import { ChildSchoolRelation } from "../../child-dev-project/children/model/childSchoolRelation";
import { defaultDateFilters } from "../basic-datatypes/date/date-range-filter/date-range-filter-panel/date-range-filter-panel.component";
import { todoDefaultConfigs } from "../../features/todos/model/todo-default-configs";
import { EntityDatatype } from "../basic-datatypes/entity/entity.datatype";
import { PLACEHOLDERS } from "../entity/schema/entity-schema-field";
import { INTERACTION_TYPE_CONFIG_ID } from "../../child-dev-project/notes/model/interaction-type.interface";
import { EventAttendanceMap } from "../../child-dev-project/attendance/model/event-attendance";
import { LongTextDatatype } from "../basic-datatypes/string/long-text.datatype";
import { RecurringActivity } from "../../child-dev-project/attendance/model/recurring-activity";
import { EntityConfig } from "../entity/entity-config";
// prettier-ignore
export const defaultJsonConfig = {
"appConfig:usage-analytics": {
url: "",
site_id: "8",
navigationMenu: {
items: [
label: $localize`:Menu item:Dashboard`,
icon: "home",
link: "/",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Children`,
icon: "child",
link: "/child",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Schools`,
icon: "university",
link: "/school",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Attendance`,
icon: "calendar-check",
link: "/attendance",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Notes`,
icon: "file-alt",
link: "/note",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Tasks`,
icon: "tasks",
link: "/todo",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Import`,
icon: "file-import",
link: "/import",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Users`,
icon: "users",
link: "/user",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Reports`,
icon: "line-chart",
link: "/report",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Help`,
icon: "question",
link: "/help",
label: $localize`:Menu item:Admin`,
icon: "wrench",
link: "/admin",
"view:": {
component: "Dashboard",
config: {
widgets: [
component: "ShortcutDashboard",
config: {
shortcuts: [
label: $localize`:Dashboard shortcut widget|record attendance shortcut:Record Attendance`,
icon: "calendar-check",
link: "/attendance/add-day",
label: $localize`:Dashboard shortcut widget|record attendance shortcut:Add Child`,
icon: "plus",
link: "/child/new",
label: $localize`:Dashboard shortcut widget|open public form:Public Registration Form`,
icon: "file-circle-check",
link: "/public-form/test",
component: "EntityCountDashboard",
component: "ImportantNotesDashboard",
config: {
warningLevels: ["WARNING", "URGENT"],
component: "TodosDashboard",
config: {},
component: "NotesDashboard",
config: {
sinceDays: 28,
fromBeginningOfWeek: false,
mode: "with-recent-notes",
component: "NotesDashboard",
config: {
sinceDays: 28,
fromBeginningOfWeek: false,
mode: "without-recent-notes",
component: "AttendanceWeekDashboard",
config: {
daysOffset: 7,
periodLabel: $localize`:Attendance week dashboard widget label:this week`,
component: "AttendanceWeekDashboard",
config: {
daysOffset: 0,
periodLabel: $localize`:Attendance week dashboard widget label:last week`,
component: "AttendanceWeekDashboard",
config: {
daysOffset: 0,
label: $localize`:Attendance week dashboard widget label:Late last week`,
attendanceStatusType: "LATE",
component: "ProgressDashboard",
config: {
dashboardConfigId: "1",
component: "BirthdayDashboard",
"entity:Note": {
toStringAttributes: ["subject"],
label: $localize`:label for entity:Note`,
labelPlural: $localize`:label (plural) for entity:Notes`,
hasPII: true,
attributes: {
children: {
label: $localize`:Label for the children of a note:Children`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
additional: "Child",
entityReferenceRole: "composite",
editComponent: "EditAttendance",
anonymize: "retain",
childrenAttendance: {
dataType: EventAttendanceMap.DATA_TYPE,
anonymize: "retain",
date: {
label: $localize`:Label for the date of a note:Date`,
dataType: "date-only",
defaultValue: {
mode: "dynamic",
anonymize: "retain",
subject: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the subject of a note:Subject`,
text: {
dataType: LongTextDatatype.dataType,
label: $localize`:Label for the actual notes of a note:Notes`,
authors: {
label: $localize`:Label for the social worker(s) who created the note:SW`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
additional: "User",
defaultValue: {
mode: "dynamic",
anonymize: "retain",
category: {
label: $localize`:Label for the category of a note:Category`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
anonymize: "retain",
attachment: {
label: $localize`Attachment`,
dataType: "file",
relatesTo: {
dataType: "entity",
additional: RecurringActivity.ENTITY_TYPE,
anonymize: "retain",
relatedEntities: {
label: $localize`:label for the related Entities:Related Records`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
// by default no additional relatedEntities can be linked apart from children and schools, overwrite this in config to display (e.g. additional: "ChildSchoolRelation")
additional: undefined,
anonymize: "retain",
schools: {
label: $localize`:label for the linked schools:Groups`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
additional: "School",
entityReferenceRole: "composite",
anonymize: "retain",
warningLevel: {
label: $localize`:Status of a note:Status`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "warning-levels",
anonymize: "retain",
"view:note": {
component: "NotesManager",
config: {
title: $localize`:Title for notes overview:Notes & Reports`,
includeEventNotes: false,
showEventNotesToggle: true,
columnGroups: {
default: $localize`:Translated name of default column group:Standard`,
mobile: $localize`:Translated name of mobile column group:Mobile`,
groups: [
name: $localize`:Column group name:Standard`,
columns: ["date", "subject", "category", "authors", "children"],
name: $localize`:Column group name:Mobile`,
columns: ["date", "subject", "children"],
filters: [
id: "warningLevel",
id: "date",
default: 1,
options: defaultDateFilters,
id: "category",
{ id: "authors" },
exportConfig: [
{ label: "event_id", query: "_id" },
{ label: "date", query: "date" },
{ label: "event title", query: "subject" },
{ label: "event type", query: "category" },
{ label: "event description", query: "text" },
query: ":getAttendanceArray(true)",
subQueries: [
query: ".participant:toEntities(Child)",
subQueries: [
{ label: "participant_id", query: "_id" },
{ label: "participant", query: "name" },
{ label: "gender", query: "gender" },
{ label: "religion", query: "religion" },
label: "status",
query: "",
query: ".school:toEntities(School)",
subQueries: [
{ label: "school_name", query: "name" },
{ label: "school_id", query: "entityId" },
"view:note/:id": {
component: "NoteDetails",
config: {
topForm: ["date", "warningLevel", "category", "authors", "attachment"],
"view:import": {
component: "Import",
"view:user": {
component: "EntityList",
config: {
entityType: "User",
columns: ["name", "phone"],
permittedUserRoles: ["admin_app"],
"view:user/:id": {
component: "EntityDetails",
config: {
entityType: "User",
panels: [
title: $localize`:Panel title:User Information`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "Form",
config: {
fieldGroups: [{ fields: ["name"] }, { fields: ["phone"] }],
title: $localize`:Panel title:Security`,
components: [
component: "UserSecurity",
"view:help": {
component: "MarkdownPage",
config: {
markdownFile: $localize`:Filename of markdown help page (make sure the filename you enter as a translation actually exists on the server!):assets/help/`,
"view:attendance": {
component: "AttendanceManager",
"view:attendance/add-day": {
component: "AddDayAttendance",
"view:school": {
component: "EntityList",
config: {
entityType: "School",
columns: [
id: "DisplayParticipantsCount",
viewComponent: "DisplayParticipantsCount",
label: $localize`Children`,
filters: [{ id: "privateSchool" }],
"view:school/:id": {
component: "EntityDetails",
config: {
entityType: "School",
panels: [
title: $localize`:Panel title:Basic Information`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "Form",
config: {
fieldGroups: [
{ fields: ["name", "privateSchool", "parentSchool"] },
{ fields: ["address", "phone"] },
{ fields: ["language", "timing"] },
{ fields: ["remarks"] },
title: $localize`:Panel title:Students`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "ChildSchoolOverview",
title: $localize`:Panel title:Activities`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "ActivitiesOverview",
"view:child": {
component: "ChildrenList",
config: {
entityType: "Child",
columns: [
viewComponent: "ChildBlock",
label: $localize`:Column title for ChildBlockComponents:Name`,
id: "name",
viewComponent: "DisplayAge",
label: $localize`:Column label for age of child:Age`,
id: "age",
additional: "dateOfBirth",
viewComponent: "DisplayText",
label: $localize`:Column label for class which child attends:Class`,
id: "schoolClass",
viewComponent: "DisplayEntity",
label: $localize`:Column label for school which child attends:School`,
id: "schoolId",
additional: "School",
noSorting: true,
viewComponent: "RecentAttendanceBlocks",
label: $localize`:Column label for school attendance of child:Attendance (School)`,
id: "schoolAttendance",
additional: {
filterByActivityType: "SCHOOL_CLASS",
noSorting: true,
viewComponent: "RecentAttendanceBlocks",
label: $localize`:Column label for coaching attendance of child:Attendance (Coaching)`,
id: "coachingAttendance",
additional: {
filterByActivityType: "COACHING_CLASS",
noSorting: true,
columnGroups: {
default: $localize`:Translated name of default column group:Basic Info`,
mobile: $localize`:Translated name of mobile column group:Mobile`,
groups: [
name: $localize`:Column group name:Basic Info`,
columns: [
name: $localize`:Column group name:School Info`,
columns: [
name: $localize`:Column group name:Status`,
columns: [
name: $localize`:Column group name:Health`,
columns: [
name: $localize`:Column group name:Mobile`,
columns: ["projectNumber", "name", "age"],
filters: [
id: "center",
id: "schoolId",
type: "School",
label: $localize`:Label of schools filter:School`,
exportConfig: [
{ label: "Name", query: "name" },
{ label: "Gender", query: "gender" },
{ label: "Date of Birth", query: "dateOfBirth" },
{ label: "School", query: ".schoolId:toEntities(School).name" },
label: "more fields can be configured - or all data exported",
query: "projectNumber",
"view:child/:id": {
component: "EntityDetails",
config: {
entityType: "Child",
panels: [
title: $localize`:Panel title:Basic Information`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "Form",
config: {
fieldGroups: [
{ fields: ["photo"] },
fields: ["name", "projectNumber", "admissionDate"],
header: $localize`:Header for form section:Personal Information`,
fields: [
header: $localize`:Header for form section:Additional`,
fields: ["center", "status", "address", "phone"],
header: $localize`:Header for form section:Scholar activities`,
title: $localize`:Panel title:Education`,
components: [
title: $localize`:Title inside a panel:School History`,
component: "ChildSchoolOverview",
config: {
single: true,
columns: [
id: "start",
visibleFrom: "sm",
id: "end",
visibleFrom: "sm",
title: $localize`:Title inside a panel:ASER Results`,
component: "RelatedEntities",
config: {
entityType: "Aser",
property: "child",
columns: [
id: "date",
visibleFrom: "xs",
id: "math",
visibleFrom: "xs",
id: "english",
visibleFrom: "xs",
id: "hindi",
visibleFrom: "md",
id: "bengali",
visibleFrom: "md",
id: "remarks",
visibleFrom: "md",
title: $localize`:Child details section title:Find a suitable new school`,
component: "MatchingEntities",
config: {
rightSide: {
entityType: "School",
availableFilters: [{ id: "language" }],
title: $localize`:Panel title:Attendance`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "GroupedChildAttendance",
title: $localize`:Panel title:Notes & Tasks`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "NotesRelatedToEntity",
title: "Tasks",
component: "TodosRelatedToEntity",
title: $localize`:Panel title:Health`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "Form",
config: {
fieldGroups: [
{ fields: ["health_bloodGroup"] },
fields: [
id: "_description_health",
editComponent: "EditDescriptionOnly",
label: $localize`:description section:Health checkups are to be done regularly, at least every 6 months according to the program guidelines.`,
title: $localize`:Title inside a panel:Height & Weight Tracking`,
component: "RelatedEntities",
config: {
entityType: "HealthCheck",
property: "child",
columns: [
{ id: "date" },
{ id: "height" },
{ id: "weight" },
id: "bmi",
label: $localize`:Table header, Short for Body Mass Index:BMI`,
description: $localize`:Tooltip for BMI info:This is calculated using the height and the weight measure`,
viewComponent: "DisplayCalculatedValue",
additional: {
calculation: "bmi",
valueFields: ["weight", "height"],
decimalPlaces: 1,
title: $localize`:Panel title:Educational Materials`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "RelatedEntitiesWithSummary",
config: {
entityType: "EducationalMaterial",
property: "child",
columns: [
{ id: "date", visibleFrom: "xs" },
{ id: "materialType", visibleFrom: "xs" },
{ id: "materialAmount", visibleFrom: "md" },
{ id: "description", visibleFrom: "md" },
summaries: {
countProperty: "materialAmount",
groupBy: "materialType",
total: true,
average: false,
title: $localize`:Panel title:Observations`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "HistoricalDataComponent",
config: {
columns: [
{ id: "isMotivatedDuringClass", visibleFrom: "lg" },
{ id: "isParticipatingInClass", visibleFrom: "lg" },
{ id: "isInteractingWithOthers", visibleFrom: "lg" },
{ id: "doesHomework", visibleFrom: "lg" },
{ id: "asksQuestions", visibleFrom: "lg" },
title: $localize`:Panel title:Dropout`,
components: [
title: "",
component: "Form",
config: {
fieldGroups: [
{ fields: ["dropoutDate"] },
{ fields: ["dropoutType"] },
{ fields: ["dropoutRemarks"] },
"entity:EducationalMaterial": {
attributes: {
child: {
dataType: EntityDatatype.dataType,
additional: "Child",
entityReferenceRole: "composite",
date: {
dataType: "date",
label: $localize`:Date on which the material has been borrowed:Date`,
defaultValue: {
mode: "dynamic",
materialType: {
label: $localize`:The material which has been borrowed:Material`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "materials",
validators: {
required: true,
materialAmount: {
dataType: "number",
label: $localize`:The amount of the material which has been borrowed:Amount`,
defaultValue: {
mode: "static",
value: 1,
validators: {
required: true,
description: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:An additional description for the borrowed material:Description`,
"entity:RecurringActivity": {
toStringAttributes: ["title"],
label: $localize`:label for entity:Recurring Activity`,
labelPlural: $localize`:label (plural) for entity:Recurring Activities`,
color: "#00838F",
route: "attendance/recurring-activity",
attributes: {
title: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the title of a recurring activity:Title`,
validators: {
required: true,
type: {
label: $localize`:Label for the interaction type of a recurring activity:Type`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
participants: {
label: $localize`:Label for the participants of a recurring activity:Participants`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
additional: "Child",
linkedGroups: {
label: $localize`:Label for the linked schools of a recurring activity:Groups`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
additional: "School",
excludedParticipants: {
label: $localize`:Label for excluded participants of a recurring activity:Excluded Participants`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
additional: "Child",
assignedTo: {
label: $localize`:Label for the assigned user(s) of a recurring activity:Assigned user(s)`,
dataType: "entity",
isArray: true,
additional: "User",
"view:attendance/recurring-activity": {
component: "EntityList",
config: {
entityType: "RecurringActivity",
columns: ["title", "type", "assignedTo"],
exportConfig: [
{ label: "Title", query: "title" },
{ label: "Type", query: "type" },
{ label: "Assigned users", query: "assignedTo" },
"view:attendance/recurring-activity/:id": {
component: "EntityDetails",
config: {
entityType: "RecurringActivity",
panels: [
title: $localize`:Panel title:Basic Information`,
components: [
component: "Form",
config: {
fieldGroups: [
{ fields: ["title"] },
{ fields: ["type"] },
{ fields: ["assignedTo"] },
title: $localize`:Panel title:Participants`,
components: [
component: "Form",
config: {
fieldGroups: [
fields: [
title: $localize`:Panel title:Events & Attendance`,
components: [
component: "ActivityAttendanceSection",
"view:report": {
component: "Reporting",
"entity:Child": {
label: $localize`:Label for child:Child`,
labelPlural: $localize`:Plural label for child:Children`,
toStringAttributes: ["name"],
toBlockDetailsAttributes: {
title: "name",
image: "photo",
fields: ["phone", "schoolId", "schoolClass"],
icon: "child",
color: "#1565C0",
hasPII: true,
attributes: {
name: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the name of a child:Name`,
validators: {
required: true,
projectNumber: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the project number of a child:Project Number`,
labelShort: $localize`:Short label for the project number:PN`,
searchable: true,
anonymize: "retain",
dateOfBirth: {
dataType: "date-with-age",
label: $localize`:Label for the date of birth of a child:Date of birth`,
labelShort: $localize`:Short label for the date of birth:DoB`,
anonymize: "retain-anonymized",
center: {
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "center",
label: $localize`:Label for the center of a child:Center`,
anonymize: "retain",
gender: {
dataType: "configurable-enum",
label: $localize`:Label for the gender of a child:Gender`,
additional: "genders",
anonymize: "retain",
admissionDate: {
dataType: "date-only",
label: $localize`:Label for the admission date of a child:Admission`,
anonymize: "retain-anonymized",
status: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the status of a child:Status`,
dropoutDate: {
dataType: "date-only",
label: $localize`:Label for the dropout date of a child:Dropout Date`,
anonymize: "retain-anonymized",
dropoutType: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the type of dropout of a child:Dropout Type`,
anonymize: "retain",
dropoutRemarks: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the remarks about a dropout of a child:Dropout remarks`,
photo: {
dataType: "photo",
label: $localize`:Label for the file field of a photo of a child:Photo`,
phone: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the phone number of a child:Phone Number`,
address: {
dataType: "location",
label: $localize`:Label for the address of a child:Address`,
health_bloodGroup: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Blood Group`,
religion: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the religion of a child:Religion`,
motherTongue: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the mother tongue of a child:Mother Tongue`,
description: $localize`:Tooltip description for the mother tongue of a child:The primary language spoken at home`,
health_lastDentalCheckup: {
dataType: "date",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Last Dental Check-Up`,
birth_certificate: {
dataType: "file",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Birth certificate`,
additional: {
acceptedFileTypes: ".pdf",
} as EntityConfig,
"entity:School": {
toStringAttributes: ["name"],
icon: "university",
label: $localize`:label for entity:School`,
labelPlural: $localize`:label (plural) for entity:Schools`,
color: "#9E9D24",
attributes: {
name: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the name of a school:Name`,
validators: {
required: true,
privateSchool: {
dataType: "boolean",
label: $localize`:Label for if a school is a private school:Private School`,
language: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the language of a school:Language`,
address: {
dataType: "location",
label: $localize`:Label for the address of a school:Address`,
phone: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the phone number of a school:Phone Number`,
timing: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the timing of a school:School Timing`,
remarks: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the remarks for a school:Remarks`,
"entity:HistoricalEntityData": {
hasPII: true,
attributes: {
date: {
dataType: "date",
label: $localize`:Label for date of historical data:Date`,
defaultValue: {
mode: "dynamic",
anonymize: "retain-anonymized",
relatedEntity: {
dataType: "entity",
additional: "Child",
entityReferenceRole: "composite",
anonymize: "retain",
isMotivatedDuringClass: {
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "rating-answer",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Motivated`,
description: $localize`:Description for a child attribute:The child is motivated during the class.`,
isParticipatingInClass: {
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "rating-answer",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Participating`,
description: $localize`:Description for a child attribute:The child is actively participating in the class.`,
isInteractingWithOthers: {
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "rating-answer",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Interacting`,
description: $localize`:Description for a child attribute:The child interacts with other students during the class.`,
doesHomework: {
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "rating-answer",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Homework`,
description: $localize`:Description for a child attribute:The child does its homework.`,
asksQuestions: {
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "rating-answer",
label: $localize`:Label for a child attribute:Asking Questions`,
description: $localize`:Description for a child attribute:The child is asking questions during the class.`,
"entity:User": {
toStringAttributes: ["name"],
icon: "user",
label: $localize`:label for entity:User`,
labelPlural: $localize`:label (plural) for entity:Users`,
hasPII: true,
attributes: {
phone: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label of user phone:Contact`,
"view:matching": {
component: "MatchingEntities",
config: {
rightSide: {
entityType: "School",
prefilter: { privateSchool: true },
availableFilters: [{ id: "language" }],
leftSide: { entityType: "Child" },
"appConfig:matching-entities": {
columns: [
["name", "name"],
["motherTongue", "language"],
["address", "address"],
["distance", "privateSchool"],
onMatch: {
newEntityType: ChildSchoolRelation.ENTITY_TYPE,
newEntityMatchPropertyLeft: "childId",
newEntityMatchPropertyRight: "schoolId",
columnsToReview: ["start", "end", "result", "childId", "schoolId"],
"entity:Aser": {
hasPII: true,
attributes: {
child: {
dataType: "entity",
additional: "Child",
entityReferenceRole: "composite",
date: {
dataType: "date",
label: $localize`:Label for date of the ASER results:Date`,
defaultValue: {
mode: "dynamic",
anonymize: "retain-anonymized",
hindi: {
label: $localize`:Label of the Hindi ASER result:Hindi`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "reading-levels",
bengali: {
label: $localize`:Label of the Bengali ASER result:Bengali`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "reading-levels",
english: {
label: $localize`:Label of the English ASER result:English`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "reading-levels",
math: {
label: $localize`:Label of the Math ASER result:Math`,
dataType: "configurable-enum",
additional: "math-levels",
remarks: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the remarks of a ASER result:Remarks`,
"entity:HealthCheck": {
hasPII: true,
attributes: {
child: {
dataType: "entity",
additional: "Child",
entityReferenceRole: "composite",
anonymize: "retain",
date: {
dataType: "date",
label: $localize`:Label for date of a health check:Date`,
anonymize: "retain-anonymized",
defaultValue: {
mode: "dynamic",
height: {
dataType: "number",
label: $localize`:Label for height in cm of a health check:Height [cm]`,
viewComponent: "DisplayUnit",
additional: "cm",
weight: {
dataType: "number",
label: $localize`:Label for weight in kg of a health check:Weight [kg]`,
viewComponent: "DisplayUnit",
additional: "kg",
"entity:ChildSchoolRelation": {
hasPII: true,
attributes: {
childId: {
dataType: "entity",
additional: "Child",
entityReferenceRole: "composite",
validators: {
required: true,
anonymize: "retain",
label: $localize`:Label for the child of a relation:Child`,
schoolId: {
dataType: "entity",
additional: "School",
entityReferenceRole: "aggregate",
validators: {
required: true,
anonymize: "retain",
label: $localize`:Label for the school of a relation:School`,
schoolClass: {
dataType: "string",
label: $localize`:Label for the class of a relation:Class`,
anonymize: "retain",
start: {
dataType: "date-only",
label: $localize`:Label for the start date of a relation:Start date`,
description: $localize`:Description of the start date of a relation:The date a child joins a school`,
anonymize: "retain",
end: {
dataType: "date-only",
label: $localize`:Label for the end date of a relation:End date`,
description: $localize`:Description of the end date of a relation:The date of a child leaving the school`,
anonymize: "retain",
result: {
dataType: "percentage",
label: $localize`:Label for the percentage result of a relation:Result`,
validators: {
min: 0,
max: 100,