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1 day
Test Coverage
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import { Minutes } from '../minutes';
import { UserRoles } from './../userroles';
import { User } from '../user';
import { MinutesSchema } from './minutes.schema';
import { TopicSchema } from './topic.schema';
import { SendAgendaMailHandler } from '../mail/SendAgendaMailHandler';
import { GlobalSettings } from '../config/GlobalSettings';

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    Meteor.publish('minutes', function minutesPublication(meetingSeriesId, minuteId) { 
        if (minuteId) { 
            return MinutesSchema.find( 
                { $and: [{visibleFor: {$in: [this.userId]}}, {_id: minuteId}]}); 
        if (meetingSeriesId) { 
            return MinutesSchema.find( 
                { $and: [{visibleFor: {$in: [this.userId]}}, {meetingSeries_id: meetingSeriesId}]}); 
        return this.ready(); 

    'minutes.sendAgenda'(id) {
        check(id, String);
        // Make sure the user is logged in before changing collections
        if (!Meteor.userId()) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');

        // Ensure user is moderator before sending the agenda
        let userRoles = new UserRoles(Meteor.userId());
        let aMin = new Minutes(id);
        if (userRoles.isModeratorOf(aMin.parentMeetingSeriesID())) {
            if (!GlobalSettings.isEMailDeliveryEnabled()) {
                console.log('Skip sending mails because email delivery is not enabled. To enable email delivery set enableMailDelivery to true in your settings.json file');
                throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot send agenda', 'Email delivery is not enabled in your 4minitz installation.');

            if (!Meteor.isClient) {
                let emails = Meteor.user().emails;
                let senderEmail = (emails && emails.length > 0)
                    ? emails[0].address
                    : GlobalSettings.getDefaultEmailSenderAddress();
                let sendAgendaMailHandler = new SendAgendaMailHandler(senderEmail, aMin);

                MinutesSchema.update({_id: aMin._id, isFinalized: false}, {$set: {agendaSentAt: new Date()}});

                return sendAgendaMailHandler.getCountRecipients();
        } else {
            throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot send agenda', 'You are not moderator of the parent meeting series.');

    'minutes.update'(doc) {
        // Make sure the user is logged in before changing collections
        if (!Meteor.userId()) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');

        let id = doc._id;
        check(id, String);
        delete doc._id; // otherwise collection.update will fail

        if (id === undefined || id === '') {

        // #Security & Consistency:
        // delete properties which should not be modified by the client
        // these properties are only allowed to be modified serverside by workflow_private methods
        delete doc.finalizedAt;
        delete doc.createdAt;
        delete doc.isFinalized;
        delete doc.finalizedVersion;
        delete doc.finalizedHistory;

        let aMin = new Minutes(id);
        if (doc.date) {
            if (!aMin.parentMeetingSeries().isMinutesDateAllowed(id, doc.date)) {

        // Ensure user can not update documents of other users
        let userRoles = new UserRoles(Meteor.userId());
        if (userRoles.isModeratorOf(aMin.parentMeetingSeriesID())) {
            // Ensure user can not update finalized minutes

            return MinutesSchema.update({_id: id, isFinalized: false}, {$set: doc});
        } else {
            throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot update minutes', 'You are not moderator of the parent meeting series.');

     * Update a single topic document identified by its id.
     * In this case the topic id identifies a single topic because we
     * can only update topics of a finalized minute the older copies of
     * the topic (with the same id) live in finalized minutes.
     * @param topicId
     * @param doc
     * @returns {*|any}
    'minutes.updateTopic'(topicId, doc) {
        check(topicId, String);
        console.log(`updateTopic: ${topicId}`);

        // Make sure the user is logged in before changing collections
        if (!Meteor.userId()) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized', 'You are not authorized to perform this action.');

        doc.updatedAt = new Date();
        doc.updatedBy = User.PROFILENAMEWITHFALLBACK(Meteor.user());

        let modifierDoc = {};
        for (let property in doc) {
            if (doc.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
                modifierDoc['topics.$.' + property] = doc[property];

        let minDoc = MinutesSchema.findOne({isFinalized: false, 'topics._id': topicId});
        let aMin = new Minutes(minDoc);

        // Ensure user can not update documents of other users
        let userRoles = new UserRoles(Meteor.userId());
        if (userRoles.isModeratorOf(aMin.parentMeetingSeriesID())) {
            // Ensure user can not update finalized minutes

            return MinutesSchema.update(
                {_id: aMin._id, isFinalized: false, 'topics._id': topicId},
                {$set: modifierDoc}
        } else {
            throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot update minutes', 'You are not moderator of the parent meeting series.');

    'minutes.addTopic'(minutesId, doc, insertPlacementTop) {
        check(minutesId, String);
        console.log(`addTopic to minute: ${minutesId}`);

        // Make sure the user is logged in before changing collections
        if (!Meteor.userId()) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized', 'You are not authorized to perform this action.');

        let aMin = new Minutes(minutesId);

        // Ensure user can not update documents of other users
        let userRoles = new UserRoles(Meteor.userId());
        if (userRoles.isModeratorOf(aMin.parentMeetingSeriesID())) {
            // Ensure user can not update finalized minutes

            let topicAlreadyExists = !!aMin.findTopic(doc._id);
            if (topicAlreadyExists) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('invalid-argument', 'Topic already exists');

            doc.createdInMinute = minutesId;
            doc.createdAt = new Date();
            doc.createdBy = User.PROFILENAMEWITHFALLBACK(Meteor.user());
            doc.updatedAt = new Date();
            doc.updatedBy = User.PROFILENAMEWITHFALLBACK(Meteor.user());

            let topicModifier = {
                topics: {
                    $each: [ doc ]

            if (insertPlacementTop)
                topicModifier.topics.$position = 0;

            return MinutesSchema.update(
                {_id: minutesId, isFinalized: false},
                {$push: topicModifier}

        } else {
            throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot update minutes', 'You are not moderator of the parent meeting series.');

    'minutes.removeTopic'(topicId) {
        check(topicId, String);
        console.log(`remove topic: ${topicId}`);

        // Make sure the user is logged in before changing collections
        if (!Meteor.userId()) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');

        let minDoc = MinutesSchema.findOne({isFinalized: false, 'topics._id': topicId});
        let aMin = new Minutes(minDoc);

        // Ensure user can not update documents of other users
        let userRoles = new UserRoles(Meteor.userId());
        if (!userRoles.isModeratorOf(aMin.parentMeetingSeriesID())) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot delete topic', 'You are not moderator of the parent meeting series.');

        // Ensure only topics created within the current minutes (=the last not-finalized one) can be deleted
        let topic = aMin.findTopic(topicId);
        if (topic.createdInMinute !== aMin._id) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot delete topic', 'The topic was not created in this minutes.');

        // Ensure user can not update finalized minutes
        return MinutesSchema.update(
            {_id: aMin._id, isFinalized: false},
            {$pull: {
                topics: { _id: topicId }

    'minutes.syncVisibilityAndParticipants'(parentSeriesID, visibleForArray) {
        check(parentSeriesID, String);
        let userRoles = new UserRoles(Meteor.userId());
        if (userRoles.isModeratorOf(parentSeriesID)) {
            Minutes.updateVisibleForAndParticipantsForAllMinutesOfMeetingSeries(parentSeriesID, visibleForArray);
            TopicSchema.update({parentId: parentSeriesID}, {$set: {visibleFor: visibleForArray}}, {multi: true});
        } else {
            throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot sync visibility of minutes', 'You are not moderator of the parent meeting series.');

    'responsiblesSearch' (partialName, participants) {
        check(partialName, String);
        let results_participants = []; // get all the participants for the minute
        let foundPartipantsNames = [];

        participants.forEach( participant =>{
            if (participant.text.toLowerCase().includes(partialName.toLowerCase())) {
                participant['isParticipant'] = true;
                let name = participant.text.split(' - ');

        let searchSettings = {username: {'$regex': partialName, '$options': 'i'}};
        let searchFields = {_id: 1, username: 1};
        if (GlobalSettings.isTrustedIntranetInstallation()){
            searchSettings = {
                $or : [
                    {username: {'$regex': partialName, '$options': 'i'}},
                    {'profile.name': {'$regex': partialName, '$options': 'i'}}
            searchFields= {_id: 1, username: 1, 'profile.name': 1};

        let results_otherUser = Meteor.users.find(
                limit: 10 + results_participants.length, //we want to show 10 "Other user"
                // as it is not known, if a user a participant or not -> get 10+participants
                fields: searchFields

        results_otherUser = results_otherUser.filter(user => { //remove duplicates
            return !(foundPartipantsNames.includes(user.username));
        results_otherUser = results_otherUser.slice(0,10); // limit to 10 records

        results_otherUser = results_otherUser.map(otherUser => {
            return Minutes.formatResponsibles(otherUser, 'username', GlobalSettings.isTrustedIntranetInstallation());
        return {
            results: results_participants.concat(results_otherUser)