<div class="row about">
DART is the Digital Archivist's Resource Tool for packaging
and sending data. It produces BagIt files and uploads them to any
sftp server or S3-compliant API.
<div class="row about">
<p><b>Version</b>: {{ version }}</p>
<div class="row about">
<p><b>App Location</b>: {{ appPath }}</p>
<div class="row about">
<p><b>Data Location</b>: {{ userDataPath }}</p>
<div class="row about">
<p><b>Log File</b>: {{ logFilePath }}</p>
<div class="row about">
DART is open source software produced and maintained by the
<a href="#About/openExternal?url=http://www.aptrust.org">Academic Preservation Trust</a>
on <a href="#About/openExternal?url=https://github.com/APTrust/dart">GitHub</a>.