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package pkg

import (

// Bot Constants
const (
    debugMessage     = "Papa tell me your secret"
    fullDebugMessage = "Mama tell me your secret"

// query is the data structure for the Chat query
type query string

// response is the data structure for the Chat response. It includes the possible responses and the weight of the responses
type response map[string]int

// dataset is the data structure that unifies the learned queries and responses
type dataset map[query]response

// Bot is the data structure of the ChatBot.
type Bot struct {
    ds          dataset
    strategy    string
    lastMessage map[string]string

// NewBot creates New Bot with empty learned phrases and chosen Strategy
func NewBot(strategy string, path string) (*Bot, error) {
    initQuery := "Hi There!"
    initResponse := make(map[string]int)
    initDataset := make(map[query]response)
    initResponse["Hello! How are you?"] = 1
    initDataset[query(initQuery)] = initResponse

    bot := &Bot{
        ds:          initDataset,
        strategy:    strategy,
        lastMessage: make(map[string]string),

    ok := bot.ValidStrategy()
    if !ok {
        return bot, invalidStrategyError

    if path == "" {
        return bot, nil
    } else {
        err := bot.Load(path)
        return bot, err

// getMaximum chooses the response with the highest weight, given multiple responses
func (bot *Bot) getMaximum(response map[string]int) (string, error) {
    if len(response) == 0 {
        return "", emptyResponseError

    var maxVal string
    var maxWeight int

    for k, v := range response {
        if v > maxWeight {
            maxVal = k
            maxWeight = v
    return maxVal, nil

// getWeighted chooses the response randomly according to its weights, given multiple responses
func (bot *Bot) getWeighted(response map[string]int) (string, error) {

    if len(response) == 0 {
        return "", emptyResponseError

    choices := make([]weightedrand.Choice, 0, len(response))

    for k, v := range response {
        choices = append(choices, weightedrand.Choice{Item: k, Weight: uint(v)})

    c := weightedrand.NewChooser(

    result := c.Pick().(string)
    return result, nil

// getRandom chooses one response randomly, given multiple responses
func (bot *Bot) getRandom(response map[string]int) (string, error) {

    if len(response) == 0 {
        return "", emptyResponseError

    choices := make([]weightedrand.Choice, 0, len(response))

    for k := range response {
        choices = append(choices, weightedrand.Choice{Item: k, Weight: 1})

    c := weightedrand.NewChooser(

    result := c.Pick().(string)
    return result, nil

// contains check whether the query exists within the dataset
func (bot *Bot) contains(q string) bool {
    _, ok := bot.ds[query(q)]
    return ok

// Debug displays the learned queries and possible responses in a nice format
func (bot *Bot) Debug() string {
    result := ""
    for q, rDict := range bot.ds {
        result = result + fmt.Sprintf("%v :", q) + "\n"
        for k := range rDict {
            result = result + fmt.Sprintf("  - %v", k) + "\n"
    return result

// FullDebug displays the learned queries, possible responses and its weights in a nice format
func (bot *Bot) FullDebug() string {
    result := ""
    for q, rDict := range bot.ds {
        result = result + fmt.Sprintf("%v :", q) + "\n"
        for k, v := range rDict {
            result = result + fmt.Sprintf("  - %v : %v", k, v) + "\n"
    return result

// LenQueries get the total number of learned queries by the ChatBot
func (bot *Bot) LenQueries() int {
    return len(bot.ds)

// LenResponses get the total number of learned responses for a query by the ChatBot
func (bot *Bot) LenResponses(q string) (int, error) {
    respDict, ok := bot.ds[query(q)]
    if !ok {
        return 0, invalidQueryError
    return len(respDict), nil

// ShowQueries shows all of the learned queries by the ChatBot
func (bot *Bot) ShowQueries() []string {
    queries := make([]string, 0, len(bot.ds))
    for k := range bot.ds {
        queries = append(queries, string(k))
    return queries

// ShowResponses shows all of the learned responses by the ChatBot
func (bot *Bot) ShowResponses(q string) ([]string, error) {
    respDict, ok := bot.ds[query(q)]
    if !ok {
        return make([]string, 0, 0), invalidQueryError
    responses := make([]string, 0, len(respDict))
    for k := range respDict {
        responses = append(responses, k)
    return responses, nil

// Add appends new phrase (query and response) into the ChatBot database
func (bot *Bot) Add(q string, r string) {
    if q == fullDebugMessage {
    if q == debugMessage {

    logrus.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Adding q : %v, r : %v into the dictionary", q, r))

    respDict, ok := bot.ds[query(q)]
    if !ok {
        newRespDict := make(response)
        newRespDict[r] = 1
        bot.ds[query(q)] = newRespDict
    } else {
        _, ok = respDict[r]
        if !ok {
            bot.ds[query(q)][r] = 1
        } else {
            bot.ds[query(q)][r] = bot.ds[query(q)][r] + 1

// Adds appends multiple phrases (queries, responses) into the ChatBot Database
func (bot *Bot) Adds(qs []string, rs []string) error {
    tuples, err := Zip(qs, rs)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for _, tuple := range tuples {
        bot.Add(tuple.Q, tuple.R)
    return nil

// RemoveQuery delete a specific query from the ChatBot Database
func (bot *Bot) RemoveQuery(q string) error {
    _, ok := bot.ds[query(q)]
    if !ok {
        return invalidQueryError
    delete(bot.ds, query(q))
    return nil

// RemoveQueries delete multiple queries from the ChatBot Database
func (bot *Bot) RemoveQueries(qs []string) error {
    for _, q := range qs {
        err := bot.RemoveQuery(q)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// RemoveResponse delete a specific response for a specific query from the DataBase
func (bot *Bot) RemoveResponse(q string, r string) error {
    respDict, ok := bot.ds[query(q)]
    if !ok {
        return invalidQueryError
    _, ok = respDict[r]
    if !ok {
        return invalidResponseError
    delete(bot.ds[query(q)], r)
    return nil

// RemoveResponses delete responses from the respective queries from the DataBase
func (bot *Bot) RemoveResponses(qs []string, rs []string) error {
    tuples, err := Zip(qs, rs)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for _, tuple := range tuples {
        err := bot.RemoveResponse(tuple.Q, tuple.R)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// Get allows the ChatBot to reply a query, according to its intrinsic Strategy
func (bot *Bot) Get(q string) (string, error) {
    if q == debugMessage {
        return bot.Debug(), nil
    if q == fullDebugMessage {
        return bot.FullDebug(), nil

    if bot.contains(q) {
        response, ok := bot.ds[query(q)]
        if !ok {
            return "", invalidQueryError
        if len(response) == 0 {
            return "", emptyResponseError
        switch strategy := bot.strategy; strategy {
        case "RANDOM":
            return bot.getRandom(response)
        case "WEIGHTED":
            return bot.getWeighted(response)
        case "MAXIMUM":
            return bot.getMaximum(response)
            return "", invalidStrategyError
    } else {
        return q, nil

func (bot *Bot) PeriodicSave(path string) {
    for {
        err := bot.Save(path)
        if err != nil {

func (bot *Bot) Save(path string) error {
    message, err := json.MarshalIndent(bot.ds, "", " ")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, message, 0644)
    logrus.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Saving file to %v is successful", path))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

func (bot *Bot) Load(path string) error {
    file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
    logrus.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Loading file from %v is successful", path))

    if err != nil {
        return err

    loadedDs := dataset{}

    err = json.Unmarshal(file, &loadedDs)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    bot.ds = loadedDs
    return nil

func (bot *Bot) ValidStrategy() bool {
    _, ok := Find(supportedStrategy, bot.strategy)
    return ok

func (bot *Bot) UpdateLastMessage(id string, message string) {
    bot.lastMessage[id] = message

func (bot *Bot) GetLastMessage(id string) (string, error) {
    value, ok := bot.lastMessage[id]
    if !ok {
        return "", notFoundIDError
    logrus.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Last Reply for ID %v : %v", id, value))
    return value, nil