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 * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Arm Limited or its affiliates and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Distributed lock using lock files
package filesystem

import (

    retry ""


const LockFilePrefix = "lockfile"

// RemoteLockFile describes a distributed lock using only the file system.
// The locking mechanism is performed using directories and the atomic function `mkdir`.
// A major issue of distributed locks is the presence of stale locks due to many factors such as the loss of the holder of a lock for various reasons.
// To mitigate this problem, a "heart bit" file is modified regularly by the lock holder in order to specify the holder is still alive and the lock still valid.
type RemoteLockFile struct {
    id                   string
    prefix               string
    path                 string
    timeBetweenLockTries time.Duration
    fs                   *VFS
    lockHeartBeatPeriod  time.Duration
    cancelStore          *parallelisation.CancelFunctionStore
    overrideStaleLock    bool

// NewGenericRemoteLockFile creates a new remote lock using the file system.
func NewGenericRemoteLockFile(fs *VFS, lockID string, dirPath string, overrideStaleLock bool) ILock {
    return &RemoteLockFile{
        id:                   lockID,
        prefix:               LockFilePrefix,
        path:                 dirPath,
        timeBetweenLockTries: 10 * time.Millisecond,
        fs:                   fs,
        lockHeartBeatPeriod:  50 * time.Millisecond,
        cancelStore:          parallelisation.NewCancelFunctionsStore(),
        overrideStaleLock:    overrideStaleLock,

// NewRemoteLockFile creates a new remote lock using the file system.
// lockID Id for the lock.
// dirPath path where the lock should be applied to.
func NewRemoteLockFile(fs *VFS, lockID string, dirPath string) ILock {
    return NewGenericRemoteLockFile(fs, lockID, dirPath, false)

func heartBeat(ctx context.Context, fs FS, period time.Duration, filepath string) {
    for {
        if err := parallelisation.DetermineContextError(ctx); err != nil {
        now := time.Now()
        _ = fs.WriteFile(filepath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("alive @ %v", now)), 0775)
        // FIXME: this is to overcome the problem found with different filesystems which do not update modTime on file change.
        // e.g.
        _ = fs.Chtimes(filepath, now, now)
        // sleeping until next heart beat
        parallelisation.SleepWithContext(ctx, period-time.Millisecond)
func (l *RemoteLockFile) lockPath() string {
    return filepath.Join(l.path, fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", strings.TrimSpace(l.prefix), strings.TrimSpace(

// IsStale checks whether the lock is stale (i.e. no heart beat detected) or not.
func (l *RemoteLockFile) IsStale() bool {
    lockPath := l.lockPath()
    heartBeatFiles, err := l.fs.Ls(lockPath)
    if err != nil {
        return false
    if len(heartBeatFiles) == 0 {
        // if directory exists but no files are present, then it could be that the directory has been created
        // but that the heart beat file hasn't yet. Therefore we check the age of the directory and deduce whether
        // it is stale or not.
        dirInfo, err := l.fs.StatTimes(lockPath)
        if err != nil {
            return false
        return isStale(dirInfo, l.lockHeartBeatPeriod)
    return areHeartBeatFilesAllStale(l.fs, lockPath, heartBeatFiles, l.lockHeartBeatPeriod)

func areHeartBeatFilesAllStale(fs *VFS, lockPath string, heartBeatFiles []string, lockHeartBeatPeriod time.Duration) bool {
    staleFiles := []bool{}
    for i := range heartBeatFiles {
        heartBeat := filepath.Join(lockPath, heartBeatFiles[i]) // there should only be one file in the directory
        // check the time since the heart beat was last modified.
        // if this is less than that beat period then the lock is alive
        info, err := fs.StatTimes(heartBeat)
        isStaleB := false
        if err == nil {
            isStaleB = isStale(info, lockHeartBeatPeriod)
        staleFiles = append(staleFiles, isStaleB)
    return collection.All(staleFiles)

func isStale(filetime FileTimeInfo, beatPeriod time.Duration) bool {
    if filetime == nil {
        return false
    return time.Since(filetime.ModTime()).Milliseconds() > 2*beatPeriod.Milliseconds()

func (l *RemoteLockFile) ReleaseIfStale(ctx context.Context) error {
    if l.IsStale() {
        return l.Unlock(ctx)
    return nil

// TryLock attempts to lock the lock straight away.
func (l *RemoteLockFile) TryLock(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
    if err := parallelisation.DetermineContextError(ctx); err != nil {
        return err

    lockPath := l.lockPath()
    // create directory as lock
    err = l.fs.vfs.Mkdir(lockPath, 0755)
    if commonerrors.Any(ConvertFileSystemError(err), commonerrors.ErrExists) {
        if l.IsStale() {
            if l.overrideStaleLock {
                _ = l.ReleaseIfStale(ctx)
                err = l.TryLock(ctx)
                return err
            return commonerrors.ErrStaleLock
        return commonerrors.ErrLocked
    if err != nil {

    // FIXME: the following is to overcome the problem found with different filesystems which do not update modTime on directory creation.
    // e.g.
    now := time.Now()
    _ = l.fs.Chtimes(lockPath, now, now)
    // create a heart beat file that will be updated whilst the lock is active
    // there will be a context for cancelling update status when unlock is called
    // the status file will update the file (modtime) until told to cancel through ctx
    heartBeatFilePath := l.heartBeatFile(lockPath)
    subctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    go heartBeat(subctx, l.fs, l.lockHeartBeatPeriod, heartBeatFilePath)
    return nil

func (l *RemoteLockFile) heartBeatFile(lockPath string) string {
    return filepath.Join(lockPath, fmt.Sprintf("%v.lock",

// Lock locks the lock. This call will block until the lock is available.
func (l *RemoteLockFile) Lock(ctx context.Context) error {
    for {
        if err := parallelisation.DetermineContextError(ctx); err != nil {
            return err
        if err := l.TryLock(ctx); err != nil {
            if err == commonerrors.ErrLocked {
                waitCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, l.timeBetweenLockTries)
            } else {
                return err
        } else {
            return nil

// LockWithTimeout tries to lock the lock until the timeout expires
func (l *RemoteLockFile) LockWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration) error {
    if err := parallelisation.DetermineContextError(ctx); err != nil {
        return err
    return parallelisation.RunActionWithTimeoutAndCancelStore(ctx, timeout, l.cancelStore, l.Lock)

// Unlock unlocks the lock
func (l *RemoteLockFile) Unlock(ctx context.Context) error {
    return retry.Do(
        func() error {
            err := l.fs.Rm(l.lockPath())
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("cannot unlock lock [%v]: %w",, err)
            if l.fs.Exists(l.lockPath()) {
                return fmt.Errorf("cannot unlock lock [%v]: %w",, commonerrors.ErrLocked)
            return nil

// MakeStale is mostly useful for testing purposes and tries to mock locks going stale.
func (l *RemoteLockFile) MakeStale(ctx context.Context) error {
    parallelisation.SleepWithContext(ctx, l.lockHeartBeatPeriod+time.Millisecond)
    lockPath := l.lockPath()
    filePath := l.heartBeatFile(lockPath)
    newTime := time.Now().Add(-1 * (l.lockHeartBeatPeriod + time.Millisecond))
    return retry.Do(
        func() error {
            if !l.fs.Exists(lockPath) {
                return nil
            if l.fs.Exists(filePath) {
                _ = l.fs.Chtimes(filePath, newTime, newTime)
            } else {
                _ = l.fs.Chtimes(lockPath, newTime, newTime)
            if !l.IsStale() {
                return fmt.Errorf("cannot make lock [%v] stale",
            return nil