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2 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Create and edit events
 * @copyright The Admidio Team
 * @see
 * @license GNU General Public License v2.0 only
 * Parameters:
 * dat_uuid - UUID of the event that should be edited
 * copy : true - The event of the dat_id will be copied and the base for this new event
use Admidio\Exception;
use Admidio\UserInterface\Form;

try {
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../system/common.php');
    require(__DIR__ . '/../../system/login_valid.php');

    // Initialize and check the parameters
    $getEventUuid = admFuncVariableIsValid($_GET, 'dat_uuid', 'uuid');
    $getCopy = admFuncVariableIsValid($_GET, 'copy', 'bool');

    // check if module is active
    if ((int)$gSettingsManager->get('events_module_enabled') === 0) {
        throw new Exception('SYS_MODULE_DISABLED');

    // Initialize local parameters
    $eventParticipationPossible = false;
    $eventCurrentUserAssigned = false;
    $roleViewSet = array();
    $flagDateRightListView = false;
    $flagDateRightSendMail = false;

    // set headline of the script
    if ($getCopy) {
        $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_COPY_VAR', array($gL10n->get('SYS_EVENT')));
    } elseif ($getEventUuid !== '') {
        $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_EDIT_EVENT');
    } else {
        $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_CREATE_EVENT');

    $gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline);

    // create event object
    $event = new TableEvent($gDb);

    if ($getEventUuid !== '') {
        // read data from database

        // get assigned roles of this event
        $eventParticipationRolesObject = new RolesRights($gDb, 'event_participation', (int)$event->getValue('dat_id'));
        $roleViewSet = $eventParticipationRolesObject->getRolesIds();

        // check if the current user could edit this event
        if (!$event->isEditable()) {
            throw new Exception('SYS_NO_RIGHTS');

        // check if a participation to this event is possible
        if ((int)$event->getValue('dat_rol_id') > 0) {
            $eventParticipationPossible = true;
            $role = new TableRoles($gDb, (int)$event->getValue('dat_rol_id'));
            $flagDateRightListView = (bool)$role->getValue('rol_view_memberships');
            $flagDateRightSendMail = (bool)$role->getValue('rol_mail_this_role');

        // check if current user is assigned to this event
        $eventCurrentUserAssigned = $gCurrentUser->isLeaderOfRole((int)$event->getValue('dat_rol_id'));
    } else {
        // check if the user has the right to edit at least one category
        if (count($gCurrentUser->getAllEditableCategories('EVT')) === 0) {
            throw new Exception('SYS_NO_RIGHTS');

        // For new events preset event with current event
        $now = new DateTime();
        $oneHourOffset = new DateInterval('PT1H');
        $twoHourOffset = new DateInterval('PT2H');
        $beginDate = $now->add($oneHourOffset)->format('Y-m-d H:00:00');
        $endDate = $now->add($twoHourOffset)->format('Y-m-d H:00:00');
        $event->setValue('dat_begin', $beginDate);
        $event->setValue('dat_end', $endDate);

    // create html page object
    $page = new HtmlPage('admidio-events-edit', $headline);

     * Function hides/show date and time fields
    function setAllDay() {
        if ($("#dat_all_day:checked").val() !== undefined) {
            if ($("#event_from_time").val() == undefined) {
            if ($("#event_to_time").val() == undefined) {
        } else {

    function setEventParticipation() {
        if ($("#event_participation_possible:checked").val() !== undefined) {
        } else {

    function setLocationCountry() {
        if ($("#dat_location").val().length > 0) {
        } else {

    var eventParticipationPossible = ' . ($eventParticipationPossible ? 1 : 0) . ';


    $("#event_participation_possible").click(function() {
    $("#dat_all_day").click(function() {
    $("#dat_location").change(function() {
    $("#event_from").change(function() {
        if ($("#event_from").val() > $("#event_to").val()) {

    // if event participation should be removed than ask user
    $("#btn_save").click(function(event) {

        if (eventParticipationPossible == 1 && $("#event_participation_possible").is(":checked") === false) {
            var msg_result = confirm("' . $gL10n->get('SYS_REMOVE_EVENT_REGISTRATION') . '");
            if (msg_result) {
        } else {

    // show form
    $form = new Form(
        SecurityUtils::encodeUrl(ADMIDIO_URL . FOLDER_MODULES . '/events/events_function.php', array('dat_uuid' => $getEventUuid, 'mode' => 'edit', 'copy' => $getCopy)),
        array('maxLength' => 100, 'property' => Form::FIELD_REQUIRED)

    // if a map link should be shown in the event then show help text and a field where the user could choose the country
    if ($gSettingsManager->getBool('events_show_map_link')) {
            array('maxLength' => 100, 'helpTextId' => 'SYS_VENUE_LINK')

        if (!$event->getValue('dat_country') && $getEventUuid === '') {
            $event->setValue('dat_country', $gSettingsManager->getString('default_country'));
            array('defaultValue' => $event->getValue('dat_country', 'database'))
    } else {
            array('maxLength' => 100)

    // if room selection is activated then show a select box with all rooms
    if ($gSettingsManager->getBool('events_rooms_enabled')) {
        if (DB_ENGINE === Database::PDO_ENGINE_MYSQL) {
            $sql = 'SELECT room_id, CONCAT(room_name, \' (\', room_capacity, \'+\', IFNULL(room_overhang, \'0\'), \')\')
                  FROM ' . TBL_ROOMS . '
              ORDER BY room_name';
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT room_id, room_name || \' (\' || room_capacity || \'+\' || COALESCE(room_overhang, \'0\') || \')\'
                  FROM ' . TBL_ROOMS . '
              ORDER BY room_name';
            array('defaultValue' => (int)$event->getValue('dat_room_id'))

    $form->addCheckbox('dat_all_day', $gL10n->get('SYS_ALL_DAY'), (bool)$event->getValue('dat_all_day'));
        $event->getValue('dat_begin', $gSettingsManager->getString('system_date') . ' ' . $gSettingsManager->getString('system_time')),
        array('type' => 'datetime', 'property' => Form::FIELD_REQUIRED)
        $event->getValue('dat_end', $gSettingsManager->getString('system_date') . ' ' . $gSettingsManager->getString('system_time')),
        array('type' => 'datetime', 'property' => Form::FIELD_REQUIRED)
        array('property' => Form::FIELD_REQUIRED, 'defaultValue' => $event->getValue('cat_uuid'))

    $form->addCheckbox('dat_highlight', $gL10n->get('SYS_HIGHLIGHT_EVENT'), (bool)$event->getValue('dat_highlight'));
        array('helpTextId' => 'SYS_ENABLE_EVENT_REGISTRATION')

    // add a multi select box to the form where the user can choose all roles whose members could participate in this event
    // read all roles of the current organization
    $sqlViewRoles = 'SELECT rol_id, rol_name, cat_name
                   FROM ' . TBL_ROLES . '
             INNER JOIN ' . TBL_CATEGORIES . '
                     ON cat_id = rol_cat_id
                  WHERE rol_valid  = true
                    AND rol_system = false
                    AND cat_name_intern <> \'EVENTS\'
                    AND cat_org_id = ? -- $gCurrentOrgId
               ORDER BY cat_sequence, rol_name';
    $sqlDataView = array(
        'query' => $sqlViewRoles,
        'params' => array($gCurrentOrgId)

    // show select box with all assigned roles
            'defaultValue' => $roleViewSet,
            'multiselect' => true
        array('helpTextId' => 'SYS_PARTICIPATE_AT_EVENT_DESC')
        array('helpTextId' => 'SYS_ALLOW_USER_COMMENTS_DESC')
        array('helpTextId' => 'SYS_ALLOW_ADDITIONAL_GUESTS_DESC')
        array('type' => 'number', 'minNumber' => 0, 'maxNumber' => 99999, 'step' => 1, 'helpTextId' => 'SYS_EVENT_MAX_MEMBERS')
        $event->getValue('dat_deadline', $gSettingsManager->getString('system_date') . ' ' . $gSettingsManager->getString('system_time')),
        array('type' => 'datetime', 'helpTextId' => 'SYS_EVENT_DEADLINE_DESC')
    $form->addCheckbox('event_right_list_view', $gL10n->get('SYS_RIGHT_VIEW_PARTICIPANTS'), $flagDateRightListView);
    $form->addCheckbox('event_right_send_mail', $gL10n->get('SYS_RIGHT_MAIL_PARTICIPANTS'), $flagDateRightSendMail);
    $form->addEditor('dat_description', '', $event->getValue('dat_description'));
    $form->addSubmitButton('btn_save', $gL10n->get('SYS_SAVE'), array('icon' => 'bi-check-lg'));

    $page->assignSmartyVariable('nameUserCreated', $event->getNameOfCreatingUser());
    $page->assignSmartyVariable('timestampUserCreated', $event->getValue('dat_timestamp_create'));
    $page->assignSmartyVariable('nameLastUserEdited', $event->getNameOfLastEditingUser());
    $page->assignSmartyVariable('timestampLastUserEdited', $event->getValue('dat_timestamp_change'));

} catch (Exception $e) {