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 *     This file is part of ndb-core.
 *     ndb-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     ndb-core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with ndb-core.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import { Database, GetAllOptions, GetOptions, QueryOptions } from "./database";
import { LoggingService } from "../logging/logging.service";
import PouchDB from "pouchdb-browser";
import memory from "pouchdb-adapter-memory";
import { PerformanceAnalysisLogging } from "../../utils/performance-analysis-logging";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { firstValueFrom, Observable, Subject } from "rxjs";
import { filter } from "rxjs/operators";
import { AppSettings } from "../app-settings";
import { HttpStatusCode } from "@angular/common/http";

 * Wrapper for a PouchDB instance to decouple the code from
 * that external library.
 * Additional convenience functions on top of the PouchDB API
 * should be implemented in the abstract {@link Database}.
export class PouchDatabase extends Database {
   * Small helper function which creates a database with in-memory PouchDB initialized
  static create(): PouchDatabase {
    return new PouchDatabase(new LoggingService()).initInMemoryDB();

   * The reference to the PouchDB instance
   * @private
  private pouchDB: PouchDB.Database;

   * A list of promises that resolve once all the (until now saved) indexes are created
   * @private
  private indexPromises: Promise<any>[] = [];

   * An observable that emits a value whenever the PouchDB receives a new change.
   * This change can come from the current user or remotely from the (live) synchronization
   * @private
  private changesFeed: Subject<any>;

  private databaseInitialized = new Subject<void>();

   * Create a PouchDB database manager.
   * @param loggingService The LoggingService instance of the app to log and report problems.
  constructor(private loggingService: LoggingService) {

   * Initialize the PouchDB with the in-memory adapter.
   * See {@link https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/tree/master/packages/node_modules/pouchdb-adapter-memory}
   * @param dbName the name for the database
  initInMemoryDB(dbName = "in-memory-database"): PouchDatabase {
    this.pouchDB = new PouchDB(dbName, { adapter: "memory" });
    return this;

   * Initialize the PouchDB with the IndexedDB/in-browser adapter (default).
   * See {link https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/tree/master/packages/node_modules/pouchdb-browser}
   * @param dbName the name for the database under which the IndexedDB entries will be created
   * @param options PouchDB options which are directly passed to the constructor
    dbName = "indexed-database",
    options?: PouchDB.Configuration.DatabaseConfiguration,
  ): PouchDatabase {
    this.pouchDB = new PouchDB(dbName, options);
    return this;

   * Initializes the PouchDB with the http adapter to directly access a remote CouchDB without replication
   * See {@link https://pouchdb.com/adapters.html#pouchdb_over_http}
   * @param dbName (relative) path to the remote database
   * @param fetch a overwrite for the default fetch handler
    dbName = `${AppSettings.DB_PROXY_PREFIX}/${AppSettings.DB_NAME}`,
    fetch = this.defaultFetch,
  ): PouchDatabase {
    const options = {
      adapter: "http",
      skip_setup: true,
    this.pouchDB = new PouchDB(dbName, options);
    return this;

  private defaultFetch(url, opts: any) {
    if (typeof url === "string") {
      const remoteUrl =
        AppSettings.DB_PROXY_PREFIX + url.split(AppSettings.DB_PROXY_PREFIX)[1];
      return PouchDB.fetch(remoteUrl, opts);

  async getPouchDBOnceReady(): Promise<PouchDB.Database> {
    await firstValueFrom(this.databaseInitialized, {
      defaultValue: this.pouchDB,
    return this.pouchDB;

   * Get the actual instance of the PouchDB
  getPouchDB(): PouchDB.Database {
    return this.pouchDB;

   * Load a single document by id from the database.
   * (see {@link Database})
   * @param id The primary key of the document to be loaded
   * @param options Optional PouchDB options for the request
   * @param returnUndefined (Optional) return undefined instead of throwing error if doc is not found in database
    id: string,
    options: GetOptions = {},
    returnUndefined?: boolean,
  ): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPouchDBOnceReady()
      .then((pouchDB) => pouchDB.get(id, options))
      .catch((err) => {
        if (err.status === 404) {
          this.loggingService.debug("Doc not found in database: " + id);
          if (returnUndefined) {
            return undefined;
        throw new DatabaseException(err);

   * Load all documents (matching the given PouchDB options) from the database.
   * (see {@link Database})
   * Normally you should rather use "getAll()" or another well typed method of this class
   * instead of passing PouchDB specific options here
   * because that will make your code tightly coupled with PouchDB rather than any other database provider.
   * @param options PouchDB options object as in the normal PouchDB library
  allDocs(options?: GetAllOptions) {
    return this.getPouchDBOnceReady()
      .then((pouchDB) => pouchDB.allDocs(options))
      .then((result) => result.rows.map((row) => row.doc))
      .catch((err) => {
        throw new DatabaseException(err);

   * Save a document to the database.
   * (see {@link Database})
   * @param object The document to be saved
   * @param forceOverwrite (Optional) Whether conflicts should be ignored and an existing conflicting document forcefully overwritten.
  put(object: any, forceOverwrite = false): Promise<any> {
    if (forceOverwrite) {
      object._rev = undefined;

    return this.getPouchDBOnceReady()
      .then((pouchDB) => pouchDB.put(object))
      .catch((err) => {
        if (err.status === 409) {
          return this.resolveConflict(object, forceOverwrite, err);
        } else {
          throw new DatabaseException(err);

   * Save an array of documents to the database
   * @param objects the documents to be saved
   * @param forceOverwrite whether conflicting versions should be overwritten
   * @returns array with the result for each object to be saved, if any item fails to be saved, this returns a rejected Promise.
   *          The save can partially fail and return a mix of success and error states in the array (e.g. `[{ ok: true, ... }, { error: true, ... }]`)
  async putAll(objects: any[], forceOverwrite = false): Promise<any> {
    if (forceOverwrite) {
      objects.forEach((obj) => (obj._rev = undefined));

    const pouchDB = await this.getPouchDBOnceReady();
    const results = await pouchDB.bulkDocs(objects);

    for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
      // Check if document update conflicts happened in the request
      const result = results[i] as PouchDB.Core.Error;
      if (result.status === 409) {
        results[i] = await this.resolveConflict(
          objects.find((obj) => obj._id === result.id),
        ).catch((e) => {
          return new DatabaseException(e);

    if (results.some((r) => r instanceof Error)) {
      return Promise.reject(results);
    return results;

   * Delete a document from the database
   * (see {@link Database})
   * @param object The document to be deleted (usually this object must at least contain the _id and _rev)
  remove(object: any) {
    return this.getPouchDBOnceReady()
      .then((pouchDB) => pouchDB.remove(object))
      .catch((err) => {
        throw new DatabaseException(err);

   * Check if a database is new/empty.
   * Returns true if there are no documents in the database
  isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
    return this.getPouchDBOnceReady()
      .then((pouchDB) => pouchDB.info())
      .then((res) => res.doc_count === 0);

   * Listen to changes to documents which have an _id with the given prefix
   * @param prefix for which document changes are emitted
   * @returns observable which emits the filtered changes
  changes(prefix: string): Observable<any> {
    if (!this.changesFeed) {
      this.changesFeed = new Subject();
        .then((pouchDB) =>
              live: true,
              since: "now",
              include_docs: true,
            .addListener("change", (change) =>
        .catch((err) => {
          if (err.statusCode === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
          } else {
            throw err;
    return this.changesFeed.pipe(filter((doc) => doc._id.startsWith(prefix)));

   * Destroy the database and all saved data
  async destroy(): Promise<any> {
    await Promise.all(this.indexPromises);
    if (this.pouchDB) {
      return this.pouchDB.destroy();

   * Reset the database state so a new one can be opened.
  reset() {
    this.pouchDB = undefined;
    this.changesFeed = undefined;
    this.databaseInitialized = new Subject();

   * Query data from the database based on a more complex, indexed request.
   * (see {@link Database})
   * This is directly calling the PouchDB implementation of this function.
   * Also see the documentation there: {@link https://pouchdb.com/api.html#query_database}
   * @param fun The name of a previously saved database index
   * @param options Additional options for the query, like a `key`. See the PouchDB docs for details.
    fun: string | ((doc: any, emit: any) => void),
    options: QueryOptions,
  ): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPouchDBOnceReady()
      .then((pouchDB) => pouchDB.query(fun, options))
      .catch((err) => {
        throw new DatabaseException(err);

   * Create a database index to `query()` certain data more efficiently in the future.
   * (see {@link Database})
   * Also see the PouchDB documentation regarding indices and queries: {@link https://pouchdb.com/api.html#query_database}
   * @param designDoc The PouchDB style design document for the map/reduce query
  saveDatabaseIndex(designDoc: any): Promise<void> {
    const creationPromise = this.createOrUpdateDesignDoc(designDoc);
    return creationPromise;

  private async createOrUpdateDesignDoc(designDoc): Promise<void> {
    const existingDesignDoc = await this.get(designDoc._id, {}, true);
    if (!existingDesignDoc) {
      this.loggingService.debug("creating new database index");
    } else if (
      JSON.stringify(existingDesignDoc.views) !==
    ) {
      this.loggingService.debug("replacing existing database index");
      designDoc._rev = existingDesignDoc._rev;
    } else {
      // already up to date, nothing more to do

    await this.put(designDoc, true);
    await this.prebuildViewsOfDesignDoc(designDoc);

  private async prebuildViewsOfDesignDoc(designDoc: any): Promise<void> {
    for (const viewName of Object.keys(designDoc.views)) {
      const queryName = designDoc._id.replace(/_design\//, "") + "/" + viewName;
      await this.query(queryName, { key: "1" });

   * Attempt to intelligently resolve conflicting document versions automatically.
   * @param newObject
   * @param overwriteChanges
   * @param existingError
  private async resolveConflict(
    newObject: any,
    overwriteChanges = false,
    existingError: any = {},
  ): Promise<any> {
    const existingObject = await this.get(newObject._id);
    const resolvedObject = this.mergeObjects(existingObject, newObject);
    if (resolvedObject) {
        "resolved document conflict automatically (" + resolvedObject._id + ")",
      return this.put(resolvedObject);
    } else if (overwriteChanges) {
        "overwriting conflicting document version (" + newObject._id + ")",
      newObject._rev = existingObject._rev;
      return this.put(newObject);
    } else {
      existingError.message = `${
      } (unable to resolve) ID: ${JSON.stringify(newObject)}`;
      throw new DatabaseException(existingError);

  private mergeObjects(_existingObject: any, _newObject: any) {
    // TODO: implement automatic merging of conflicting entity versions
    return undefined;

 * This overwrites PouchDB's error class which only logs limited information
class DatabaseException extends Error {
  constructor(error: PouchDB.Core.Error) {
    if (error.status === 404) {
      error.message = error.message + ` (${error["docId"]})`;
    Object.assign(this, error);