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Use snake_case for variable names.

  printString = "  *   #{PoliUtils.poliLinkAddr(xrefCall)} -> #{strFunc}("

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use snake_case for variable names.

      strArg = if $gdasm.decode_dword(carg)

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use snake_case for variable names.

          strArg += ' (CLSID_InternetExplorer)'

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use snake_case for variable names.

dasm.sections.each do |secAddr, secDatas|

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use snake_case for variable names.

@strEXE = []

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use snake_case for variable names.

  @IDAscript += "idc.MakeName::0x#{cFuncAddr.to_s(16)}::#{cName}\n"

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Prefer each over for.

    for k1 in numbers

This cop looks for uses of the for keyword, or each method. The preferred alternative is set in the EnforcedStyle configuration parameter. An each call with a block on a single line is always allowed, however.

Prefer each over for.

    for pattern in patterns

This cop looks for uses of the for keyword, or each method. The preferred alternative is set in the EnforcedStyle configuration parameter. An each call with a block on a single line is always allowed, however.

Do not introduce global variables.

                return $gdasm.normalize(di.block.list[i - 1].instruction.args.first)

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2

Do not introduce global variables.

    di = $gdasm.di_at(address)

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2

Do not introduce global variables.

      if $gdasm.decode_dword(carg)

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2

Do not introduce global variables.

$gdasm = dasm

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2

Use snake_case for variable names.

@instrAntiDBG = []

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use snake_case for variable names.

      argStr = dasm.decode_strz(dest)

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use snake_case for variable names.

@fullHashSign = MachocHash.calculate_machoc_hash(dasm)

This cop makes sure that all variables use the configured style, snake_case or camelCase, for their names.

Example: EnforcedStyle: snake_case (default)

# bad
fooBar = 1

# good
foo_bar = 1

Example: EnforcedStyle: camelCase

# bad
foo_bar = 1

# good
fooBar = 1

Use each_value instead of each.

dasm.decoded.each do |_addr, di|

This cop checks for uses of each_key and each_value Hash methods.

Note: If you have an array of two-element arrays, you can put parentheses around the block arguments to indicate that you're not working with a hash, and suppress RuboCop offenses.


# bad
hash.keys.each { |k| p k }
hash.values.each { |v| p v }
hash.each { |k, _v| p k }
hash.each { |_k, v| p v }

# good
hash.each_key { |k| p k }
hash.each_value { |v| p v }

Do not introduce global variables.

        di = $gdasm.di_at(di.block.from_normal[i])

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2

Do not introduce global variables.

                 "'#{$gdasm.decode_wstrz(carg).gsub(/[\x00]/n, '')}'"

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2

Do not introduce global variables.

        strArg = format('{%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}', $gdasm.decode_dword(carg), ($gdasm.decode_dword(carg + 4) & 0xffff), ($gdasm.decode_dword(carg + 6) & 0xffff), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 8), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 9), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 10), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 11), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 12), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 13), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 14), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 15), $gdasm.decode_byte(carg + 16))

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2

Do not introduce global variables.

puts '  [*] Crawling uncovered code...' if defined?($VERBOSEOPT)

This cops looks for uses of global variables. It does not report offenses for built-in global variables. Built-in global variables are allowed by default. Additionally users can allow additional variables via the AllowedVariables option.

Note that backreferences like $1, $2, etc are not global variables.


# bad
$foo = 2
bar = $foo + 5

# good
FOO = 2
foo = 2