const $ = require('jquery');
const { BagItProfile } = require('../../bagit/bagit_profile');
const { BagValidationForm } = require('../forms/bag_validation_form');
const { BaseController } = require('./base_controller');
const { Constants } = require('../../core/constants');
const { Context } = require('../../core/context');
const { DartProcess } = require('../../core/dart_process');
const { fork } = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const { Job } = require('../../core/job');
const path = require('path');
const { RunningJobsController } = require('./running_jobs_controller');
const Templates = require('../common/templates');
const { Util } = require('../../core/util');
* The BagValidationController presents a page on which users can
* validate a bag against a BagIt profile.
* @param {URLSearchParams} params - The URL search params parsed
* from the URL used to reach this page. This should contain at
* least the Job Id.
* @param {string} params.id - The id of the Job being worked
* on. Job.id is a UUID string.
class BagValidationController extends RunningJobsController {
constructor(params) {
super(params, 'Jobs');
this.model = Job;
this.job = new Job();
this.form = null;
* This displays a form where users can choose a bag and
* a profile.
show() {
this.form = new BagValidationForm(this.job);
let data = {
job: this.job,
form: this.form
let html = Templates.bagValidationForm(data);
return this.containerContent(html);
validateBag() {
_startValidationJob() {
let job = this.form.obj;
let tmpFile = Util.tmpFilePath();
fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, JSON.stringify(job));
let modulePath = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'main.js');
this.childProcess = fork(
['--job', tmpFile]
this.dartProcess = new DartProcess(
Context.childProcesses[this.dartProcess.id] = this.dartProcess;
_initResultsDiv() {
$('#btnValidate').prop('disabled', true);
let processDiv = $('#dartProcessContainer');
let html = Templates.partials['dartProcess']({ item: this.dartProcess });
this.initProgressBar(this.dartProcess, 'validationInfo');
$(`#${this.dartProcess.id} div.validationInfo`).show();
_attachEvents() {
let controller = this;
this.dartProcess.process.on('message', (data) => {
controller.renderValidationInfo(data, this.dartProcess);
this.dartProcess.process.on('exit', (code, signal) => {
Context.logger.info(`Process ${this.dartProcess.process.pid} exited with code ${code}, signal ${signal}`);
delete Context.childProcesses[this.dartProcess.id];
_renderOutcome(code) {
let job = Job.find(this.job.id)
let [detailDiv, progressBar] = this.getDivs(this.dartProcess, 'outcome');
if (code == 0) {
this.markSuccess(detailDiv, progressBar, Context.y18n.__('Job completed successfully.'));
} else {
let msg = Context.y18n.__('The bag is not valid according to the selected profile.')
msg += `<br/>${job.getRunErrors().join("<br/>")}`
this.markFailed(detailDiv, progressBar, msg.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'));
// Button exists on job "Review and Run" page, not dashboard.
$('#btnValidate').prop('disabled', false);
// The child process stores a record of the job in the
// Jobs db. Delete that DB copy, so validation jobs don't
// cause too much clutter.
postRenderCallback(fnName) {
let controller = this;
let element = document.getElementById('pathToBag');
if (element && element.files && element.files[0]) {
var filename = document.getElementById('pathToBag').files[0].path
// Our form includes attr webkitdirectory on the file input.
// If user selects a directory, it will have more than one
// file. If we see that, change filename to the dirname.
// User could not have manually selected multiple files because
// we did not set the multiple attribute on the file input.
if (element.files.length > 1) {
filename = path.dirname(filename);
$('#btnValidate').prop('disabled', false);
let fileInput = $('#pathToBag');
fileInput.files = [];
fileInput.attr('accept', '.tar');
Context.y18n.__("Choose a file...")
let fileInput = $('#pathToBag');
fileInput.files = [];
fileInput.attr('webkitdirectory', true);
Context.y18n.__("Choose a directory...")
$('#btnValidate').on('click', () => { controller.validateBag() })
module.exports.BagValidationController = BagValidationController;