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 * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Arm Limited or its affiliates and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package http

import (



// RetryableClient is an http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration.
type RetryableClient struct {
    client *retryablehttp.Client

// NewRetryableClient creates a new http client which will retry failed requests with exponential backoff.
// It is based on `retryablehttp` default client
func NewRetryableClient() IRetryableClient {
    return &RetryableClient{client: retryablehttp.NewClient()}

// NewRetryableOauthClient creates a new http client with an authorisation token which will retry failed requests with exponential backoff.
func NewRetryableOauthClient(token string) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClient(DefaultRobustHTTPClientConfigurationWithExponentialBackOff(), token)

// NewRetryableOauthClientWithToken creates a new http client with an authorisation token which will retry failed requests with exponential backoff. It takes a full oauth2.Token to give more configuration for the token
func NewRetryableOauthClientWithToken(t *oauth2.Token) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithToken(DefaultRobustHTTPClientConfigurationWithExponentialBackOff(), t)

// NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithToken creates a new http client with an authorisation token which will retry based on the configuration.
// It takes a full oauth2.Token to give more configuration for the token
func NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithToken(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, t *oauth2.Token) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithTokenAndLogger(cfg, logr.Logger{}, t)

// NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithToken creates a new http client with an authorisation token which will retry based on the configuration.
// It takes a logger to allow for debugging. It takes a full oauth2.Token to give more configuration for the token
func NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithTokenAndLogger(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, logger logr.Logger, t *oauth2.Token) IRetryableClient {
    tc := oauth2.NewClient(context.Background(), oauth2.StaticTokenSource(t))
    return NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLoggerFromClient(cfg, logger, tc)

// NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClient creates a new http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration (e.g. no retry, basic retry policy, exponential backoff) with the authorisation header set to token
func NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClient(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, token string) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithLogger(cfg, logr.Logger{}, token)

// NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithLogger creates a new http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration (e.g. no retry, basic retry policy, exponential backoff) with the authorisation header set to token
// It is also possible to supply a logger for debug purposes
func NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithLogger(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, logger logr.Logger, token string) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithLoggerAndCustomClient(cfg, nil, logger, token)

// NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithLogger creates a new http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration (e.g. no retry, basic retry policy, exponential backoff) with the authorisation header set to token
// The underlying client used by the oauth client can be optionally supplied via client
// It is also possible to supply a logger for debug purposes
func NewConfigurableRetryableOauthClientWithLoggerAndCustomClient(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, client *http.Client, logger logr.Logger, token string) IRetryableClient {
    ts := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
        &oauth2.Token{AccessToken: token},

    if client == nil {
        client = cleanhttp.DefaultPooledClient()

    oauthClientCtx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), oauth2.HTTPClient, client)
    tc := oauth2.NewClient(oauthClientCtx, ts)

    return NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLoggerFromClient(cfg, logger, tc)

// NewConfigurableRetryableClient creates a new http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration (e.g. no retry, basic retry policy, exponential backoff).
func NewConfigurableRetryableClient(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLogger(cfg, logr.Logger{})

// NewConfigurableRetryableClientFromClient creates a new http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration (e.g. no retry, basic retry policy, exponential backoff).
// It also takes a custom client if you need an authenticated client
func NewConfigurableRetryableClientFromClient(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, client *http.Client) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLoggerFromClient(cfg, logr.Logger{}, client)

// NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLogger creates a new http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration (e.g. no retry, basic retry policy, exponential backoff).
// It is also possible to supply a logger for debug purposes
func NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLogger(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, logger logr.Logger) IRetryableClient {
    return NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLoggerFromClient(cfg, logger, cleanhttp.DefaultPooledClient())

// NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLoggerFromClient creates a new http client which will retry failed requests according to the retry configuration (e.g. no retry, basic retry policy, exponential backoff).
// It is also possible to supply a logger for debug purposes as well as a custom client if you need an authenticated client
func NewConfigurableRetryableClientWithLoggerFromClient(cfg *HTTPClientConfiguration, logger logr.Logger, client *http.Client) IRetryableClient {
    subClient := &retryablehttp.Client{
        HTTPClient:      client,
        Logger:          newLogger(logger),
        RetryWaitMin:    cfg.RetryPolicy.RetryWaitMin,
        RetryWaitMax:    cfg.RetryPolicy.RetryWaitMax,
        RetryMax:        cfg.RetryPolicy.RetryMax,
        RequestLogHook:  nil,
        ResponseLogHook: nil,
        CheckRetry:      retryablehttp.DefaultRetryPolicy,
        Backoff:         BackOffPolicyFactory(&cfg.RetryPolicy).Apply,
        ErrorHandler:    nil,
    if t, ok := subClient.HTTPClient.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
        setTransportConfiguration(cfg, t)
    return &RetryableClient{client: subClient}

func (c *RetryableClient) Head(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
    return c.client.Head(url)

func (c *RetryableClient) Options(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
    return c.doRetriableRequest(http.MethodOptions, url, nil)

func (c *RetryableClient) Post(url, contentType string, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
    return c.client.Post(url, contentType, body)

func (c *RetryableClient) PostForm(url string, data url.Values) (*http.Response, error) {
    return c.client.PostForm(url, data)

func (c *RetryableClient) StandardClient() *http.Client {
    return c.client.StandardClient()

func (c *RetryableClient) UnderlyingClient() *retryablehttp.Client {
    return c.client

func (c *RetryableClient) Get(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
    return c.client.Get(url)

func (c *RetryableClient) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
    r, err := retryablehttp.FromRequest(req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return c.client.Do(r)

func (c *RetryableClient) Delete(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
    return c.doRetriableRequest(http.MethodDelete, url, nil)

func (c *RetryableClient) Put(url string, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
    return c.doRetriableRequest(http.MethodPut, url, body)

func (c *RetryableClient) Close() error {
    return nil

func (c *RetryableClient) doRetriableRequest(method, url string, body interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
    bodyReader, err := determineBodyReader(body)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    req, err := retryablehttp.NewRequest(method, url, bodyReader)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return c.client.Do(req)

type leveledLogger struct {
    logger logr.Logger

func (l *leveledLogger) Error(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
    l.logger.Error(commonerrors.ErrUnexpected, msg, keysAndValues...)

func (l *leveledLogger) Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
    l.logger.Info(msg, keysAndValues...)

func (l *leveledLogger) Debug(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
    l.logger.V(1).Info(msg, keysAndValues...)

func (l *leveledLogger) Warn(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
    l.logger.V(0).Info(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: %v", msg), keysAndValues...)

func newLogger(logger logr.Logger) retryablehttp.LeveledLogger {
    if logger.IsZero() {
        return nil
    return &leveledLogger{
        logger: logger,