This file is part of Polichombr.
(c) 2016 ANSSI-FR
AnalyzeIt task implementation.
import os
import re
from subprocess import Popen
from polichombr import app
from polichombr.controllers.task import Task
from polichombr.controllers.sample import SampleController
from polichombr.controllers.idaactions import IDAActionsController
class task_analyzeitrb(Task):
This is a wrapper class for the AnalyzeIt.rb script.
sid = None
txt_report = None
sid = None
storage_file = None
tmessage = None
def __init__(self, sample=None):
super(task_analyzeitrb, self).__init__()
self.sid = sample.id
self.tmessage = "ANALYZEITRB TASK %d :: " % (self.sid)
self.txt_report = ""
self.storage_file = sample.storage_file
if "application/x-dosexec" not in sample.mime_type:
self.is_interrested = False
def execute(self):
return True
def get_addr_data(line):
Parse a line of idacmd results from analyzeit
items = line.split('::')
addr, data = None, None
if len(items) == 3:
addr = int(items[1], 16)
data = items[2].replace('\n', '')
return addr, data
def remove_blacklist_machoc(self, functions):
blacklisted = [
for func in list(functions.keys()):
if functions[func]["machoc"] in blacklisted:
return functions
def parse_machoc_signatures(self):
Returns a dict containing the functions and the hashes
# MACHOC report: we load the functions, hashes, etc.
app.logger.info("Parsing functions")
fname = self.storage_file + '.sign'
functions = {}
if not os.path.exists(fname):
return functions
with open(fname) as infile:
fdata = infile.read()
items = fdata.split(";")
for i in items:
if ":" in i:
subitems = i.split(":")
machoc_h = int(subitems[0].strip(), 16)
address = int(subitems[1].strip(), 16)
functions[address] = dict(machoc=machoc_h, name="")
functions = self.remove_blacklist_machoc(functions)
return functions
def parse_ida_cmds(self, sid, functions):
Parse and add IDA commands dumped by AnalyzeIt,
and updates the functions names if needed
idac = IDAActionsController()
funcs = dict.copy(functions)
fname = self.storage_file + '.idacmd'
act = None
if not os.path.exists(fname):
return funcs
with open(fname) as fdata:
for line in fdata:
if line.startswith('idc.MakeName'):
addr, name = self.get_addr_data(line)
# update functions list with idc.MakeName() information
funcs[addr]['name'] = name
except KeyError:
app.logger.debug("No function found for %x" % (addr))
act = idac.add_name(addr, name)
elif line.startswith('idc.MakeRptCmt'):
addr, cmt = self.get_addr_data(line)
act = idac.add_comment(addr, cmt)
app.logger.debug("Unknown IDA command %s" % (line))
with app.app_context():
SampleController.add_idaaction(sid, act)
return funcs
def apply_result(self):
with app.app_context():
samplecontrol = SampleController()
sample = SampleController.get_by_id(self.sid)
if sample is None:
app.logger.error(self.tmessage + "Sample has disappeared...")
raise IOError
app.logger.debug(self.tmessage + "APPLY_RESULT")
# TXT report
app.logger.info("Creating new analyzeit report")
sample, self.txt_report, "analyzeit", True)
functions = self.parse_machoc_signatures()
# IDA COMMANDS report:
app.logger.info("Parsing idacommands")
functions = self.parse_ida_cmds(sample.id, functions)
# Functions: just push the list
app.logger.info("Storing functions")
samplecontrol.add_multiple_functions(self.sid, functions)
# global machoc match
app.logger.info("Calculating machoc80 matches")
return True
def analyze_it(self):
Wrapper for the ruby analysis script.
Executes and get results from files.
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
args = ['ruby', 'polichombr/analysis_tools/AnalyzeIt.rb', self.storage_file]
proc = Popen(args, stdin=FNULL, stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
# TEXT report, just UTF-8 decode/parsing
fname = self.storage_file + '.txt'
if os.path.exists(fname):
data = open(fname, 'rb').read()
self.txt_report = re.sub(b'[^\x00-\x7F]', '', bytes(data)).decode('utf-8')
return True