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Test Coverage
# ![agentia-semaphore][logo-url]

## v1.0.0 / 2015-05-27

* added; started using semantic versioning
* added; logo
* updated; replaced coveralls with codeclimate
* updated; dependency to `sinon@1.14.1`
* updated; dependency to `mocha@2.2.5`
* updated; dependency to `istanbul@0.3.14`
* updated; dependency to `chai@2.3.0`
* updated; dependency to `request@2.55.0`
* updated; dependency to `moment-timezone@0.3.1`
* udpated; replaced `underscore@1.8.2` with `lodash@3.9.3`
* updated; replaced `jscs` & `jshint` with `eslint`
* removed; gulp tasks in favor of npm scripts

## v0.1.3-v0.1.7 / 2015-03-05

* updated; renamed project `agentia-semaphore`
* added; dependency `querystring@0.2.0`
* fixed; github urls
* fixed; lint errors
* added; whitelist travis-ci branches

## v0.1.2 / 2015-03-05

* added; coverage status badge to
* added; code climate badge to
* added; test for lib/account.js
* added; test for lib/api.js
* added; test for lib/messages.js
* added; test for lib/network.js
* added; test for lib/period.js
* added; test for lib/sms.js
* achieved 100% coverage
* updated; refactored lib/requestOptions
* added; development dependency `sinon@1.12.2`
* added; development dependency `sinon-chai@2.7.0`
* added; development dependency `coveralls@2.11.2`
* added; development dependency `istanbul@0.3.7`
* added; development dependency `jscs@1.11.3`
* added; development dependency `gulp-jscs@1.4.0`
* updated; dependency to `moment-timezone@0.3.0`
* updated; dependency to `request@2.53.0`
* updated; dependency to `underscore@1.8.2`
* updated; development dependency to `chai@2.1.0`
* updated; development dependency to `gulp@3.8.11`
* updated; development dependency to `gulp-coverage@0.3.34`
* updated; development dependency to `gulp-jshint@1.9.2`
* updated; development dependency to `gulp-mocha@2.0.0`
* updated; development dependency to `jshint@2.6.3`
* updated; development dependency to `mocha@2.1.0`

## v0.1.1 / 2014-08-02

* fixed; Travis-CI badge

## v0.1.0 / 2014-08-01

* added; ability to send SMS messages via the [Semaphore]( SMS gateway
* added; ability to retrieve all sent messages via Semaphore
* added; ability to retrieve sent messages via Semaphore for a specified time period
* added; ability to retrieve sent messages via Semaphore to a specific mobile telco provider
* added; ability to retrieve Semaphore account status
* added; unit tests for SemaphoreJS core functionality
* added; examples for each of api function
* added; initial api documenation

[logo-url]: media/logo.png