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Test Coverage
# MultiMeet
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## Dependencies
- Ruby 2.4.0
- Rails 4.2.10

## Development Quickstart
1. clone repo: `git clone https://github.com/Aakup/MultiMeet`
2. `cd MultiMatch`
3. install packages: `bundle install --without production`
4. create and seed db: `db:setup` (runs `db:create db:schema:load db:seed`)
5. create a file `config/initializers/app_env_vars.rb` and enter your emailer acc and password:
ENV['MAILER_EMAIL'] = 'noreply@multimeet.com'
ENV['MAILER_PASSWORD'] = '<your password>'
7. `rails s(erver)` --> starts app on [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)

## Development Guidelines
- develop on your own branch of this repo, call it by your <name/feature> e.g. kevin/projects-list
- write your own tests for your own feature
- write down cucumber scenarios before coding
- before you push: make sure tests run via `bundle exec rspec` and `bundle exec cucumber features`
- push the branch, then PR to master, and wait for a code review
- in case of merge conflict: pull from master, resolve locally, push to your branch.

### DB migrations
- if making db changes:
  - run `db:migrate` and check in your new `schema.rb`
  - to completely overwrite schema and migrations: `rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed`
- each time you pull and there's a migration: run `db:migrate` or `db:reset`