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Test Coverage
  "conceptdoi": "10.5281/zenodo.596013",
  "conceptrecid": "596013",
  "created": "2017-08-04T15:18:49.866241+00:00",
  "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.839002",
  "id": 839002,
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    "conceptdoi": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.596013",
    "doi": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.839002"
  "metadata": {
    "access_right": "open",
    "access_right_category": "success",
    "communities": [
        "id": "code-rade"
        "id": "sa-einfra-commons"
    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Meraka Institute, CSIR",
        "name": "Bruce Becker",
        "orcid": "http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6607-7145"
        "affiliation": "Meraka Institute, CSIR",
        "name": "Sean",
        "orcid": "http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0548-588X"
    "description": "<p>About</p>\n\n<p>This release of the Ansible role for CVMFS in the Africa-Arabia Regional Operations Centre has been updated to fix a few minor configuration errors in the code-rade.africa-grid.org repository and add a few contributions towards the community health of the project.</p>\n\n<p>CODE-RADE is a project for Continuous Delivery of Research Applications in a Distributed Environment; this Ansible role provides the CVMFS client configuration to mount the repositories populated by the continuous integration and testing system at ci.sagrid.ac.za. With the publication of the Foundation Release 3 of the CODE-RADE project, we have changed the scope and name of the repositories, as well as the public signing key.</p>\n\n<p>Summary of main changes</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>2249079 Refactor the CODE-RADE repo config</li>\n\t<li>e7cb8af provide default config</li>\n\t<li>89199a8 Add CVMFS_HTTP_PROXY</li>\n\t<li>7c9ccb1 Add link to NA role for testing</li>\n\t<li>08bbbb6 Pull in tasks based on virtualization_role</li>\n\t<li>3369422 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/brucellino/cvmfs-client-2.2</li>\n\t<li>76b9c95 Remove fast and app repo</li>\n\t<li>eebf434 Create CONTRIBUTING.md</li>\n\t<li>ee5a357 Merge pull request #1 from brucellino/add-code-of-conduct-1</li>\n\t<li>3dac5ac Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md</li>\n\t<li>5ad0b0e Merge pull request #1 from bazinski/fixcoderade</li>\n\t<li>7e619e8 fixed server url to include the actual repo for code-rade</li>\n\t<li>699e9f0 Update for CODE-RADE repos</li>\n\t<li>60a911d Fastrepo-&gt;CODE-RADE</li>\n\t<li>04b2187 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/AAROC/cvmfs-client-2.2 into HEAD</li>\n\t<li>6634243 Fastrepo-&gt;CODE-RADE</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Citing</p>",
    "doi": "10.5281/zenodo.839002",
    "license": {
      "id": "Apache-2.0"
    "publication_date": "2017-08-04",
    "related_identifiers": [
        "identifier": "https://github.com/AAROC/cvmfs-client-2.2/tree/v1.1.2",
        "relation": "isSupplementTo",
        "scheme": "url"
        "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.596013",
        "relation": "isPartOf",
        "scheme": "doi"
    "relations": {
      "version": [
          "count": 2,
          "index": 1,
          "is_last": true,
          "last_child": {
            "pid_type": "recid",
            "pid_value": "839002"
          "parent": {
            "pid_type": "recid",
            "pid_value": "596013"
    "resource_type": {
      "subtype": "softwaredocumentation",
      "title": "Software documentation",
      "type": "publication"
    "title": "AAROC/cvmfs-client-2.2: CODE-RADE cvmfs client role v1.1.2"
  "owners": [
  "revision": 2,
  "updated": "2017-08-04T15:26:21.509054+00:00"