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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Arm Limited or its affiliates and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package platform

import (

    validation ""


var (
    errNotSupportedByWindows = errors.New("not supported by windows")
    windowsVariableExpansionRegexStr = `%(?P<variable>[^:=]*)(:(?P<StrToFind>.*)=(?P<NewString>.*))?%`
    // UnixVariableNameRegexString defines the schema for variable names on Unix.
    // See and
    UnixVariableNameRegexString = "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$"
    // WindowsVariableNameRegexString defines the schema for variable names on Windows.
    // See
    WindowsVariableNameRegexString = "^[A-Za-z#$'()*+,.?@\\[\\]_`{}~][A-Za-z0-9#$'()*+,.?@\\[\\]_`{}~\\s]*$"
    errVariableNameInvalid         = validation.NewError("validation_is_variable_name", "must be a valid variable name")
    // IsWindowsVariableName defines a validation rule for variable names on Windows for use with
    IsWindowsVariableName = validation.NewStringRuleWithError(isWindowsVarName, errVariableNameInvalid)
    // IsUnixVariableName defines a validation rule for variable names on Unix for use with
    IsUnixVariableName = validation.NewStringRuleWithError(isUnixVarName, errVariableNameInvalid)
    // IsVariableName defines a validation rule for variable names for use with
    IsVariableName = validation.NewStringRuleWithError(isVarName, errVariableNameInvalid)

func isWindowsVarName(value string) bool {
    if validation.Required.Validate(value) != nil {
        return false
    regex := regexp.MustCompile(WindowsVariableNameRegexString)
    return regex.MatchString(value)

func isUnixVarName(value string) bool {
    if validation.Required.Validate(value) != nil {
        return false
    regex := regexp.MustCompile(UnixVariableNameRegexString)
    return regex.MatchString(value)

func isVarName(value string) bool {
    if IsWindows() {
        return isWindowsVarName(value)
    return isUnixVarName(value)

// ConvertError converts a platform error into a commonerrors
func ConvertError(err error) error {
    switch {
    case err == nil:
        return err
    case commonerrors.Any(err, commonerrors.ErrNotImplemented, commonerrors.ErrUnsupported):
        return err
    case IsWindows() && commonerrors.Any(err, errNotSupportedByWindows):
        return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", commonerrors.ErrUnsupported, err.Error())
    case commonerrors.CorrespondTo(err, "not supported"):
        return fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", commonerrors.ErrUnsupported, err.Error())
        return err
        // TODO extend with more platform specific errors

// IsWindows checks whether we are running on Windows or not.
func IsWindows() bool {
    return runtime.GOOS == "windows"

// LineSeparator returns the line separator.
func LineSeparator() string {
    if IsWindows() {
        return "\r\n"
    return UnixLineSeparator()

// UnixLineSeparator returns the line separator on Unix platform.
func UnixLineSeparator() string {
    return "\n"

// Hostname returns the hostname.
func Hostname() (string, error) {
    return os.Hostname()

// UpTime returns system uptime.
func UpTime() (uptime time.Duration, err error) {
    _uptime, err := host.Uptime()
    if err != nil {
    uptime = time.Duration(_uptime) * time.Second

// BootTime returns system uptime.
func BootTime() (bootime time.Time, err error) {
    _bootime, err := host.BootTime()
    if err != nil {
    bootime = time.Unix(int64(_bootime), 0)


// NodeName returns the system node name (equivalent to uname -n).
func NodeName() (nodename string, err error) {
    info, err := host.Info()
    if err != nil {
    nodename = fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v)", info.Hostname, info.HostID)

// PlatformInformation returns the platform information (equivalent to uname -s).
func PlatformInformation() (information string, err error) {
    platform, family, version, err := host.PlatformInformation()
    if err != nil {
    information = fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v/%v)", platform, family, version)

// SystemInformation returns the system information (equivalent to uname -a)
func SystemInformation() (information string, err error) {
    hostname, err := Hostname()
    if err != nil {
    nodename, err := NodeName()
    if err != nil {
    platform, err := PlatformInformation()
    if err != nil {
    uptime, err := UpTime()
    if err != nil {
    bootime, err := BootTime()
    if err != nil {
    information = fmt.Sprintf("Host: %v, Node: %v, Platform: %v, Up time: %v, Boot time: %v", hostname, nodename, platform, uptime, bootime)

func Uname() (string, error) {
    return SystemInformation()

type RAM interface {
    // GetTotal returns total amount of RAM on this system
    GetTotal() uint64
    // GetAvailable returns RAM available for programs to allocate
    GetAvailable() uint64
    // GetUsed returns RAM used by programs
    GetUsed() uint64
    // GetUsedPercent returns Percentage of RAM used by programs
    GetUsedPercent() float64
    // GetFree returns kernel's notion of free memory
    GetFree() uint64

type VirtualMemory struct {
    Total       uint64
    Available   uint64
    Used        uint64
    UsedPercent float64
    Free        uint64

func (m *VirtualMemory) GetTotal() uint64        { return m.Total }
func (m *VirtualMemory) GetAvailable() uint64    { return m.Available }
func (m *VirtualMemory) GetUsed() uint64         { return m.Used }
func (m *VirtualMemory) GetUsedPercent() float64 { return m.UsedPercent }
func (m *VirtualMemory) GetFree() uint64         { return m.Free }

func GetRAM() (ram RAM, err error) {
    vm, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
    if err != nil {
    ram = &VirtualMemory{
        Total:       vm.Total,
        Available:   vm.Available,
        Used:        vm.Used,
        UsedPercent: vm.UsedPercent,
        Free:        vm.Free,

// SubstituteParameter performs parameter substitution on all platforms.
// - the first element is the parameter to substitute
// - if find and replace is also wanted, pass the pattern and the replacement as following arguments in that order.
func SubstituteParameter(parameter ...string) string {
    if IsWindows() {
        return SubstituteParameterWindows(parameter...)
    return SubstituteParameterUnix(parameter...)

// SubstituteParameterUnix performs Unix parameter substitution:
// See
// - the first element is the parameter to substitute
// - if find and replace is also wanted, pass the pattern and the replacement as following arguments in that order.
func SubstituteParameterUnix(parameter ...string) string {
    if len(parameter) < 1 || !isUnixVarName(parameter[0]) {
        return "${}"
    if len(parameter) < 3 || parameter[1] == "" {
        return fmt.Sprintf("${%v}", parameter[0])
    return fmt.Sprintf("${%v//%v/%v}", parameter[0], parameter[1], parameter[2])

// SubstituteParameterWindows performs Windows parameter substitution:
// See
// - the first element is the parameter to substitute
// - if find and replace is also wanted, pass the pattern and the replacement as following arguments in that order.
func SubstituteParameterWindows(parameter ...string) string {
    if len(parameter) < 1 || !isWindowsVarName(parameter[0]) {
        return "%%"
    if len(parameter) < 3 || parameter[1] == "" {
        return "%" + parameter[0] + "%"
    return "%" + fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v=%v", parameter[0], parameter[1], parameter[2]) + "%"

// ExpandParameter expands a variable expressed in a string `s` with its value returned by the mapping function.
// If the mapping function returns a string with variables, it will expand them too if recursive is set to true.
func ExpandParameter(s string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool), recursive bool) string {
    if IsWindows() {
        return ExpandWindowsParameter(s, mappingFunc, recursive)
    return ExpandUnixParameter(s, mappingFunc, recursive)

func newMappingFunc(recursive bool, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool), expansionFunc func(s string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool)) string) func(string) (string, bool) {
    if recursive {
        return recursiveMapping(mappingFunc, expansionFunc)
    return mappingFunc

func recursiveMapping(mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool), expansionFunc func(s string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool)) string) func(string) (string, bool) {
    newMappingFunc := func(entry string) (string, bool) {
        mappedEntry, found := mappingFunc(entry)
        if !found {
            return mappedEntry, found
        newExpanded := expansionFunc(mappedEntry, mappingFunc)
        if mappedEntry == newExpanded {
            return newExpanded, true
        return expansionFunc(newExpanded, mappingFunc), true
    return newMappingFunc

// ExpandUnixParameter expands a ${param} or $param in `s` based on the mapping function
// See
// os.Expand is used under the bonnet and so, only basic parameter substitution is performed.
// TODO if os.Expand is not good enough, consider using other libraries such as or
func ExpandUnixParameter(s string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool), recursive bool) string {
    mapping := newMappingFunc(recursive, mappingFunc, expandUnixParameter)
    return expandUnixParameter(s, mapping)

func expandUnixParameter(s string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool)) string {
    return os.Expand(s, func(variable string) string {
        mapped, _ := mappingFunc(variable)
        return mapped

// ExpandWindowsParameter expands a %param% in `s` based on the mapping function
// See
// WARNING: currently the function only works with one parameter substitution in `s`.
func ExpandWindowsParameter(s string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool), recursive bool) string {
    mapping := newMappingFunc(recursive, mappingFunc, expandWindowsParameter)
    return expandWindowsParameter(s, mapping)

func expandWindowsParameter(s string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool)) string {
    variableRegex := regexp.MustCompile(windowsVariableExpansionRegexStr)
    if !variableRegex.MatchString(s) {
        return s
    allMatches := variableRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1)
    expandedString := s
    for i := range allMatches {
        old, newStr := expandedVariableWithEdit(allMatches[i], mappingFunc)
        expandedString = strings.ReplaceAll(expandedString, old, newStr)
    return expandedString

func expandedVariableWithoutEdit(match []string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool)) (string, string, bool) {
    if len(match) < 1 {
        return "", "", false
    if len(match) < 2 {
        return match[0], "", false
    variable := match[1]
    if len(strings.TrimSpace(variable)) == 0 {
        return match[0], match[0], false
    expandedVariable, found := mappingFunc(variable)
    if found {
        return match[0], expandedVariable, true
    return match[0], match[0], false
func expandedVariableWithEdit(match []string, mappingFunc func(string) (string, bool)) (string, string) {
    if len(match) != 5 {
        s, expandedVariable, _ := expandedVariableWithoutEdit(match, mappingFunc)
        return s, expandedVariable
    strToFind := match[3]
    newString := match[4]
    s, expandedVariable, expanded := expandedVariableWithoutEdit(match, mappingFunc)
    if !expanded {
        return s, expandedVariable
    return s, strings.ReplaceAll(expandedVariable, strToFind, newString)

// ExpandFromEnvironment expands a string containing variables with values from the environment.
// On unix, it is equivalent to os.ExpandEnv but differs on Windows due to the following issues:
// -
// -
// -
func ExpandFromEnvironment(s string, recursive bool) string {
    if IsWindows() {
        expanded := expandFromEnvironment(s)
        if recursive {
            newExpanded := expandFromEnvironment(expanded)
            if expanded == newExpanded {
                return expanded
            return ExpandFromEnvironment(newExpanded, recursive)
        return expanded
    return ExpandUnixParameter(s, os.LookupEnv, recursive)