const { BagItProfile } = require('../../bagit/bagit_profile');
const { BaseController } = require('./base_controller');
const { Context } = require('../../core/context');
const dateFormat = require('dateformat');
const { Job } = require('../../core/job');
const Templates = require('../common/templates');
const typeMap = {
limit: 'number',
offset: 'number',
* The JobController handles processing to list all jobs
* and create new jobs. The process of defining which files
* are part of Job, how files should be packaged, and where
* the should be uploaded are handled by other controllers.
* @param {URLSearchParams} params - The URL search params parsed
* from the URL used to reach this page. This should contain at
* least the Job Id.
* @param {string} params.id - The id of the Job being worked
* on. Job.id is a UUID string.
class JobController extends BaseController {
constructor(params) {
super(params, 'Jobs');
this.typeMap = typeMap;
this.model = Job;
this.listTemplate = Templates.jobList;
this.nameProperty = 'title';
this.defaultOrderBy = 'createdAt';
this.defaultSortDirection = 'desc';
* This method creates a new Job.
new() {
let job = new Job();
this.params.set('id', job.id);
return this.redirect('JobFiles', 'show', this.params);
* Lists all Jobs in the local Jobs database.
list() {
let listParams = this.paramsToHash();
listParams.orderBy = listParams.sortBy || this.defaultOrderBy;
listParams.sortDirection = listParams.sortOrder || this.defaultSortDirection;
let jobs = Job.list(null, listParams);
let data = {
alertMessage: this.alertMessage,
items: jobs
let html = this.listTemplate(data, Templates.renderOptions);
return this.containerContent(html);
* This adds some custom display properties to each jobs hash
* so we can color-code the display.
colorCodeJobs(jobs) {
// TODO: This code has some overlap with DashboardController#formatJobOutcome.
for(let i=0; i < jobs.length; i++) {
let job = Job.inflateFrom(jobs[i]);
job.pkgDate = '-';
job.valDate = '-';
job.uploadDate = '-';
if (job.packageAttempted()) {
job.pkgColor = (job.packageSucceeded() ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger');
job.pkgDate = `${dateFormat(job.packagedAt(), 'shortDate')} ${dateFormat(job.packagedAt(), 'shortTime')}`;
if (job.validationAttempted()) {
job.valColor = (job.validationSucceeded() ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger');
job.valDate = `${dateFormat(job.validatedAt(), 'shortDate')} ${dateFormat(job.validatedAt(), 'shortTime')}`;
if (job.uploadAttempted()) {
job.uploadColor = (job.uploadSucceeded() ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger');
job.uploadDate = `${dateFormat(job.uploadedAt(), 'shortDate')} ${dateFormat(job.uploadedAt(), 'shortTime')}`;
jobs[i] = job;
module.exports.JobController = JobController;