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 * This file is part of the Serendipity HQ Features Bundle.
 * Copyright (c) Adamo Aerendir Crespi <>.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace SerendipityHQ\Bundle\FeaturesBundle\Model;

use Money\Currency;
use SerendipityHQ\Component\ValueObjects\Money\MoneyInterface;

 * Interface of an Invoice object.
interface InvoiceInterface extends \JsonSerializable
     * @param Currency|string $currency
    public function __construct($currency);

    public function getHeader(): ?InvoiceSectionHeader;

    public function hasHeader(): bool;

     * @return bool|InvoiceSectionHeader
    public function removeHeader();

    public function setHeader(InvoiceSectionHeader $header);

     * Adds an Invoice line to the _default section of this invoice.
     * @param string|null $id The ID of the line to make it identifiable so it can be retrieved with the getLine method
    public function addLine(InvoiceLine $line, ?string $id = null): InvoiceInterface;

     * Returns a specific line of the _default section of the Invoice.
     * @param string!int $id
    public function getLine($id): InvoiceLine;

    public function getLines(): array;

     * @param int|string $id
    public function hasLine($id): bool;

     * @param int|string $id
     * @return bool|InvoiceLine The removed InvoiceLine or false if it isn't found
    public function removeLine($id);

    public function addSection(InvoiceSection $section, string $id = null): InvoiceInterface;

     * @param int|string $id
    public function getSection($id): ?InvoiceSection;

     * Get the sections of the Invoice.
    public function getSections(): array;

     * @param int|string $id
    public function hasSection($id): bool;

     * @param int|string $id
     * @return bool|InvoiceInterface
    public function removeSection($id);

    public function getCurrency(): Currency;

     * @return \DateTime|\DateTimeImmutable
    public function getIssuedOn(): \DateTimeInterface;

    public function getGrossTotal(): MoneyInterface;

    public function getNetTotal(): MoneyInterface;

     * Generates the number of the Invoice.
     * The concrete implementation of this method is left to the iplementer as there are so many cases that is
     * impossible to abstract them and generalize the process.
     * @return int|string
    public function generateNumber();

     * Rehydrate the object when loaded from the database.
    public function jsonUnserialize();