import cv2
import numpy as np
from . import border_utils
from . import layer_utils
from .frame import Frame
from .cv2_utils import cv2_estimateRigidTransform
def build_transformation_matrix(transform):
"""Convert transform list to transformation matrix
:param transform: transform list as [dx, dy, da]
:return: transform matrix as 2d (2, 3) numpy array
transform_matrix = np.zeros((2, 3))
transform_matrix[0, 0] = np.cos(transform[2])
transform_matrix[0, 1] = -np.sin(transform[2])
transform_matrix[1, 0] = np.sin(transform[2])
transform_matrix[1, 1] = np.cos(transform[2])
transform_matrix[0, 2] = transform[0]
transform_matrix[1, 2] = transform[1]
return transform_matrix
def border_frame(frame, border_size, border_type):
"""Convenience wrapper of cv2.copyMakeBorder for how vidstab applies borders
:param frame: frame to apply border to
:param border_size: int border size in number of pixels
:param border_type: one of the following ['black', 'reflect', 'replicate']
:return: bordered version of frame with alpha layer for frame overlay options
border_modes = {'black': cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
'reflect': cv2.BORDER_REFLECT,
'replicate': cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE}
border_mode = border_modes[border_type]
bordered_frame_image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(frame.image,
value=[0, 0, 0])
bordered_frame = Frame(bordered_frame_image, color_format=frame.color_format)
alpha_bordered_frame = bordered_frame.bgra_image
alpha_bordered_frame[:, :, 3] = 0
h, w = frame.image.shape[:2]
alpha_bordered_frame[border_size:border_size + h, border_size:border_size + w, 3] = 255
return alpha_bordered_frame, border_mode
def match_keypoints(optical_flow, prev_kps):
"""Match optical flow keypoints
:param optical_flow: output of cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK
:param prev_kps: keypoints that were passed to cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK to create optical_flow
:return: tuple of (cur_matched_kp, prev_matched_kp)
cur_kps, status, err = optical_flow
# storage for keypoints with status 1
prev_matched_kp = []
cur_matched_kp = []
if status is None:
return cur_matched_kp, prev_matched_kp
for i, matched in enumerate(status):
# store coords of keypoints that appear in both
if matched:
return cur_matched_kp, prev_matched_kp
def estimate_partial_transform(matched_keypoints):
"""Wrapper of cv2.estimateRigidTransform for convenience in vidstab process
:param matched_keypoints: output of match_keypoints util function; tuple of (cur_matched_kp, prev_matched_kp)
:return: transform as list of [dx, dy, da]
cur_matched_kp, prev_matched_kp = matched_keypoints
transform = cv2_estimateRigidTransform(np.array(prev_matched_kp),
if transform is not None:
# translation x
dx = transform[0, 2]
# translation y
dy = transform[1, 2]
# rotation
da = np.arctan2(transform[1, 0], transform[0, 0])
dx = dy = da = 0
return [dx, dy, da]
def transform_frame(frame, transform, border_size, border_type):
if border_type not in ['black', 'reflect', 'replicate']:
raise ValueError('Invalid border type')
transform = build_transformation_matrix(transform)
bordered_frame_image, border_mode = border_frame(frame, border_size, border_type)
h, w = bordered_frame_image.shape[:2]
transformed_frame_image = cv2.warpAffine(bordered_frame_image, transform, (w, h), borderMode=border_mode)
transformed_frame = Frame(transformed_frame_image, color_format='BGRA')
return transformed_frame
def post_process_transformed_frame(transformed_frame, border_options, layer_options):
cropped_frame = border_utils.crop_frame(transformed_frame, border_options)
if layer_options['layer_func'] is not None:
cropped_frame = layer_utils.apply_layer_func(cropped_frame,
layer_options['prev_frame'] = cropped_frame
return cropped_frame, layer_options