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import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery';

import { addCustomValidator } from '../../helpers/customFieldValidator';

import { UserRoles } from '/imports/userroles';
import { userlistClean, addNewUser, checkUserName } from './meetingSeriesEditUsersHelpers';

let _config;    // of type: UsersEditConfig

export class UsersEditConfig {
    constructor (currentUserReadOnly, meetingSeriesID, users) {
        this.currentUserReadOnly = currentUserReadOnly;
        this.meetingSeriesID = meetingSeriesID;
        this.users = users;

Template.meetingSeriesEditUsers.onCreated(function() {
    _config = this.data;    // UsersEditConfig object

Template.meetingSeriesEditUsers.onRendered(function() {

    addCustomValidator('#edt_AddUser', (value) => {
        if (value === '') {
            return false;
        return checkUserName(value, _config);
    }, '');

    userListClean: function () {
        return userlistClean(
            Meteor.users.find({isInactive: {$not: true}}).fetch(),
    users: function () {
        return _config.users.find({}, {sort: {username: 1}});

    userRoleObj: function (userID) {
        // get user with roles from temp. user collection, not the global meteor user collection!
        return new UserRoles(userID, _config.users);

    hasViewRole: function () {
        // this is blaze context {{# with userRoleObj currentuser._id}}
        // So, this is a UserRoles object
        return this.hasViewRoleFor(_config.meetingSeriesID);

    currentRole: function () {
        // this is blaze context {{# with userRoleObj currentuser._id}}
        // So, this is a UserRoles object
        return this.currentRoleTextFor(_config.meetingSeriesID);

    isModerator: function () {
        // this is blaze context {{# with userRoleObj currentuser._id}}
        // So, this is a UserRoles object
        return this.isModeratorOf(_config.meetingSeriesID);

    // the currently logged in user shall not be able to edit herself.
    // Eg. logged in user shall not change herself Moderator => Invited
    // or currently logged in user shall not be able to delete herself from list
    userIsReadOnly: function () {
        return _config.currentUserReadOnly && (this._user._idOrg === Meteor.userId());

    // generate the "<select>" HTML with possible roles and the
    // role selected that is currently attached to the user
    rolesOptions: function () {
        // this is blaze context {{# with userRoleObj currentuser._id}}
        // So, this is a UserRoles object
        let currentRoleNum = this.currentRoleFor(_config.meetingSeriesID);
        let userName = this.getUser().username;
        let rolesHTML = '<select id="roleSelect'+userName+'" class="form-control user-role-select">';
        let rolesNames = UserRoles.allRolesNames();
        let rolesNums = UserRoles.allRolesNumerical();
        for (let i in rolesNames) {
            let roleNum = rolesNums[i];
            let roleName = rolesNames[i];
            let startTag = '<option value=\''+roleName+'\'>';
            if (roleNum === currentRoleNum) {
                startTag = '<option value="'+roleName+'" selected="selected">';
            rolesHTML += startTag+UserRoles.role2Text(roleNum)+'</option>';
        rolesHTML += '</select>';
        return rolesHTML;

    displayUsername(userObj) {
        if (userObj.profile && userObj.profile.name) {
            return userObj.profile.name + ' ('+ userObj.username+ ')';
        return userObj.username;

    'click #btnDeleteUser': function (evt) {
        _config.users.remove({_id: this._userId});

    // when role select changes, update role in temp. client-only user collection
    'change .user-role-select': function (evt) {
        let roleName = $(evt.target).val();
        let roleValue = UserRoles.USERROLES[roleName];

        let changedUser = _config.users.findOne(this._userId);
        changedUser.roles[_config.meetingSeriesID] = [roleValue];
        _config.users.update(this._userId, {$set: {roles: changedUser.roles}});

    'submit #form-add-user': function(evt, tmpl) {
        let newUserName = tmpl.find('#edt_AddUser').value;
        addNewUser(newUserName, _config);

            .typeahead('val', '')

    'keyup #edt_AddUser': function(evt, tmpl) {
        if (evt.which === 13) {     // 'ENTER' on username <input>


            return false;
        if (evt.which === 27) {     // 'ESC' on username <input>
                .typeahead('val', '')
            return false;


    // a typeahead suggestion was selected from drop-down menu
    'typeahead:select': function (evt, tmpl, selected) {
        let newUserName = selected.value.toString();
        $('.typeahead').typeahead('val', '');
        addNewUser(newUserName, _config);