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 * @brief This **abstract class** parses html elements
 * This abstract class is designed to parse html elements.
 * It is only allowed to use extensions of this class.
 * Create a html object and add your elements programmatically  .
 * Calling as parent instance just define the element you need and add all inline elements
 * or child elements. Also it is possible to define attributes and value for each added
 * element. Content data can be passed as string or as array.
 * The class supports also reading the data from assoc arrays and bi dimensional arrays.
 * **Code example**
 * ```
 * // Example content arrays
 * $dataArray = array('Data 1', 'Data 2', 'Data 3');
 * ```
 * **Code example**
 * ```
 * // Example_1: **unordered list**
 * // create as parent instance
 * parent::HtmlElement('ul','class', 'unordered');  // Parameters( element, attribute, value, nesting (true/false ))
 * // we want to have further attributes for the element and set an id, for example
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('id','main-element');
 * // set a list element with content as string
 * HtmlElement::addElement('li', 'list 1');
 * // if you need attributes for your set element then first define the element, set the attributes and after that
 * // pass the content.
 * // Example: Arrays are also supported for content values.
 * HtmlElement::addElement('li');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('class', 'from array');
 * HtmlElement::addData($dataArray);
 * // As result you get 3 <li> elements with same class and content from the array
 * // Next example defines a list element with data list, data terms and data descriptions. Therefor we use method addParentElement();
 * // This method logs the selected elements because the endtags must be set later.
 * HtmlElement::addParentElement('li');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('class', 'link_1');
 * HtmlElement::addParentElement('dl');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('class', 'datalist_1');
 * // now the elements with start and endtags
 * HtmlElement::addElement('dt', 'term');
 * HtmlElement::addElement('dd', 'description');
 * // finally set the endtags for all opened parent elements
 * HtmlElement::closeParentElement('dl');
 * HtmlElement::closeParentElement('li');
 * // Repeat with next list elements
 * HtmlElement::addParentElement('li');
 * HtmlElement::addParentElement('dl');
 * HtmlElement::addElement('dt', 'term2');
 * HtmlElement::addElement('dd', 'description2');
 * HtmlElement::closeParentElement('dl');
 * HtmlElement::closeParentElement('li');
 * $htmlList = HtmlElement::getHtmlElement();
 * echo $htmlList;
 * ```
 * **Code example**
 * ```
 * // Example_2 Nested Div Elements using nesting mode
 * // Creating block elements with nested divs.
 * // Example using nesting mode for html elements
 * // Setting mode to true you are allowed to set the main element ('div' in this example) further times
 * // Default false it is not possible to set the main element again
 * parent::HtmlElement ('div', 'class', 'pagewrap', true);
 * // now we can nest a second div element with a paragraph.
 * // Because of div is the parent of the paragraph element, we must tell the class using method addParentElement();
 * HtmlElement::addParentElement('div');
 * // We want to set an Id for the div element, for example
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('id', 'Paragraphs', 'div');
 * // Define a paragraph
 * HtmlElement::addElement('p', 'Hello World');
 * // Nested div element must be closed !
 * HtmlElement::closeParentElement('div');
 * // Get the block element
 * $htmlBlock = HtmlElement::getHtmlElement();
 * echo $htmlBlock;
 * ```
 * **Code example**
 * ```
 * // Example_3 Hyperlinks
 * parent::HtmlElement();
 * HtmlElement::addElement('a');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('href', '');
 * HtmlElement::addData('Admidio Homepage');
 * $hyperlink = HtmlElement::getHtmlElement();
 * echo $hyperlink;
 * ```
 * **Code example**
 * ```
 * // Example_4 Form element
 * // Create a form element
 * parent::HtmlElement('form', 'name', 'testform');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('action', 'test.php');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('method', 'post');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('enctype', 'text/html');
 * // add an input field with label
 * HtmlElement::addElement('input');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('type', 'text');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('name', 'input');
 * HtmlElement::addHtml('Input-field:');
 * // pass a whitespace because element has no content
 * HtmlElement::addData(' ', true); // true for self closing element (default: false)
 * // add a checkbox
 * HtmlElement::addElement('input');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('name', 'checkbox');
 * HtmlElement::addHtml('Checkbox:');
 * // pass a whitespace because element has no content
 * HtmlElement::addData(' ', true); // true for self closing element (default: false)
 * // add a submit button
 * HtmlElement::addElement('input');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('type', 'submit');
 * HtmlElement::addAttribute('value', 'submit');
 * // pass a whitespace because element has no content
 * HtmlElement::addData(' ', true);
 * echo HtmlElement::getHtmlElement();
 * ```
 * @copyright The Admidio Team
 * @see
 * @license GNU General Public License v2.0 only

abstract class HtmlElement
     * @var bool Flag enables nesting of main elements, e.g div blocks ( Default : true )
    protected $nesting;
     * @var string String with main element as string
    protected $mainElement;
     * @var array<string,string> String array with attributes of the main element
    protected $mainElementAttributes = array();
     * @var bool Flag if the main element was written in the html string
    protected $mainElementWritten = false;
     * @var string Internal pointer showing to actual element or child element
    protected $currentElement;
     * @var array<string,string> Attributes of the current element
    protected $currentElementAttributes = array();
     * @var bool Flag if an element is added but the data is not added
    protected $currentElementDataWritten = true;
     * @var string String with prepared html
    protected $htmlString = '';
     * @var bool Flag for set parent Element
    protected $parentFlag = false;
     * @var array<int,string> Array with opened child elements
    protected $arrParentElements = array();

     * Constructor initializing all class variables
     * @param string $element The html element to be defined
     * @param bool $nesting Enables nesting of main elements ( Default: true )
    public function __construct(string $element, bool $nesting = true)
        $this->nesting        = $nesting;
        $this->mainElement    = $element;
        $this->currentElement = $element;

     * Add attributes to the selected element. If that attribute is already added
     * than the new value will be attached to the current value.
     * @param string $attrKey   Name of the html attribute
     * @param string $attrValue Value of the attribute
     * @param string|null $element   Optional the element for which the attribute should be set,
     *                          if this is not the current element
    public function addAttribute(string $attrKey, string $attrValue, string $element = '')
        if ($element === '') {
            $element = $this->currentElement;

        if ($element === $this->mainElement) {
            if (array_key_exists($attrKey, $this->mainElementAttributes)) {
                $this->mainElementAttributes[$attrKey] = $this->mainElementAttributes[$attrKey] . ' ' . $attrValue;
            } else {
                $this->mainElementAttributes[$attrKey] = $attrValue;
        } else {
            if (array_key_exists($attrKey, $this->currentElementAttributes)) {
                $this->currentElementAttributes[$attrKey] = $this->currentElementAttributes[$attrKey] . ' ' . $attrValue;
            } else {
                $this->currentElementAttributes[$attrKey] = $attrValue;

     * Set attributes from associative array.
     * @param array<string,mixed> $arrAttributes An array that contains all attribute names as array key
     *                                           and all attribute content as array value
    protected function setAttributesFromArray(array $arrAttributes)
        foreach ($arrAttributes as $key => $value) {
            $this->addAttribute($key, (string) $value);

     * Add data to current element
     * @param string|string[] $data        Content for the element as string, or array
     * @param bool $selfClosing Element has self closing tag ( default: false)
    public function addData($data, bool $selfClosing = false)
        if ($selfClosing) {
            $startTag = '<' . $this->currentElement . $this->getCurrentElementAttributesString();
            $endTag   = '/>';
        } else {
            $startTag = '<' . $this->currentElement . $this->getCurrentElementAttributesString() . '>';
            $endTag   = '</' . $this->currentElement . '>';

        if (is_array($data)) {
            // data is an array
            foreach ($data as $value) {
                $this->htmlString .= $startTag . $value . $endTag;
        } else {
            // data is a string
            $this->htmlString .= $startTag . $data . $endTag;

        $this->currentElementAttributes = array();
        // set flag that the data of the current element is written to html string
        $this->currentElementDataWritten = true;

     * @par Add new child element.
     * This method defines the next child element to be written in the output string.
     * If a parent element was defined before, the syntax with all set attributes is written first from internal buffer to the string.
     * After that, the new element is defined.
     * The method determines that the element has **no own child elements** and has a closing tag.
     * If you need a parent element like a \<div\> with some \<p\> elements, use method addParentElement(); instead and then add the paragraph elements.
     * If nesting mode is active you are allowed to set the main element called with object instance again. Default: false
     * @param string $childElement valid child tags for element object
     * @param string $attrKey      Attribute name
     * @param string $attrValue    Value for the attribute
     * @param string $data         content values can be passed as string, array, bidimensional Array and assoc. Array. ( Default: no data )
     * @param bool $selfClosing  Element has self closing tag ( default: false)
    public function addElement(string $childElement, string $attrKey = '', string $attrValue = '', string $data = '', bool $selfClosing = false)
        // if previous current element was not written to html string and the same child element is set
        // than this could be a call of parent class so do not reinitialize the current element
        if (!$this->currentElementDataWritten && $childElement === $this->currentElement) {

        $this->currentElementDataWritten = false;

        if ($attrKey !== '' || $attrValue !== '') {
            $this->addAttribute($attrKey, $attrValue);

        // check if parent element is set, then write first the tag and attributes for the previous element
        if ($this->parentFlag) {
            // Main element attributes are set in own variable, so in nesting mode main element can be set again
            if ($this->currentElement === $this->mainElement) {
                $this->currentElementAttributes = $this->mainElementAttributes;

            $this->htmlString .= '<' . $this->currentElement . $this->getCurrentElementAttributesString() . '>';
            $this->currentElement = $childElement;
            $this->currentElementAttributes = array();
            $this->parentFlag = false;

        // If first child is set start writing the html beginning with main element and attributes
        if ($this->currentElement === $this->mainElement && $this->mainElement !== '' && !$this->mainElementWritten) {
            $this->htmlString .= '<' . $this->mainElement . $this->getMainElementAttributesString() . '>';
            $this->mainElementWritten = true;

        // If nesting is enabled, main element can be set again
        if ($childElement === $this->mainElement && $this->nesting) {
            // now set as current position
            $this->currentElement = $childElement;
            // clear attribute buffer
            $this->currentElementAttributes = array();

        if ($childElement !== $this->mainElement) {
            // now set as current position
            $this->currentElement = $childElement;
            // clear attribute buffer
            $this->currentElementAttributes = array();

        // add content if exists
        if ($data !== '') {
            $this->addData($data, $selfClosing);

     * Add any string to the html output. If the main element wasn't written to the
     * html string than this will be done before your string will be added.
     * @param string $string Text as string in current string position
    public function addHtml(string $string = '')
        // If first child is set start writing the html beginning with main element and attributes
        if ($this->currentElement === $this->mainElement && $this->mainElement !== '' && !$this->mainElementWritten) {
            $this->htmlString .= '<' . $this->mainElement . $this->getMainElementAttributesString() . '>';
            $this->mainElementWritten = true;

        $this->htmlString .= $string;

     * @par Add a parent element that has own child's.
     * This method is needed if an element can have several child elements and the closing tag must be set after own child elements.
     * It logs the set element in an array. Each time you define a new parent element, the function checks the log array, if the element already was set.
     * If the current element already was defined, then the function determines that the still opened tag must be closed first until it can be set again.
     * The method closeParentElement(); is called automatically to close the previous element.
     * By default, it is not allowed to define several elements from same type. If needed use option **nesting mode true**!
     * @param string $parentElement Parent element to be set
     * @param string $attrKey       Attribute name
     * @param string $attrValue     Value for the attribute
    public function addParentElement(string $parentElement, string $attrKey = '', string $attrValue = '')
        // Only possible for child elements of the main element or nesting mode is active!
        if (!$this->nesting && $this->currentElement === $this->mainElement) {

        // check if already parent element is set, then write first the tag and attributes for the previous element
        if ($this->parentFlag) {
            $this->htmlString .= '<' . $this->currentElement . $this->getCurrentElementAttributesString() . '>';
        //$this->currentElementAttributes = array();
        } else {
            // set Flag
            $this->parentFlag = true;

            if ($this->currentElement === $this->mainElement && $this->nesting && !$this->mainElementWritten) {
                $this->htmlString .= '<' . $this->currentElement . $this->getMainElementAttributesString() . '>';
                $this->mainElementAttributes = array();

        if (!in_array($parentElement, $this->arrParentElements, true)) {
            // If currently not defined and element has own child elements then log in array to define endtags later
            $this->arrParentElements[] = $parentElement;
        } elseif ($this->nesting) {
            // in nesting mode always log elements
            $this->arrParentElements[] = $parentElement;
        } else {
            // already set and we need the endtag first before setting again
            $this->arrParentElements[] = $parentElement;
        // set parent element to current element
        $this->currentElement = $parentElement;
        // initialize attributes because parent element should not get attributes of previous element
        $this->currentElementAttributes = array();

        // save attribute for parent element
        if ($attrKey !== '') {
            $this->addAttribute($attrKey, $attrValue);
        //$this->mainElementAttributes = array();

     * @par Close parent element.
     * This method sets the endtag of the selected element and removes the entry from log array.
     * If nesting mode is not used, the methods looks for the entry in the array and determines
     * that all set elements after the selected element must be closed as well.
     * All end tags to position are closed automatically starting with last set element tag.
     * @param string $parentElement Parent element to be closed
     * @return bool
    public function closeParentElement(string $parentElement): bool
        // count entries in array
        $totalCount = count($this->arrParentElements);

        if ($totalCount === 0) {
            return false;

        // find position in log array
        $position = array_search($parentElement, $this->arrParentElements, true);

        if (!$this->nesting && is_int($position)) {
            // if last position set Endtag in string and remove from array
            if ($position === $totalCount) {
                $this->htmlString .= '</' . $this->arrParentElements[$position] . '>';
            } else {
                // all elements set later must also be closed and removed from array
                for ($i = $totalCount - 1; $i >= $position; --$i) {
                    $this->htmlString .= '</' . $this->arrParentElements[$i] . '>';
        } else {
            // close last tag and delete whitespaces in log array
            $this->htmlString .= '</' . $this->arrParentElements[$totalCount - 1] . '>';
            unset($this->arrParentElements[$totalCount - 1]);

        $this->arrParentElements = array_values($this->arrParentElements);

        return true;

     * Create a valid html compatible string with all attributes and their values of the given element.
     * @param array<string,string> $elementAttributes
     * @return string Returns a string with all attributes and values.
    private function getElementAttributesString(array $elementAttributes): string
        if (count($elementAttributes) === 0) {
            return '';

        $attributes = array();
        foreach ($elementAttributes as $key => $value) {
            $attributes[] = $key . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"';

        return ' ' . implode(' ', $attributes);

     * Create a valid html compatible string with all attributes and their values of the last added element.
     * @return string Returns a string with all attributes and values.
    private function getCurrentElementAttributesString(): string
        return $this->getElementAttributesString($this->currentElementAttributes);

     * Create a valid html compatible string with all attributes and their values of the main element.
     * @return string Returns a string with all attributes and values.
    private function getMainElementAttributesString(): string
        return $this->getElementAttributesString($this->mainElementAttributes);

     * Return the element as string
     * @return string Returns the parsed html as string
    public function getHtmlElement(): string
        $this->htmlString .= '</' . $this->mainElement . '>';

        return $this->htmlString;

     * Create the html code from the template and add this to the internal $htmlString variable.
     * @param string $templateName Name of the Smarty template that should be rendered.
     * @param array $assigns An array with all variables that should be rendered within the Smarty template.
     * @throws Smarty\Exception
    public function render(string $templateName, array $assigns): string
        global $gL10n, $page;

        if (is_object($page)) {
            $smarty = $page->getSmartyTemplate();
        } else {
            $smarty = HtmlPage::createSmartyObject();

        foreach($assigns as $key => $assign) {
            $smarty->assign($key, $assign);
        $smarty->assign('data', $assigns);
        $smarty->assign('urlAdmidio', ADMIDIO_URL);
        $smarty->assign('l10n', $gL10n);
        return $smarty->fetch("sys-template-parts/".$templateName.'.tpl');