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 * This file is part of the Serendipity HQ Value Objects Component.
 * Copyright (c) Adamo Aerendir Crespi <>.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace SerendipityHQ\Component\ValueObjects\Money;

use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;
use Money\Currency;
use Money\Formatter\DecimalMoneyFormatter;
use Money\Money as BaseMoney;
use Money\Parser\DecimalMoneyParser;
use SerendipityHQ\Component\ValueObjects\Common\ComplexValueObjectTrait;
use SerendipityHQ\Component\ValueObjects\Common\DisableWritingMethodsTrait;

use function Safe\sprintf;

 * The class doesn't extend the base money object has it has private properties and methods that make difficult the
 * integration.
 * So the base money object is stored in a proprty in this class and this class operates like a simple wrapper.
 * {@inheritDoc}
final class Money implements MoneyInterface
    use ComplexValueObjectTrait {
        __construct as traitConstruct;
    use DisableWritingMethodsTrait;

     * This represents the amount as Money intends it: in its base units.
     * 10 = 00.1 {CURRENCY}
     * 100 = 1.00 {CURRENCY}
     * @var int|string|null
    private $baseAmount;

     * This represents the amount as a Human intends it: in its converted form.
     * 00.1 {CURRENCY} = 10 units
     * 1.00 {CURRENCY} = 100 units
     * @var float|int|string|null
    private $humanAmount;

    /** @var Currency */
    private $currency;

    public function __construct(array $values = [])
        // Set values in the object

        // Only one between baseAmount and humanAmount can be set
        if (null !== $this->baseAmount && null !== $this->humanAmount) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You can pass only one between "humanAmount" and "baseAmount". Both passed.');

        // At least one between baseAmount and humanAmount MUST be set
        if (null === $this->baseAmount && null === $this->humanAmount) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You MUST pass one between "humanAmount" and "baseAmount". None passed.');

        // If the base amount were given
        if (is_numeric($this->baseAmount)) {
            $this->valueObject = new BaseMoney($this->baseAmount, $this->currency);

        // If the human amount were given...
        if (null !== $this->humanAmount) {
            // Cast to string
            $this->humanAmount = (string) $this->humanAmount;

            // Replace "," with "."
            $this->humanAmount = \str_replace(',', '.', $this->humanAmount);

            // Process it
            $currencies = new ISOCurrencies();

            $moneyParser = new DecimalMoneyParser($currencies);

            $this->valueObject = $moneyParser->parse($this->humanAmount, $this->currency);

    public function __toString(): string
        $currencies = new ISOCurrencies();
        $formatter  = new DecimalMoneyFormatter($currencies);

        return $formatter->format($this->valueObject);

    public function __toArray(): array
        return [
            self::CURRENCY     => $this->getCurrency()->getCode(),
            self::BASE_AMOUNT  => $this->getBaseAmount(),
            self::HUMAN_AMOUNT => $this->getHumanAmount(),

    public function getBaseAmount(): string
        if (false === $this->valueObject instanceof BaseMoney) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('This is not a %s object.', BaseMoney::class));

        return $this->valueObject->getAmount();

    public function getCurrency(): Currency
        if (false === $this->valueObject instanceof BaseMoney) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('This is not a %s object.', BaseMoney::class));

        return $this->valueObject->getCurrency();

    public function getHumanAmount(): string
        return $this->__toString();

    public function add(MoneyInterface $other): MoneyInterface
        $toAdd  = new BaseMoney($other->getBaseAmount(), $other->getCurrency());
        $result = $this->valueObject->add($toAdd);

        return new self([self::BASE_AMOUNT => $result->getAmount(), self::CURRENCY => $this->currency]);

    public function subtract(MoneyInterface $other): MoneyInterface
        $toAdd = new BaseMoney($other->getBaseAmount(), $other->getCurrency());

        $result = $this->valueObject->subtract($toAdd);

        return new self([self::BASE_AMOUNT => $result->getAmount(), self::CURRENCY => $this->currency]);

    public function divide($divisor, int $roundingMode = BaseMoney::ROUND_HALF_UP): MoneyInterface
        if (false === is_numeric($divisor)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The divisor has to be a numeric string or int.');

        $result = $this->valueObject->divide($divisor, $roundingMode);

        return new self([self::BASE_AMOUNT => $result->getAmount(), self::CURRENCY => $this->currency]);

    public function multiply($multiplier, int $roundingMode = BaseMoney::ROUND_HALF_UP): MoneyInterface
        $result = $this->valueObject->multiply($multiplier, $roundingMode);

        return new self([self::BASE_AMOUNT => $result->getAmount(), self::CURRENCY => $this->currency]);

    public function toString(array $options = []): string
        return $this->__toString();

     * Sets the amount.
     * @param int|string $baseAmount
    protected function setBaseAmount($baseAmount): void
        if (false === is_numeric($baseAmount)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The value must be numeric. You passed "%s".', $baseAmount));

        $this->baseAmount = (string) $baseAmount;

     * @param float|int|string $amount
    protected function setHumanAmount($amount): void
        $this->humanAmount = $amount;

     * Sets the currency.
     * @param Currency|string $currency
    protected function setCurrency($currency): void
        if ( ! $currency instanceof Currency) {
            $currency = new Currency(\strtoupper($currency));

        $this->currency = $currency;