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use Admidio\Exception;

 * @brief This class reads announcement recordset from database
 * This class reads all available recordset from table announcements
 * and returns an Array with results, recordset and validated parameters from $_GET Array.
 * **Returned array:**
 * ```
 * Array
 * (
 *     [numResults] => 3
 *     [limit] => 10
 *     [totalCount] => 3
 *     [recordset] => Array
 *         (
 *             [0] => Array
 *                 (
 *                     [0] => 3
 *                     [ann_id] => 3
 *                     [1] => DEMO
 *                     [ann_cat_id] => 1
 *                     [3] => Willkommen im Demobereich
 *                     [ann_headline] => Willkommen im Demobereich
 *                     [4] => <p>In diesem Bereich kannst du mit Admidio herumspielen und schauen, ....</p>
 *                     [ann_description] => <p>In diesem Bereich kannst du mit Admidio herumspielen und schauen, ....</p>
 *                     [5] => 1
 *                     [ann_usr_id_create] => 1
 *                     [6] => 2013-07-18 00:00:00
 *                     [ann_timestamp_create] => 2013-07-18 00:00:00
 *                     [7] =>
 *                     [ann_usr_id_change] =>
 *                     [8] =>
 *                     [ann_timestamp_change] =>
 *                     [9] => Paul Smith
 *                     [create_name] => Paul Smith
 *                     [10] =>
 *                     [change_name] =>
 *                 )
 *         )
 *     [parameter] => Array
 *         (
 *             [active_role] => 1
 *             [calendar-selection] => 1
 *             [cat_id] => 0
 *             [category-selection] => 0,
 *             [date] => ''
 *             [daterange] => Array
 *                 (
 *                     [english] => Array
 *                         (
 *                             [start_date] => 2013-09-16 // current date
 *                             [end_date] => 9999-12-31
 *                         )
 *                     [system] => Array
 *                         (
 *                             [start_date] => 16.09.2013 // current date
 *                             [end_date] => 31.12.9999
 *                         )
 *                 )
 *             [headline] => Ankündigungen
 *             [id] => 0
 *             [mode] => Default
 *             [order] => 'ASC'
 *             [startelement] => 0
 *             [view_mode] => Default
 *         )
 * )
 * ```
 * @copyright The Admidio Team
 * @see
 * @license GNU General Public License v2.0 only
class ModuleAnnouncements extends Modules
     * @var array An array with all names of the categories whose announcements should be shown
    protected array $categoriesNames = array();

     * Get all records and push it to the array
     * @param int $startElement
     * @param int $limit
     * @return array<string,mixed> Returns the Array with results, recordset and validated parameters from $_GET Array
     * @throws Exception
    public function getDataSet(int $startElement = 0, int $limit = 0): array
        global $gCurrentUser, $gDb;

        $catIdParams = array_merge(array(0), $gCurrentUser->getAllVisibleCategories('ANN'));
        $additional = $this->sqlGetAdditional();
        $sqlConditions = $this->getSqlConditions();

        // read announcements from database
        $sql = 'SELECT cat.*, ann.*, '.$additional['fields'].'
                  FROM '.TBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS.' AS ann
            INNER JOIN '.TBL_CATEGORIES.' AS cat
                    ON cat_id = ann_cat_id
                 WHERE cat_id IN ('.Database::getQmForValues($catIdParams).')
              ORDER BY ann_timestamp_create DESC';

        // Check if limit was set
        if ($limit > 0) {
            $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;
        if ($startElement > 0) {
            $sql .= ' OFFSET '.$startElement;

        $queryParams = array_merge($additional['params'], $catIdParams, $sqlConditions['params']);
        $pdoStatement = $gDb->queryPrepared($sql, $queryParams); // TODO add more params

        // array for results
        return array(
            'recordset'  => $pdoStatement->fetchAll(),
            'numResults' => $pdoStatement->rowCount(),
            'limit'      => $limit,
            'totalCount' => $this->getDataSetCount(),
            'parameter'  => $this->getParameters()

     * Get number of available announcements
     * @Return int Returns the total count and push it in the array
     * @throws Exception
    public function getDataSetCount(): int
        global $gCurrentUser, $gDb;

        $catIdParams = array_merge(array(0), $gCurrentUser->getAllVisibleCategories('ANN'));
        $sqlConditions = $this->getSqlConditions();

        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
                  FROM '.TBL_ANNOUNCEMENTS.'
                    ON cat_id = ann_cat_id
                 WHERE cat_id IN (' . Database::getQmForValues($catIdParams) . ')

        $pdoStatement = $gDb->queryPrepared($sql, array_merge($catIdParams, $sqlConditions['params']));

        return (int) $pdoStatement->fetchColumn();

     * Add several conditions to an SQL string that could later be used
     * as additional conditions in other SQL queries.
     * @return array<string,string|array<int,mixed>> Returns an array of a SQL string with additional conditions, and it's query params.
    private function getSqlConditions(): array
        $sqlConditions = '';
        $params = array();

        $uuid = $this->getParameter('ann_uuid');
        // In case ID was permitted and user has rights
        if (!empty($uuid)) {
            $sqlConditions .= ' AND ann_uuid = ? '; // $uuid
            $params[] = $uuid;
        // ...otherwise get all additional announcements for a group
        else {
            $catId = (int) $this->getParameter('cat_id');
            // show all events from category
            if ($catId > 0) {
                // show all events from category
                $sqlConditions .= ' AND cat_id = ? '; // $catId
                $params[] = $catId;

            // Search announcements to date
            if ($this->getParameter('dateStartFormatEnglish')) {
                $sqlConditions = 'AND ann_timestamp_create BETWEEN ? AND ? '; // $this->getParameter('dateStartFormatEnglish') . ' 00:00:00' AND $this->getParameter('dateEndFormatEnglish') . ' 23:59:59'
                $params[] = $this->getParameter('dateStartFormatEnglish') . ' 00:00:00';
                $params[] = $this->getParameter('dateEndFormatEnglish')   . ' 23:59:59';

            // add valid calendars
            if (count($this->categoriesNames) > 0) {
                $sqlConditions .= ' AND cat_name IN (\''. implode('\', \'', $this->categoriesNames) . '\')';

        return array(
            'sql'    => $sqlConditions,
            'params' => $params

     * Method will set an array with all names of the categories whose announcements should be shown
     * @param array $arrCategoriesNames An array with all names of the categories whose announcements should be shown
    public function setCategoriesNames(array $arrCategoriesNames)
        $this->categoriesNames = $arrCategoriesNames;

     * Set a date range in which the events should be searched. The method will fill
     * 4 parameters **dateStartFormatEnglish**, **dateStartFormatEnglish**,
     * **dateEndFormatEnglish** and **dateEndFormatAdmidio** that could be read with
     * getParameter and could be used in the script.
     * @param string $dateRangeStart A date in english or Admidio format that will be the start date of the range.
     * @param string $dateRangeEnd A date in english or Admidio format that will be the end date of the range.
     * @return bool Returns false if invalid date format is submitted
     * @throws Exception
    public function setDateRange(string $dateRangeStart = '1970-01-01', string $dateRangeEnd = DATE_NOW): bool
        global $gSettingsManager;

        if (!$this->setDateRangeParams($dateRangeStart, 'Start', 'Y-m-d')) {
            if (!$this->setDateRangeParams($dateRangeStart, 'Start', $gSettingsManager->getString('system_date'))) {
                return false;

        if (!$this->setDateRangeParams($dateRangeEnd, 'End', 'Y-m-d')) {
            if (!$this->setDateRangeParams($dateRangeEnd, 'End', $gSettingsManager->getString('system_date'))) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * @param string $dateRange
     * @param string $dateRangePoint
     * @param string $dateFormat
     * @return bool
     * @throws Exception
    private function setDateRangeParams(string $dateRange, string $dateRangePoint, string $dateFormat): bool
        global $gSettingsManager;

        $objDate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateFormat, $dateRange);

        if ($objDate === false) {
            return false;

        $this->setParameter('date' . $dateRangePoint . 'FormatEnglish', $objDate->format('Y-m-d'));
        $this->setParameter('date' . $dateRangePoint . 'FormatAdmidio', $objDate->format($gSettingsManager->getString('system_date')));

        return true;

     * Get additional tables for sql statement
     * @return array<string,string|array<int,int>> Returns an array of a SQL string with the necessary joins, and it's query params.
     * @throws Exception
    private function sqlGetAdditional(): array
        global $gSettingsManager, $gProfileFields;

        if ((int) $gSettingsManager->get('system_show_create_edit') === 1) {
            $lastNameUsfId  = (int) $gProfileFields->getProperty('LAST_NAME', 'usf_id');
            $firstNameUsfId = (int) $gProfileFields->getProperty('FIRST_NAME', 'usf_id');

            // show firstname and lastname of create and last change user
            $additionalFields = '
                cre_firstname.usd_value || \' \' || cre_surname.usd_value AS create_name,
                cha_firstname.usd_value || \' \' || cha_surname.usd_value AS change_name,
                cre_user.usr_uuid AS create_uuid, cha_user.usr_uuid AS change_uuid ';
            $additionalTables = '
                LEFT JOIN ' . TBL_USERS . ' AS cre_user
                       ON cre_user.usr_id = ann_usr_id_create
                LEFT JOIN '.TBL_USER_DATA.' AS cre_surname
                       ON cre_surname.usd_usr_id = ann_usr_id_create
                      AND cre_surname.usd_usf_id = ? -- $lastNameUsfId
                LEFT JOIN '.TBL_USER_DATA.' AS cre_firstname
                       ON cre_firstname.usd_usr_id = ann_usr_id_create
                      AND cre_firstname.usd_usf_id = ? -- $firstNameUsfId
                LEFT JOIN ' . TBL_USERS . ' AS cha_user
                       ON cha_user.usr_id = ann_usr_id_change
                LEFT JOIN '.TBL_USER_DATA.' AS cha_surname
                       ON cha_surname.usd_usr_id = ann_usr_id_change
                      AND cha_surname.usd_usf_id = ? -- $lastNameUsfId
                LEFT JOIN '.TBL_USER_DATA.' AS cha_firstname
                       ON cha_firstname.usd_usr_id = ann_usr_id_change
                      AND cha_firstname.usd_usf_id = ? -- $firstNameUsfId';
            $additionalParams = array($lastNameUsfId, $firstNameUsfId, $lastNameUsfId, $firstNameUsfId);
        } else {
            // show username of create and last change user
            $additionalFields = '
                cre_user.usr_login_name AS create_name,
                cha_user.usr_login_name AS change_name,
                cre_user.usr_uuid AS create_uuid, cha_user.usr_uuid AS change_uuid ';
            $additionalTables = '
                LEFT JOIN '.TBL_USERS.' AS cre_user
                       ON cre_user.usr_id = ann_usr_id_create
                LEFT JOIN '.TBL_USERS.' AS cha_user
                       ON cha_user.usr_id = ann_usr_id_change ';
            $additionalParams = array();

        return array(
            'fields' => $additionalFields,
            'tables' => $additionalTables,
            'params' => $additionalParams