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Test Coverage
Contributing to LocalSupport - Cheat Sheet

Be sure to read and understand the []( file first and use this cheat sheet as a quick reference.

Steps for starting a new feature or bug fix

1) Sync your fork to [upstream/develop](

git pull upstream develop

Re-syncing daily (even hourly at very active times) on the feature/bugfix branch to ensure that you are always building on top of very latest develop code.

2) Create feature/bug-fix branche that includes the id of the relevant pivotal tracker ticket, e.g.

git checkout -b 112900047_make_capybara_wait_for_javascript_element

3) Ensure that each commit in your pull request makes a single coherent change and that the overall pull request only includes commits related to the specific GitHub issue that the pull request is addressing.

4) Ensure that your **pull request description has a hyperlink to the Pivotal Tracker ticket** that it corresponds to, to allow anyone to quickly jump to a description of the story, bug or chore that the pull-request is addressing.

5) Where possible please do add a couple of sentences explaining the approach taken in the pull request.

6) On the final git commit please include a comment in this format:

Makes Capybara check for virility more robust [Finishes #112900047]

7) This will close the relevant Pivotal Tracker ticket when the pull-request is merged

8) Run tests below before making a pull request.


1) Run tests

  bundle exec rake jasmine

  bundle exec rake spec

  bundle exec rake cucumber

2) clean up tests

  rake vcr_billy_caches:reset