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# HueTravis

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Sentry reporter for HueStatus

## Features
- Set your Hue light to "working" when a build is in progress.
- Set your Hue light to "alert" when a build is failing.
- Then back to "Ok" when builds are passing

### TODO

Authentication for private builds

## Installation

npm install -g huestatus huetravis

Create a .huerc file on your home directory, see [HueStatus Docs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/huestatus) for more info. Add an object like this to the modules array for each of the projects you want to monitor:

  "name": "huetravis", // Required to tell HueStatus to load this module
  "light": "Hue color lamp 2", // Which Hue light to use
  "repo": "", // Repo Slug
  "organisation": "", // Organisation/User slug
  "pollInterval": 2000

If you omit the repo, HueTravis will attempt to watch all repos in the organisation

Then run `huestatus`, each job will be loaded into HueStatus and your selected light(s) changed accordingly.