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Test Coverage
# 4.0.3 - Fix Some Bugs

  * Fix minor documentation issues
  * Build against the system Ruby for Yosemite

# 4.0.2 - Dash Docs 2

  * Allow output directory and cache for Dash to use

# 4.0.1 - Dash Docs

  * Use the default markdown provider when generating documentation

# 4.0.0 - Scaling Yosemite

  * Finish removing MacRuby support
  * Cleanup coding style and doocumentation, and also enable stricter warnings
  * Begin signing the gem
  * Begin distributing pre-compiled versions of the gem
  * Yosemite compatability

# 3.0.0 - The death of MacRuby

  * Remove MacRuby support (sort of)

# 2.0.1 - Sea Lion compatability

  * Do not redefine constants Apple has exposed on Sea Lion (@tbartelmess)

# 2.0.0 - Gestures

  * Add `Mouse.smart_magnify` to simulate two finger double taps
  * Add `Mouse.two_finger_double_tap` as alias of `Mouse.smart_magnify`
  * Add `Mouse.pinch` to simulate pinch-to-zoom and pinch-to-expand
  * Add `Mouse.rotate` to simulate rotation gestures
  * Add `Mouse.swipe` to simulate a swipe gesture
  * Add `Mouse.horizontal_scroll` to scroll horizontally
  * Add `Mouse.hscroll` as alias of `Mouse.horizontal_scroll`

# 1.1.0 - A bit more granularity

  * Add `Mouse.secondary_click_down` and alias `Mouse.right_click_down`
  * Add `Mouse.secondary_click_up` and alias `Mouse.right_click_up`
  * Add `Mouse.arbitrary_click_down`
  * Add `Mouse.arbitrary_click_up`

# 1.0.6 - Boogs

  * Fix `Mouse.scroll` assuming arguments always included units
  * Fix `Mouse.scroll` assuming amount was always positive (d'oh)

# 1.0.5 - Tweaks for AXElements

  * Coerce `` arguments using `#to_f`
  * Do not redefine `CGPoint` if it is already defined

# 1.0.4 - Change the homepage

  * Moved github project to be under the AXElements organization

# 1.0.3 - Lion compat

  * Add compatability with OS X 10.7

# 1.0.2 - Re-renam

  * Revert 1.0.1 changes

# 1.0.1 - Rename

  * Rename mouse.bundle to cmouse.bundle to avoid name conflict

# 1.0.0 - Port Completed

  * Added optional `point` argument to all `Mouse` click methods
  * Added duration argument to all `Mouse` methods that are animated
  * Fix differences between MRI CGPoint and MacRuby CGPoint

# 0.1.0 - The basic API

  * Fixed animation timing (sleep(3) type coercion issue)

  * Added `Mouse#click_down`
  * Added `Mouse#click_up`
  * Added `Mouse#click`
  * Added `Mouse#secondary_click`
  * Added `Mouse#arbitrary_click`
  * Added `Mouse#middle_click`
  * Added `Mouse#multi_click`
  * Added `Mouse#double_click`
  * Added `Mouse#triple_click`

# 0.0.1 - Initial Release

  * CRuby and MacRuby compatible

  * Added `Mouse.current_position`
  * Added `Mouse.move_to`
  * Added `Mouse.drag_to`
  * Added `Mouse.scroll`
  * Added `CGPoint` on CRuby to mimic `CGPoint` in MacRuby
  * Added `Array#to_point` to mimic MacRuby allowing Arrays for structs