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Test Coverage
package filesystem

import (

    validation ""


// FilepathStem returns  the final path component, without its suffix.
func FilepathStem(fp string) string {
    return strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(fp), filepath.Ext(fp))

// FileTreeDepth returns the depth of a file in a tree starting from root
func FileTreeDepth(fs FS, root, filePath string) (depth int64, err error) {
    if reflection.IsEmpty(filePath) {
    rel, err := fs.ConvertToRelativePath(root, filePath)
    if err != nil {
    diff := rel[0]
    if reflection.IsEmpty(diff) {
    diff = strings.ReplaceAll(diff, string(fs.PathSeparator()), "/")
    depth = int64(len(strings.Split(diff, "/")) - 1)

// EndsWithPathSeparator states whether a path is ending with a path separator of not
func EndsWithPathSeparator(fs FS, filePath string) bool {
    return strings.HasSuffix(filePath, "/") || strings.HasSuffix(filePath, string(fs.PathSeparator()))

// NewPathValidationRule returns a validation rule to use in configuration.
// The rule checks whether a string is a valid not empty path.
// `when` describes whether the rule is enforced or not
func NewPathValidationRule(filesystem FS, when bool) validation.Rule {
    return &pathValidationRule{condition: when, filesystem: filesystem}

// NewOSPathValidationRule returns a validation rule to use in configuration.
// The rule checks whether a string is a valid path for the Operating System's filesystem.
// `when` describes whether the rule is enforced or not
func NewOSPathValidationRule(when bool) validation.Rule {
    return NewPathValidationRule(GetGlobalFileSystem(), when)

type pathValidationRule struct {
    condition  bool
    filesystem FS

func (r *pathValidationRule) Validate(value interface{}) error {
    err := validation.Required.When(r.condition).Validate(value)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("%w: path [%v] is required: %v", commonerrors.ErrUndefined, value, err.Error())
    if !r.condition {
        return nil
    pathString, err := validation.EnsureString(value)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("%w: path [%v] must be a string: %v", commonerrors.ErrInvalid, value, err.Error())
    pathString = strings.TrimSpace(pathString)
    // This check is here because it validates the path on any platform (it is a cross-platform check)
    // Indeed if the path exists, then it can only be valid.
    if r.filesystem.Exists(pathString) {
        return nil

    // Inspired from and
    if pathString == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("%w: the path [%v] is empty", commonerrors.ErrUndefined, value)
    // This check is to catch errors on Linux. It does not work as well on Windows.
    if _, err := r.filesystem.Stat(pathString); err != nil {
        switch t := err.(type) {
        case *fs.PathError:
            if t.Err == syscall.EINVAL {
                return fmt.Errorf("%w: the path [%v] has invalid characters: %v", commonerrors.ErrInvalid, value, err.Error())
            // make the linter happy
    // The following case is not caught on Windows by the check above.
    if strings.Contains(pathString, "\n") {
        return fmt.Errorf("%w: the path [%v] has carriage returns characters", commonerrors.ErrInvalid, value)

    // TODO add platform validation checks: e.g. on windows

    return nil

// NewPathExistRule returns a validation rule to use in configuration.
// The rule checks whether a string is a valid not empty path and actually exists.
// `when` describes whether the rule is enforced or not.
func NewPathExistRule(filesystem FS, when bool) validation.Rule {
    return &pathExistValidationRule{filesystem: filesystem, condition: when}

// NewOSPathExistRule returns a validation rule to use in configuration.
// The rule checks whether a string is a valid path for the Operating system's filesystem and actually exists.
// `when` describes whether the rule is enforced or not.
func NewOSPathExistRule(when bool) validation.Rule {
    return NewPathExistRule(GetGlobalFileSystem(), when)

type pathExistValidationRule struct {
    condition  bool
    filesystem FS

func (r *pathExistValidationRule) Validate(value interface{}) error {
    err := NewPathValidationRule(r.filesystem, r.condition).Validate(value)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if !r.condition {
        return nil
    path, err := validation.EnsureString(value)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("%w: path [%v] must be a string: %v", commonerrors.ErrInvalid, value, err.Error())
    if !r.filesystem.Exists(path) {
        err = fmt.Errorf("%w: path [%v] does not exist", commonerrors.ErrNotFound, path)
    return err