to make clear you have discussed about it.<br>If the topic...<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; - is not marked as discussed or<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; - is set as recurring topic or<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; - contains un-done action items<br>... the topic will be presented in the next meeting again.</p><p>Click 'Finalize Minutes' to send the minutes to the invited users and the action items to their responsibles.</p>"
  upload: "<ul><li>Here you can upload files like e.g., presentations, PDFs or whiteboard photos</li><li>You need the role 'Uploader' or 'Moderator' to do so</li><li>Uploading or deletion is possible until minutes are finalized</li><li>Pro Tip: Click the above 'Upload' button on your tablet or smart phone!</li></ul>"
  greeting: "Hello"
  newAgenda: "We've got a brand new meeting agenda for you:"
  newActionItem: "You have been assigned to the following action items:"
  newMinutes: "Below you'll find the latest meeting minutes."
  meeting: "Meeting"
  links: "Links"
  openSeries: "Open Series"
  openMinutes: "Open Minutes"
  minutesSubject: "Meeting Minutes"
  discussedTopics: "Discussed Topics"
  skippedTopics: "Open Topics"
  none: "None"
    subject: "Newer version exists"
    body: |
      Hello Admin,

      It seems you are running an outdated version of 4Minitz.

      Your 4Minitz instance on: {$rootUrl}
      has version: {$myVersion}

      Newest version available is: {$masterVersion}'
      Release notes: {$urlReleaseNotes}
      Please consider to update.


      This mail was generated by your 4Minitz backend.
      You can disable the update check via settings.json: \"updateCheck\": false.

      Have fun!
              Your 4Minitz team.

      4Minitz is free open source developed by the 4Minitz team.
      Source is available at {$url4Minitz}
    subject: "Your new account at our server"
    passwordNotSend: "    Contact admin for password."
    passwordParagraph: |
      Your password : {$password}

      Don't forget to change your password after first login!
    body: |
      Hello {$userLongName},

      Welcome to our 4Minitz WebApp.
      Now you can start to participate in keeping of professional meeting minutes.

      You may sign in with 'Standard' (not LDAP!) login at:
         Your host     : {$rootURL}
         Your user     : {$userName}

      Have fun!
        Your Admin.

      4Minitz is free open source developed by the 4Minitz team.
      Source is available at {$url4Minitz}
    subject: "Your role has changed for '{$meetingProject}:{$meetingName}'"
    body: |
     Hello {$userName}

     Your role has changed for meeting series '{$meetingProject}:{$meetingName}'

        Your old role was           : {$roleOld}
        Your new role is            : {$roleNew}
        The change was performed by : {$moderatorName}

     For a comprehensive list of rights for each role see:

     Have fun!
       Your Admin.

     4Minitz is free open source developed by the 4Minitz team.
     Source is available at {$url4Minitz}
    subject: "[{$sitename}] Verify Your Email Address"
    body: |
      To verify your email address {$emailAddress} visit the following link:


      If you did not request this verification, please ignore this email.
      If you feel something is wrong, please contact your admin team.
    subject: "[{$sitename}] Reset Your Password"
    body: |
      To reset your password for {$emailAddress} visit the following link:


      If you did not request to reset your password, please ignore this email.
      If you feel something is wrong, please contact your admin team.