This is a list of legacy bags produced with earlier versions of DART
and deposited into APTrust's production repo. When users create a new
version of a legacy bag, we don't want to trim path names, because DART
1.0 didn't trim them.
Rebagging a legacy bag with trimmed path names would create
all new file identifiers, which APTrust ingest would interpret
as all new files. The depositor would then have two copies of each file
in the bag and be charged double the storage cost. We want to avoid
that, especially on the very large bags in this list, which range
from hundreds of GB to over 1 TB.
DART 1.0 untrimmed file identifiers used absolute paths and
looked like this:
The new trimmed versions would look like this:
const LegacyBags = [
module.exports.LegacyBags = LegacyBags;