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# from django.db import models
# from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
# from decimal import Decimal
# from .models import *
# import json
# import requests
# from urllib.parse import urlencode
# from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
# class Printful:
#     storeObj = None
#     connection = None
#     base_url = "https://api.printful.com/"
#     auth = None
#     last_response = None
#     last_response_raw = None
#     def __init__(self, code=None, store=None):
#         if code and not store:
#             try:
#                 self.storeObj = pfStore.objects.get(code=code)
#             except pfStore.DoesNotExist:
#                 raise Exception("Provided code doesn't match any known store.")
#         elif store and not code:
#             self.storeObj = store
#         else:
#             raise Exception(
#                 "Please provide either a 'code' or a 'store' (but not both), when initializing the Printful API client.")
#         if self.storeObj.has_auth():
#             self.connection = requests.Session()
#             self.connection.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(
#                 self.storeObj.consumer_key, self.storeObj.consumer_secret)
#             self.connection.headers[
#                 'User-Agent'] = "559 Labs Printful API Wrapper (For Python3)"
#             self.connection.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
#             print("API session established.")
#         else:
#             raise pfException(
#                 "API Key not found for Printful. Check the admin dashboard.")
#     def item_count(self):
#         # Returns total available item count from the last request if it supports
#         # paging (e.g order list) or nil otherwise
#         if(self.last_response and 'paging' in self.last_response):
#             return self.last_response['paging']['total']
#         else:
#             None
#     def get(self, path, params=None):
#         # Perform a GET request to the API
#         # path - Request path (e.g. 'orders' or 'orders/123')
#         # params - Additional GET parameters as a dictionary
#         return self.__request('GET', path, params)
#     def delete(self, path, params=None):
#         # Perform a DELETE request to the API
#         # path - Request path (e.g. 'orders' or 'orders/123')
#         # params - Additional GET parameters as a dictionary
#         return self.__request('DELETE', path, params)
#     def post(self, path, data=None, params=None):
#         # Perform a POST request to the API
#         # path - Request path (e.g. 'orders' or 'orders/123')
#         # data - Request body data as a dictionary
#         # params - Additional GET parameters as a dictionary
#         return self.__request('POST', path, params, data)
#     def put(self, path, data=None, params=None):
#         # Perform a PUT request to the API
#         # path - Request path (e.g. 'orders' or 'orders/123')
#         # data - Request body data as a dictionary
#         # params - Additional GET parameters as a dictionary
#         return self.__request('PUT', path, params, data)
#     def __request(self, method, path, params=None, data=None):
#         # Internal generic request wrapper
#         self.last_response = None
#         self.last_response_raw = None
#         # Allow full URIs in requests. If only providing the route/endpoint, then
#         # pre-pend the base_url.
#         if path.startswith('http'):
#             url = path
#         else:
#             url = self.base_url + path
#         if(params):
#             url += "?" + urlencode(params)
#         if data:
#             body = json.dumps(data)
#         else:
#             body = None
#         # Make the request
#         try:
#             request = self.connection.request(
#                 method,
#                 url,
#                 # auth=self.auth,
#                 data=body,
#             )
#             self.last_response_raw = request
#         except Exception as e:
#             raise wcException('API request failed: %s' % e)
#         if (self.last_response_raw.status_code < 200 or self.last_response_raw.status_code >= 300):
#             raise pfException('Invalid API response')
#         # Now try to decode everything.
#         try:
#             data = json.loads(self.last_response_raw.content.decode('utf-8'))
#             self.last_response = data
#         except ValueError as e:
#             raise pfException('API response was not valid JSON.')
#         return data['result']
#     def __defaultvalue(self, value, default_value):
#         if value:
#             return value
#         return default_value
#     def update_geos(self):
#         # No paging on this call.
#         for c in self.get("countries"):
#             cObj, cCreated = pfCountry.objects.update_or_create(
#                 code=c['code'],
#                 defaults={'name': c['name']}
#             )
#             print("{} {} ({})".format(
#                 "Created" if cCreated else "Updated",
#                 cObj.name, cObj.code,
#             ))
#             if c['states']:
#                 for s in c['states']:
#                     sObj, sCreated = pfState.objects.update_or_create(
#                         code=s['code'],
#                         defaults={
#                             'name': s['name'],
#                             'pfcountry': cObj,
#                         }
#                     )
#                     print("{} {} ({})".format(
#                         "-- Created" if sCreated else "Updated",
#                         sObj.name, sObj.code,
#                     ))
#     def update_printfiles(self):
#         limit = 100
#         params = {'offset': 0, 'limit': limit, }
#         files = self.get('files', params=params)
#         if self.item_count() > 100:
#             for page in range(1, int(self.item_count() / limit) + 1):
#                 params['offset'] = limit * page
#                 files = files + self.get('files', params=params)
#         for f in files:
#             fileObj, created = pfPrintFile.objects.update_or_create(
#                 pfstore=self.storeObj,
#                 pid=f['id'],
#                 defaults={
#                     'type': f['type'],
#                     'hash': f['hash'],
#                     'url': f['url'],
#                     'filename': f['filename'],
#                     'mime_type': f['mime_type'],
#                     'size': self.__defaultvalue(f['size'], 0),
#                     'width': self.__defaultvalue(f['width'], 0),
#                     'height': self.__defaultvalue(f['height'], 0),
#                     'dpi': self.__defaultvalue(f['dpi'], 0),
#                     'status': self.__defaultvalue(f['status'], ""),
#                     'created': self.__defaultvalue(f['created'], ""),
#                     'thumbnail_url': self.__defaultvalue(f['thumbnail_url'], ""),
#                     'preview_url': self.__defaultvalue(f['preview_url'], ""),
#                     'visible': f['visible'],
#                 }
#             )
#             print("{} {}: {}".format(
#                 "Created" if created else "Updated",
#                 fileObj.pid,
#                 fileObj.filename,
#             ))
#         # Generic Printful exception
#     def update_catalogproducts(self):
#         products = self.get('products')
#         # If API call was successful, then let's invalidate all local products
#         pfCatalogProduct.objects.all().update(is_active=False)
#         for p in products:
#             productObj, created = pfCatalogProduct.objects.update_or_create(
#                 pid=p['id'],
#                 defaults={
#                     'type': p['type'],
#                     'brand': p['brand'],
#                     'model': p['model'],
#                     'image': p['image'],
#                     'variant_count': p['variant_count'],
#                     'is_active': True,
#                 },
#             )
#             print("{} {}: {}".format(
#                 "Created" if created else "Updated",
#                 productObj.brand,
#                 productObj.model,
#             ))
#             # Update CatalogVariants
#             variants = self.get(
#                 'products/{}'.format(productObj.pid))['variants']
#             for v in variants:
#                 pfcolor, created = pfCatalogColor.objects.update_or_create(
#                     label=v['color'],
#                     defaults={
#                         'hex_code': v['color_code'],
#                     }
#                 )
#                 pfsize, created = pfCatalogSize.objects.update_or_create(
#                     label=v['size'],
#                     defaults={}
#                 )
#                 variantObj, created = pfCatalogVariant.objects.update_or_create(
#                     pid=v['id'],
#                     pfcatalogproduct=productObj,
#                     defaults={
#                         'name': v['name'],
#                         'pfsize': pfsize,
#                         'pfcolor': pfcolor,
#                         'image': v['image'],
#                         'price': v['price'],
#                         'in_stock': v['in_stock'],
#                         'is_active': True,
#                     }
#                 )
#                 for x in p['files']:
#                     fileObj, created = pfCatalogFileType.objects.update_or_create(
#                         pid=x['id'],
#                         pfcatalogvariant=variantObj,
#                         defaults={
#                             'title': x['title'],
#                             'additional_price': x['additional_price'],
#                         }
#                     )
#                 for x in p['options']:
#                     optionObj, created = pfCatalogOptionType.objects.update_or_create(
#                         pid=x['id'],
#                         pfcatalogvariant=variantObj,
#                         defaults={
#                             'title': x['title'],
#                             'type': x['type'],
#                             'additional_price': x['additional_price'],
#                         }
#                     )
#                 print("-- {}: {}".format(
#                     "Created" if created else "Updated",
#                     variantObj.name,
#                 ))
#     def update_syncproducts(self):
#         limit = 100
#         params = {'offset': 0, 'limit': limit, }
#         data = self.get('sync/products', params=params)
#         if self.item_count() > 100:
#             for page in range(1, int(self.item_count() / limit) + 1):
#                 params['offset'] = limit * page
#                 data = data + self.get('sync/products', params=params)
#         for d in data:
#             sProductObj, created = pfSyncProduct.objects.update_or_create(
#                 pid=d['id'],
#                 pfstore=self.storeObj,
#                 defaults={
#                     'external_id': d['external_id'],
#                     'name': d['name'],
#                     'variants': d['variants'],
#                     'synced': d['synced'],
#                 }
#             )
#             print("{} {}: {}".format(
#                 "Created" if created else "Updated",
#                 sProductObj.pid,
#                 sProductObj.name,
#             ))
#             data_sub = self.get('sync/products/{}'.format(sProductObj.pid))
#             for v in data_sub['sync_variants']:
#                 try:
#                     cvariant = pfCatalogVariant.objects.get(
#                         pid=v['variant_id'])
#                 except pfCatalogVariant.DoesNotExist:
#                     cvariant = None
#                     print(
#                         "-- {} / Couldn't find Catalog Variant #{}.".format(
#                             sProductObj, v['variant_id']))
#                 obj, created = pfSyncVariant.objects.update_or_create(
#                     pfsyncproduct=sProductObj,
#                     pid=v['id'],
#                     defaults={
#                         'external_id': v['external_id'],
#                         'name': v['name'],
#                         'synced': v['synced'],
#                         'pfcatalogvariant': cvariant,
#                     }
#                 )
#                 # Link Options
#                 for linkoption in v['options']:
#                     syncvariant = obj,
#                     pid = linkoption['id'],
#                     defaults = {
#                         'value': linkoption['value'],
#                     }
#                 # Link files
#                 obj.files.clear()  # Remove all links before adding again.
#                 for linkfile in v['files']:
#                     try:
#                         printfile = pfPrintFile.objects.get(pid=linkfile['id'])
#                         obj.files.add(printfile)
#                     except pfPrintFile.DoesNotExist as e:
#                         raise pfException(
#                             "PrintFile {} not found: {}".format(linkfile['id'], e))
# class pfException(Exception):
#     # Printful exception returned from the API
#     pass
# class pfAPIException(pfException):
#     def __init__(self, message, code):
#         Exception.__init__(self, message)
#         self.code = code
#         self.message = message
#     def __str__(self):
#         return '%i - %s' % (self.code, self.message)