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  <!--Phrases only in guestbook module-->
  <string name="GBO_BACK_TO_GUESTBOOK">Back to guestbook</string>
  <string name="GBO_CAPTCHA_DESC">If this option is activated users that are not logged in will get a picture with a captcha code or a simple calculation. It\'s necessary to fill in the correct code or result to save the entry. The captcha is part of antispam solution in Admidio. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="GBO_COMMENT_BY">Comment of #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="GBO_COMMENTS4ALL">Allow anonyme comments</string>
  <string name="GBO_COMMENTS4ALL_DESC">Users who are not logged in can comment on the entries in the guestbook after activating this option. The rights assignment for this function via role management is then ignored. (Default: no)</string>
  <string name="GBO_CREATE_COMMENT">Leave comment</string>
  <string name="GBO_EDIT_COMMENT">Edit comment</string>
  <string name="GBO_ENTRY_QUEUED">Entry saved. It will be displayed after moderation.</string>
  <string name="GBO_FLOODING_PROTECTION">Your last entry was created less than #VAR1# seconds ago.</string>
  <string name="GBO_FLOODING_PROTECTION_INTERVALL">Flooding Protection Interval</string>
  <string name="GBO_FLOODING_PROTECTION_INTERVALL_DESC">Entries of unregistered users will be checked. Too many entries within the given time intervall are not allowed. This option allows to take control over unwanted entries. If interval is set to 0, no check will be done. (default: 60 seconds)</string>
  <string name="GBO_GUESTBOOK">Guestbook</string>
  <string name="GBO_GUESTBOOK_DESC">Guests and users are able to leave greetings and comments, and can annotate other\'s entries.</string>
  <string name="GBO_GUESTBOOK_MODERATION">Moderation activated for</string>
  <string name="GBO_GUESTBOOK_MODERATION_DESC">Guestbook entries will be displayed after moderation. Define if moderation should be performed in case of guests or for logged in users only, or nobody\'s comments should be checked in advance. (default: Nobody)</string>
  <string name="GBO_HIDE_COMMENTS">Hide comments</string>
  <string name="GBO_INITIAL_COMMENTS_LOADING">Display comments right away</string>
  <string name="GBO_INITIAL_COMMENTS_LOADING_DESC">If this option is active and a guestbook page is being loaded, comments on this page will be loaded right away. Otherwise user has to click a hyperlink in order to reveal comments. (default: no)</string>
  <string name="GBO_LATEST_GUESTBOOK_ENTRIES_OF_ORGA">Latest guestbook entries of organization #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="GBO_MODERATE_ENTRIES">Moderate posts</string>
  <string name="GBO_MODERATE_VAR">Moderate #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="GBO_ONLY_VISITORS">Visitors only</string>
  <string name="GBO_SHOW_COMMENTS">Display comments</string>
  <string name="GBO_SHOW_COMMENTS_ON_ENTRY">Display #VAR1# comment(s) of this guest book entry</string>
  <string name="GBO_WRITE_COMMENT">Leave comment</string>
  <!--Phrases only in installation-->
  <string name="INS_ADD_ANOTHER_ORGANIZATION">Add another organization</string>
  <string name="INS_ADD_ORGANIZATION">Add organization</string>
  <string name="INS_ADDIDIONAL_DATA">Additional information</string>
  <string name="INS_ADDRESS_LIST">Address list</string>
  <string name="INS_ADMINISTRATOR_LOGIN_DESC">An update can only be performed by an administrator. Please define the administrator credentials.</string>
  <string name="INS_BOARD">Association\'s board</string>
  <string name="INS_CONFERENCE_ROOM">Conference room</string>
  <string name="INS_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NOT_FOUND">File #VAR1_BOLD# can not be found in main directory of Admidio!\n\nPlease download file again and copy it to the mentioned directory.</string>
  <string name="INS_CONTINUE_INSTALLATION">Continue installation</string>
  <string name="INS_COURSES">Courses</string>
  <string name="INS_CREATE_ADMINISTRATOR">Create an administrator</string>
  <string name="INS_CREATE_CONFIGURATION_FILE">Creating configuration file</string>
  <string name="INS_DATA_FULLY_ENTERED">You have entered all the necessary data for installing Admidio.\n\nNow the database has to be created and filled with your data.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_FILE_NOT_FOUND">File #VAR1_BOLD# could not be found in folder #VAR2_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_HOST_INFO">Enter the name of the database server here. This can be a URL or localhost if the database is running on the same machine as the webpage.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_LOGIN">Database access</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_LOGIN_DESC">Provide your database access information here. Table prefix can be customized if needed. Customization is necessary if multiple Admidio installations are using the same database.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_PORT_INFO">If this field isn\'t filled, the standard port for the database is used (MySQL: 3306, PostgreSQL: 5432). If you or your webhoster need a special port, you can type it here.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_PORT_INVALID">The specified port is not valid. For a valid port, select between 1 and 65535 or leave it blank.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_SYSTEM">Database system</string>
  <string name="INS_DATABASE_TYPE_INVALID">Admidio only supports MySQL and PostgreSQL.</string>
  <string name="INS_DELETE_CONFIG_FILE">The Admidio main directory #VAR1_BOLD# contains a config.php. It has already been moved to the adm_my_files folder. Please delete the file in the main directory.</string>
  <string name="INS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION_FILE">Download configuration file</string>
  <string name="INS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIGURATION_FILE_DESC">The configuration file #VAR1_BOLD# could not be saved in folder #VAR2_BOLD#. Please assign write access to the folder (change the file attribute via FTP to 0777 or drwxrwxrwx respectively) or download the configurations file and copy it into the Admidio directory #VAR3_BOLD# by using a FTP program.\n\nAfter the file has been dropped at this location you can continue with the installation.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATA_DO_NOT_MATCH">Data from #VAR1_BOLD# does not comply with information provided in installation wizard.\n\nCheck config.php and all other information.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATA_OF_ADMINISTRATOR">Administrator\'s details</string>
  <string name="INS_DATA_OF_ADMINISTRATOR_DESC">Enter the administrator\'s name, e-mail and access information. Log in with the administrator’s credentials after installation.</string>
  <string name="INS_DATA_OF_ORGANIZATION">Data of the organization</string>
  <string name="INS_DESCRIPTION_BOARD">Administrative board of association</string>
  <string name="INS_DESCRIPTION_CONFERENCE_ROOM">Meetings can take place here.</string>
  <string name="INS_DESCRIPTION_MEMBER">All organization members</string>
  <string name="INS_DESCRIPTION_ADMINISTRATOR">Group of system administrators</string>
  <string name="INS_ENTER_LOGIN_TO_DATABASE">Enter database access information</string>
  <string name="INS_ERROR_OPEN_FILE">File #VAR1_BOLD# could not be opened.</string>
  <string name="INS_GROUPS">Groups</string>
  <string name="INS_HOST_INVALID">Hostname is not valid. Enter a valid host name or IP address.</string>
  <string name="INS_INSTALL_ADMIDIO">Install Admidio</string>
  <string name="INS_INSTALLATION">Installation</string>
  <string name="INS_INSTALLATION_EXISTS">The database already contains an Admidio installation. An additional installation is not possible.</string>
  <string name="INS_INSTALLATION_VERSION">Installation version #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="INS_INTERN">Internal</string>
  <string name="INS_LANGUAGE_NOT_CHOSEN">No language has been selected.</string>
  <string name="INS_MEMBERSHIP">Membership</string>
  <string name="INS_NO_INSTALLED_VERSION_FOUND">Could not find the current installation. If you\'ve used Admidio 1.x update to Admidio 2.x first. Afterwards you can update the version to #VAR1#. If you are already using Admidio 2.x or higher please check the consistency of your database.</string>
  <string name="INS_ORGA_SHORTNAME_EXISTS">Organization #VAR1_BOLD# already exists. Please select another name.</string>
  <string name="INS_PHONE_LIST">Phone list</string>
  <string name="INS_PLEASE_CHOOSE_LANGUAGE">Please choose a language</string>
  <string name="INS_SET_ORGANIZATION">Define organization</string>
  <string name="INS_SET_UP_ORGANIZATION">Setting up organization</string>
  <string name="INS_SETUP_WAS_SUCCESSFUL">Set up successful</string>
  <string name="INS_SUPPORT_FURTHER_DEVELOPMENT">We would appreciate a lot if you could support the development of Admidio with your donation!</string>
  <string name="INS_TABLE_PREFIX">Table prefix</string>
  <string name="INS_TEAMS">Teams</string>
  <string name="INS_TRAINING">Training</string>
  <string name="INS_UPDATE">Update</string>
  <string name="INS_UPDATE_DATABASE">Update database</string>
  <string name="INS_UPDATE_NOT_POSSIBLE">Updating the database is currently not possible!</string>
  <string name="INS_UPDATE_TO_VERSION_SUCCESSFUL">Admidio database has been successfully updated to version #VAR1#.\nYou are free to log in and use Admidio again.</string>
  <string name="INS_UPDATE_VERSION">Update to version #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="INS_UPDATING_WAS_SUCCESSFUL">Update process successful</string>
  <string name="INS_WARNING_BETA_VERSION">This is a beta version of Admidio.\n\nUsage can be risky due to possible instability and data loss. Please use as test environment only!</string>
  <string name="INS_WELCOME_TO_INSTALLATION">Welcome to the installation of Admidio</string>
  <string name="INS_WELCOME_TO_UPDATE">Welcome to the Admidio update</string>
  <string name="INS_WELCOME_TEXT">This assistant helps you to set up the Admidio member management. All necessary data will be requested so that the system can be fully set up and you can log in as an administrator.\n\nIf you have questions or problems with the installation, please check #VAR1#our installation instructions#VAR2# or contact us at #VAR3#our support forum#VAR4#.</string>
  <string name="INS_WELCOME_TEXT_UPDATE">You have already updated the directories of Admidio with a new version. Now the database has to be updated from the current version #VAR2# to the version #VAR1#, so that Admidio can run with the new version.\n\nIf you have questions or problems with the update, please check #VAR3#our update instruction#VAR4# or contact #VAR5#our support forum#VAR6#.</string>
  <string name="INS_WRONG_MYSQL_VERSION">Admidio #VAR1# requires at least MySQL version #VAR2#. Please try to update your MySQL database or use an #VAR3#older Admidio version#VAR4# in order to ensure compatibility.</string>
  <string name="INS_BOYFRIEND">Friend</string>
  <string name="INS_BROTHER">Brother</string>
  <string name="INS_CHILD">Child</string>
  <string name="INS_COHABITANT">Partner</string>
  <string name="INS_COHABITANT_MALE">Partner</string>
  <string name="INS_COHABITANT_FEMALE">Partner</string>
  <string name="INS_COMPANION">Friend</string>
  <string name="INS_DAUGHTER">Daughter</string>
  <string name="INS_FATHER">Father</string>
  <string name="INS_GIRLFRIEND">Girlfriend</string>
  <string name="INS_HUSBAND">Husband</string>
  <string name="INS_MOTHER">Mother</string>
  <string name="INS_PARENT">Parent</string>
  <string name="INS_SUBORDINATE">Subordinate</string>
  <string name="INS_SUBORDINATE_MALE">Male subordinate</string>
  <string name="INS_SUBORDINATE_FEMALE">Female subordinate</string>
  <string name="INS_SUPERIOR">Boss</string>
  <string name="INS_SUPERIOR_MALE">Boss</string>
  <string name="INS_SUPERIOR_FEMALE">Female superior</string>
  <string name="INS_SIBLING">Sibling</string>
  <string name="INS_SISTER">Sister</string>
  <string name="INS_SON">Son</string>
  <string name="INS_SPOUSE">Spouse</string>
  <string name="INS_WIFE">Wife</string>
  <!--Phrases only in organization administration-->
  <string name="ORG_ACCESS_TO_MODULE">Module access</string>
  <string name="ORG_ACCESS_TO_MODULE_DESC">Module can be disabled or enabled for logged in users only. If module is only accessible to logged in users, it will be hidden for logged out users and web feed will be completely disabled for both user groups. (default: active)</string>
  <string name="ORG_ADD_ORGANIZATION_DESC">A new organization will be added to the database including its master data. The current user will be announced as administrator and can maintain the dataset. Users who log into the system need to select the respective organization.</string>
  <string name="ORG_ADDITIONAL_VARIABLES">Additional variables</string>
  <string name="ORG_ADMIDIO_THEME">Admidio-Theme</string>
  <string name="ORG_ADMIDIO_THEME_DESC">The current Admidio theme can be selected here. All layouts from the adm_themes folder are displayed. (default: simple)</string>
  <string name="ORG_AUTOMATIC_LOGOUT_AFTER">Automatic logout after</string>
  <string name="ORG_AUTOMATIC_LOGOUT_AFTER_DESC">This value indicates after how many minutes an inactive user is automatically logged out. Inactive is a user as long as he does not call any page of the Admidio system. This setting is ignored if the user has selected #VAR1_BOLD#. (Default: 20 minutes)</string>
  <string name="ORG_BROWSER_UPDATE_CHECK">Update message for outdated browsers</string>
  <string name="ORG_BROWSER_UPDATE_CHECK_DESC">After activation users with outdated browsers are advised to run a browserupdate. Newer browsers guarantee a better protection against fraud, viruses, Trojans, identity theft and other threats to your privacy and security. Every new browser generation improves speed and supports more and more new web technologies, which leads to a better web experience. For this purpose, the service of is used.</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_COLOR">Background color</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_IMAGE">Background image</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_DESC">You can choose a background image which will be used as Captcha. The font color should match with the image in order to keep it readable. (default: no image).</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_CHARACTERS_COLOR">Character color</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_COLOR_DESC">The background color should be in good contrast to the character color. If both line and character color are the same it is harder for scripts and bots to read the Captcha. All colors need to be specified as #VAR1#hexadecimal value#VAR2#.</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_DISTORTION">Distortion</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_DISTORTION_DESC">This value indicates the distortion of the characters. 0 means no distortion. With a value of 3 some characters might not be readable any more. (default: 0.75)</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_FONT">Select font type for captcha code. (default: AHGBold.ttf)</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_LINE_COLOR">Line color</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_LINES_NUMBERS">Number of lines</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_LINES_NUMBERS_DESC">With lines on a Captcha it is harder for scripts and bots to solve it. The more lines will be drawn the harder it will be to solve it. Unfortunately it is the same for humans. (default: 5)</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_PREVIEW">Captcha preview</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_PREVIEW_TEXT">The Captcha preview only considers options which already have been saved.</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_REGISTRATION">After activation a picture with a captcha code or a simple calculation will be displayed to new users. It\'s necessary to fill in the correct code or result to save presently edited entry. The captcha is part of anti-spam solution in Admidio. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_SIGNATURE">Captcha subtitle</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_SIGNATURE_TEXT">Fill in your preferred subtitle for the captcha. Default font type of the current theme will be used.</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_SIGNS">Valid characters</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_SIGNS_TEXT">Here you can define the Captcha characters which will be used. Please avoid to use characters which can easily mixed up, e.g. I and l.</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_TYPE">Captcha type</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_TYPE_CALC">Calculation</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_TYPE_PIC">Random character</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_TYPE_WORDS">Words (english)</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_TYPE_TEXT">Here you can define the Captcha type. The Captcha will be displayed as image. It can consist of random characters, a small math problem or two words. Further options allow to define the Captcha in detail. (default: random characters)</string>
  <string name="ORG_CAPTCHA_WIDTH_DESC">Captcha width in pixel. Captcha height will be calculated by proportion in regard to the width. In addition it will define the character size. (default: 215)</string>
  <string name="ORG_CREATE_ITEM_FIELD">Create item field</string>
  <string name="ORG_CREATE_PROFILE_FIELD">Create profile field</string>
  <string name="ORG_CURRENCY">Currency</string>
  <string name="ORG_CURRENCY_DESC">Select currency. Currency type will appear after all displayed amounts.</string>
  <string name="ORG_DATATYPE">Data type</string>
  <string name="ORG_DATE_FORMAT">Date format</string>
  <string name="ORG_DATE_FORMAT_DESC">Format complies with PHP function #VAR1#. (default: d.m.Y)</string>
  <string name="ORG_EDIT_PROFILE_FIELD">Editing profile field</string>
  <string name="ORG_EMAIL_ALERTS">E-mail alert</string>
  <string name="ORG_EMAIL_ALERTS_DESC">All members of all roles with permission #VAR1_BOLD# receive e-mail in case of new user registration. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="ORG_ENABLE_CAPTCHA">Captcha activation</string>
  <string name="ORG_ENABLE_REGISTRATION_MODULE">Enable registration</string>
  <string name="ORG_ENABLE_REGISTRATION_MODULE_DESC">The registration by visitors of the homepage can be activated or deactivated by this setting. The profile fields that are displayed during the registration process can be configured in the profile field settings for each field. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="ORG_ENABLE_RSS_FEEDS">Enable web feeds</string>
  <string name="ORG_ENABLE_RSS_FEEDS_DESC">Admidio is able to provide web feeds for several modules (announcements, events, guestbook, photos and web links) on the overview page for each module. Subscription is possible by browser or feed reader. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION">Define unlimited additional fields. Fields will be displayed and can be edited in user\'s profile. These fields will be available in own list, too.</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_DISABLED">Field only editable for members with permission #VAR1_BOLD#</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_DISABLED_DESC">A locked profile field can no longer be edited by a member in its own profile. It can be edited only by members who have the permission to edit all members. The Leaders of a role with the permission to edit profiles of the role members, can also edit this profile field.</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_EXIST">Field with same name already exists in this category.</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_HIDDEN">Field viewable for authorized members only (own profile &amp; role rights)</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_HIDDEN_DESC">Usually a field is visible to everybody who is allowed to view the profile. If this option is deselected only members who are allowed to edit this profile can see the field.</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_NOT_DISABLED">Field can be edited by members themselves.</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_NOT_HIDDEN">Field visible for all members.</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_NOT_REGISTRATION">Field is not displayed during registration</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_REGISTRATION">Field is displayed during registration</string>
  <string name="ORG_FIELD_URL_DESC">The entered URL later links in the profile to the content that the user has entered in this field. Optionally, even the wildcard #user_content# can be defined in the URL. This is the content that the user has entered in the field..\n\nExample:\nUrl:\nfield_value: Admidio\nLink in profile:</string>
  <string name="ORG_HOMEPAGE_REGISTERED_USERS">This page appears when a user logged in. Path has to be provided as relative path to the Admidio main folder.\n(e.g.: adm_program/overview.php)</string>
  <string name="ORG_HOMEPAGE_VISITORS">This page is the default page of Admidio for guests. Path has to be provided as relative path to the Admidio main folder.\n(e.g.: adm_program/overview.php)</string>
  <string name="ORG_INVALID_THEME">Could not find a valid theme.</string>
  <string name="ORG_JAVASCRIPT_EDITOR_ENABLE">Using the JavaScript editor</string>
  <string name="ORG_JAVASCRIPT_EDITOR_ENABLE_DESC">A full-featured JavaScript editor is being used in many modules of Admidio. Events, Announcements etc. can be edited in a comfortable way by the user. In case the editor has been activated, a simple multi-lin text box is being displayed.</string>
  <string name="ORG_LAST_UPDATE_STEP">Last step of update</string>
  <string name="ORG_LOGIN_AUTOMATICALLY">Login automatically</string>
  <string name="ORG_LOGIN_AUTOMATICALLY_DESC">Users are able to define at login if login information and session should be saved on their computers. This way, they will be logged in at their visit automatically. However this can lead to unwanted access and misuse of unauthorized persons. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="ORG_NEW_ORGANIZATION">New organization</string>
  <string name="ORG_NEW_ORGANIZATION_DESC">Enter the abbreviation, the official name and the email address for the organization you want to add. The email address should be a general one. It will be used as sender address when sending automatic system notifications.</string>
  <string name="ORG_NO_FIELD_CREATED">No organization specific field has been created yet!</string>
  <string name="ORG_NOT_SAVED_SETTINGS_LOST">When changing the view all unsaved changes will be lost.</string>
  <string name="ORG_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE">Number of entries per page</string>
  <string name="ORG_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_DESC">Define number of items displayed on a page. Pagination is provided if number of items exceeds defined value. Print preview and export functionality are not affected. If value is 0, all items will be listed and pagination is deactivated. (default: #VAR1#)</string>
  <string name="ORG_ONLY_FOR_REGISTERED_USER">For logged in users only</string>
  <string name="ORG_ORGANIZATION_PROPERTIES_DESC">Manage general organization preferences or module preferences here.</string>
  <string name="ORG_ORGANIZATION_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED">Organization #VAR1_BOLD# has been added successfully. It is now selectable when logging in.\n\nIf you have a separate homepage for this organization please add it within the config.php of the separate homepage.</string>
  <string name="ORG_PARENT_ORGANIZATION">Parent organization</string>
  <string name="ORG_PARENT_ORGANIZATION_DESC">Define parent organization here. Parent organizations are able to create events and announcements for example which will be displayed in selected (child) organization.</string>
  <string name="ORG_PASSWORD_MIN_STRENGTH">Password strength</string>
  <string name="ORG_PASSWORD_MIN_STRENGTH_DESC">Here you can specify how safe and complex passwords must be at least.\nThe value in brackets indicates how many attempts are required on average until the password is determined.\n\n No: risky password (&lt;10^3)\n Low: Protection against throttled online attacks. (&lt;10^6)\n Middle: protection against unrestricted online attacks.(&lt;10^8)\n High: Moderate protection against offline hashing. (&lt;10 ^10)\n Very high: Strong protection against offline hashing. (&gt;= 10^10)</string>
  <string name="ORG_PASSWORD_MIN_STRENGTH_NO">None</string>
  <string name="ORG_PASSWORD_MIN_STRENGTH_LOW">Low</string>
  <string name="ORG_PASSWORD_MIN_STRENGTH_MID">Middle</string>
  <string name="ORG_PASSWORD_MIN_STRENGTH_HIGH">High</string>
  <string name="ORG_PASSWORD_MIN_STRENGTH_VERY_HIGH">Very high</string>
  <string name="ORG_PIXEL">Pixel</string>
  <string name="ORG_PROFILE_FIELDS">Profile fields</string>
  <string name="ORG_REFUSE_REGISTRATION">Notification on refusal of registration</string>
  <string name="ORG_REGIONAL_SETTINGS">Regional settings</string>
  <string name="ORG_REGISTERED_USERS">Logged in user</string>
  <string name="ORG_SEARCH_SIMILAR_NAMES">Search for similar names</string>
  <string name="ORG_SEARCH_SIMILAR_NAMES_DESC">At registration and assigning registrations Admidio is searching for similar surnames and first names in order to avoid double entries. Deactivation results search for identical names only. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="ORG_SECONDS">seconds</string>
  <string name="ORG_SEND_NEW_PASSWORD">Send new password</string>
  <string name="ORG_SHOW_CREATE_EDIT">Show creator and timestamp of creation</string>
  <string name="ORG_SHOW_CREATE_EDIT_DESC">In some places the creator and the user with the last change to a record is displayed together with a timestamp. This setting can be used to determine whether this information is displayed at all and whether the user should be displayed with the user name or with their first and last name.</string>
  <string name="ORG_SHOW_ORGANIZATION_SELECT">Display organisation selection</string>
  <string name="ORG_SHOW_ORGANIZATION_SELECT_DESC">In case of several organizations stored in the database, the log-in screen is able to display a selection box with all available organizations. The user is then able at log in to select another organization (other than defined in the config.php). However, the user must be a registered member of the selected organization.</string>
  <string name="ORG_THEME_FOLDER_OPEN">Themes folder could not be opened/read.</string>
  <string name="ORG_TIME_FORMAT">Time format</string>
  <string name="ORG_TIME_FORMAT_DESC">Format complies with PHP function #VAR1#. (default: H:i)</string>
  <string name="ORG_TIMEZONE">Time zone</string>
  <string name="ORG_TIMEZONE_DESC">This is the set time zone. If this is changed later in the config.php file of Admidio, already recorded dates and times are not adjusted to the new time zone.</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_ACTIVATION_LINK">Activation link for the new password</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_EMAIL">Mail address of the user in regard to the mail context</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_EMAIL_ORGANIZATION">System e-mail address of the organization</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_FIRST_NAME">First name of the user from the respective e-mail context</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_LAST_NAME">Surname of the user from the respective e-mail context</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_NAME_ORGANIZATION">Name of the organization</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_NEW_PASSWORD">New user password</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_SHORTNAME_ORGANIZATION">Short name of the organization</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_URL_ORGANIZATION">Website URL of the organization</string>
  <string name="ORG_VARIABLE_USERNAME">Username of the user from the respective e-mail context</string>
  <!--System-Phrases for use in every module-->
  <string name="SYS_64BIT">64bit</string>
  <string name="SYS_A_TO_Z">A to Z</string>
  <string name="SYS_ABORT">Cancel</string>
  <string name="SYS_ABR_NO" description="Abbreviation for Number">No.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ACTIVE_FORMER_MEMBERS">Active and former members</string>
  <string name="SYS_ACTIVE_FORMER_MEMBERS_SHORT">Active and former</string>
  <string name="SYS_ACTIVE_MEMBERS">Active Members</string>
  <string name="SYS_ACTIVATE_ROLE">Activate role</string>
  <string name="SYS_ACTIVATE_ROLE_DESC">If you re-activate the role #VAR1_BOLD#, the role members are assigned again with permissions and the role is selectable in all lists.\n\nDo you want to re-activate the roles?</string>
  <string name="SYS_ACTIVE_GROUPS_ROLES">Active groups and roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADD_ANOTHER_CONFIG">Add further configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADD_ATTACHMENT">Attach attachment</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADD_COLUMN">Add column</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADD_COLUMNS_DESC">Assign any number of columns corresponding to profile fields in the table below. In addition, you can specify the default sorting and add conditions under which the respective members are to be filtered.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADD_EVENT_TO_CALENDAR">Add event to calendar</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADD_RECIPIENTS">Add recipient</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADD_TO_DATABASE">Add to database</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADDRESS">Address</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADDITIONAL_COLUMNS">Additional columns</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADDITIONAL_FILES">This list intends to provide an overview of files and folders not imported into the database yet. They can be added to the database. Access rights will be copied from selected folder.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMIDIO_DOWNLOAD_PAGE">Go to the Admidio download page</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMIDIO_SHORT_DESC">The online management system for associations, groups and organizations</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMIDIO_VERSION">Admidio version</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMIDIO_VERSION_BACKUP">Admidio version and backup</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMINISTRATION">Administration</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMINISTRATOR">Administrator</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMINISTRATORS">Administrators</string>
  <string name="SYS_ADMINISTRATORS_DESC">These roles are administrators of the Documents and Files module and therefore have access to all folders and files. They can upload and download files and assign access rights. A role can be made an administrator by assigning it the right #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_AJAX_REQUEST_ERROR">Ajax request error.\nError Details: #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALBUM">Album</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALBUM_CONTAINS_NO_PHOTOS">Album contains no photos.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALBUM_CREATED_TITLE">A new photo album was created at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALBUM_CHANGED_TITLE">A photo album was changed at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALBUM_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND">Folder could not be found. In case the folder was deleted by using FTP or in case to be  inaccessible, please delete the folder in Admidio.\nGuests without photo management permission can not display selected album.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALBUM_NOT_APPROVED">The album is currently locked and will not be shown to visitors and members for this reason.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALL">All</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALL_DAY">Full time</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALL_ORGANIZATIONS">All organizations</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALL_ORGANIZATIONS_DESC">The selected category is shared for all organizations.\nThe current object (event, announcement, profile field, web link, etc.) will be visible not only in this organization but also in all the following organizations: #VAR1#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALL_THIS_ORGANIZATION">All members of this organization</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_GUESTS">Participants can register anonymous guests</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_GUESTS_DESC">Participants may add additional seats to their registration. These are then subtracted from the maximum number of participants and the remaining free seats are thereby reduced. This is e.g. useful if a participant can bring more visitors and thus requires a total number of free places.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALLOW_USER_COMMENTS">Allow comments within participation</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALLOW_USER_COMMENTS_DESC">Participants can comment on their participation. The comments can be viewed via the participant list</string>
  <string name="SYS_ALSO_VISITORS">Also visitors</string>
  <string name="SYS_ANNOUNCEMENT">Announcement</string>
  <string name="SYS_ANNOUNCEMENT_CHANGED_TITLE">An announcement was changed at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_ANNOUNCEMENT_CREATED_TITLE">A new announcement was created at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_ANNOUNCEMENTS">Announcements</string>
  <string name="SYS_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DESC">Display or edit announcements, news and other information.</string>
  <string name="SYS_APPLY">Apply</string>
  <string name="SYS_APPOINTMENT">Appointment</string>
  <string name="SYS_APPOINTMENTS">Appointments</string>
  <string name="SYS_ANNUALLY">Annually</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGNED_BY_ROLES">Set by the roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_EDIT_MEMBERS">Assign and edit members</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_FIELDS">Assign fields</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_FIELDS_DESC">In the left column of the following table all profile fields are displayed. In the right column, the columns from the file to be imported are displayed in a selection list. All columns from the file you want to import should now be assigned to a profile field.\n\nExisting members are identified by first name and last name. If you have the unique Admidio-ID (UUID) of the member available in your file, you can select it in the mapping. The members will then be automatically identified by this Admidio-ID and no longer by first name and last name.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_FILE_COLUMN">Assign file column</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_LOGIN_INFORMATION">Assign login data</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL">Login data has been successfully assigned.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_LOGIN_EMAIL">Login data has been successfully assigned and user has been informed via e-mail.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_MEMBERS">Assign members</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_MEMBERSHIP">Assign membership</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_PARTICIPANTS">Add participants</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_REGISTRATION">Assign registration</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_REGISTRATION_SUCCESSFUL">Registration has been confirmed. The member can now log on to the system.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_ROLE">Assign role</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_ROLE_FOR_IMPORT">Please select a role to which all imported contacts will be automatically assigned.\n\nYou can only select roles that you are allowed to see and do not have role assignment permission if you do not have it yourself.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASSIGN_ROLE_TO_USER">The data cannot be saved.\nAt least one role must be assigned to the contact.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ASYMMETRICAL">Asymmetrical</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTACHMENT">Attachment</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTACHMENT_ONE">1 attachment</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTACHMENT_SIZE">Maximum size of e-mail attachments</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTACHMENT_SIZE_DESC">Users can only attach files where the file size is less than the value specified here. If there is 0 here, no attachments are possible in the e-mail module. (Default: 5MB)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTACHMENT_TO_LARGE">E-mail attachment upload error.\nFile size is most likely to large!</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTACHMENTS_VAR">#VAR1# attachments</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTEND_EVENT">You signed up for the event #VAR1_BOLD# on #VAR2#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ATTEND_POSSIBLY">You signed up tentative for the event #VAR1_BOLD# on #VAR2#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_AUTO_DETECT">Auto-detect</string>
  <string name="SYS_AVAILABLE">Available</string>
  <string name="SYS_AVAILABLE_BETA">Available Beta</string>
  <string name="SYS_BACK">Back</string>
  <string name="SYS_BACK_TO_ALBUM">Back to album</string>
  <string name="SYS_BACK_TO_FOLDER">Back to folder</string>
  <string name="SYS_BACK_TO_MODULE_OVERVIEW">Back to module overview</string>
  <string name="SYS_BASIC_DATA">Basic data</string>
  <string name="SYS_BIRTHDAY">Birthday</string>
  <string name="SYS_CALENDAR">Calendar</string>
  <string name="SYS_CALENDARS">Calendars</string>
  <string name="SYS_CANCEL">Cancel</string>
  <string name="SYS_CANCEL_EVENT">You canceled the participation for the event #VAR1_BOLD# on #VAR2#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CANCEL_MEMBERSHIP">Cancel membership</string>
  <string name="SYS_CANCEL_RELATIONSHIP">Delete relationship</string>
  <string name="SYS_CANT_DELETE_ROLE">You can not delete the role #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPACITY">Capacity</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTCHA">Captcha</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTCHA_CALC">Result of the calculation</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTCHA_CALC_CODE_INVALID">The result of the calculation is not correct.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTCHA_CALC_DESCRIPTION">The calculation is part of a captcha. A captcha is used for spam prevention. The calculation is used to detect if a user or a script (or spambot) filled in the form.\nPlease fill in the result of the calculation in the form.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTCHA_CODE_INVALID">The authentication code was invalid.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTCHA_CONFIRMATION_CODE">Authentication code</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTCHA_DESCRIPTION">The authentication code is part of a captcha. A captcha is used for spam detection. The picture is used to detect if a user or a script (or spambot) filled the form.\nPlease fill the result of the authentication code into the form.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTION_SIZE">Caption size</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAPTION_SIZE_DESC">The size of the caption is proportional to the image size, calculated by the formula \"Image size / Devisor\". By increasing the devisor, the font size will be reduced. (Default: 40)</string>
  <string name="SYS_CARBON_COPY">Carbon copy (CC)</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAT_SELECTION">Category selection</string>
  <string name="SYS_CAT_SELECTION_CONF_DESC">The category selection can be used to restrict a configuration to the members of roles of the selected categories.\n\n If no restriction is to be made, both fields (role selection and category selection) must be left blank.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORIES">Categories</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORIES_ADMINISTRATORS_DESC">Members of this role are administrators of the module and have access to everything. You can create, edit, delete data and edit categories and their rights. A role can be made an administrator by assigning it the right #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORIES_ALL_MODULE_ADMINISTRATORS_MOTHER_ORGA">All administrators of the module of the parent organization</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORY">Category</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORY_EXISTS_IN_ORGA">Category name already exists in selected organization.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORY_PROFILE_FIELDS_VISIBILITY">The visibility of the profile fields in this category can be prevented for other users, but the profile fields remain visible in their own profile and can be edited there.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORY_REPORT">Category report</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORY_REPORT_DESC">Generates a listing of a member's role and category memberships.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORY_VISIBLE_ALL_ORGA">If option activated, the profile fields of this category will appear and can be edited in the profile view of following organizations:#VAR1#\n\nPlease deactivate, if fields should only be shown in your organization.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CATEGORY_VAR">#VAR1#-category</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHANGE_DATE">Change date</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHANGE_HISTORY">Change history</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHANGE_HISTORY_OF">Change history of #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHANGE_PASSWORD">Change password</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHANGED_AT">Last modified</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHANGED_BY">Changed by</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHARACTER_ENCODING">Character encoding</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHARACTER_ENCODING_DESC">Character encoding used in e-mails sent by Admidio. Not all e-mail clients are able to process UTF-8. Therefore ISO-8859-1 can be set here alternatively.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHARACTERS">Characters</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE">Check for update</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHECKBOX">Checkbox</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHECKBOX_AUTOSAVE">Checkbox status is saved automatically after marking.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CHOOSE_FILE">Select file</string>
  <string name="SYS_CITY">City</string>
  <string name="SYS_CLOCK">o\'clock</string>
  <string name="SYS_CLOSE">Close</string>
  <string name="SYS_CODING">Coding</string>
  <string name="SYS_COLUMN">Column</string>
  <string name="SYS_COLUMN_SELECTION">Column selection</string>
  <string name="SYS_COLUMN_SELECTION_DESC">Selects the columns to be displayed in the list.\n\n Inactive roles are marked with (*).</string>
  <string name="SYS_COMPACT">Compact</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURATIONS">Configurations</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURATIONS_HEADER">Any number of configurations can be created here for the category report. In the screen display, one of these configurations is used as the basis for the display in each case via "Select configuration".</string>
  <string name="SYS_COMMA">Comma (,)</string>
  <string name="SYS_COMMA_SEPARATED_FILE">Comma-separated file (*.csv)</string>
  <string name="SYS_COMMENT">Comment</string>
  <string name="SYS_COMMON">General</string>
  <string name="SYS_COMPLEMENT">Complement</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONDITION">Condition</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURATION">Configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURATION_ALL_USERS">Permission to use configuration for all members</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURATION_DELETE">Would you like to delete selected list configuration?</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURATION_LIST">List configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURATION_SAVE">Please select name for configuration set?</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURE_LISTS">Configure lists</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIGURE_LISTS_DESC">Users can create their own lists with selected profile fields and then apply them to groups and roles. Only profile fields and groups or roles that the current user is allowed to see are available. This setting can be used to specify who can create such lists. (Default: All)</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIRM_PASSWORD">Confirm password</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIRM_REGISTRATION">Confirm registration</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONFIRMATION_OF_INPUT">Confirm value</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONNECTION_ERROR">Connection to the Admidio update page could not be established. Please check your internet connection or try again later. You can also check the #VAR1# website for manual update.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTACT_DETAILS">Contact information</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTACT_NO_VALID_LOGIN">This contact does not have a registration yet.\nDo you want to assign the data of this registration?</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND_CREATE_NEW">If the new contact cannot be assigned to an existing contact with a similar name, you can create a new contact and assign the appropriate roles to it.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTACT_SIMILAR_NAME">A contact with a similar name was found.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTACTS">Contacts</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTENT">Content</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTRIBUTION">Contribution</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTRIBUTION_PERIOD">Contribution period</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONVERSATION_PARTNER">Conversation partner</string>
  <string name="SYS_COOKIE_NOTE">Show notice of use of cookies</string>
  <string name="SYS_COOKIE_NOTE_DESC">Visitors and registered users receive a notice when using the website for the first time that this site uses cookies. This note must be confirmed once by the user, after that the user no longer receives any information on this device and browser.</string>
  <string name="SYS_COOKIE_DESC">This website uses cookies to ensure that you get the best experience on our website. By using this website you agree that we use cookies.</string>
  <string name="SYS_COOKIE_NOT_SET">Log-in error! Your browser does not accept cookies!\n\nFor successful log-in, please, configure your browser to accept cookies from #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_COPY">Copy</string>
  <string name="SYS_COPY_CONFIGURATION">Copy configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_COPY_OF_YOUR_EMAIL">Your requested copy of the message</string>
  <string name="SYS_COPY_ENTRY">Copy entry</string>
  <string name="SYS_COPY_VAR">Copy #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_COUNT_INDIVIDUAL_RECIPIENT" description="Singular">#VAR1# individual recipient</string>
  <string name="SYS_COUNT_INDIVIDUAL_RECIPIENTS" description="Plural">#VAR1# individual recipients</string>
  <string name="SYS_COUNTER">Counter</string>
  <string name="SYS_COUNTRY">Country</string>
  <string name="SYS_COUNTRY_EG" translation="edited">GER</string>
  <string name="SYS_COUNTRY_ISO">The country needs to be specified as Code ISO 3166 ALPHA-3 (3 characters)</string>
  <string name="SYS_CP1252">CP1252</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE">Create</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_ALBUM">Create album</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_CALENDAR">Create calendar</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_CATEGORY">Create category</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_CONTACT">Create contact</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_ENTRY">Add entry</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_EVENT">Create event</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_FOLDER">Create folder</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_FOLDER_DESC">A new folder will be created in folder #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_HTACCESS">Create .htaccess</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_MEMBER">Create member</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_NEW_CONFIGURATION">Create a new configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_RELATIONSHIP">Create relationship</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_ROLE">Create role</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_VAR">Create #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATE_WEBLINK">Create web link</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATED_AT">Created at</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATED_BY">Created by</string>
  <string name="SYS_CREATED_BY_AND_AT">Created by #VAR1# at #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_CSV">CSV</string>
  <string name="SYS_CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION">Current database version</string>
  <string name="SYS_CURRENT_EVENTS_OF_ORGA">Current events of organizations #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_CURRENT_MEMBER">Current member</string>
  <string name="SYS_CURRENT_PASSWORD">Current password</string>
  <string name="SYS_CURRENT_PROFILE_PICTURE">Current profile picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_CURRENT_USER_NO_EMAIL" description="Var1 und Var2 erzeugen den Profil-Link">No valid e-mail address has been provided!\n\nPlease provide an e-mail address in your #VAR1#profile#VAR2#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATA_CATEGORY_GLOBAL">If this option is enabled, the data (Events, announcements, web links ...) in this category will also appear on the websites of the following organizations:\n#VAR1_BOLD#</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATA_MULTI_ORGA">Data visible to multiple organizations</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATA_PROTECTION">Data protection</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATA_PROTECTION_DESC">Here, the URL to your page with the privacy policy can be deposited. This page is linked to the use of cookies for further information. If the selected theme supports this, a link will also be displayed on the Admidio pages. (Example:</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATA_PROTECTION_PERMISSION">I consent to the processing of the data.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATA_PROTECTION_PERMISSION_DESC">I have read the information provided by the organization. As far as the personal data provided by me are not necessary data for the fulfillment of the contract, I declare my consent to the processing of these data. My data will be stored exclusively for the purposes of the organization and treated confidentially.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE">Database</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_BACKUP">Database backup</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_BACKUP_DESC">Creates a backup of all Admidio data in a gzip file. In addition to the data, the file also contains the structure of the tables, the indices and the links between the tables. The backup contains sensitive member data and should therefore be stored securely. It should not be possible for third parties to access the file.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_DOESNOT_NEED_UPDATED">It is not necessary to update the database.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_ERROR">Database error</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_IS_UP_TO_DATE">Admidio\'s database is up to date.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_NO_LOGIN">The connection to the database failed!\n\nThe following error occurred:\n#VAR1#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_NO_LOGIN_CONFIG_FILE">No connection to the database could be created!\n\nPlease check the access data in the file config.php in the folder adm_my_files. If the file is still from another installation, please remove the config.php from the folder, because a new file will be created via the installation wizard. After that you can continue the installation.\n\nThe following error occurred: \n#VAR1#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_VERSION">Database version</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_VERSION_AFTER_UPDATE">Database version after update</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_VERSION_INVALID" description="Var3 and Var4 create link to update">The database version #VAR1# is lower than the version of the Admidio scripts #VAR2#.\n\nPlease perform #VAR3# database update to version #VAR4#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATABASE_VERSION_REQUIRED">Admidio requires #VAR1# or higher</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATE">Date</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATE_END_BEFORE_BEGIN">End date is before start date.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATE_FROM_TO" description="Used in date-context: 2010/01/10 to 2010/01/12">#VAR1# to #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATE_INVALID">Invalid date in field #VAR1_BOLD#.\n\nDate has to comply with this formatting: #VAR2_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATE_MODIFIED">Date of modification</string>
  <string name="SYS_DATE_TO">to</string>
  <string name="SYS_DAYS_FIELD_HISTORY">Default time period for field history (days)</string>
  <string name="SYS_DAYS_FIELD_HISTORY_DESC">Changes in profile fields will be listed for the given period of time in days. This is the default filter option which can be changed by the user later on. For huge databases this option is used to limit the change history list. (Default: 365)</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEACTIVATE_ROLE">Deactivate role</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEACTIVATE_ROLE_DESC">If you deactivate role #VAR1_BOLD#, the role can no longer be used and assigned to objects. Likewise, all rights of this role are no longer effective. However, the role with its setting and all member mappings remains and can be reactivated at a later date.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEADLINE">Deadline</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEADLINE_AFTER_START">The deadline for registration is after the start of the event.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEADLINE_ATTENTION">Your registration can not be changed because the given end date for registrations has been reached or the date is in the past. Please contact a leader of the event or an administrator!</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEBUG_OUTPUT">Debug output</string>
  <string name="SYS_DECIMAL_NUMBER">Decimal number</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_REGISTRATION">Default assignment of registering</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_REGISTRATION_DESC">If a new user is created or a new registration is accepted, then this role is automatically assigned to the new user. When the creator has the right to assign roles, all role mappings are displayed and can be changed accordingly.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION">Default configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_CAT_REP_DESC">One of the configurations given here can be made the default configuration for the category report of this organization. The selected configuration will be displayed directly when the report is called.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_LISTS_DESC">One of the configurations specified here can be made the default configuration for lists of this organization. Member lists of roles that do not have a list configuration stored will be displayed with this configuration.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_COUNTRY">Default country</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_DESC">Define a country for which this organization mainly operates. It will be preselected when new users are created or registered. It eases the data input and can be changed by the user.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_ENCODING_UTF8">Default encoding (UTF-8)</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_LIST">Default list</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_LIST_DESC">In case there is a member list for this role to be displayed and no list configuration is specified, the list is displayed in the system-wide selected standard list configuration. Using this field for an individual role, a different configuration list can be selected which is displayed when no configuration list is preset.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_LIST_CONFIGURATION_PARTICIPATION">Default configuration of participants list</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_LIST_CONFIGURATION_PARTICIPATION_DESC">One of the configurations given here can be set as standard configuration for the participant list on events of this organization. Participants of events are viewed with this configuration.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_LIST_NOT_SET_UP">No default list configuration set defined by the administrator!\n\nContact system administrator for help.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_VALUE">Default value</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_VALUE_DESC">You can set a default value for this profile field. This value will be preset directly for a new user in the field. To do this, enter the value in the field that you would also enter in the profile itself.\n\nFor the checkbox data type, you can enter 1 for activated and 0 for deactivated. For the data types dropdown list field and radio button you enter the number of the line from the value list in which the desired value is located.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_VAR">Standard #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_VIEW">Default view</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEFAULT_VIEW_DESC">A display mode of the events can be preselected. In #VAR1_BOLD# mode, all the information about an event is displayed in a box. In the #VAR2_BOLD# display mode, the most important event information is shown in a compact list. (Default setting: #VAR1#)</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE">Delete</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_ALBUM">Delete album</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_CONFIGURATION">Delete configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_FILE">Delete file</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_FOLDER">Delete folder</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_DATA">Data has been deleted.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_ENTRY">Would you like to delete entry #VAR1_BOLD#?</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_LAST_CATEGORY">There is no other category in this area. For this reason, the category can not be deleted.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_MESSAGE">Should message #VAR1_BOLD# be removed now?</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_NO_DEFAULT_ROLE">You can not delete role #VAR1_BOLD#. At least one role requires the #VAR2_BOLD# setting.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_PROFILE_PICTURE">Delete profile picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_ROLE">Delete role</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_ROLE_DESC">Are you sure you want to delete the role #VAR1_BOLD#?\n\nAll memberships will also be removed permanently.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_SYSTEM_CATEGORY">You can not delete system categories.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETE_SYSTEM_ROLE">You can not delete the system role #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETED_ENTRY">Deleted entry</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELETED_USER">Deleted user</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION">Request delivery confirmation</string>
  <string name="SYS_DELIVERY_CONFIRMATION_DESC">When enabled, the author of an e-mail has the opportunity to request a delivery confirmation. However, it depends on the settings of the recipients email program, whether a delivery confirmation is sent. The recipient may suppress its transmission.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEPENDENCIES">Dependencies</string>
  <string name="SYS_DEPENDENT">Dependent</string>
  <string name="SYS_DESCRIPTION">Description</string>
  <string name="SYS_DESIGNATION">Name</string>
  <string name="SYS_DETAILED">Detailed</string>
  <string name="SYS_DIRECTORY_PROTECTION">Directory protection</string>
  <string name="SYS_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR">Directory separator</string>
  <string name="SYS_DISABLED">Disabled</string>
  <string name="SYS_DISK_SPACE">Disk space</string>
  <string name="SYS_DISK_SPACE_ERROR">The usage of the storage space could not be determined.\n\nError message:\n#VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_DISPLAY_REDIRECT">Show redirect</string>
  <string name="SYS_DISPLAY_REDIRECT_DESC">Activate auto forwarding for links. User will be notified by a warning message about leaving the pages of Admidio when clicking a hyperlink in link module. Clicked hyperlink will be opened after predefined time. Is redirection set to 0, hyperlink will be opened without showing the warning message (default: 10 seconds).</string>
  <string name="SYS_DIVERSE">Diverse</string>
  <string name="SYS_DO_NOT_EDIT">Do not edit</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOCUMENTS_FILES">Documents &amp; Files</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOCUMENTS_FILES_DESC">Different documents and files can be viewed or provided for download. These files can be categorized in folders with different access permission levels.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOCUMENTS_FILES_ROLES_VIEW">Members of the following roles can view the documents and files in this folder: #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_DONATE">Donate</string>
  <string name="SYS_DONT_DELETE_CATEGORY">Could not delete category #VAR1_BOLD# because of #VAR2# depending entries.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DONT_SHOW">Do not display</string>
  <string name="SYS_DQUOTE">Double quote (")</string>
  <string name="SYS_DROPDOWN_LISTBOX">Drop-down list box</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOWNLOAD_ALBUM">Download album</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOWNLOAD_DATABASE_BACKUP">Download database backup</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOWNLOAD_FILE">Download file</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOWNLOAD_ICAL">Download iCal</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOWNLOAD_PHOTO">Download photo</string>
  <string name="SYS_DOWNLOAD_ZIP_ERROR">An error occurred when creating the zip file.</string>
  <string name="SYS_DUPLICATE">Duplicate</string>
  <string name="SYS_ECARD_FROM">Greeting card sent by</string>
  <string name="SYS_ECARD_MAX_PHOTO_SIZE_DESC">The specified value determine the maximum size in pixel that the longer side of the image may have in the greeting card. (Default: #VAR1# pixels)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ECARD_NOT_SUCCESSFULLY_SEND">Your greeting card could not be sent!</string>
  <string name="SYS_ECARD_SUCCESSFULLY_SEND">Your greeting card was sent.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT">Edit</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_ALBUM">Edit album</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_ANNOUNCEMENTS">Edit announcements</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_CALENDAR">Edit calendar</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_CALENDAR_DESC">Here you can create and edit calendars.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_CALENDARS">Edit calendars</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_CATEGORIES">Edit categories</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_CATEGORY">Edit category</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_ENTRY">Edit entry</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_EVENTS">Edit events</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_EVENT">Edit event</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_FILE">Edit file</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_FOLDER">Edit folder</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_MEMBERS">Edit members</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_MY_PROFILE">Edit my profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_MY_PROFILE_PICTURE">Edit my profile picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_PASSWORD">Edit password</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_PROFILE">Edit profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_PROFILE_FIELDS">Edit profile fields</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_PROFILE_FIELDS_PREF">Edit profile fields in the profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_PROFILE_PIC_FROM">Edit profile picture of #VAR1# #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_ROLE">Edit role</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_ROOMS">Edit rooms</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_ROOMS_DESC">Here you can create and edit rooms for events.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_USER">Edit user</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_USER_IN_RELATION">User profile of this relationship can be edited</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_VAR">Edit #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_WEBLINK">Edit web link</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDIT_WEBLINKS">Edit web links</string>
  <string name="SYS_EDITED_BY">Last edited by</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL">E-mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR">Email Administrator</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_ADMINISTRATOR_DESC">The e-mail address of an administrator is displayed in the system whenever an unexpected event has occurred. There is a hint that you should contact an administrator.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE">User #VAR1# #VAR2# (login: #VAR3#) was changed</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE">The profile data of the user #VAR1# #VAR2# (login: #VAR3#) was changed by #VAR4#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_CREATE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE">User #VAR1# #VAR2# (login: #VAR3#) was created</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_CREATE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE">The user #VAR1# #VAR2# (login: #VAR3#) was created by #VAR4#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_DELETE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE">User #VAR1# #VAR2# (login: #VAR3#) was deleted</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_DELETE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE">The profile of the user #VAR1# #VAR2# (login: #VAR3#) was deleted by #VAR4#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_FUNCTION_TEST">#VAR1# function test email</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_FUNCTION_TEST_CONTENT">This email was sent via the #VAR1# website of the #VAR2# organization with the email settings stored there.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_INVALID">E-mail address in field #VAR1_BOLD# includes invalid characters or is incomplete.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_NOT_SEND">The email could not be sent to #VAR1_BOLD#.\n\nThe following error occurred:\n#VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_NOT_SEND_TO_RECIPIENTS">#VAR1#\n\nIt was not possible to send an e-mail to:\n#VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_PARAMETERS_DESC">You can use the following placeholders in the email text to directly address the recipient of the email. #VAR1# for the first name, #VAR2# for the last name, #VAR3# for first and last name, and #VAR4# for the email address.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_SEND">Mail has been send successfully</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_TEMPLATE">E-mail template</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DESC">Here you can select an HTML template file from the folder #VAR1_BOLD#. When sending an e-mail, the contents of this file will be copied to the e-mail and the following variables will be replaced: #sender#, #message#, #recipients#, #organization_name#, #organization_shortname#, #organization_website#. For more information on using email templates, see the #VAR2#documentation#VAR3#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_TO_MEMBERS">E-mail to members</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMAIL_TO_LIST">E-mail to list</string>
  <string name="SYS_EMPTY">Empty</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLED">Enabled</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_CATEGORY_REPORT">Enable category report</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_CATEGORY_REPORT_DESC">Category report creates a list of all roles and categories a member has. The permission #VAR1_BOLD# is required for access to the category report. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_DOCUMENTS_FILES_MODULE">Enable documents &amp; files</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_DOCUMENTS_FILES_MODULE_DESC">Documents &amp; files can be enabled or disabled via this setting. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD">Enable download</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_DESC">Allows to download single photos or complete albums as zip file. A hyperlink will be displayed for each photo or album. If option #VAR1_BOLD# is active only original photos will be downloaded.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_EMAILS">Enable e-mails</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_EMAILS_DESC">E-mails within messages module can be enabled or disabled via this setting. If the server does not support e-mail, the option should be disabled. (Default: enabled)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_EVENT_REGISTRATION">Do you want to enable event registration?\nIf event is deleted, all registered participants will be removed, too.\nWould you like to block further registrations, please reduce number of allowed participants.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_GREETING_CARDS">Enable greeting cards</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_GREETING_CARDS_DESC">The greeting cards can be enabled or disabled via this setting. If the server does not support e-mail, the module should be disabled. This module is generally only available to registered users. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_GROUPS_ROLES">Enable groups &amp; roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_GROUPS_ROLES_DESC">Displays the groups and roles of the organization and allows free configuration of groups and roles. Own list can be configured and applied. This module is generally only available for logged in users. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_ICAL_EXPORT">Enable iCal export</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_ICAL_EXPORT_DESC">If iCal is enabled, individual events or all events within a given time period can be downloaded. Also, users will be able to subscribe to events by using their own calendar client software . (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS">Enable system notifications</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_DESC">Here you can enable or disable the system notifications of Admidio. They can be sent, if for example a new user has registered. Registration confirmations will also be sent as system notifications. In general, this feature should not be disabled unless the server does not support e-mail delivery. The e-mail module is not affected by the deactivation. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_PM_MODULE">Enable private messages</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_PM_MODULE_DESC">Private messages can be enabled or disabled using this setting. (Default: enabled)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_USER_RELATIONS">Maintain and show relationships</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENABLE_USER_RELATIONS_DESC">If set active, relationships between contacts can be maintained and displayed. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ENCODING_GUESS">Try to detect the encoding</string>
  <string name="SYS_END" description="End of a date">End</string>
  <string name="SYS_END_MEMBERSHIP_OF_USER">Would you like to end membership of user #VAR1# in #VAR2#?</string>
  <string name="SYS_END_MEMBERSHIP_OF_USER_OK">The membership of user #VAR1_BOLD# at #VAR2_BOLD# was finished successfully!</string>
  <string name="SYS_ERROR">Error</string>
  <string name="SYS_ERROR_DATABASE_ACCESS">Error occurred during database access:\n\n#VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_ERROR_DELETE_DEFAULT_LIST">The list #VAR1_BOLD# is stored as default configuration for the module #VAR1# in this organization and cannot be deleted. Set another configuration to the default configuration in the module settings and try to delete this configuration afterwards.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ERROR_PAGE_NOT_FOUND">ERROR 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND!</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT">Event</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_CATEGORIES_ROLES_DIFFERENT">You have assigned roles to the participants who are not allowed to see the events in the selected category. Please choose one of the following roles for the participants: #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_CHANGED_TITLE">An event was changed at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_CREATED_TITLE">A new event was created at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_DEADLINE_DESC">Participants can register at the event until this date. Leaders and members with the right to edit events can still assign participants. If no date is specified, the start date of the event is taken as the registration deadline.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_MAX_MEMBERS">Reduce number of participants for this event. Please leave field empty for unlimited participants.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_ATTEND">I take part</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_TENTATIVE">I may take part</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_INVITED">Invited</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_CANCELED">Participation canceled</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENTS">Events</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENTS_DESC">Events can be created and viewed. Members can register for special events if they wish.</string>
  <string name="SYS_EVENTS_CONFIRMATION_OF_PARTICIPATION">Events - Confirmation of attendance</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXAMPLE">Example</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXAMPLES">Examples</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXCEL_2007_365">Excel 2007-365 (*.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXCEL_97_2003">Excel 97-2003 (*.xls, *.xlm)</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXISTING_CONTACTS">Existing contacts</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXPORT_LISTS">Export lists</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXPORT_LISTS_DESC">Lists of groups and roles can be exported by users, provided that you have the right to view these lists. This setting can be used to restrict the export function. (Default: All)</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXPORT_TO">Export to</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXPORT_VCARD">Export vCard</string>
  <string name="SYS_EXPORT_VCARD_FROM_VAR">Export vCard of #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_FACEBOOK">Facebook</string>
  <string name="SYS_FADE_IN">Fade in</string>
  <string name="SYS_FAX">Fax</string>
  <string name="SYS_FEMALE">Female</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELD">Field</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELD_EMPTY">Field #VAR1_BOLD# is empty.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELD_ENCLOSURE">Quotation character for the fields</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELD_INVALID_CHAR">The entered value in the field #VAR1_BOLD# contains illegal characters.\n\nAllowed characters are letters from \'a\' to \'z\' and \'A\' to \'Z\', numbers from 0 to 9 and special characters like .-_+@ .</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELD_INVALID_INPUT">The Field #VAR1_BOLD# contains an invalid input.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELD_INVALID_REGEX">The entered value in the field #VAR1_BOLD# contains characters which do not match the corresponding regular expression of the field. Please check the field description which characters are allowed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELD_NUMERIC">The field #VAR1_BOLD# may only contain numbers.\nPlease correct your input.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIELDS_EMPTY">Some fields are empty.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE">File</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_CREATED_TITLE">A new file was uploaded at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_EXIST">File #VAR1# already exists!\n\nPlease select different file name.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_EXTENSION_INVALID">File type is not allowed on this server.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_NAME_RULES">The file should be named in such a way that you can infer the content from the name. The file name has an influence on the display order. In a folder where, for example, meeting minutes are stored, the file names should always begin with the date (yyyy-mm-dd).</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_NOT_EXIST">Selected file does not exist on the server.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_NOT_EXIST_DELETE_FROM_DB">The file is physically not available anymore on the server. It should be deleted from the database.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_RENAME_ERROR">An error occurred while file #VAR1# was renamed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_TO_LARGE_SERVER">Size of uploaded file exceeds server defined maximum file size of #VAR1# MB.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_TYPE">File type</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_UPLOADED">File #VAR1_BOLD# was uploaded.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILE_UPLOADS">File uploads</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILES_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL">All files were uploaded successfully.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILES_UPLOAD_NOT_SUCCESSFUL">Not all files were uploaded successfully.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILES_UPLOAD_DESC">Please select all files to be uploaded into the folder #VAR1_BOLD#</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILENAME_EMPTY">Filename is missing!</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILENAME_INVALID">The selected file name #VAR1_BOLD# contains invalid characters. Please check the file name.\n\nThe following special characters are not allowed: ? * ~ ; : \" | &lt; &gt;</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILESYSTEM_VERSION_INVALID" description="Var3 and Var4 create link to download">The database version #VAR1# is higher than the version of the Admidio scripts #VAR2#.\n\nPlease update your Admidio files on the server #VAR3# by using a later version of Admidio#VAR4#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILTER">Filter</string>
  <string name="SYS_FILTER_TO_EXPORT">Filter to export</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIRST_LINE_COLUMN_NAME">First line contains the column name</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIRSTNAME">First name</string>
  <string name="SYS_FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME">First name and lastname</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER">Folder</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_EXISTS">Folder #VAR1# already exists!\n\nPlease select different folder name.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_NO_FILES">Folder contains no files.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_NO_RIGHTS">You are not allowed to display selected folder.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_NO_FILES_VISITOR">There are no documents or files available for visitors.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_NOT_CREATED" description="Var2 und Var3 erzeugen den MailTo-Link">Folder #VAR1_BOLD# cannot be created.\n\nPlease ask an #VAR2#administrator#VAR3# for help to check write permissions of the parent folder.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_NOT_EXISTS">Folder does not exist anymore on the server. It should be deleted from the database.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND">Folder (ID #VAR1#) not found.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_NOT_WRITABLE">The folder #VAR1_BOLD# has no write permissions. The required folder permissions could not be set automatically. Please give the folder #VAR1_BOLD# write permissions (via FTP set the file attributes to 0777 or drwxrwxrwx).</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_RENAME_ERROR">An error occurred while folder #VAR1# was renamed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_FOLDER_WRITE_ACCESS" description="Var2 und Var3 erzeugen den MailTo-Link">Folder #VAR1_BOLD# cannot be created with required write permissions.\n\nPlease ask an #VAR2#administrator#VAR3# for help in order to check write permissions (by using FTP changing file attributes to 0777 or drwxrwxrwx).</string>
  <string name="SYS_FONT">Font</string>
  <string name="SYS_FORMAT">Format</string>
  <string name="SYS_FORMER">Former</string>
  <string name="SYS_FORMER_MEMBERS">Former members</string>
  <string name="SYS_FORMER_PL">Former</string>
  <string name="SYS_FORMER_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP">Former role memberships</string>
  <string name="SYS_FORWARD">Forward</string>
  <string name="SYS_FRIDAY">Friday</string>
  <string name="SYS_FROM">from #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_FROM_TO">from #VAR1# to #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_FURTHER_INFORMATIONS">Further information</string>
  <string name="SYS_FUTURE_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP">Future role memberships</string>
  <string name="SYS_GENERAL_LISTS">General lists</string>
  <string name="SYS_GENERAL_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT">General role assignment</string>
  <string name="SYS_GENDER">Gender</string>
  <string name="SYS_GEN_RANDOM_ERROR">An unexpected error occurred while generating a random number.\nError Code: #VAR1#\nError Message: #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_GEN_RANDOM_EXCEPTION">The program can not generate random numbers.\nError Code: #VAR1#\nError Message: #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_GEN_RANDOM_TWO_DISTINCT_CHARS">The program expects a string with at least 2 different characters.</string>
  <string name="SYS_GREETING_CARD">Greeting card</string>
  <string name="SYS_GROUPS_ROLES">Groups &amp; roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_GROUPS_ROLES_DESC">Overview and management of all groups and roles of the organization. Different member lists can be displayed, exported and own lists can be created.</string>
  <string name="SYS_GUESTBOOK_COMMENT_CHANGED_TITLE">A guestbook comment was changed at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_GUESTBOOK_COMMENT_CREATED_TITLE">New guestbook comment was created at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_GUESTBOOK_ENTRY_CHANGED_TITLE">A guestbook entry was changed at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_GUESTBOOK_ENTRY_CREATED_TITLE">New guestbook entry was created at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_HALF_YEARLY">Half-yearly</string>
  <string name="SYS_HEADER_ALREADY_SENT">HTTP header already sent!</string>
  <string name="SYS_HEADLINE">Headline</string>
  <string name="SYS_HELP">Help</string>
  <string name="SYS_HIDE">Hide</string>
  <string name="SYS_HIDDEN">Hidden</string>
  <string name="SYS_HIGHLIGHT_EVENT">Highlight event</string>
  <string name="SYS_HOMEPAGE">Homepage</string>
  <string name="SYS_HOST">Host</string>
  <string name="SYS_HTML_MAILS_REGISTERED_USERS">HTML e-mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_HTML_MAILS_REGISTERED_USERS_DESC">Creating and sending HTML based e-mails can be enabled for registered users. A JavaScript editor will be displayed for comfortable editing, instead of the standard text field. The current option is for guests due security reasons unavailable.</string>
  <string name="SYS_HTML_TABLE">HTML table</string>
  <string name="SYS_ICAL_DISABLED">The iCal function is disabled.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ICON">Icon</string>
  <string name="SYS_ICON_FONT_DESC">Here you can add an icon of the web font \"Bootstrap Icons\". Go to #VAR1# and select an icon from the collection. Just insert the name of the icon in this text box.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ICQ">ICQ</string>
  <string name="SYS_IDENTIFY_USERS">Existing contacts are recognized by first name and last name.</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORTANT">Important</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORT">Import</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORT_CONTACTS">Import contacts</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORT_LOGIN_DATA_DESC">Login data can only be imported by an administrator. The rules of the organization must be observed (e.g. password length and password strength). Users with already existing login data keep them. No login data will be overwritten by the import.</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORT_MODE">Import mode</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORT_SHEET_NOT_EXISTS">The worksheet #VAR1# does not exist in the imported file!</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORT_SUCCESSFUL">Import was successful.\n\n#VAR1# new contacts have been created.\n#VAR2# contacts have been edited.\n#VAR3# role memberships have been assigned.\n\n#VAR4#</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPORT_UNUSED_HEAD">The following columns of the import file are not assigned to any profile fields:</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPRINT">Imprint</string>
  <string name="SYS_IMPRINT_DESC">Here the URL for the imprint of your page can be deposited. If the selected theme supports this, a link will be displayed on the Admidio pages. (Example:</string>
  <string name="SYS_INACTIVE_GROUPS_ROLES">Inactive groups and roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_INFOBOX" description="A small html box that will show additional information">Info box</string>
  <string name="SYS_INFORMATIONS">Information</string>
  <string name="SYS_INPUT_FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME">Please enter the first and last name of the new contact. Before the record is created, a check is made to see if a person with a similar name already exists in the database.</string>
  <string name="SYS_INSTAGRAM">Instagram</string>
  <string name="SYS_INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFUL">Installation successful</string>
  <string name="SYS_INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFUL_DESC">The Admidio database is now installed and completely set up. The configuration file with the access data to the database has been created and stored. You can now work with Admidio and log in with the administrator data.</string>
  <string name="SYS_INSTALLATION_SUCCESSFUL_SHORT_DESC">The installation and setup of the database was successfully completed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_INSTALLED">Installed</string>
  <string name="SYS_INTERNAL_NAME">Internal name</string>
  <string name="SYS_INTERNAL_NAME_DESC">The internal name is used to uniquely access this data object. This is not relevant for program use. In development, however, this name must always be used to identify the field, e.g. to address with getValue (). The internal name is automatically filled when creating a data record.</string>
  <string name="SYS_INTO_TO">Recipients need to be listed in the TO field instead of the BCC field</string>
  <string name="SYS_INTO_TO_DESC">All recipients will be listed in the TO field if set accordingly and an email will be received by multiple person. Thus each recipient will see the name and email address of the other recipients. In addition each recipient can reply to all. (Default: deactivated)</string>
  <string name="SYS_INVALID_ICON_NAME">The entered icon name does not correspond to the expected syntax. An icon name of Bootstrap Icons should only contain characters a-z, numbers and a hyphen.</string>
  <string name="SYS_INVALID_PAGE_VIEW">Invalid page view</string>
  <string name="SYS_IO_ERROR">I/O error</string>
  <string name="SYS_IS_VAR_FROM">is #VAR1# from</string>
  <string name="SYS_ISO_8859_1">ISO-8859-1</string>
  <string name="SYS_ITEMNAME">Item name</string>
  <string name="SYS_KEEP_ORIGINAL">Save original files additionally</string>
  <string name="SYS_KEEP_ORIGINAL_DESC">Saves each photo not only with selected resolution but with original size. If option #VAR1_BOLD# is active all original photos will be downloaded. This option requires significantly more storage space and should only be selected If enough space is available.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LANDSCAPE" description="Format for printing">Landscape</string>
  <string name="SYS_LANGUAGE">Language</string>
  <string name="SYS_LANGUAGE_HELP_TRANSLATION">Is your language missing or do you want to translate more texts or improve existing translations? Then have a look at #VAR1#Wiki page of Admidio#VAR2# to see how you can help with the translation.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LAST_EDITED_BY">Last edited by #VAR1# on #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_LAST_LOGIN_ON">Last login on #VAR1# at #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_LASTNAME">Surname</string>
  <string name="SYS_LATER">Later</string>
  <string name="SYS_LAYOUT">Layout</string>
  <string name="SYS_LEADER">Leader</string>
  <string name="SYS_LEADER_NO_ADDITIONAL_RIGHTS">Head of this role have no special rights. They will be highlighted in list views only.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LEADER_EDIT_MEMBERS">Head of this role can edit profile data of all role members.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LEADER_ASSIGN_MEMBERS">Head of this role can add new role members or remove existing members.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LEADER_RIGHTS_DESC">Roles members can be appointed as managers of a role and get optional extended rights.\nThey can get the right to manipulate profile data of all roles members and / or the right to add or remove members of the role. Having both rights, however, they would be able to edit information of all members.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LEADERS">Leader</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_ADDRESS">Link address</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_MEMBERSHIP_DELETE">Do you really want to remove the reference to the former membership in the role #VAR1_BOLD#?</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_NAME">Link name</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_CHANGED_TITLE">A web link was changed at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_COLLECTION_FROM">Links of #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_CREATED_TITLE">A new web link was created at #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_TARGET">Link target</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_TARGET_DESC">Choose if selected website should be displayed in the window of Admidio or in a new window.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINK_TO">Link to #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_LINKEDIN">LinkedIn</string>
  <string name="SYS_LIST">List</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOG">Log</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEETING_POINT">Meeting point</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOCATION_PROFILE_PICTURES">Storage location of profile pictures</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOCATION_PROFILE_PICTURES_DESC">Please define where to store profile picture (in the database or in folder adm_my_files). When a change is made, current pictures are not copied to new location. (default: database)</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOCK">Lock</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOCK_ALBUM">Lock album</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOCK_ALBUM_DESC">Locked albums can not be viewed by visitors or members, e.g. you can lock an album as long as all images are uploading.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOCKED">Locked</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOG_ALL_CHANGES">Log all changes</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOG_ALL_CHANGES_DESC">Changes in profil fields are recorded for each user and each field. The previous and the new value will be logged as well as the user who performed the change and the time stamp. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN">Sign in</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN_MAX_INVALID_LOGIN">You have tried to login too many times recently using a wrong password.\nFor security reasons your account has been locked for 15 minutes.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN_NAME_EXIST">Selected username already exists.\n\nPlease select another name.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN_NOT_ACTIVATED">Your account has not been activated yet.\n\nYou will be informed as soon as access is possible.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN_USER_NO_ADMINISTRATOR">Your login data were correct but the update process is only activated for administrators of the organization #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN_USER_NO_MEMBER_IN_ORGANISATION">Your login data were correct but you are not an active member of this organization #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN_USERNAME_PASSWORD_INCORRECT">The given username and/or password is incorrect.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGIN_PROBLEMS">Login problems</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGOUT">Sign out</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOGOUT_SUCCESSFUL">Signing out was successful.</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOSTPW_AREADY_LOGGED_ID">You already signed in. Therefore you must already have the correct password!</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOSTPW_SEND_EMAIL">The new password has been sent to the e-mail address #VAR1_BOLD#!</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOSTPW_SEND_USERNAME">The new password has been sent to the user #VAR1_BOLD#!</string>
  <string name="SYS_LOSTPW_SEVERAL_EMAIL">E-mail address #VAR1_BOLD# has been assigned to multiple registrations. A unique user registration could not be identified.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAIL_DISPATCH">Email delivery</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAINTAIN_CATEGORIES_DESC">Here you can create and edit categories.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAINTAIN_USER_RELATION_TYPES_DESC">You can define relationship types (parent - child). For each defined relationship, the type (asymmetric, symmetric or unidirectional) is defined and the profile editing rights are defined within the relationship.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAKE_FORMER">You can make this contact to a former contact. This does not delete the data, but only terminates all role memberships. This has the advantage that you can always see later which data and roles you had assigned to this contact.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MALE">Male</string>
  <string name="SYS_MANAGE_NEW_REGISTRATIONS_DESC">New registrations of visitors can be listed, approved or refused here.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MANAGE_PROFILE_FIELDS_DESC">New profile fields and their properties can be defined as well as changes to existing profile fields. The fields can be assigned to categories and provided with rights, which roles can see or edit which profile fields.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MANUAL_APPROVAL">Manual approval</string>
  <string name="SYS_MANUAL_APPROVAL_DESC">New registrations must be approved manually by role members with the #VAR1_BOLD# right. Only then it is possible for the new member to log in to the system. If the setting is deactivated, new members can log on to the system directly after successful registration. (Default: Enabled)</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAP">Map</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAP_LINK_HOME_DESC">Displays the location on Google Maps. The street, postal code, city and country are transferred to Google.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAP_LINK_ROUTE_DESC">Displays a route from your own place of residence to the location of this user on Google Maps. The street, postal code, city and country are transferred to Google.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MASTODON">Mastodon</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE">You can add as many attachments as you want. The file size of all attachments together must not exceed #VAR1# MB.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_PARTICIPANTS">Max. participants</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_PARTICIPANTS_OF_ROLE">#VAR1# of max. #VAR2# participants</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_PATH_LENGTH">Max path length</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_PHOTO_SIZE_DESC">The specified values determine the maximum size that an image may have in width or height. The photos are scaled to this size when uploaded. In case of a modal window or popup window, the window is automatically adjusted to the size of the photo. (Default: #VAR1# x #VAR2# pixels)</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_PHOTO_SIZE_HEIGHT">Maximum image height</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_PHOTO_SIZE_WIDTH">Maximum image width</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_PROCESSABLE_IMAGE_SIZE">max. processable image size</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_RECEIVER">Maximum number of mail recipients</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAX_RECEIVER_DESC">This value defines the maximum amount of mail recipients. A role counts as one recipient.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE">Maximum file size</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE_DESC">Users are only allowed to upload files of smaller size than displayed here. In case of 0 upload is deactivated. (default: 3MB)</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAYBE_PARTICIPATE">Participate with reservation</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAYBE_PARTICIPATE_DESC">If this option is activated, a third option #VAR3_BOLD# is available in addition to #VAR1_BOLD# and #VAR2_BOLD# when registering for an event. (Default: disabled)</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEETINGS">Meetings</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEGAPIXEL">Megapixel</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBER">Member</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBER_ASSIGNMENT">Member assignment</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBER_OF_ORGANIZATION" description="MEM_MEMBER_OF">Member of organization #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERS_BETWEEN_PERIOD">Members between #VAR1# and #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERS_CONFIGURATION_DESC">One of the configurations specified here can be used to display the members administration. The columns of the selected list configuration are then displayed in the members administration.</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTACTS_DESC">Display and organize all active and former members here. New contacts can be imported or created.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE">Members displayed per page</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE_DESC">Number of members listed in the HTML view. More members can be listed by using the pagination function. This value won\'t affect print preview and export functionality (Default: 25).</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERS_SIMILAR_NAME">Found #VAR1# members with a similar name.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERSHIP_END">End of membership</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERSHIP_DELETE">Would you like to end membership in role #VAR1_BOLD#?</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMBERSHIP_START">Start of membership</string>
  <string name="SYS_MEMORY_LIMIT">Memory limit</string>
  <string name="SYS_MENU">Menu</string>
  <string name="SYS_MENU_DESC">The menu can be configured here. Beside the URL a description and an icon can be deposited. In addition, it can be determined who is allowed to view the menu entry.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MENU_LEVEL">Menu level</string>
  <string name="SYS_MENU_ITEM">Menu item</string>
  <string name="SYS_MENU_MODULE_RIGHTS_DESC">If you specify a module here, the menu item will only be displayed if the user also has the right to see this module.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MENU_NAME_DESC">The name of the entry in the menu. Here you can also enter the name of a translation string.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MENU_RESTRICT_VISIBILITY">Only the visibility of the menu item is restricted. Access to the underlying page is not affected by this authorization.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MESSAGE">Message</string>
  <string name="SYS_MESSAGE_WENT_TO">Message was sent to</string>
  <string name="SYS_MESSAGES">Messages</string>
  <string name="SYS_MESSAGES_DESC">Overview of all written e-mails and private messages. New emails and private messages can be entered and sent to individual contacts or roles.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MICROSOFT_EXCEL">Microsoft Excel</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOBILE">Mobile</string>
  <string name="SYS_MODAL_WINDOW">Modal window</string>
  <string name="SYS_MODULE_DISABLED">This module is disabled.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MODULE_RIGHTS">Module rights</string>
  <string name="SYS_MODULES">Modules</string>
  <string name="SYS_MONDAY">Monday</string>
  <string name="SYS_MONTHLY">Monthly</string>
  <string name="SYS_MORE">More</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_FILE">Move file</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_FILE_DESC">Select a folder to which you want to move the #VAR1_BOLD# file. The role permissions for displaying the file are taken from the target folder.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_FOLDER">Move folder</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_FOLDER_DESC">Select a folder to which you want to move the #VAR1_BOLD# folder. The role permissions for viewing and uploading files from the target folder are applied to this folder and all subfolders.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_DOWN">Move down #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_TO">Move to</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_UP">Move up #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_MOVE_VAR">Move #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_MULTIPLE_RECIPIENTS">Multiple recipients</string>
  <string name="SYS_MULTIPLE_RECIPIENTS_DESC">E-mails to multiple recipients contain all recipients in the BCC field. This ensures that nobody sees the e-mail addresses of the other recipients. However, the TO field must also be filled. This setting can be used to define what is entered in the recipient (TO) field. This could be a hidden value "Undisclosed Recipients", but this causes problems with some providers. Alternatively the recipient field (TO) can be filled with the sender address or the administrator address from the system notifications. Note: All emails to multiple recipients will then also be sent to the email address in the recipient field (TO). (Default: Sender)</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAIL_SENDING_MODE">E-mail sending mode</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAIL_SENDING_MODE_DESC">In the \'Bundled\' mode, e-mails to multiple recipients are combined. An e-mail then receives a configured number of recipients in the TO or BCC field. This is useful if the hoster does not allow sending many emails. In \'single\' mode, each recipient receives a separate email. In this mode, various placeholders with the recipient data can be added to the e-mail text.</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAIL_BULK">Bundled</string>
  <string name="SYS_MAIL_SINGLE">Single</string>
  <string name="SYS_MUST_HAVE_ADMINISTRATOR">The role \'administrator\' must have at least one member assigned!</string>
  <string name="SYS_MY_PROFILE">My profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_MYLIST_CONDITION_DESC">Here you can define conditions for each field in your list. This will further restrict the determined members of the selected role with your conditions.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NAME">Name</string>
  <string name="SYS_NAME_ABBREVIATION">Short name</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_BETA_AVAILABLE">A new beta version is available!</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_BOTH_AVAILABLE">A new stable version and a new beta version are available!</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_MESSAGE_RECEIVED">New message received</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_NAME">New name</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_PASSWORD">New password</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_PROFILE_PICTURE">New profile picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_ROLE">New role</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_VALUE">New value</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE">A new stable version is available!</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEW_WINDOW">New window</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEXT">Next</string>
  <string name="SYS_NEXT_PHOTO">Next picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO">No</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_ADDITIONAL_PERMISSIONS_SET">No additional permissions set</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_ADDITIONAL_RIGHTS">No additional rights</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_CHANGES_LOGGED">There are no changes logged.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_CHANGES_LOGGED_PROFIL">No changes are logged for #VAR1_BOLD# .</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_DATA_FOUND">No data found!</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_DEFAULT_ROLE">You can not remove the setting #VAR1_BOLD#, because at least one role must be stored as the default assignment.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_DEFAULT_ROLE_FOR_USER">The role management contains no default role for new users. Please contact an administrator who can edit this setting.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_ENTRY">Requested entry does not exist in the database.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_ENTRIES">No entries available.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_LEADER">No leader</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_LOGIN_DATA">Don't have a login name and password?</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_MORE_COLUMN">For technical reasons, no more column can be added.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_NEW_REGISTRATIONS">No new registrations available.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_PERMISSIONS_ASSIGNED">No permissions have been assigned.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_PICTURE_SELECTED">No picture file selected.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_QUOTATION">No quotation</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_RIGHTS">You do not have the required permission to perform this action.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_RIGHTS_VIEW_LIST">You do not have the right to view the list of the selected roles.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_ROLE_GIVEN">No role has been specified.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_ROLES_AND_USERS">There are no roles or users released to whom you can send messages.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_ROLES_VISIBLE">No roles were found. Possibly you do not have the rights to see certain roles.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_TEMPLATE">No template</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_USER_FOUND">No member of your criteria could be found.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NO_VALID_RECIPIENTS">The selected roles and users have no valid e-mail addresses. For this reason, the e-mail can`t be sent.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOBODY">Nobody</string>
  <string name="SYS_NONE">None</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOT_AT_REGISTRATION">Not at registration</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOT_EMPTY">Not empty</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOT_MEMBER_OF_ORGANIZATION">Not member of organization #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOT_NUMERIC">Please use a valid number as condition for field #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOT_REGISTERED">Not registered</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOT_SET">Not set</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOT_VALID_DATE_FORMAT">Please use a valid date as condition for field #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTE">Note</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_REGISTRATION">Notification after a new registration</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_REGISTRATION_APPROVAL">Notification to approve a registration</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION">Notification to confirm the registration</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_ENTRIES">Notification for new or changed entries</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_ENTRIES_DESC">Members of the stored notification role will get a system notification for new or changed entries in the modules Announcements, Events, Documents &amp; Files, Photos, Web Links and Guestbook. (Default: no)</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_PROFILE_CHANGES">Notification for changed profile fields</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_PROFILE_CHANGES_DESC">Members of the stored notification role will get a system notification if members profile data is created, changed or deleted by a user. (Default: no)</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_ROLE">Notification role</string>
  <string name="SYS_NOTIFICATION_ROLE_DESC">Members of this role receive the notifications about new or changed entries in the modules and changes in the members' profile data. For data protection reasons only roles can be deposited, which have the role right #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NUMBER">Number</string>
  <string name="SYS_NUMBER_COL_DESC">The respective checkbox has to be activated if you want to display at the end of the report a line with the number of memberships.</string>
  <string name="SYS_NUMBER_OF_ALBUMS_PER_PAGE">Number of albums per page</string>
  <string name="SYS_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE_DESC">Number of entries displayed on a page. If there are more entries, navigation elements are displayed to scroll between the pages. (Default: #VAR1#)</string>
  <string name="SYS_NUMBER_RECIPIENTS">Number of recipients</string>
  <string name="SYS_NUMBER_RECIPIENTS_DESC">The number in this field indicates the maximum number of recipients in an email. This number can be limited by providers. If an e-mail should be sent to more recipients than the number set here, multiple e-mails will be generated. The number of possible e-mails to be sent within a period can also be limited by providers. (Default: 50)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ODF_SPREADSHEET">ODF Spreadsheet (*.ods)</string>
  <string name="SYS_OFF">Off</string>
  <string name="SYS_OK">OK</string>
  <string name="SYS_ON">On</string>
  <string name="SYS_ONE_TIME">One time</string>
  <string name="SYS_ONLINE_MEMBERSHIP_ADMINISTRATION">Membership management</string>
  <string name="SYS_ONLY_AT_REGISTRATION_AND_OWN_PROFILE">Only at registration and own profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_ONLY_SET_BY_MOTHER_ORGANIZATION">This preference can only be set by the parent organization.</string>
  <string name="SYS_OPERATING_SYSTEM">Operating system</string>
  <string name="SYS_OPPOSITE_RELATIONSHIP">Opposite relationship</string>
  <string name="SYS_OPTIONAL">Optional</string>
  <string name="SYS_ORDER">Order</string>
  <string name="SYS_ORGANIZATION">Organization</string>
  <string name="SYS_OVERHANG">Overhang</string>
  <string name="SYS_OVERVIEW">Overview</string>
  <string name="SYS_PAGE">Page</string>
  <string name="SYS_PAGE_PREVIOUS">Previous</string>
  <string name="SYS_PAGE_NEXT">Next</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARAMETER1_AND_PARAMETER2" description="Two parameters are connected with an and">#VAR1# and #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARENT_ALBUM">Parent album</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARENT_ALBUM_DESC">One album can be part of another album. Please select a parent album from the selection list. If you want to display the album on the highest level then select #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPANTS">Members</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPANTS_LIMIT">Limited number of participants</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPATE">Participate</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPATE_NO_RIGHTS">You do not have the right to sign up for this appointment.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPATE_AT_EVENT">Join the event as organizer</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPATE_AT_EVENT_DESC">You become the organizer of the appointment and receive the right to add or remove additional participants. You can also appoint other people as organizers.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPATE_QUESTION">Participate?</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPATION_INFORMATION">Participant information</string>
  <string name="SYS_PARTICIPATION_STATUS">Participant Status</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD">Password</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_CHANGED">Password has been successfully changed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION">Password must have at least 8 characters including numbers, letters and special characters.\nThe strength of your selected password will be displayed in color using a bar. The minimum required strength is indicated by the arrow in the bar.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN">Password forgotten?</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN_DESCRIPTION">Please enter your login name or email address. We will then send you a link where you can reset your password and after that set a new password.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN_PREF_DESC">If the user has forgotten his password, he can request a link to be sent to him, through which he can set a new password for his account on this website. If this option is deactivated, the user can only send a request by e-mail to the administrator to deposit a new password. In order for the password to be sent, the #VAR1_BOLD# setting must also be set. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_LENGTH">Password must have at least 8 characters.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_NOT_STRONG_ENOUGH">The password is not secure enough.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_OLD_WRONG">Old password is incorrect.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_RESET_INVALID">You have requested an invalid password reset link. If you haven't reset your password yet, please request a new link using the #VAR1# function.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_RESET_SAVED">The new password has now been applied!</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORD_UNKNOWN">Login failed due to incorrect password.\n\nPlease check your password and try again.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PASSWORDS_NOT_EQUAL">The password entered does not match the repeat.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PATH_SEPARATOR">Path separator</string>
  <string name="SYS_PERIOD">Time period</string>
  <string name="SYS_PERIOD_FROM_TO">Time period from #VAR1# to #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_PERMISSIONS">Permissions</string>
  <string name="SYS_PDF">PDF</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHONE">Phone</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHONE_INVALID_CHAR">The phone number in the field #VAR1_BOLD# has invalid characters.\n\nAllowed are only numbers 0-9 and the special characters +-/ ().</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO">Photo</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_ALBUMS">Photo albums</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_FILE_UPLOADED">The photo #VAR1_BOLD# was uploaded.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_FILE_TO_LARGE">Size of uploaded photo exceeds server allowed file size of #VAR1# B.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_FORMAT_INVALID">Only JPG and PNG formated photos are allowed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_PROCESSING_ERROR">Photo processing error</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_RESOLUTION_TO_LARGE">Uploaded picture\'s size exceeds server allowed resolution of #VAR1# megapixels.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_UPLOAD_DESC">Please select the images which you want to upload to album #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_UPLOAD_NOT_SUCCESSFUL">Not all photos were successfully uploaded.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL">All photos were successfully uploaded.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTO_X_OF_Y">Photo #VAR1# of #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTOS">Photos</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTOS_BY">Photos by</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTOS_BY_VAR">Photos by #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTOS_DESC">Pictures of events can be uploaded and displayed. Pictures can be organized in albums which can be interlinked.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTOS_PRESENTATION">Photo presentation</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHOTOS_PRESENTATION_DESC">This option allows you to specify how the images are to be displayed within the photo module. This can be done with a modal window that is opened as a separate window within the active browser window. The image preview remains active in the background. If the image is to be displayed in the same window, the current album with the preview images is replaced by the selected image with navigation elements. (Default: Modal window)</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHP">PHP</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHP_INFO">All PHP settings</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHP_MAIL">PHP mail()</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHP_VERSION">PHP version</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHP_VERSION_REQUIRED">Admidio requires #VAR1# or higher</string>
  <string name="SYS_PHP_VERSION_EOL">PHP version is no longer officially supported by PHP (End of Life). (#VAR1#)</string>
  <string name="SYS_PIPE">Pipe (|)</string>
  <string name="SYS_PLEASE_CHOOSE">Select option</string>
  <string name="SYS_PLEASE_WAIT">Please wait</string>
  <string name="SYS_PLUGINS">Plugins</string>
  <string name="SYS_PORT">Port</string>
  <string name="SYS_PORTRAIT" description="Format for printing">Portrait</string>
  <string name="SYS_POSSIBLE_FIELDNAMES">Column names for auto detection: #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_POST_MAX_SIZE">Max. POST size</string>
  <string name="SYS_POSTCODE">Postal code</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRESET_CONFIGURATION">Default configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRESET_CONFIGURATION_DESC">Administrators are able to define default configurations for all users. Configure columns and conditions and save them by naming the configuration set.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PREVIEW">Preview</string>
  <string name="SYS_PREVIOUS">Previous</string>
  <string name="SYS_PREVIOUS_EVENTS">Previous #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_PREVIOUS_NAME">Previous name</string>
  <string name="SYS_PREVIOUS_PHOTO">Previous picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_PREVIOUS_VALUE">Previous value</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRINT_PREVIEW">Print preview</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_SEND">Private message has been send to #VAR1_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_NOT_SEND">Private message could not be sent to #VAR1_BOLD#.\n\nFollowing error has occurred:\n#VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRIVATE_MESSAGES">Private messages</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRNG">Pseudo-random number generator</string>
  <string name="SYS_PRNG_INSECURE">Admidio/PHP can not generate secure pseudo-random numbers! Please contact the Admidio team with the following information:</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROCESS_CANCELED">Process canceled.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROCESSING_ERROR_DESC">The following problem has occurred when processing the data.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROFILE">Profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROFILE_FIELD">Profile field</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROFILE_FROM">Profile of #VAR1# #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROFILE_INFORMATION">Profile information</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROFILE_PHOTO">Profile photo</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROFILE_PICTURE_RESTRICTIONS">You should be in the photo yourself. The photo may have a maximum resolution of #VAR1# MegaPixels. The photo file must not be larger than #VAR1# MB and must be in JPG or PNG format.</string>
  <string name="SYS_PROPERTIES">Properties</string>
  <string name="SYS_QUANTITY">Quantity</string>
  <string name="SYS_QUARTERLY">Quarterly</string>
  <string name="SYS_QUOTE">Single quote (')</string>
  <string name="SYS_RADIO_BUTTON">Radio button</string>
  <string name="SYS_RECENT_ALBUMS_OF_ORGA">Latest photo album of organization #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_RECENT_ANNOUNCEMENTS_OF_ORGA">Latest announcements from organization #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_RECIPIENT">Recipient</string>
  <string name="SYS_RECIPIENT_EMAIL">E-mail recipient</string>
  <string name="SYS_REDIRECT">Redirect</string>
  <string name="SYS_REDIRECT_DESC">You are leaving the website of #VAR1_BOLD# and will be redirected automatically to #VAR3# in #VAR2# seconds.\n\nIf the automatic redirection is not working please click #VAR4#here#VAR5#!</string>
  <string name="SYS_REDIRECT_URL_INVALID">The specified redirect URL is not valid.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTER">Register</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTERED_AS">Logged in as</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION">Registration</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_ADOPT_ALL_DATA">Adopt all data from the registration for the existing user</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_ADOPT_ALL_DATA_DESC">If a newly registered user already exists in the database, all data from the registration will be transferred to the existing user if this setting is set. If this setting is not set, only the user name and the password are taken over. In case of users, which did not exist before, all data from the registration will always be taken over, independent of this setting. (Default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_AT">Registration on #VAR1# at #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_CONFIRMED">Registration has been confirmed by the user.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_NOT_CONFIRMED">Registration has not yet been confirmed by the user.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_NOT_POSSIBLE">Registration is closed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_POSSIBLE_FOR">Registration possible for</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_POSSIBLE">Enable registration for this event.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_SAVED">Your data has been saved.\n\nYou will now receive an email with a confirmation link. After you have executed this link, your registration can be processed further.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_FAILED">The called link is invalid. A registration link is valid only up to 24 hours after registration. Please register again on the site and confirm your registration as soon as you receive the email with the link.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_OK">You have successfully confirmed your registration. The registration will now be checked by a member of the #VAR1# team. You will then receive an email whether your registration has been accepted or rejected.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_OK_SELF">You have successfully confirmed your registration. You can now log in with your username and password.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGISTRATIONS">Registrations</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION">Regular expression</string>
  <string name="SYS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION_DESC">Any regular expression can be stored that will be applied to the user's entered content in this profile field. The content must match the conditions of the regular expression for the entered value to be stored in the field. The regular expression is checked in addition to the general conditions of the data type.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RELATIONSHIP_CONFIGURATION">Relationship configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_RELATIONSHIP_CONFIGURATIONS">Relationship configurations</string>
  <string name="SYS_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_EDIT_USER_DESC">If set, then a user can edit the profile of another user to which he is related to. For an asymmetric relationship, the right is assigned separately for each relationship, and for a symmetric relationship, both users can edit the other profile, and in case of a unidirectional relationship, only the user with the relationship stored can edit the other profile.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DELETE">Do you want to remove this type of relationship #VAR1_BOLD#? Warning: This will delete all existing relationships of this type.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DESC">An asymmetrical relationship is e.g. used for parent / child while symmetrical relations e.g. can be used for siblings. These are always bidirectional, however,  unidirectional relations only mark in one direction.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RELOAD">Reload</string>
  <string name="SYS_REMEMBER_ME">Stay signed in</string>
  <string name="SYS_REMINDER_SEND_LOGIN">Would you like to send the member their login data with a new password as a reminder?</string>
  <string name="SYS_REMOVE">Remove</string>
  <string name="SYS_REMOVE_CONTACT">Remove contact</string>
  <string name="SYS_REMOVE_CONTACT_DESC">By choosing #VAR1_BOLD#, all data of this contact will be deleted and could not be viewed or restored anymore.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REMOVE_EVENT_REGISTRATION">Do you really want to remove the registration for the event? This will delete all previous participants.</string>
  <string name="SYS_REMOVE_MESSAGE">Remove message</string>
  <string name="SYS_REPEAT">Repeat</string>
  <string name="SYS_REPLACE">Replace</string>
  <string name="SYS_REQUIRED_INPUT">Required input</string>
  <string name="SYS_RESET_PW_AREADY_LOGGED_IN">You are already logged in to the system. It is not necessary to request a new password.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RESOLUTION_TOO_LARGE">Image could not be processed because the resolution is greater than #VAR1# Megapixel.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_ALL_LISTS_VIEW">View member lists of all roles and all member profiles</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_ANNOUNCEMENTS">Manage announcements</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_APPROVE_USERS">Organize and assign registrations</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_ASSIGN_ROLES">Organize and assign roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_ASSIGN_ROLES_DESC">Users of this role have access to the role management and can create new roles, manage and assign roles to other users.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_DATES">Manage events</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_DOCUMENTS_FILES">Manage documents and files</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_DOCUMENTS_FILES_DESC">Roles having this permission can manage the rights for the documents and files module. This includes who can see folders and can upload files.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_EDIT_USER">Edit profile of all contacts</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_EDIT_USER_DESC">Roles having this permission can edit the data of other contacts (except passwords). In addition they can add or delete contacts.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_GUESTBOOK">Edit and delete guestbook entries</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_GUESTBOOK_COMMENTS">Create comments of guestbook entries</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_MAIL_PARTICIPANTS">Participants can send emails to all participants</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_MAIL_THIS_ROLE_DESC">This setting controls who has the right to send emails to this role via the message module. The role right #VAR1_BOLD# is still above this setting.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_MAIL_TO_ALL">Send e-mails to all roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_PHOTOS">Upload and edit photos</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_PROFILE">Edit own profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_VIEW_PARTICIPANTS">Participants can view the list of participants</string>
  <string name="SYS_RIGHT_WEBLINKS">Manage web links</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE">Role</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS_DESC">On this page you can configure who can view the folder #VAR1_BOLD#, download files or upload files. The permissions are inherited to all subfolders, and existing permissions in subfolders are overwritten. Only roles with access to the parent folder are selectable. Administrators have all permissions for the folder.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_FOR">Role assignment for #VAR1# #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_DEPENDENCIES_DESC">A member of a dependent role will become automatically a member of #VAR1#!\n\nWhen this dependency is set all existing members of the dependent role will become a member of #VAR1#. When a dependency is going to be deleted, memberships will remain the same!</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_INFORMATION">Role information</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_MAX_MEMBERS">It was not possible to save the change. Maximum number of role members in role #VAR1_BOLD# will exceed predefined limit.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_MEMBERS">Role members</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_IN_PERIOD">Members in period:</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_OTHER_ORG">Role memberships of other organizations</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_TO">to</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_MEMBERSHIPS">Role memberships</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_MEMBERSHIPS_CHANGE">Change role memberships</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_NAME_EXISTS">Role with same name already exists in this category.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_SELECT_RIGHT">You do not have permission to select role #VAR1#.\nPlease try to select another role.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_SELECTION">Role selection</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_SELECTION_CONF_DESC">The role selection can be restricted a configuration to the members of the selected roles.\n\n If no restriction is to be made, both fields (role selection and category selection) must be left blank.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_WITHOUT_LEADER">Role without leader</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLE_TYPES">Role types</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLES">Roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLES_CONFIRMATION_OF_PARTICIPATION">Roles - Confirmation of attendance</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROLES_MODULE_ADMINISTRATORS_DESC">Members of this role are administrators of the module and have access to everything. You can create, edit, delete data and edit categories and their rights.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM">Room</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM_INFORMATION">Room information</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM_MANAGEMENT">Room administration</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM_COULD_NOT_BE_DELETED">The room cannot be deleted as it is still assigned to at least one event.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM_OVERHANG">In case of any further available space (e.g. additional seats, standing room), the number of additional spaces can be defined here.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM_RESERVED">Selected room is already in use at this time.</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM_SELECTABLE">Assign rooms</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROOM_SELECTABLE_DESC">A selection box for the available rooms is displayed to enable the creator of an event to select a room. (standard answer: no)</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROTATE_PHOTO_LEFT">Rotate photo left</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROTATE_PHOTO_RIGHT">Rotate photo right</string>
  <string name="SYS_ROW">Row</string>
  <string name="SYS_RSS_DISABLED">Web feed is disabled.</string>
  <string name="SYS_RSS_FEED_FOR_VAR">Web feed for #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAFE_MODE">Safe Mode</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAFE_MODE_PROBLEM">Might cause problems with file uploads</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAME_WINDOW">Same window</string>
  <string name="SYS_SATURDAY">Saturday</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE">Save</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE_ALL_CANCELLATIONS">Save cancellations to events</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE_ALL_CANCELLATIONS_DESC">Cancellation of participants to events can be saved. The cancellations are then also displayed in the participant list. If this option is deactivated, cancellations are not saved and can not be viewed in the participant list. This option is valid from the time of the setting and can not be applied retrospectively! (Default: Yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS">Save attachments</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DESC">Email attachments are saved on the web space and can still be accessed in the saved email after sending. (Default: enabled)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE_CHANGES">Save changes</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE_CONFIGURATION">Save configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_SAVE_DATA">Data has been saved.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH">Search</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_AGE_EXAMPLE">18y</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_AGE_DESC">Searching for all users older than 18 years</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_DATE_EXAMPLE">01.03.1986</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_DATE_DESC">Searching for all users born after 01.03.1986</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_EMPTY_EXAMPLE_DESC">Finds all users who have not filled the Road field</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_EXCLUDE_EXAMPLE">Steve</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_EXCLUDE_EXAMPLE_DESC">Find all users who are not named Steve</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_GENDER_DESC">Searching for all male users</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_LASTNAME_BEGINS_EXAMPLE">Mei*</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_LASTNAME_BEGINS_DESC">Searching for all users with name beginning with \'Mei\'</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_LASTNAME_EXAMPLE">Smith</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_LASTNAME_DESC">Searching for users with family name \'Smith\'</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_LOCATION_EXAMPLE">Cologne or Berlin</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_LOCATION_DESC">Look for all users coming from Cologne or Berlin</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_NOT_EMPTY_EXAMPLE_DESC">Finds all users who have filled the Road field</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_TELEFON_EXAMPLE">*241* *54</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_TELEFON_DESC">Searching for users with phone number including 241 and ending with 54</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_YES_NO_FIELD">yes/no field</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEARCH_YES_NO_FIELD_DESC">Searching for flagged (check marked) users</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEAT_AMOUNT">Additional Seats</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEATING">Seating</string>
  <string name="SYS_SECURE">Secure</string>
  <string name="SYS_SECURITY">Security</string>
  <string name="SYS_SECURITY_ERROR">Security error</string>
  <string name="SYS_SELECT_CONFIGURATION">Select configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_SELECT_FILES">Select files</string>
  <string name="SYS_SELECT_FROM_LIST">Select from list</string>
  <string name="SYS_SELECT_MEMBERS">Select members</string>
  <string name="SYS_SELECT_PHOTO">Select photo</string>
  <string name="SYS_SELECT_PHOTOS">Select photos</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEMICOLON">Semicolon (;)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND">Send</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_COPY">Send copy of e-mail to my address</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_EMAIL">Send e-mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_EMAIL_FORMER">Send e-mails to former members</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_EMAIL_FORMER_DESC">If this option is set, then e-mails could be sent to individual former members, as well as to all former members of a role. (Default: Activated)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_EMAIL_TO">Send e-mail to #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_EMAIL_TO_ALL_ADDRESSES">Send e-mails to all e-mail addresses of the user</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_EMAIL_TO_ALL_ADDRESSES_DESC">If this setting is activated, e-mails will be sent to all user e-mail addresses stored in the profile. If the setting is deactivated, e-mails will only be sent to the e-mail address from the profile field with the internal name EMAIL. (Default: enabled)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_GREETING_CARD">Send greeting card</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_LOGIN_INFORMATION">Send login information</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_MAIL_TO_ROLE">Your e-mail will be sent to the individual selected recipients and to all members of the selected roles, provided they have entered an e-mail address.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_MAILS">Send e-mails</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_METHOD">Send via</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_METHOD_DESC">PHP\'s mail() method might be restricted by some providers and can be a reason for spam suspicion. Hence it is recommended to send mails by using an existing mail address and SMTP server. You can configure the SMTP settings below (default: PHP mail()).</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_NEW_LOGIN">Do you want to send #VAR1_BOLD# an email with the current username and a new password?</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_NEW_PW">Send new password</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_PHOTO_AS_ECARD">Send photo as greeting card</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE">Send private message</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_DESC">Your PM will be sent to the selected recipient.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_TEST_MAIL">Send test mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEND_USERNAME_PASSWORD">Send e-mail with username and password.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SENDER">Sender</string>
  <string name="SYS_SENDER_EMAIL">Sender email</string>
  <string name="SYS_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_DESC">Using an unknown mail address as a sender address is not allowed by some providers. In this case you can add an email address which will be used as sender address within the mail module (e.g. noreply@#VAR1#).\nIf the field remains empty the sender\'s mail address will be used (default: empty).</string>
  <string name="SYS_SENDER_NAME">Sender name</string>
  <string name="SYS_SENDER_NAME_DESC">Name of the sender\'s mail address. This field has to be maintained if the field for sender\'s mail address is not empty (default: empty).</string>
  <string name="SYS_SENDER_NOT_LOGGED_IN">(Sender was logged out. Due to that sender\'s information might be incorrect.)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SEPARATOR_FOR_CSV_FILE">Separator for CSV-file</string>
  <string name="SYS_SERVER">Server</string>
  <string name="SYS_SERVER_NO_UPLOAD">Server settings do not allow files uploads.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SET_FOLDER_PERMISSIONS">Set folder permissions</string>
  <string name="SYS_SETTINGS">Preferences</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ALL">Show all</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ALL_CONTACTS">Optional show all contacts</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ALL_CONTACTS_DESC">If this option is set, former contacts and contacts of other organizations can optionally be displayed in the member administration in addition to the active contacts of the current organization. Otherwise, only active contacts of the current organization are displayed. However, when creating new contacts or assigning registrations, the entire database of all organizations is still searched for existing contacts. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ALL_DESC">If this setting is set, former members as well as members of other organizations are displayed in addition to the active members of this organization.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_CALENDAR">Display calendar</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_CAPTCHA_DESC">For logged out users an alphanumeric text will appear when captcha module is activated. The provided text has to be entered into the proper field. This should prevent abuse of the form by spammers. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_FORMER_MEMBERS">Show former members</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_FORMER_MEMBERS_DESC">This setting can be used to determine who can view former roles. However, the user must also have the right to see the role itself. Leaders of a role may also view former members of their role, if they have permission to be set here. (Default: #VAR1#)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_FORMER_MEMBERS_ONLY">Only show former members</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_FORMER_MEMBERS_RIGHT">User with permission #VAR1_BOLD#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_FORMER_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP">Display former role memberships</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_FORMER_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_DESC">A box will be shown with all roles of the user in the current organization. Membership start and end date will be displayed. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_LIST">Display list</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_MAP_LINK">Display link to map</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_MAP_LINK_DESC">If location is set, Google Maps is used to display location and route from own location. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_MAP_LINK_PROFILE_DESC">If the address is stored in the profile, two links to Google Maps are displayed next to the address. The user\'s place of residence is linked and the route from his own place of residence to the place of residence of the user displayed is linked. When accessing the links, the following profile information will be transmitted to Google: street, postcode, city, and country. (Default: no)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_MAP">Show map</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_MEMBER_LIST">Show member list</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_PARTICIPANTS">Show participants</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_PERMISSIONS">Show permissions</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_PROFILE">Show profile</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP">Show role memberships</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_DESC">A box will be shown with all roles of the user in the current organization. Permissions and registration date will be displayed. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ROLES_OTHER_ORGANIZATIONS">Display role of other organizations</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ROLES_OTHER_ORGANIZATIONS_DESC">When user is member in roles of another organization, a box will be displayed showing all roles and the registration date. (default: yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_ROUTE">Show route</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_WATERMARK">Show watermark</string>
  <string name="SYS_SHOW_WATERMARK_DESC">The entered text will be shown in all displayed photos, starting from a scale of 200 pixels of the longer side. If the photographer was deposited in the album, the name of the photographer with copyright is displayed instead of this text. If no image text is to be displayed, this field can be left empty. (Default: #VAR1#)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SIMILAR_CONTACTS_FOUND">Similar contacts found</string>
  <string name="SYS_SIMILAR_CONTACTS_FOUND_ASSIGN">Contacts with a similar name as #VAR1_BOLD# were found.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SIMILAR_CONTACTS_FOUND_REGISTRATION">Contacts with a similar name were found for the registration of #VAR1_BOLD# with the e-mail address #VAR2_BOLD#. Please check the registration and assign it to a found contact or create a new contact.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SINCE">since #VAR1#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SINCE_TO">from #VAR1# to #VAR2#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SIZE">Size</string>
  <string name="SYS_SKYPE">Skype</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP">SMTP</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_AUTH">SMTP authentication</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_AUTH_DESC">If the SMTP server requires authentication, the username and password fields are also required. (Default: Yes)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_AUTH_CRAM_MD5">CRAM-MD5</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_AUTH_LOGIN">Login</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_AUTH_PLAIN">Plain</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_AUTH_TYPE">SMTP authentication type</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_AUTH_TYPE_DESC">SMTP knows different authentication methods. Enter here the authentication method that your SMTP server supports. If you are not sure which method is supported, select #VAR1_BOLD#. Admidio will then try the different authentication methods one after the other until a login was successful. (Default: Automatically)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_HOST">SMTP Host</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_HOST_DESC">Address of the SMTP server.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_PASSWORD">SMTP password</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_PASSWORD_DESC">Password used for SMTP authentication.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_PORT">SMTP port</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_PORT_DESC">Specifying the port which should be used for establishing a SMTP connection. (Default: 587)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_SECURE">SMTP encryption</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_SECURE_DESC">Here you can choose if and how the SMTP connection should be encrypted. (Default: TLS)</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_SECURE_NO">no</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_SECURE_SSL">SSL</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_SECURE_TLS">TLS</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_USER">SMTP username</string>
  <string name="SYS_SMTP_USER_DESC">The username that is used in the SMTP authentication.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SOCIAL_NETWORKS">Social networks</string>
  <string name="SYS_SOCIAL_NETWORK_FIELD_DESC">Here you can enter your username that you use in this social network. Other members will then be able to find you in this network.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SOCIAL_NETWORK_FIELD_URL_DESC">Would you like to set a link to your #VAR1# profile? Your #VAR1# login name is required. Log in to your #VAR1# account and go to your profile. Now copy the URL in this field and save your profile here. Visitors of your profile are now able to open your #VAR1# profile directly.</string>
  <string name="SYS_START" description="Start of a date">Start</string>
  <string name="SYS_STATUS_CODE_INVALID">Invalid status code!</string>
  <string name="SYS_STILL_X_CHARACTERS">still #VAR1# characters</string>
  <string name="SYS_STOP">Stop</string>
  <string name="SYS_STREET">Street</string>
  <string name="SYS_SUBJECT">Subject</string>
  <string name="SYS_SUNDAY">Sunday</string>
  <string name="SYS_SUPPORT_ADMIDIO">Support Admidio</string>
  <string name="SYS_SWITCH_TO_CALENDAR_MANAGEMENT">Switch to calendar management</string>
  <string name="SYS_SWITCH_TO_CATEGORIES_ADMINISTRATION">Switch to category administration</string>
  <string name="SYS_SWITCH_TO_PROFILE_FIELDS_CONFIGURATION">Switch to profile field configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_SWITCH_TO_RELATIONSHIP_CONFIGURATION">Switch to relationship configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_SWITCH_TO_ROOM_MANAGEMENT">Switch to room management</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYMMETRICAL">Symmetrical</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSMAIL_NEW_PASSWORD">#subject# Login data for #organization_long_name#\n#content# Hello #user_first_name#,\n\nYou receive your login data for the website #organization_homepage#.\nUsername: #user_login_name#\nPassword: #variable1#\n\nThe password was generated automatically,\nYou should change it after logging in to #organization_homepage# in your profile.\n\nRegards,\nThe team of #organization_long_name#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET">#subject# Reset password for #organization_long_name#\n#content# Hello #user_first_name#,\n\nWe have received a request to reset your password on #organization_homepage#.\n\nIf the request came from you, you can use the following link to reset your password and set a new one: \n#variable1#\n\nRegards,\nThe team of #organization_long_name#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSMAIL_REFUSE_REGISTRATION">#subject# in registration at #organization_long_name# rejected.\n#content#Hello #user_first_name#,\n\nyour registration at #organization_homepage# was rejected.\n\nRegistrations are accepted in general by our users. If you are a member and your registration was still rejected, it may be because you were not identified as member.\nTo clarify the reasons for the rejection please contact the administrator #administrator_email# from #organization_homepage#.\n\nRegards,\nThe team of #organization_long_name#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSMAIL_REGISTRATION_USER">#subject# Registration at #organization_long_name# confirmed\n#content# Hello #user_first_name#,\n\nyour registration on #organization_homepage# has been confirmed.\n\nYou can now log in to the homepage with your username #user_login_name# and your password.\n\nIf you have any questions, write an email to #administrator_email#.\n\nRegards,\nThe team of #organization_long_name#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSMAIL_REGISTRATION_ADMINISTRATOR">#subject# New registration at #organization_long_name# website\n#content# A new user has registered on #organization_homepage#.\n\nSurname: #user_last_name#\nFirst Name: #user_first_name#\nE-Mail: #user_email#\n\n\nThis message was generated automatically.</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSMAIL_REGISTRATION_CONFIRMATION">#subject# Your registration at #organization_long_name#\n#content# Hello #user_first_name#,\nwe are very glad that you have registered on our website #organization_homepage#.\n\nTo complete your registration, please click on the following link: #variable1#. By clicking on the link you will be automatically redirected to our website and your registration will be confirmed.\n\nOnce you have confirmed your registration, we will check it. You will receive a reply within a few hours whether your registration has been accepted and you can log in with your credentials or whether your registration has been rejected.\n\nBest regards\nThe team of #organization_long_name#</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSTEM">System</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_LIST">System-wide default list</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSTEM_INFORMATION">System information</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSTEM_MAILS">System notifications</string>
  <string name="SYS_SYSTEM_MAIL_TEXTS_DESC">Here you can justify the text of each system notification. The texts are divided into two parts (subject and content) and are identified by #subject# and #content#. The content for each section follows it. If you do not want to send any of these notifications, leave the text field empty.\n\nIn each mail the following wildcards can be used. They will be replaced with the corresponding content at runtime.</string>
  <string name="SYS_TAB">Tab</string>
  <string name="SYS_TEMPLATE">Template</string>
  <string name="SYS_TEMPLATE_DESC">Here you can define the default template (default: postcard).</string>
  <string name="SYS_TEMPLATE_FOLDER_OPEN">Template folder could not be opened/read.</string>
  <string name="SYS_TEST_MAIL">Test mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_TEST_MAIL_DESC">Before you call this function, all settings for email sending must be saved!\nA simple email with the subject #VAR1_BOLD# will be sent to the email address of the logged in user based on the saved email settings. In the process, a dispatch log is output during SMTP dispatch, which can help in case of problems.</string>
  <string name="SYS_TEXT">Text</string>
  <string name="SYS_THUMBNAIL_SCALING">Thumbnail scaling</string>
  <string name="SYS_THUMBNAIL_SCALING_DESC">Set long edge of thumbnails. Attention: do not scale width too large in order to avoid conflict with thumbnail row and column preference. Otherwise try adjustment of thumbnail row and column preferences. (Default: #VAR1# pixels)</string>
  <string name="SYS_THUMBNAILS_PER_PAGE">Thumbnails per page</string>
  <string name="SYS_THUMBNAILS_PER_PAGE_DESC">This option defines how many thumbnail previews will be displayed on each page. If there are more images in this album a page navigation will be added automatically. (Default: #VAR1#)</string>
  <string name="SYS_THURSDAY">Thursday</string>
  <string name="SYS_TIME">Time</string>
  <string name="SYS_TIME_FROM">Time from</string>
  <string name="SYS_TIME_INVALID">Time error in field #VAR1_BOLD#.\n\nTime format value must look like this:: #VAR2_BOLD#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_TIME_TO">Time to</string>
  <string name="SYS_TITLE">Title</string>
  <string name="SYS_TO" description="E-Mail">To</string>
  <string name="SYS_TUESDAY">Tuesday</string>
  <string name="SYS_TWITTER">X (Twitter)</string>
  <string name="SYS_TYPE">Type</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNIQUE_ID">Unique Admidio-ID</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNIX">UNIX</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNLIMITED">Unlimited</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNKNOWN">Unknown</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNLOCK">Unlock</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNLOCK_ALBUM">Unlock album</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNIDIRECTIONAL">Unidirectional</string>
  <string name="SYS_UNMANAGED_FILES">Unmanaged files</string>
  <string name="SYS_UPDATE">Update</string>
  <string name="SYS_UPLOAD_FILES">Upload files</string>
  <string name="SYS_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE">Max. file upload size</string>
  <string name="SYS_UPLOAD_NAME_ERROR">The file name can not be named \"Submit\".</string>
  <string name="SYS_UPLOAD_PHOTOS">Upload photos</string>
  <string name="SYS_UPLOAD_PROFILE_PICTURE">Upload profile picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL">Update successful</string>
  <string name="SYS_URL">URL</string>
  <string name="SYS_URL_INVALID_CHAR">The URL in the field #VAR1_BOLD# contains invalid characters.\n\nOnly alphabetic characters, umlauts, numbers 0-9 and special characters .-+_:/#?= are allowed.</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_COULD_BE_CREATED">The Person could be created.</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_DELETE_DESC">Would you like to delete #VAR1_BOLD#?\n\nUser is going to be physically deleted in the database which makes later access impossible.</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_ID_NOT_FOUND">No user could be found with this ID!</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_NO_EMAIL">User #VAR1_BOLD# has no valid e-mail address in personal information!</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_NO_MEMBERSHIP">This user is not a member of organization #VAR1# yet.</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_NO_MEMBERSHIP_LOGIN">The person found is not yet a member of the organization #VAR1#, but already has access data. Do you want to assign the new credentials, as well as the corresponding roles to this person?</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_NO_MEMBERSHIP_NO_LOGIN">The found person is not yet a member of the organization #VAR1# and has no access data yet. Do you want to assign the access data and the corresponding roles to this person?</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_RELATION">Relationship</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_RELATIONS">Relationships</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_RELATION_TYPE">Relationship type</string>
  <string name="SYS_USER_VALID_LOGIN">User already has valid login information.</string>
  <string name="SYS_USERNAME">Username</string>
  <string name="SYS_USERNAME_DESCRIPTION">You will be able to login with this username.\nThis name must be well-defined. If selected name is not available anymore, please try to use combinations like Andi78 or SteveT.</string>
  <string name="SYS_USERNAME_OR_EMAIL">Username or E-mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_USERNAME_WITH_TIMESTAMP">#VAR1# on #VAR2# at #VAR3#</string>
  <string name="SYS_CONTACTS_PER_PAGE">Number of contacts per page</string>
  <string name="SYS_USING_CURRENT_VERSION">You are using a current #VAR1#version of Admidio!</string>
  <string name="SYS_UTF8">UTF-8</string>
  <string name="SYS_UTF16BE">UTF-16BE</string>
  <string name="SYS_UTF16LE">UTF-16LE</string>
  <string name="SYS_UTF32BE">UTF-32BE</string>
  <string name="SYS_UTF32LE">UTF-32LE</string>
  <string name="SYS_VALID_FROM" description="Date valid from">Valid from</string>
  <string name="SYS_VALID_TO" description="Date valid to">Valid until</string>
  <string name="SYS_VALUE_LIST">Value list</string>
  <string name="SYS_VALUE_LIST_DESC">In this field, you can enter the entries for the drop-down list box or the option field. For each line, an entry of the drop-down list field or the option field can be entered here.\nThe profile is not stored as text later, but the selected position from the list. If you change the text in a line, all users already assigned will immediately see the new text in their profile. However, if you move an entry into another line, users may see a different entry.\nAn value of an option field can be displayed as icon instead of a text. The icon must be of the web font \"Bootstrap Icons\". Go to #VAR1# and select an icon from the collection. A tooltip for the icon (e.g. gender-female|This is a female icon) can optionally be set via a vertical divider.</string>
  <string name="SYS_VARIOUS_ROLES">Various roles</string>
  <string name="SYS_VARIOUS_USER_RELATION_TYPES">Various relationships</string>
  <string name="SYS_VENUE">Venue</string>
  <string name="SYS_VENUE_LINK">If enough information (city, street, location) about the venue is entered, a link or route can be created via Google Maps.</string>
  <string name="SYS_VERSION">Version</string>
  <string name="SYS_VERSION_TO_OLD">Your current database version is #VAR1#. Unfortunately, it is not possible to update to #VAR2# with this version.\n\nPlease install Admidio 4.1 first and then update to Admidio #VAR2#.</string>
  <string name="SYS_VIEW">View</string>
  <string name="SYS_VIEW_PICTURE_FULL_SIZED">Show full size picture</string>
  <string name="SYS_VIEW_ROLE_MEMBERSHIPS">View role memberships</string>
  <string name="SYS_VIEW_ROLE_MEMBERSHIPS_DESC">With this setting you can define who can see the members of this role. The user can see the role membership in the profile of the respective person and in lists for the role. This setting does not allow access to the role members profile. In lists only name and first name are displayed. The role right #VAR1_BOLD# overrides this setting.</string>
  <string name="SYS_VIEW_ROLES_OTHER_ORGAS">Only roles of other organizations which are visible to all registered users are displayed. If you are a member of this organization, you will also be shown the roles that you may see with your rights within the organization.</string>
  <string name="SYS_VIEW_PROFILES_OF_ROLE_MEMBERS">View profiles of role members</string>
  <string name="SYS_VIEW_PROFILES_OF_ROLE_MEMBERS_DESC">This setting can be used to define who can see the profiles of the members of this role. The user can call the profile of the respective person and see all stored columns in lists for the role. The role right #VAR1_BOLD# overrides this setting.</string>
  <string name="SYS_VISIBILITY">Visibility</string>
  <string name="SYS_VISIBLE">Visible</string>
  <string name="SYS_VISIBLE_FOR">Visible for</string>
  <string name="SYS_VISIBLE_TO_USERS">#VAR1# visible only to logged in users</string>
  <string name="SYS_VISITORS">Guests</string>
  <string name="SYS_WANT_DELETE_CATEGORY">Do you really want to delete category #VAR1_BOLD# ?</string>
  <string name="SYS_WANT_DELETE_PHOTO">Would you like to delete the selected photo?</string>
  <string name="SYS_WARNING">Warning</string>
  <string name="SYS_WEBLINKS">Web links</string>
  <string name="SYS_WEBLINKS_DESC">Create and organize by categories interesting hyperlinks.</string>
  <string name="SYS_WEBMASTER">Webmaster</string>
  <string name="SYS_WEBSITE">Website</string>
  <string name="SYS_WEDNESDAY">Wednesday</string>
  <string name="SYS_WEEKDAY">Weekday</string>
  <string name="SYS_WHAT_TO_DO">What to do?</string>
  <string name="SYS_WIDTH">Width</string>
  <string name="SYS_WORKSHEET_NAMEINDEX">Worksheet (index or name)</string>
  <string name="SYS_WRITE_EMAIL">Write e-mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_WRITE_ENTRY">Write entry</string>
  <string name="SYS_WRITE_PM">Write private message</string>
  <string name="SYS_XING">Xing</string>
  <string name="SYS_YEARS">Years</string>
  <string name="SYS_YES">Yes</string>
  <string name="SYS_YOUR_CONFIGURATION">Your configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_YOUR_EMAIL">Your e-mail</string>
  <string name="SYS_YOUR_LAST_CONFIGURATION">Your last configuration</string>
  <string name="SYS_YOUR_LISTS">Own lists</string>
  <string name="SYS_YOUR_NAME">Your name</string>
  <string name="SYS_Z_TO_A">Z to A</string>