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 * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Arm Limited or its affiliates and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package config

import (



const (
    EnvVarSeparator    = "_"
    DotEnvFile         = ".env"
    configKeySeparator = "."
    flagKeyPrefix      = "uniqueprefixforprivateflagbindingkeys123" // Has to be lower case and hopefully unique

// Load loads the configuration from the environment (i.e. .env file, environment variables) and puts the entries into the configuration object configurationToSet.
// If not found in the environment, the values will come from the default values defined in defaultConfiguration.
// `envVarPrefix` defines a prefix that ENVIRONMENT variables will use.  E.g. if your prefix is "spf", the env registry will look for env variables that start with "SPF_".
// make sure that the tags on the fields of configurationToSet are properly set using only `[_1-9a-zA-Z]` characters.
func Load(envVarPrefix string, configurationToSet IServiceConfiguration, defaultConfiguration IServiceConfiguration) error {
    return LoadFromViper(viper.New(), envVarPrefix, configurationToSet, defaultConfiguration)

// LoadFromViper is the same as `Load` but instead of creating a new viper session, reuse the one provided.
// Important note:
// Viper's precedence order is maintained:
// 1) values set using explicit calls to `Set`
// 2) flags
// 3) environment (variables or `.env`)
// 4) key/value store
// 5) default values (set via flag default values, or calls to `SetDefault` or via `defaultConfiguration` argument provided)
// Nonetheless, when it comes to default values. It differs slightly from Viper as default values from the default Configuration (i.e. `defaultConfiguration` argument provided) will take precedence over defaults set via `SetDefault` or flags unless they are considered empty values according to `reflection.IsEmpty`.
func LoadFromViper(viperSession *viper.Viper, envVarPrefix string, configurationToSet IServiceConfiguration, defaultConfiguration IServiceConfiguration) error {
    return LoadFromEnvironment(viperSession, envVarPrefix, configurationToSet, defaultConfiguration, "")

// LoadFromEnvironment is the same as `LoadFromViper` but also gives the ability to load the configuration from a configuration file as long as the format is supported by [Viper](
// Important note:
// Viper's precedence order is maintained:
// 1) values set using explicit calls to `Set`
// 2) flags
// 3) environment (variables or `.env`)
// 4) configuration file
// 5) key/value store
// 6) default values (set via flag default values, or calls to `SetDefault` or via `defaultConfiguration` argument provided)
// Nonetheless, when it comes to default values. It differs slightly from Viper as default values from the default Configuration (i.e. `defaultConfiguration` argument provided) will take precedence over defaults set via `SetDefault` or flags unless they are considered empty values according to `reflection.IsEmpty`.
func LoadFromEnvironment(viperSession *viper.Viper, envVarPrefix string, configurationToSet IServiceConfiguration, defaultConfiguration IServiceConfiguration, configFile string) (err error) {
    // Load Defaults
    var defaults map[string]interface{}
    err = mapstructure.Decode(defaultConfiguration, &defaults)
    if err != nil {
    err = viperSession.MergeConfigMap(defaults)
    if err != nil {

    // Load .env file contents into environment, if it exists
    _ = godotenv.Load(DotEnvFile)

    // Load Environment variables
    setEnvOptions(viperSession, envVarPrefix)

    linkFlagKeysToStructureKeys(viperSession, envVarPrefix)

    if configFile != "" {
        err = LoadFromConfigurationFile(viperSession, configFile)
        if err != nil {

    // Merge together all the sources and unmarshal into struct
    err = viperSession.Unmarshal(configurationToSet)
    if err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: unable to fill configuration structure from the configuration session: %v", commonerrors.ErrMarshalling, err.Error())
    // Run validation
    err = configurationToSet.Validate()

// LoadFromConfigurationFile loads the configuration from the environment.
// If the format is not supported, an error is raised and the same happens if the file cannot be found.
// Supported formats are the same as what [viper]( supports
func LoadFromConfigurationFile(viperSession *viper.Viper, configFile string) (err error) {
    if configFile == "" {
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: missing configuration file", commonerrors.ErrUndefined)
    err = convertViperError(viperSession.ReadInConfig())

func convertViperError(vErr error) (err error) {
    switch {
    case vErr == nil:
    case commonerrors.CorrespondTo(vErr, "unsupported"):
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", commonerrors.ErrUnsupported, vErr.Error())
    case commonerrors.CorrespondTo(vErr, "not found"):
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", commonerrors.ErrNotFound, vErr.Error())
    case commonerrors.CorrespondTo(vErr, "parsing", "marshaling", "decoding"):
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", commonerrors.ErrMarshalling, vErr.Error())
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", commonerrors.ErrUnexpected, vErr.Error())

// BindFlagToEnv binds pflags to environment variable.
// Envvar is the environment variable string with or without the prefix envVarPrefix
func BindFlagToEnv(viperSession *viper.Viper, envVarPrefix string, envVar string, flag *pflag.Flag) (err error) {
    setEnvOptions(viperSession, envVarPrefix)
    shortKey, cleansedEnvVar := generateEnvVarConfigKeys(envVar, envVarPrefix)

    err = viperSession.BindPFlag(shortKey, flag)
    if err != nil {
    err = viperSession.BindEnv(shortKey, cleansedEnvVar)

func generateEnvVarConfigKeys(envVar, envVarPrefix string) (shortKey string, cleansedEnvVar string) {
    envVarLower := strings.ToLower(envVar)
    envVarPrefixLower := strings.ToLower(envVarPrefix)
    hasPrefix := strings.HasPrefix(envVarLower, envVarPrefixLower)
    var short string
    if hasPrefix {
        short = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(envVarLower, envVarPrefixLower), EnvVarSeparator)
    } else {
        short = strings.ToLower(envVar)
    shortKey = generateEnvVarConfigKey(short)
    cleansedEnvVar = cleanseEnvVar(envVarPrefix, short)

func generateEnvVarConfigKey(shortEnvVar string) (key string) {
    key = fmt.Sprintf("%v%v%v", flagKeyPrefix, configKeySeparator, strings.NewReplacer(EnvVarSeparator, configKeySeparator).Replace(shortEnvVar))

func cleanseEnvVar(envVarPrefix string, shortEnvVar string) (cleansedEnvVar string) {
    cleansedEnvVar = strings.ToUpper(strings.NewReplacer(configKeySeparator, EnvVarSeparator).Replace(fmt.Sprintf("%v%v%v", envVarPrefix, EnvVarSeparator, shortEnvVar)))

func isFlagKey(key string) bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(key, flagKeyPrefix)

func setEnvOptions(viperSession *viper.Viper, envVarPrefix string) {

    viperSession.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(configKeySeparator, EnvVarSeparator))

// linkFlagKeysToStructureKeys creates aliases for flags/environment variable keys to real structure keys.
// It was indeed noticed that viper binding/aliasing did not work well with structured/nested configurations.
// Therefore, binding between flags and structure configurations is manually handled.
func linkFlagKeysToStructureKeys(viperSession *viper.Viper, envVarPrefix string) {
    // The following is a workaround of the aliases implementation in viper which does not really work well with multi-level keys
    // Similarly BindEnv does not seem to work well with multi-level configuration structures
    keys := viperSession.AllKeys()
    for i := range keys {
        key := keys[i]
        // This is modifying the value of the structured configuration if flags have been set.
        if !isFlagKey(key) {
            flagKey, _ := generateEnvVarConfigKeys(key, envVarPrefix)
            // if the flag is set, it takes precedence over the structured configuration value.
            if viperSession.IsSet(flagKey) {
                viperSession.Set(key, viperSession.Get(flagKey))
            } else {
                value := viperSession.Get(flagKey)
                if !reflection.IsEmpty(value) {
                    viperSession.SetDefault(key, value)
                    // If the value of the structured configuration is empty, default to the default value of the flag.
                    if reflection.IsEmpty(viperSession.Get(key)) {
                        viperSession.Set(key, value)
            viperSession.RegisterAlias(flagKey, key)

func flattenDefaultsMap(m map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
    output := make(map[string]interface{})
    for key, value := range m {
        switch child := value.(type) {
        case map[string]interface{}:
            next := flattenDefaultsMap(child)
            for nextKey, nextValue := range next {
                output[strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", key, nextKey))] = nextValue
            output[strings.ToUpper(key)] = value
    return output

// DetermineConfigurationEnvironmentVariables returns all the environment variables corresponding to a configuration structure as well as all the default values currently set.
func DetermineConfigurationEnvironmentVariables(appName string, configurationToDecode IServiceConfiguration) (defaults map[string]interface{}, err error) {
    withoutPrefix := make(map[string]interface{})
    if reflection.IsEmpty(configurationToDecode) {
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: configurationToDecode isn't defined", commonerrors.ErrUndefined)

    err = mapstructure.Decode(configurationToDecode, &withoutPrefix)
    if err != nil {
    withoutPrefix = flattenDefaultsMap(withoutPrefix)
    if err != nil {

    defaults = make(map[string]interface{})
    for key, value := range withoutPrefix {
        newKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", strings.ToUpper(appName), key)
        defaults[newKey] = value