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2 hrs
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'use strict';
var file = require('file');
var path = require('path');
var generators = require('yeoman-generator');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var yosay = require('yosay');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var _ = require('lodash');
var jsesc = require('jsesc');
var npmWhoami = require('npm-whoami');

function jsonEscape(str) {
  return jsesc(str, {quotes: 'double'});

module.exports = generators.Base.extend({
  initializing: function() {
    this.pkg = require('../package.json');

    this.dirname = path.basename(this.destinationRoot());
    this.dirnameNoJs = path.basename(this.dirname, '.js');
    this.dirnameWithJs = this.dirnameNoJs + '.js';

  prompting: function() {
    // Have Yeoman greet the user.
      'Welcome to the ' + chalk.red('Babel Library Boilerplate') + ' generator!'

    this.username = '';
    try {
      this.username = npmWhoami.sync();
    } catch(e) {
      console.warn('Error getting npm user name: run `npm login`');

    const gitName = this.user.git.name();
    const gitEmail = this.user.git.email();
    let defaultAuthor = gitName ? gitName : '';
    if (gitEmail) {
      defaultAuthor += ` <${gitEmail}>`;

    var prompts = [{
      type: 'input',
      name: 'user',
      message: 'What is the Github username/organization for this project?',
      default: this.username,
      store: true
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'repo',
      message: 'What is the repository/project name?',
      // This default works when the directory was generated from a cloned
      // repository, or when the user intends to make a repo with the same
      // name as the directory. We assume this is the most common situation.
      default: this.dirname
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'description',
      message: 'What is a short description for this project?'
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'author',
      message: 'Who is the author of this project?',
      default: defaultAuthor,
      store: true
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'variable',
      message: 'If there is one, what is the name of this project\'s main variable?',
      // The directory name – without `.js` – is likely to be the name of the
      // main variable. For instance:
      // `hello-there.js` => `helloThere`
      // `hello-there` => `helloThere`
      default: _.camelCase(this.dirnameNoJs)

    var self = this;
    return self.prompt(prompts)
      .then(function(props) {
        self.user = jsonEscape(props.user);
        self.repo = jsonEscape(props.repo);

        // A good candidate for the module name is the directory, which we assume
        // to be derived from the repository name, stripped of any `.js` extension.
        // The extension is stripped per the "tips" section of the npm docs:
        // https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#name
        self.moduleName = jsonEscape(self.dirnameNoJs.toLowerCase());

        // The mainFile, on the other hand, must always have an extension. Once
        // again we derive this from the name of the directory.
        self.fileName = jsonEscape(self.dirnameWithJs.toLowerCase());

        self.description = jsonEscape(props.description);
        self.author = jsonEscape(props.author);
        self.variable = props.variable;

  writing: {
    app: function() {
      var src = this.sourceRoot();
      var self = this;
      file.walkSync(src, function(dirPath, dirs, files) {
        var relativeDir = path.relative(src, dirPath);
        files.forEach(function(filename) {
          var target;
          // Only copy the files that we don't want to rename. We do that after this loop.
          // The files we don't want to rename are both "index.js", and one of them is in
          // "test/unit," and the other is in "src"
          var ignoreDir = relativeDir === 'test/unit' || relativeDir === 'src';
          // Ignore the source file, which is dynamically generated, and the gitignore,
          // which we need to rename (https://github.com/babel/generator-babel-boilerplate/issues/320)
          const ignoreFile = /index.js$/.test(filename) || /gitignore$/.test(filename);
          var shouldCopy = !ignoreDir && !ignoreFile;
          if (shouldCopy) {
            target = path.join(relativeDir, filename);
            self.template(target, target);
      this.template('gitignore', '.gitignore');
      this.template('src/index.js', 'src/' + this.fileName);
      this.template('test/unit/index.js', 'test/unit/' + this.fileName);

  install: function() {
      bower: false,
      npm: true,
      skipInstall: this.options['skip-install']