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const fs = require('fs');
const EJSON = require('mongodb-extended-json');

class ExpImpUsers {
    static get FILENAME_POSTFIX() {
        return '_users.json';
    static get MAPNAME_POSTFIX() {
        return '_userMap.json';

    static searchUser(allUserDoc, searchID) {
        for (let i=0; i < allUserDoc.length; i++) {
            if (allUserDoc[i]._id === searchID) {
                return allUserDoc[i];
        throw Error('Could not find user with _id:'+searchID);

    static doExport (db, msID, userIDsFlat) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            userIDsFlat = Object.keys(userIDsFlat);
            let userIDsOuputMap = {};

                .find({ _id : { $in : userIDsFlat } })
                .then(allUsersDoc => {
                    if (allUsersDoc) {
                        // userIDsFlat may contain "free text" users that are not in DB
                        // We create a dict to look up which collected userIDs are really from DB
                        let userIDsFromDB = {};
                        allUsersDoc.map(usr => {
                            userIDsFromDB[usr._id] = 1;
                        const usrFile = msID + ExpImpUsers.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
                        fs.writeFileSync(usrFile, EJSON.stringify(allUsersDoc,null,2));
                        console.log('Saved: '+usrFile + ' with '+allUsersDoc.length+' users');

                        // Save mapping file old => new user ID
                        // But only with REAL DB users (skip free text users)
                        userIDsFlat.map(usrID => {
                            if (userIDsFromDB[usrID]) {
                                // default: newID === oldID
                                // This means, users are copied(!) from source DB to destination DB
                                // If newID is changed to an existing id from destination ID, this target user is used
                                let thisUser = ExpImpUsers.searchUser(allUsersDoc, usrID);
                                userIDsOuputMap[usrID] = {
                                    'newID': usrID,
                                    'hint': thisUser.username +' '+thisUser.profile.name
                        const mapFile = msID + ExpImpUsers.MAPNAME_POSTFIX;
                        fs.writeFileSync(mapFile, JSON.stringify(userIDsOuputMap,null,2));
                        console.log('Saved: '+mapFile);
                        console.log('       *** IMPORTANT!!! EDIT USER MAP FILE BEFORE IMPORT!!!');

                    } else {
                        return reject ('Could not find users: ', userIDsFlat);

    static preImportCheck (db, msID) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const mapFile = msID + ExpImpUsers.MAPNAME_POSTFIX;
            let usrMap = undefined;
            try {
                usrMap = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(mapFile, 'utf8'));
                if (!usrMap) {
                    return reject('Could not read user map file '+mapFile);
            } catch (e) {
                return reject('Could not read user map file '+mapFile + '\n'+e);
            let usrMapSimple = {};  // make flat map: oldID => newID
            usrMap = Object.keys(usrMap).map(key => {
                usrMapSimple[key] = usrMap[key].newID;
            usrMap = usrMapSimple;

            let usrMapCount = Object.keys(usrMap).length;
            console.log('Found '+usrMapCount+' users in '+mapFile);
            let usrMapTargetIDs = [];
            let usrCopyIDs = [];
            Object.keys(usrMap).map(key => {
                if (key !== usrMap[key]) {              // key/value different...
                    usrMapTargetIDs.push(usrMap[key]);   // map to existing user
                } else {
                    usrCopyIDs.push(key);               // copy user from export DB => import DB

            // Check#1: All "link targets" should exist
                .find({ _id : { $in : usrMapTargetIDs } })
                .then(doc => {
                    if (doc) {
                        console.log('Found '+doc.length + ' target users in current user DB.');
                        console.log('Will copy over '+usrCopyIDs.length + ' export users to current user DB.');
                        if (doc.length !== usrMapTargetIDs.length) {
                            return reject ('Not all to-be patched target users found in current user DB: '+usrMapTargetIDs);
                        // Check#2: All copy-users MUST NOT exist!
                            .find({ _id : { $in : usrCopyIDs } })
                            .then(shouldBeEmpty => {
                                if (shouldBeEmpty && shouldBeEmpty.length > 0) {
                                    let errorUsers = shouldBeEmpty.map(usr => {return {_id: usr._id, username: usr.username};});
                                    return reject (shouldBeEmpty.length+' to-be copied user(s) already exists:\n'+JSON.stringify(errorUsers));
                                } else {
                                    resolve({db, usrMap});
                    } else {
                        return reject ('Could not find users: ', usrMapTargetIDs);

    static doImport (db, msID, usrMap) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const usrFile = msID + ExpImpUsers.FILENAME_POSTFIX;
            let allUsersDoc = undefined;
            try {
                allUsersDoc = EJSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(usrFile, 'utf8'));
                if (!allUsersDoc) {
                    return reject('Could not read user file '+usrFile);
            } catch (e) {
                return reject('Could not read user file '+usrFile+'\n'+e);

            // We have some sequential DB inserts/updates from two cases now.
            // We chain them in a Promise chain.
            let promiseChain = [];
            for(let u=0; u<allUsersDoc.length; u++) {
                if (allUsersDoc[u]._id === usrMap[allUsersDoc[u]._id]) { // before/after ID are same in mapping file!
                    let roleValueForMS = allUsersDoc[u].roles[msID];     // Case#1: clone this user from source DB => target DB!
                    allUsersDoc[u].roles = {msID: roleValueForMS};       // Kill all other roles, just keep the one for this MS
                } else {
                    promiseChain.push(                 // Case#2: only update user role for existing user in target DB
                            .findOne({'_id': usrMap[allUsersDoc[u]._id]})   // find the user in target DB
                            .then(function (usr) {
                                let roleValueForMS = allUsersDoc[u].roles[msID];
                                if (roleValueForMS && roleValueForMS.length > 0) { // user needs role for import meeting series?
                                    let roles = usr.roles ? usr.roles : {};
                                    roles[msID] = roleValueForMS;
                                    return db.collection('users')                 // upsert role field
                                        .update({_id: usr._id}, {$set: {roles: roles}});

            // Now execute the chain.
                .then(function (res) {
                    if (res && res[0] && res[0].result && !res[0].result.ok) {
                        console.log('Promisechain result: ', res);
                .catch(function (err) {

module.exports = ExpImpUsers;