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# Copyright (C) 2020 Arm Mbed. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Resolve targets for `CandidateDevice`.

Resolving a target involves looking up an `MbedTarget` from the `mbed-targets` API, using data found in the "htm file"
located on an "Mbed Enabled" device's USB MSD.

For more information on the mbed-targets package visit
import itertools
import logging
import pathlib

from typing import Iterable, List, Optional

from mbed_targets import Board, get_board_by_product_code, get_board_by_online_id
from mbed_targets.exceptions import UnknownBoard

from mbed_devices._internal.htm_file import OnlineId, read_online_id, read_product_code
from mbed_devices._internal.candidate_device import CandidateDevice
from mbed_devices._internal.exceptions import NoBoardForCandidate

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def resolve_board(candidate: CandidateDevice) -> Board:
    """Resolves board for a given CandidateDevice.

    This function interrogates CandidateDevice, attempting to establish the best method to resolve a Board,
    the rules are as follows:

    1. Use product code retrieved from one of HTM files in the mass storage if available.
    2. Use online id retrieved from one of the HTM files in the mass storage if available.
    3. Fallback to product code retrieved from serial number.

    The specification of HTM files is that they redirect to board's product page on
    Information about Mbed Enabled requirements:
    all_files_contents = _get_all_htm_files_contents(candidate.mount_points)

    product_code = _extract_product_code(all_files_contents)
    if product_code:
            return get_board_by_product_code(product_code)
        except UnknownBoard:
            logger.error(f"Could not identify a board with the product code: '{product_code}'.")
            raise NoBoardForCandidate

    online_id = _extract_online_id(all_files_contents)
    if online_id:
        slug = online_id.slug
        target_type = online_id.target_type
            return get_board_by_online_id(slug=slug, target_type=target_type)
        except UnknownBoard:
            logger.error(f"Could not identify a board with the slug: '{slug}' and target type: '{target_type}'.")
            raise NoBoardForCandidate

    # Product code might be the first 4 characters of the serial number
        product_code = candidate.serial_number[:4]
        return get_board_by_product_code(product_code)
    except UnknownBoard:
        # Most devices have a serial number so this may not be a problem
            f"The device with the Serial Number: '{candidate.serial_number}' (Product Code: '{product_code}') "
            f"does not appear to be an Mbed development board."
        raise NoBoardForCandidate

def _extract_product_code(all_files_contents: Iterable[str]) -> Optional[str]:
    """Return first product code found in files contents, None if not found."""
    for contents in all_files_contents:
        product_code = read_product_code(contents)
        if product_code:
            return product_code
    return None

def _extract_online_id(all_files_contents: Iterable[str]) -> Optional[OnlineId]:
    """Return first online id found in files contents, None if not found."""
    for contents in all_files_contents:
        online_id = read_online_id(contents)
        if online_id:
            return online_id
    return None

def _get_all_htm_files_contents(directories: Iterable[pathlib.Path]) -> List[str]:
    """Yields all htm files contents found in the list of given directories."""
    files_in_each_directory = (directory.iterdir() for directory in directories)
    all_files = itertools.chain.from_iterable(files_in_each_directory)
    return _read_htm_file_contents(all_files)

def _read_htm_file_contents(all_files: Iterable[pathlib.Path]) -> List[str]:
    htm_files_contents = []
    for file in all_files:
        if _is_htm_file(file):
            except OSError:
                logger.warning(f"The file '{file}' could not be read from the device, target may not be identified.")
    return htm_files_contents

def _is_htm_file(file: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
    """Checks whether the file looks like an Mbed HTM file."""
    extensions = [".htm", ".HTM"]
    return file.suffix in extensions and not".")