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import Ajv from 'ajv';
import immutable from 'dot-prop-immutable';

 * Returns a default Ajv instance
export const createAjv = () => new Ajv({
    allErrors: true,
    v5: true,
    $data: true,

 * Transforms an empty string or null to undefined
 * to allow usage of 'required' attribute in json schema.
 * Values undefined, null, or '' are equivalent in a form input.
 * @param {string} value
export const empty = (value) => (
    (value === '' || value === null) ? undefined : value

 * Formats data for Ajv validation
 * @param  {Object} data data to format
 * @returns {Object}      formatted data
export const formatData = (data) => {
    if (data instanceof Array) {
        return data.map(formatData);

    if (data === Object(data)) {
        const copy = {}; // Do not modify original object !

        // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax,guard-for-in
        for (const key in data) {
            // Usage of for-in to validate inherited properties
            // Example : File.name
            copy[key] = formatData(data[key]);

        data = copy;

    // Allow usage of Ajv's 'required' keyword
    data = empty(data);

    return data;

 * Add a property field to the error object
 * The field value can be used to find errors on the object
 * based on a normalized path
 * @param {Array} errors Array of Ajv's errors
export const formatErrors = (errors) => (errors || []).map((error) => {
    error.field = error.dataPath;

    if (error.keyword === 'required') {
        error.field = `${error.field}.${error.params.missingProperty}`;

    error.field = error.field
        .replace(/^\./, '')
        .replace(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, '.$1');

    return error;

 * Filters an array of string matching the fieldName expression
 * fieldName expression can be :
 * - the exact name of a field
 * - or a prefix if fieldName expression ends with '*'
 * @param {[string]} fields
 * @param {string} fieldName
export const filterByFieldNameWithWildcard = (fields, fieldName) => {
    let regex;
    if (/\*$/.test(fieldName)) {
        regex = new RegExp(`^${fieldName.replace(/\*$/, '')}`);

    return fields.filter((e) => {
        if (regex) {
            return regex.test(e.field);
        return e.field === fieldName;

 * Returns true if the checkbox is checked, false otherwise.
 * It checkbox is used to create array of checked values, you must
 * create your own change handler
 * @param {HTMLInputElement} target
 * @returns {boolean}
export const getInputCheckboxValue = (target) => target.checked;

 * Returns a file or an array of files if the attribute "multiple" is set.
 * @param {HTMLInputElement} target
 * @returns {string|File|File[]}
export const getInputFileValue = (target) => {
    if (target.value === '') return target.value;
    return target.multiple ? Array.from(target.files) : target.files[0];

 * Returns the input value as a number
 * @param {HTMLInputElement} target
 * @returns {string|Number}
export const getInputNumberValue = (target) => (target.value !== '' ? +target.value : '');

 * Returns a value from any type of input (text, checkbox, file...)
 * @param {Object} target - A target object from an event (ex: change)
 * @returns {Object} Typed value of target
export const getFieldValue = (target) => {
    switch (target.type) {
    case 'number':
        return getInputNumberValue(target);
    case 'checkbox':
        return getInputCheckboxValue(target);
    case 'file':
        return getInputFileValue(target);
        return target.value;

 * Copy the data object and modify the updated values coming from events
 * It uses the 'dot-prop-immutable' module to change object references of each nested object
 * which contains a property that changed.
 * @param {Object} data - The original data object
 * @param {SyntheticEvent|SyntheticEvent[]} events - A single event or an array of events
 * @returns {Object} A copy of the data object if modified or data
export const updateDataFromEvents = (data, events) => {
    if (!events) return data;
    if (!Array.isArray(events)) events = [events];

    events.forEach((event) => {
        data = immutable.set(data, event.target.name, getFieldValue(event.target));

    return data;