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Test Coverage
 * Modul Preferences of the admidio module CategoryReport
 * @copyright The Admidio Team
 * @see
 * @license GNU General Public License v2.0 only
 * Parameters:
 * add     : add a configuration
 * delete  : delete a configuration
 * copy    : copy a configuration
use Admidio\Exception;
use Admidio\UserInterface\Form;

try {
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../system/common.php');
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../system/login_valid.php');

    // only authorized user are allowed to start this module
    if (!$gCurrentUser->isAdministrator()) {
        throw new Exception('SYS_NO_RIGHTS');

    // Initialize and check the parameters
    $getAdd = admFuncVariableIsValid($_GET, 'add', 'bool');
    $getDelete = admFuncVariableIsValid($_GET, 'delete', 'numeric', array('defaultValue' => 0));
    $getCopy = admFuncVariableIsValid($_GET, 'copy', 'numeric', array('defaultValue' => 0));

    $report = new CategoryReport();
    $config = $report->getConfigArray();
    $catReportConfigs = array();

    $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_CATEGORY_REPORT') . ' - ' . $gL10n->get('SYS_CONFIGURATIONS');

    if ($getAdd) {
        $config[] = array('id' => '', 'name' => '', 'col_fields' => '', 'selection_role' => '', 'selection_cat' => '', 'number_col' => '', 'default_conf' => false);
        // ohne $report->saveConfigArray(); ansonsten würden 'name' und 'col_fields' ohne Daten gespeichert sein

    if ($getDelete > 0) {
        $config[$getDelete - 1]['id'] = $config[$getDelete - 1]['id'] * (-1);                   // id negieren, als Kennzeichen für "Deleted"
        $config = $report->saveConfigArray($config);

    if ($getCopy > 0) {
        $config[] = array('id' => '',
            'name' => $report->createName($config[$getCopy - 1]['name']),
            'col_fields' => $config[$getCopy - 1]['col_fields'],
            'selection_role' => $config[$getCopy - 1]['selection_role'],
            'selection_cat' => $config[$getCopy - 1]['selection_cat'],
            'number_col' => $config[$getCopy - 1]['number_col'],
            'default_conf' => false);
        $config = $report->saveConfigArray($config);

    $gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL, $gL10n->get('SYS_CONFIGURATIONS'));

    // create html page object
    $page = new HtmlPage('plg-category-report-preferences', $headline);
    $javascriptCode = 'var arr_user_fields = createProfileFieldsArray();';

    // create an array with the necessary data
    foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
        $catReportConfigs[$key] = $value['name'];
        $javascriptCode .= '

        var arr_default_fields' . $key . ' = createColumnsArray' . $key . '();
        var fieldNumberIntern' . $key . '  = 0;

        // Function adds a new row for assigning columns to the list
        function addColumn' . $key . '()
            var category = "";
            var table = document.getElementById("mylist_fields_tbody' . $key . '");
            var newTableRow = table.insertRow(fieldNumberIntern' . $key . ');
            newTableRow.setAttribute("id", "row" + (fieldNumberIntern' . $key . '))
            var newCellCount = newTableRow.insertCell(-1);
            newCellCount.innerHTML = (fieldNumberIntern' . $key . ' + 1) + ".&nbsp;' . $gL10n->get('SYS_COLUMN') . ':";

            // New column for selecting the profile field
            var newCellField = newTableRow.insertCell(-1);
            htmlCboFields = "<select class=\"form-control\"  size=\"1\" id=\"column" + fieldNumberIntern' . $key . ' + "\" class=\"ListProfileField\" name=\"column' . $key . '_" + fieldNumberIntern' . $key . ' + "\">" +
                "<option value=\"\"></option>";
            for(var counter = 1; counter < arr_user_fields.length; counter++)
                if(category != arr_user_fields[counter]["cat_name"])
                    if(category.length > 0)
                        htmlCboFields += "</optgroup>";
                    htmlCboFields += "<optgroup label=\"" + arr_user_fields[counter]["cat_name"] + "\">";
                    category = arr_user_fields[counter]["cat_name"];

                var selected = "";

                // for saved lists, select the corresponding profile field and add the field name to the list array
                if(arr_default_fields' . $key . '[fieldNumberIntern' . $key . '])
                    if(arr_user_fields[counter]["id"] == arr_default_fields' . $key . '[fieldNumberIntern' . $key . ']["id"])
                        selected = " selected=\"selected\" ";
                        arr_default_fields' . $key . '[fieldNumberIntern' . $key . ']["data"] = arr_user_fields[counter]["data"];
                 htmlCboFields += "<option value=\"" + arr_user_fields[counter]["id"] + "\" " + selected + ">" + arr_user_fields[counter]["data"] + "</option>";
            htmlCboFields += "</select>";
            newCellField.innerHTML = htmlCboFields;

            fieldNumberIntern' . $key . '++;

        function createColumnsArray' . $key . '()
            var default_fields = new Array(); ';
        $fields = explode(',', $value['col_fields']);
        for ($number = 0; $number < count($fields); $number++) {
            // this is only to check whether this release still exists
            // it could be that a profile field or role has been deleted since the last save
            $found = $report->isInHeaderSelection($fields[$number]);
            if ($found > 0) {
                $javascriptCode .= '
                    default_fields[' . $number . ']           = new Object();
                    default_fields[' . $number . ']["id"]   = "' . $report->headerSelection[$found]["id"] . '";
                    default_fields[' . $number . ']["data"] = "' . $report->headerSelection[$found]["data"] . '";
        $javascriptCode .= '
            return default_fields;

    $javascriptCode .= '
    function createProfileFieldsArray()
        var user_fields = new Array(); ';

// create an array for all columns with the necessary data
    foreach ($report->headerSelection as $key => $value) {
        $javascriptCode .= '
                user_fields[' . $key . ']             = new Object();
                user_fields[' . $key . ']["id"]       = "' . $report->headerSelection[$key]['id'] . '";
                user_fields[' . $key . ']["cat_name"] = "' . $report->headerSelection[$key]['cat_name'] . '";
                user_fields[' . $key . ']["data"]       = "' . $report->headerSelection[$key]['data'] . '";
    $javascriptCode .= '
        return user_fields;
    $javascriptCodeExecute = '';

    foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
        $javascriptCodeExecute .= '
        for(var counter = 0; counter < ' . count(explode(',', $value['col_fields'])) . '; counter++) {
            addColumn' . $key . '();
    $page->addJavascript($javascriptCodeExecute, true);

    $formConfigurations = new Form(
        SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . FOLDER_MODULES . '/category-report/preferences_function.php', array('form' => 'configurations')),
        array('class' => 'form-preferences')

    $currentNumberConf = 0;
    $categoryReports = array();

    foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
        $categoryReport = array(
            'key' => $key,
            'name' => 'name' . $key,
            'selection_role' => 'selection_role' . $key,
            'selection_cat' => 'selection_cat' . $key,
            'number_col' => 'number_col' . $key,
            'id' => 'id' . $key,
            'default_conf' => 'default_conf' . $key
        $formConfigurations->addInput('name' . $key, $gL10n->get('SYS_DESIGNATION'), $value['name'],
            array('property' => Form::FIELD_REQUIRED));

        $sql = 'SELECT rol_id, rol_name, cat_name
              FROM ' . TBL_CATEGORIES . ' , ' . TBL_ROLES . '
             WHERE cat_id = rol_cat_id
               AND ( cat_org_id = ' . $gCurrentOrgId . '
                OR cat_org_id IS NULL )';
        $formConfigurations->addSelectBoxFromSql('selection_role' . $key, $gL10n->get('SYS_ROLE_SELECTION'), $gDb, $sql,
            array('defaultValue' => explode(',', (string)$value['selection_role']), 'multiselect' => true, 'helpTextId' => 'SYS_ROLE_SELECTION_CONF_DESC'));

        $sql = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name
              FROM ' . TBL_CATEGORIES . ' , ' . TBL_ROLES . '
             WHERE cat_id = rol_cat_id
               AND ( cat_org_id = ' . $gCurrentOrgId . '
                OR cat_org_id IS NULL )';
        $formConfigurations->addSelectBoxFromSql('selection_cat' . $key, $gL10n->get('SYS_CAT_SELECTION'), $gDb, $sql,
            array('defaultValue' => explode(',', (string)$value['selection_cat']), 'multiselect' => true, 'helpTextId' => 'SYS_CAT_SELECTION_CONF_DESC'));
        $formConfigurations->addCheckbox('number_col' . $key, $gL10n->get('SYS_QUANTITY') . ' (' . $gL10n->get('SYS_COLUMN') . ')', $value['number_col'], array('helpTextId' => 'SYS_NUMBER_COL_DESC'));
        $formConfigurations->addInput('id' . $key, '', $value['id'], array('property' => Form::FIELD_HIDDEN));
        $formConfigurations->addInput('default_conf' . $key, '', $value['default_conf'], array('property' => Form::FIELD_HIDDEN));

        if (count($config) > 1 && $value['default_conf'] == false) {
            $categoryReport['urlConfigDelete'] = SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . FOLDER_MODULES . '/category-report/preferences.php', array('delete' => $key + 1));
        if (!empty($value['name'])) {
            $categoryReport['urlConfigCopy'] = SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . FOLDER_MODULES . '/category-report/preferences.php', array('copy' => $key + 1));
        $categoryReports[] = $categoryReport;
    $page->assignSmartyVariable('categoryReports', $categoryReports);
    $page->assignSmartyVariable('urlConfigNew', SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . FOLDER_MODULES . '/category-report/preferences.php', array('add' => 1)));
    $formConfigurations->addSubmitButton('btn_save_configurations', $gL10n->get('SYS_SAVE'), array('icon' => 'bi-check-lg'));


} catch (Exception $e) {