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Welcome to the Gendiff console utility.
This utility shows a difference between 2 configuration files.
It supports JSON (*.json) and YAML (*.yaml, *.yml) formats of config files.

You can also use this package as python module that provides function:
generate_diff(filepath_1, filepath_2, format)
It takes paths of 2 yaml or json files and format of difference output
and returns difference report in chosen format as a string.
Available formats: 'stylish' (default), 'plain', 'json', 'yaml'.

### Hexlet and CodeClimate tests and linter status:
[![Actions Status](](
[![Test Coverage](](

### System requirements:
1. Linux
2. Python 3.10+
3. Poetry

### Installation:
1. Clone the repository with command: ```git clone```
2. Choose a working directory with command ```cd python-project-50/```
3. Make installation with command ```python-project-50$ make full-install```

### Usage:
Use this command in your terminal:
```gendiff file_path_1 file_path_2 [--option]```

available options:
-h, --help : information about utility, available commands, etc.
-f --format : format of files difference output. Available formats: 'stylish' (default), 'plane', 'json', 'yaml'.

Command examples:
```gendiff file1.json file2.json```
```gendiff file2.yaml file1.yml -f stylish```
```gendiff file3.json file4.json --format plain```
```gendiff -h```

### HOW IT WORKS: i'll show you in assiinema:

### Uninstallation:
```python-project-50$ make package-uninstall```
and then remove the directory of thew project with commands:
python-project-50$ cd ..
$ rm -r  python-project-50 --force