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namespace App\Services;

use App\Countries;
use App\DTO\InvoiceItem;
use App\Enums\InvoiceStatus;
use App\Exceptions\InvalidInput;
use App\Models\Invoice;
use TCPDF;

class InvoicePdfService
    private const CELL_WIDTH_QUANTITY = 24;
    private const CELL_WIDTH_TITLE = 106;
    private const CELL_WIDTH_PRICE = 29;
    private const CELL_WIDTH_TOTAL = 34;
    private const MAX_PRODCUTS = 20;

    private TCPDF $pdf;
    private Invoice $invoice;

     * Create the service.
     * @throws InvalidInput
    public function __construct(Invoice $invoice)
        if (InvoiceStatus::New === $invoice->getStatus()) {
            throw new InvalidInput(_('Can\'t print invoice before it\'s locked.'));

        $this->invoice = $invoice;

        $this->pdf = new TCPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);

     * Get the PDF as a blob.
    public function getStream(): string
        return $this->pdf->Output('', 'S');

     * Set up document defaults, title, size and margins.
    private function setupDocument(): void
        // set document information
        $this->pdf->SetTitle('Online faktura #' . $this->invoice->getId());

        // remove default header/footer

        // set default monospaced font

        //set margins
        $this->pdf->SetMargins(8, 9, 8);

        //set auto page breaks
        $this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);

        //set image scale factor

            'a_meta_language' => 'da',
            'w_page'          => 'side',


     * Generate the header part of the document.
    private function generateHeader(): void

     * Insert date, id and references.
    private function insertInvoiceInformation(): void
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
        $this->pdf->SetMargins(8, 9, 8);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, "\n");
        $info = '<strong>' . _('Date') . ':</strong> ' . date(_('m/d/Y'), $this->invoice->getTimeStamp());
        if ($this->invoice->getIref()) {
            $info .= '       <strong>' . _('Our ref.:') . '</strong> ' . $this->invoice->getIref();
        if ($this->invoice->getEref()) {
            $info .= '       <strong>' . _('Their ref.:') . '</strong> ' . $this->invoice->getEref();

        $idText = '<strong>' . _('Online Invoice') . '</strong> ' . $this->invoice->getId();
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 26);
        $this->pdf->writeHTML($idText, false, false, false, false, 'R');

     * Add lines to seporate the document, client and company addresses.
    private function addSeporationLines(): void
        $this->pdf->Line(8, 27, 150, 27);
        $this->pdf->Line(152.5, 12, 152.5, 74.5);

     * Insert the company name in big bold letters.
    private function insertPageTitle(): void
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 37.5);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, ConfigService::getString('site_name'));

     * Insert company address, phone, email and bank account.
    private function insertCompanyContacts(): void
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
        $addressLine = ConfigService::getString('address') . "\n" . ConfigService::getString('postcode') . ' ' . ConfigService::getString('city') . "\n";
        $this->pdf->Write(0, $addressLine, '', false, 'R');
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 11);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, _('Phone:') . ' ' . ConfigService::getString('phone') . "\n", '', false, 'R');
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);

        if (!$this->invoice->getDepartment()) {
        $domain = explode('/', ConfigService::getString('base_url'));
        $domain = $domain[count($domain) - 1];
        $this->pdf->Write(0, $this->invoice->getDepartment() . "\n" . $domain . "\n\n", '', false, 'R');
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, "Danske Bank (Giro)\nReg.: 9541 Kont.: 169 3336\n", '', false, 'R');
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, "\nIBAN: DK693 000 000-1693336\nSWIFT BIC: DABADKKK\n\n", '', false, 'R');
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 11);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, 'CVR 1308 1387', '', false, 'R');

     * Insert billing and shipping addresses.
    private function insertCustomerAddresses(): void
        $countries = Countries::getOrdered();

        //Invoice address
        $address = $this->getBillingAddress($countries);
        $this->pdf->SetMargins(19, 0, 0);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, "\n");
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, $address);

        //Delivery address
        $address = $this->getShippingAddress($countries);
        if ($address) {
            $this->pdf->SetMargins(110, 0, 0);
            $this->pdf->Write(0, "\n");
            $this->pdf->SetFont('times', 'BI', 10);
            $this->pdf->Write(0, _('Delivery address:') . "\n");
            $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11);
            $this->pdf->Write(0, $address);

     * Get the billing addres.
     * @param string[] $countries
    private function getBillingAddress(array $countries): string
        $address = $this->invoice->getName();
        if ($this->invoice->getAttn()) {
            $address .= "\n" . _('Attn.:') . ' ' . $this->invoice->getAttn();
        if ($this->invoice->getAddress()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $this->invoice->getAddress();
        if ($this->invoice->getPostbox()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $this->invoice->getPostbox();
        $cityLine = $this->invoice->getCity();
        if ($this->invoice->getPostcode()) {
            $cityLine = $this->invoice->getPostcode() . ' ' . $this->invoice->getCity();
        $address .= "\n" . $cityLine;
        if ($this->invoice->getCountry() && 'DK' !== $this->invoice->getCountry()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $countries[$this->invoice->getCountry()];

        return trim($address);

     * Get the shippig addres.
     * @param string[] $countries
    private function getShippingAddress(array $countries): string
        if (!$this->invoice->hasShippingAddress()) {
            return '';

        $address = $this->invoice->getShippingName();
        if ($this->invoice->getShippingAttn()) {
            $address .= "\n" . _('Attn.:') . ' ' . $this->invoice->getShippingAttn();
        if ($this->invoice->getShippingAddress()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $this->invoice->getShippingAddress();
        if ($this->invoice->getShippingAddress2()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $this->invoice->getShippingAddress2();
        if ($this->invoice->getShippingPostbox()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $this->invoice->getShippingPostbox();
        if ($this->invoice->getShippingPostcode()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $this->invoice->getShippingPostcode() . ' ' . $this->invoice->getShippingCity();
        } elseif ($this->invoice->getShippingCity()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $this->invoice->getShippingCity();
        if ($this->invoice->getShippingCountry() && 'DK' !== $this->invoice->getShippingCountry()) {
            $address .= "\n" . $countries[$this->invoice->getShippingCountry()];

        return trim($address);

     * Add product table.
    private function addProductTable(): void
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
        $this->pdf->Cell(0, 10.5, '', 0, 1);

        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_QUANTITY, 5, _('Quantity'), 1, 0, 'L');
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TITLE, 5, _('Title'), 1, 0, 'L');
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_PRICE, 5, _('unit price'), 1, 0, 'R');
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TOTAL, 5, _('Total'), 1, 1, 'R');

        $productLines = 0;
        foreach ($this->invoice->getItems() as $item) {
            $productLines += $this->insertProductLine($item);

        $this->insertTableSpacing(self::MAX_PRODCUTS - $productLines);

     * Insert a single product line in the product table.
    private function insertProductLine(InvoiceItem $item): int
        $value = $item->value * (1 + $this->invoice->getVat());
        $lineTotal = $value * $item->quantity;

        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_QUANTITY, 6, (string)$item->quantity, 'RL', 0, 'R');
        $lines = $this->pdf->MultiCell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TITLE, 6, $item->title, 'RL', 'L', false, 0);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_PRICE, 6, number_format($value, 2, localeconv()['mon_decimal_point'], ''), 'RL', 0, 'R');
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TOTAL, 6, number_format($lineTotal, 2, localeconv()['mon_decimal_point'], ''), 'RL', 1, 'R');

        if ($lines > 1) {
            $this->insertTableSpacing($lines - 1);

        return $lines;

     * Insert empty lines at the of the table to keep it at a consistent height.
    private function insertTableSpacing(int $lines): void
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_QUANTITY, 6 * $lines, '', 'RL', 0);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TITLE, 6 * $lines, '', 'RL', 0);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_PRICE, 6 * $lines, '', 'RL', 0);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TOTAL, 6 * $lines, '', 'RL', 1);

     * Set the table footer, contaning total amount, shipping, conditions.
    private function insertTableFooter(): void
        $vatText = ($this->invoice->getVat() * 100) . _('% VAT is: ')
            . number_format($this->invoice->getNetAmount() * $this->invoice->getVat(), 2, localeconv()['mon_decimal_point'], '');
        $shippingPrice = number_format($this->invoice->getShipping(), 2, localeconv()['mon_decimal_point'], '');
        $finePrint = '<strong>' . _('Payment Terms:') . '</strong> ' . _('Initial net amount.')
            . '<small><br>'
            . _('In case of payment later than the stated deadline, 2% interest will be added per month.')
            . '</small>';

        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_QUANTITY, 6, '', 'RL', 0);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TITLE, 6, $vatText, 'RL', 0);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_PRICE, 6, _('Shipping'), 'RL', 0, 'R');
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TOTAL, 6, $shippingPrice, 'RL', 1, 'R');

        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
        $cellWidth = self::CELL_WIDTH_QUANTITY + self::CELL_WIDTH_TITLE;
        $this->pdf->MultiCell($cellWidth, 9, $finePrint, 1, 'L', false, 0, null, null, false, 8, true, false);
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 11);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_PRICE, 9, _('Total (USD)'), 1, 0, 'C');
        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 11);
        $this->pdf->Cell(self::CELL_WIDTH_TOTAL, 9, number_format($this->invoice->getAmount(), 2, localeconv()['mon_decimal_point'], ''), 1, 1, 'R');

     * Generate the footer part of the invoice.
    private function generateFooter(): void
        $note = $this->getPaymentNote();
        $note .= $this->invoice->getNote();
        $note = trim($note);

        if ($note) {
            $this->pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 10);
            $this->pdf->Write(0, "\n" . _('Note:') . "\n");
            $this->pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
            $this->pdf->Write(0, $note);

        $this->pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 12);
        $this->pdf->SetMargins(137, 0, 0);
        $this->pdf->Write(0, "\n");
        $this->pdf->Write(0, _('Sincerely,') . "\n\n\n" . $this->invoice->getClerk() . "\n" . ConfigService::getString('site_name'));

     * Generate the payment note containing date and type of payment.
    private function getPaymentNote(): string
        switch ($this->invoice->getStatus()) {
            case InvoiceStatus::Accepted:
                $note = _('Paid online');
            case InvoiceStatus::Giro:
                $note = _('Paid via giro');
            case InvoiceStatus::Cash:
                $note = _('Paid in cash');
                return '';

        if (null === $this->invoice->getTimeStampPay()) {
            return $note . "\n";

        return $note . ' d. ' . date(_('m/d/Y'), $this->invoice->getTimeStampPay()) . "\n";